The Cappucino Corral

Ok, this takes some splainin'.

Everyone in New Orleans has distinctive accents depending upon the neighborhood in which you grew up in. This local guy, Benny Grunch, capitalized in this by recording several songs, featuring, not only various New Orleans accents, but also vocabulary. For example, New Orleans don't greet each other with, "Hello". They say, "Where yat?" (meaning "where are you at?". The first song, is "The 12 yats of Christmas".

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Now, Benny explains that there is a shotgun house in New Orleans and that Santa and His Reindeer Used to live Right Here:

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But, Santa and his reindeers got awfully cold up in the North Pole, and after Katrina. He cashed his Road Home government flood relief check, and moved back into a modular home in New Orleans.

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...and, while we are at it, we might as well add in something a little more meaningful. This is a piece that Benny put together after Katrina. This in "Over by Your Mamma an 'Em" (translation "back home where you grew up with your mom". This is about post New Orleans Katrina, and the effect that Katrina had on us.

Pretty soon I'll be leaving for my cruise.......and I'm not taking my lap top with I want to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and hope that 2016 is good to you!

I'll be back by the have a good one.

Cappucino Corral

Curious name. Cappucino conjures up Italy, and corral, Texas.
Cappucino Corral

Curious name. Cappucino conjures up Italy, and corral, Texas.

Welcome, glad you like the name.

Folks, I am still alive. Lots of work in the real world, plus, there are some real problems in USMB, so I'm simply staying away. Life is too short for so much crazy shit. There are more important things to do, like work and growing kids up and having a love life and such.

As soon as USMB stops being Stormfront-Lite, I may return. Maybe.

Wishing you all a wonderful Christmastide.

The CC is a safe haven from what you describe Stat. It is part of why you started it correct?

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