The Cappucino Corral

Last night my daughter comes into the room and usually if she does wake up, she'll just crawl in be with us but this time she was at the side of my bed tapping me on the shoulders and whispering mommy over and over and for whatever reason, I freaked. I don't know if I was having a bad dream or what but I screamed and scared the crap out of her and my husband. She was bawling and it took a long time to calm her down. I felt terrible. I went out in the living room with her and held her until she feel asleep, then tucked her back into bed. I have no idea what the heck freaked me out like that but it took forever to get back to sleep.

So I'm tired today, it's super gloomy out and really cold.

Otherwise, happy Monday all.

Bet she never does that again! ;)

I told her just to crawl in bed with us and not sneak up on me like that next time. The problem is we usually have a cat and one or two dogs up there too so if she does that, it's really crowded!! LOL
Last night my daughter comes into the room and usually if she does wake up, she'll just crawl in be with us but this time she was at the side of my bed tapping me on the shoulders and whispering mommy over and over and for whatever reason, I freaked. I don't know if I was having a bad dream or what but I screamed and scared the crap out of her and my husband. She was bawling and it took a long time to calm her down. I felt terrible. I went out in the living room with her and held her until she feel asleep, then tucked her back into bed. I have no idea what the heck freaked me out like that but it took forever to get back to sleep.

So I'm tired today, it's super gloomy out and really cold.

Otherwise, happy Monday all.

We are all human. It can happen. I bet your daughter will be more aware when she taps you on the shoulder in the middle of the night from now on.... and kids are very resilient. I bet your daughter is just a total sweetie, like my little one. :D
Last night my daughter comes into the room and usually if she does wake up, she'll just crawl in be with us but this time she was at the side of my bed tapping me on the shoulders and whispering mommy over and over and for whatever reason, I freaked. I don't know if I was having a bad dream or what but I screamed and scared the crap out of her and my husband. She was bawling and it took a long time to calm her down. I felt terrible. I went out in the living room with her and held her until she feel asleep, then tucked her back into bed. I have no idea what the heck freaked me out like that but it took forever to get back to sleep.

So I'm tired today, it's super gloomy out and really cold.

Otherwise, happy Monday all.

Bet she never does that again! ;)

I told her just to crawl in bed with us and not sneak up on me like that next time. The problem is we usually have a cat and one or two dogs up there too so if she does that, it's really crowded!! LOL

family love!!!
Sooooo ... anybody have any experience dealing with Federal Express -- after they've lied about delivering a package? I stand to lose a tidy sum and I think they owe me.

So far I'm getting the runaround, which is what corporate entites do when they're trying to burn time so they can later say "duh, you should have done X, Y and Z the same day"... :death:

I don't remember ever having a problem with Fed Ex......but, I haven't used them much, but I did have a problem with UPS. I mailed a heavy ceiling pot hanger to my son in Dallas, and because he was at work and no one was home they left a note to pick it up....well, he didn't pick it up right away, so UPS sent it back to me....WTH! So I paid umpteen dollars (it was a heavy Calphalon one) to send the darn thing on a sightseeing roundtrip. I usually just use the post office and go First Class if I want it there sooner than their other options. The post office has an overnight delivery, too.

Yeah, lesson learned -- from now on I'm inquiring on every vendor who their courier is, and if they say FedEx I'll say find an alternative or I'll take my bidness elsewhere. Never had a problem with the post office.

That's what I do. If it isn't through the USPS then I am not ordering anything.

FWIW, the only negative feedback I have selling on either Ebay or Amazon was a package that USPS showed was delivered but that the buyer said he didn't get.

So, the question is, was USPS ar fault? Was the pkge stolen? Did the buyer lie in hopes of getting a refund?

I don't know but I did not issue a refund. The negative feedback stayed for a year and just now cycled off.

Sorry for your hassles Pogo ... Have you checked with the cat about what he saw from on high?

What a great idea. "Hobbes, as long as you're out there keep an eye out for a FedEx truck. Big white thing".

The epilogue is that one of my neighbors came by today and had the package. They left it in his pickup truck and fortunately somebody saw it before it rained so it didn't get soaked. But what an idiot -- the neighbor could have easily jumped in to go to town, maybe with the tailgate down not expecting anything to be in the bed, and that would have been the end of that. The guy's address number isn't even remotely close to my number. UPS comes up my driveway and walks to my door. So does the mailman if it's large. This guy leaves it in a neighbor's pickup truck and calls it "delivered". I guess I have to specify "deliver to me".

It's a glaring flaw in the system though when nobody has proof of anything. They don't have proof they left it anywhere -- they just say so. And I can't prove a negative. To the seller's credit they did say they had more of that microphone and indicated they would send another if this one wasn't found.

Hobbes is still up there, watching I guess for the next delivery. I've been out there all afternoon throwing tennis balls and sticks at him to try to knock him out. He sat through a cold rain last night and tonight it's going down to 14. He won't move. I'm getting to hate this routine...
Sooooo ... anybody have any experience dealing with Federal Express -- after they've lied about delivering a package? I stand to lose a tidy sum and I think they owe me.

So far I'm getting the runaround, which is what corporate entites do when they're trying to burn time so they can later say "duh, you should have done X, Y and Z the same day"... :death:

I don't remember ever having a problem with Fed Ex......but, I haven't used them much, but I did have a problem with UPS. I mailed a heavy ceiling pot hanger to my son in Dallas, and because he was at work and no one was home they left a note to pick it up....well, he didn't pick it up right away, so UPS sent it back to me....WTH! So I paid umpteen dollars (it was a heavy Calphalon one) to send the darn thing on a sightseeing roundtrip. I usually just use the post office and go First Class if I want it there sooner than their other options. The post office has an overnight delivery, too.

Yeah, lesson learned -- from now on I'm inquiring on every vendor who their courier is, and if they say FedEx I'll say find an alternative or I'll take my bidness elsewhere. Never had a problem with the post office.

That's what I do. If it isn't through the USPS then I am not ordering anything.

FWIW, the only negative feedback I have selling on either Ebay or Amazon was a package that USPS showed was delivered but that the buyer said he didn't get.

So, the question is, was USPS ar fault? Was the pkge stolen? Did the buyer lie in hopes of getting a refund?

I don't know but I did not issue a refund. The negative feedback stayed for a year and just now cycled off.

Sorry for your hassles Pogo ... Have you checked with the cat about what he saw from on high?

What a great idea. "Hobbes, as long as you're out there keep an eye out for a FedEx truck. Big white thing".

The epilogue is that one of my neighbors came by today and had the package. They left it in his pickup truck and fortunately somebody saw it before it rained so it didn't get soaked. But what an idiot -- the neighbor could have easily jumped in to go to town, maybe with the tailgate down not expecting anything to be in the bed, and that would have been the end of that. The guy's address number isn't even remotely close to my number. UPS comes up my driveway and walks to my door. So does the mailman if it's large. This guy leaves it in a neighbor's pickup truck and calls it "delivered". I guess I have to specify "deliver to me".

It's a glaring flaw in the system though when nobody has proof of anything. They don't have proof they left it anywhere -- they just say so. And I can't prove a negative. To the seller's credit they did say they had more of that microphone and indicated they would send another if this one wasn't found.

Hobbes is still up there, watching I guess for the next delivery. I've been out there all afternoon throwing tennis balls and sticks at him to try to knock him out. He sat through a cold rain last night and tonight it's going down to 14. He won't move. I'm getting to hate this routine...

---- aaaand he's back. :eusa_dance:

His shortest Tarzan adventure yet -- one night. He just popped up at the kitchen window going "yo, this joint open or what?" After trying to scare him down by yelling at him, squirting water, running a chainsaw and a barrage of projectiles, I think it was the onerous howling wind that gave him incentive. We get serious, serious winds here in the winter.

Just in time -- now to build the fire and get all toasty while the wind chill dips to the singular digits...
I don't remember ever having a problem with Fed Ex......but, I haven't used them much, but I did have a problem with UPS. I mailed a heavy ceiling pot hanger to my son in Dallas, and because he was at work and no one was home they left a note to pick it up....well, he didn't pick it up right away, so UPS sent it back to me....WTH! So I paid umpteen dollars (it was a heavy Calphalon one) to send the darn thing on a sightseeing roundtrip. I usually just use the post office and go First Class if I want it there sooner than their other options. The post office has an overnight delivery, too.

Yeah, lesson learned -- from now on I'm inquiring on every vendor who their courier is, and if they say FedEx I'll say find an alternative or I'll take my bidness elsewhere. Never had a problem with the post office.

That's what I do. If it isn't through the USPS then I am not ordering anything.

FWIW, the only negative feedback I have selling on either Ebay or Amazon was a package that USPS showed was delivered but that the buyer said he didn't get.

So, the question is, was USPS ar fault? Was the pkge stolen? Did the buyer lie in hopes of getting a refund?

I don't know but I did not issue a refund. The negative feedback stayed for a year and just now cycled off.

Sorry for your hassles Pogo ... Have you checked with the cat about what he saw from on high?

What a great idea. "Hobbes, as long as you're out there keep an eye out for a FedEx truck. Big white thing".

The epilogue is that one of my neighbors came by today and had the package. They left it in his pickup truck and fortunately somebody saw it before it rained so it didn't get soaked. But what an idiot -- the neighbor could have easily jumped in to go to town, maybe with the tailgate down not expecting anything to be in the bed, and that would have been the end of that. The guy's address number isn't even remotely close to my number. UPS comes up my driveway and walks to my door. So does the mailman if it's large. This guy leaves it in a neighbor's pickup truck and calls it "delivered". I guess I have to specify "deliver to me".

It's a glaring flaw in the system though when nobody has proof of anything. They don't have proof they left it anywhere -- they just say so. And I can't prove a negative. To the seller's credit they did say they had more of that microphone and indicated they would send another if this one wasn't found.

Hobbes is still up there, watching I guess for the next delivery. I've been out there all afternoon throwing tennis balls and sticks at him to try to knock him out. He sat through a cold rain last night and tonight it's going down to 14. He won't move. I'm getting to hate this routine...

---- aaaand he's back. :eusa_dance:

His shortest Tarzan adventure yet -- one night. He just popped up at the kitchen window going "yo, this joint open or what?" After trying to scare him down by yelling at him, squirting water, running a chainsaw and a barrage of projectiles, I think it was the onerous howling wind that gave him incentive. We get serious, serious winds here in the winter.

Just in time -- now to build the fire and get all toasty while the wind chill dips to the singular digits...
Quite the adventurer he is....

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
typo in your title, fyi... two Cs in cappuccino!

I did it deliberately!!! To be different!!!

That's why you had it the thread title be different!!

There's no delusion like self delusion!! :thup:
Actually, I did not alter the thread title. I really did only want one c. Looks like a mod altered the title. That's the first issue.

The second issue is that you are very welcome to be here, but trolling or attacking is not. Just to be very clear.



Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
typo in your title, fyi... two Cs in cappuccino!

I did it deliberately!!! To be different!!!

That's why you had it the thread title be different!!

There's no delusion like self delusion!! :thup:
Actually, I did not alter the thread title. I really did only want one c. Looks like a mod altered the title. That's the first issue.

The second issue is that you are very welcome to be here, but trolling or attacking is not. Just to be very clear.



Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

typo in your title, fyi... two Cs in cappuccino!

I did it deliberately!!! To be different!!!

That's why you had it the thread title be different!!

There's no delusion like self delusion!! :thup:
Actually, I did not alter the thread title. I really did only want one c. Looks like a mod altered the title. That's the first issue.

The second issue is that you are very welcome to be here, but trolling or attacking is not. Just to be very clear.



Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

No worries Stat. I am not trolling. I just though it was funny.

But If you really didn't ask the thread to be changed you'd better report that to the forum moderators. I find it odd that you haven't done so already? Especially in light of your stellar reputation as one who does not hesitate in reporting and pointing out all violations of rules, no matter how minor. In fact you cite so many rules and regulations, you're kinda like a mini-mod of sorts!

Anyway, you really should force them to change it back to the quirky, different, albeit misspelled, version. Especially now that you've twice confirmed that was your intent.

I thought I'd sleep in this morning but n-o-o-o-o ... 6am and Catsby is scratching at the bedroom door like a dog. He's bored and wants some attention.. Nothing else to do but get up and open the door. Then he starts a battle with Brodie in the middle of the bed and they take off, running the through the house. I hear a crash. Oh great. But, whatever it is - I'll clean it up later and snuggle back down under the covers.

Next thing I hear is Czar's woofing from the other end of the house to go out the kitchen door. He could go out the bedroom door but he doesn't like that. Oh n-o-o-o-o - He's just got to out that door. And I gotta pee anyway. What the hell, I'm awake now.

So, I start the coffee and then Catsby is scratching at the sliding glass door to go out on the screened in porch. 3 seconds later and he's frantically scratching to come back in (WHAT? Are you crazy? Its cold out here, I'm a cat. Cats hate the cold, LET ME IN LET ME IN!!!) Czar was out a little longer before deciding he just had to come back in.

They will all go back to bed now and then sleep much of the day. Its like living with toddlers except I can't park them in front of cartoons or Sesame Street and go back to bed. There's something seriously wrong with this arrangement.

12 degrees and my phone app says it feels like 2 degrees.

Even though the bedroom was too warm, the house is cold. The older part of the house isn't as tight as the newer part. We have the vents closed in the bedroom and turn the heat down to 67 but it stays very warm in the bedroom. Tonight, I'll try turning it down lower - love a cool bedroom.



Good Frikken Morning to y'all.
Last edited:
I thought I'd sleep in this morning but n-o-o-o-o ... 6am and Catsby is scratching at the bedroom door like a dog. Nothing else to do but get up and open the door. Then he starts a battle with Brodie in the middle of the bed.

Next thing I hear is Czar's woofing from the other end of the house to go out the kitchen door. He could go out the bedroom door but he doesn't like that. And I gotta pee anyway. What the hell, I'm awake now.

So, I start the coffee and then Catsby is scratching at the sliding glass door to go out on the screened in porch. I let him out and 3 seconds later, he's scratching to come in cuz its frikken cold out there. Czar was out a little longer before deciding he just had to come back in.

They will all go back to bed now and then sleep much of the day. There's something seriously wrong with this arrangement.

12 degrees and my phone app says it feels like 2 degrees.

Even though the bedroom was too warm, the house is cold. The older part of the house isn't as tight as the newer part. We have the vents closed in the bedroom and turn the heat down to 67 but it stays very warm in the bedroom. Tonight, I'll try turning it down lower - love a cool bedroom.



Good Frikken Morning to y'all.
Mornin Luddy. It is effing freezing here today too. 10 degrees. I got up, turned up the heat and made coffee. It's not getting much warmer here today. Tomorrow, a balmy 34 degrees.

Have a wonderful day all. :)
typo in your title, fyi... two Cs in cappuccino!

I did it deliberately!!! To be different!!!

That's why you had it the thread title be different!!

There's no delusion like self delusion!! :thup:
Actually, I did not alter the thread title. I really did only want one c. Looks like a mod altered the title. That's the first issue.

The second issue is that you are very welcome to be here, but trolling or attacking is not. Just to be very clear.



Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

typo in your title, fyi... two Cs in cappuccino!

I did it deliberately!!! To be different!!!

That's why you had it the thread title be different!!

There's no delusion like self delusion!! :thup:
Actually, I did not alter the thread title. I really did only want one c. Looks like a mod altered the title. That's the first issue.

The second issue is that you are very welcome to be here, but trolling or attacking is not. Just to be very clear.



Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

No worries Stat. I am not trolling. I just though it was funny.

But If you really didn't ask the thread to be changed you'd better report that to the forum moderators. I find it odd that you haven't done so already? Especially in light of your stellar reputation as one who does not hesitate in reporting and pointing out all violations of rules, no matter how minor. In fact you cite so many rules and regulations, you're kinda like a mini-mod of sorts!

Anyway, you really should force them to change it back to the quirky, different, albeit misspelled, version. Especially now that you've twice confirmed that was your intent.

Hey Zander. Haven't seen you in awhile. :) We know you're not trolling, stop by sometime again.
G'Mornin Sarah ... s'posed to get all the way up to 32 (and feel like 24) by the time I have to go in to town to see my dental surgeon later. I probably shouldn't even look at the "feels like" and I don't want to hear another report about the Polar Vortex.

I'm on my second cup now and have some good music on. The house has warmed up, the critters have breakfasted and I'm considering a banana.

Catsby is back out on the porch but probably not for long. He really loves it out there but I hate opening and closing the door every five minutes.

Hello to Zander and Yurt and welcome. Have a cuppa and join the conversation.



Number six.
In the 37 degree rain.


Just figured out where he is, right in back of the house this time, yet he said nothing until now.

We're making progress. He's only got 487 trees left to explore.
Dealing with it in the morning.

I think Hobbes may be part monkey.....why he likes trees so much....:rolleyes:
Just a reminder guys - CC operates in the Lounge under Lounge rules, so play nice or you'll find a cup of hot coffee dumped in your lap. As an fyi, with those rules in mind, the OP has been edited to remove references to the CS. No flaming, no putting down etc.

Thanks and pass the cream please :)

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