The Cappucino Corral

G'Mornin Sarah ... s'posed to get all the way up to 32 (and feel like 24) by the time I have to go in to town to see my dental surgeon later. I probably shouldn't even look at the "feels like" and I don't want to hear another report about the Polar Vortex.

I'm on my second cup now and have some good music on. The house has warmed up, the critters have breakfasted and I'm considering a banana.

Catsby is back out on the porch but probably not for long. He really loves it out there but I hate opening and closing the door every five minutes.

Hello to Zander and Yurt and welcome. Have a cuppa and join the conversation. dropped down to below 27 degrees last night. I had already covered some of my plants that are not the hardy type.....but it is way too early for those kind of temperatures....I can just imagine what February is going to be like!:eek:
typo in your title, fyi... two Cs in cappuccino!

I did it deliberately!!! To be different!!!

That's why you had it the thread title be different!!

There's no delusion like self delusion!! :thup:
Actually, I did not alter the thread title. I really did only want one c. Looks like a mod altered the title. That's the first issue.

The second issue is that you are very welcome to be here, but trolling or attacking is not. Just to be very clear.



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As you wish :)
Check out this icicle on the porch screen.

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We have one of those Keurig single-brew machines. Mrs. H. likes the little "K" cups, and they do make for a superior brew. But even if you buy an 80-count box at say Sam's Club they still come out to 50 cents a pop. I bought a big tub of Folger's dark brew that was on sale and figured the per-cup price at around 5 cents.
Do the math. Sure it tastes like crap but geez Louise I ain't going that K cup route again.

I'm glad you like the Keurig coffee....I bought one for us, but couldn't ever get used to the taste, although Mr Mertex loves it. So, I hauled out our old coffee maker. We have both in the Kitchen now. I buy the K cups to have on hand for when we are in a hurry (the only time I will drink it) or when we have company, they are expensive, even in the Commissary. We use the little gadget that lets you put in your own coffee for our own use....well, for Mr Mertex's use....:)
We have one of those Keurig single-brew machines. Mrs. H. likes the little "K" cups, and they do make for a superior brew. But even if you buy an 80-count box at say Sam's Club they still come out to 50 cents a pop. I bought a big tub of Folger's dark brew that was on sale and figured the per-cup price at around 5 cents.
Do the math. Sure it tastes like crap but geez Louise I ain't going that K cup route again.

You can purchase a stainless steel refillable K-cup. Mrs Te fills it up with her favorite brew from Dunkin Donuts. Much cheaper than the disposable k-cups. :)
I've been wanting to try Dunkin Donuts coffee. Maybe I'll pick some up this week.

That's the kind we use. We like Cracker Barrel's coffee....and Gevalia, too.
hey Coyote. Nice avie!!! Haven't seen that one before.

Thank you :)

I'm still in mourning for my animated popcorn eating critters but..this'll do :)

Did you take that photo at what we laughingly call our compost heap?

Its really a feeding station for the raccoons and foxes.

I'm sure Czar smells them and objects to their visits. He makes his feelings known about it by peeing off the edge of the deck onto where he knows the critters were last night and every night.

I don't agree with feeding wildlife but we do want to compost ...

And yeah, that's a very cute avie.
Last night my daughter comes into the room and usually if she does wake up, she'll just crawl in be with us but this time she was at the side of my bed tapping me on the shoulders and whispering mommy over and over and for whatever reason, I freaked. I don't know if I was having a bad dream or what but I screamed and scared the crap out of her and my husband. She was bawling and it took a long time to calm her down. I felt terrible. I went out in the living room with her and held her until she feel asleep, then tucked her back into bed. I have no idea what the heck freaked me out like that but it took forever to get back to sleep.

So I'm tired today, it's super gloomy out and really cold.

Otherwise, happy Monday all.

Awww, poor scared her! You probably were having a bad dream. Good thing about kids, they don't hold on to stuff....she probably doesn't remember it anymore.
We have one of those Keurig single-brew machines. Mrs. H. likes the little "K" cups, and they do make for a superior brew. But even if you buy an 80-count box at say Sam's Club they still come out to 50 cents a pop. I bought a big tub of Folger's dark brew that was on sale and figured the per-cup price at around 5 cents.
Do the math. Sure it tastes like crap but geez Louise I ain't going that K cup route again.

You can purchase a stainless steel refillable K-cup. Mrs Te fills it up with her favorite brew from Dunkin Donuts. Much cheaper than the disposable k-cups. :)
I've been wanting to try Dunkin Donuts coffee. Maybe I'll pick some up this week.

That's the kind we use. We like Cracker Barrel's coffee....and Gevalia, too.
I want to try Gevalia too. I almost got it once but it's expensive and I wasn't sure I'd like it.
Good morning ya'll! It is another cold day here but I am warmer after the Steelers' close win last night. lol. Cheers!
hey Coyote. Nice avie!!! Haven't seen that one before.

Thank you :)

I'm still in mourning for my animated popcorn eating critters but..this'll do :)

Did you take that photo at what we laughingly call our compost heap?

Its really a feeding station for the raccoons and foxes.

I'm sure Czar smells them and objects to their visits. He makes his feelings known about it by peeing off the edge of the deck onto where he knows the critters were last night and every night.

I don't agree with feeding wildlife but we do want to compost ...

And yeah, that's a very cute avie.

No, it was just a photo I found - but we do have racoons around, rummaging under the bird feeders at night :)
Last night my daughter comes into the room and usually if she does wake up, she'll just crawl in be with us but this time she was at the side of my bed tapping me on the shoulders and whispering mommy over and over and for whatever reason, I freaked. I don't know if I was having a bad dream or what but I screamed and scared the crap out of her and my husband. She was bawling and it took a long time to calm her down. I felt terrible. I went out in the living room with her and held her until she feel asleep, then tucked her back into bed. I have no idea what the heck freaked me out like that but it took forever to get back to sleep.

So I'm tired today, it's super gloomy out and really cold.

Otherwise, happy Monday all.
I wanted to respond to this one too. I made a little boy cry once, he was trying to show me this big bug he had in a jar but he wanted me to hold the bug. He was getting it out and walking over to me and I sort of stifled a scream and ran a little. It scared him and he just burst out crying.

I told him how sorry I was and I'm afraid of bugs but he was still upset. :lol: I felt terrible, just awful.
I don't remember ever having a problem with Fed Ex......but, I haven't used them much, but I did have a problem with UPS. I mailed a heavy ceiling pot hanger to my son in Dallas, and because he was at work and no one was home they left a note to pick it up....well, he didn't pick it up right away, so UPS sent it back to me....WTH! So I paid umpteen dollars (it was a heavy Calphalon one) to send the darn thing on a sightseeing roundtrip. I usually just use the post office and go First Class if I want it there sooner than their other options. The post office has an overnight delivery, too.

Yeah, lesson learned -- from now on I'm inquiring on every vendor who their courier is, and if they say FedEx I'll say find an alternative or I'll take my bidness elsewhere. Never had a problem with the post office.

That's what I do. If it isn't through the USPS then I am not ordering anything.

FWIW, the only negative feedback I have selling on either Ebay or Amazon was a package that USPS showed was delivered but that the buyer said he didn't get.

So, the question is, was USPS ar fault? Was the pkge stolen? Did the buyer lie in hopes of getting a refund?

I don't know but I did not issue a refund. The negative feedback stayed for a year and just now cycled off.

Sorry for your hassles Pogo ... Have you checked with the cat about what he saw from on high?

What a great idea. "Hobbes, as long as you're out there keep an eye out for a FedEx truck. Big white thing".

The epilogue is that one of my neighbors came by today and had the package. They left it in his pickup truck and fortunately somebody saw it before it rained so it didn't get soaked. But what an idiot -- the neighbor could have easily jumped in to go to town, maybe with the tailgate down not expecting anything to be in the bed, and that would have been the end of that. The guy's address number isn't even remotely close to my number. UPS comes up my driveway and walks to my door. So does the mailman if it's large. This guy leaves it in a neighbor's pickup truck and calls it "delivered". I guess I have to specify "deliver to me".

It's a glaring flaw in the system though when nobody has proof of anything. They don't have proof they left it anywhere -- they just say so. And I can't prove a negative. To the seller's credit they did say they had more of that microphone and indicated they would send another if this one wasn't found.

Hobbes is still up there, watching I guess for the next delivery. I've been out there all afternoon throwing tennis balls and sticks at him to try to knock him out. He sat through a cold rain last night and tonight it's going down to 14. He won't move. I'm getting to hate this routine...

---- aaaand he's back. :eusa_dance:

His shortest Tarzan adventure yet -- one night. He just popped up at the kitchen window going "yo, this joint open or what?" After trying to scare him down by yelling at him, squirting water, running a chainsaw and a barrage of projectiles, I think it was the onerous howling wind that gave him incentive. We get serious, serious winds here in the winter.

Just in time -- now to build the fire and get all toasty while the wind chill dips to the singular digits...

Just remember, each time he goes up a tree and comes down or is brought down, he is learning more skills on climbing/descending. Eventually it will be a piece of cake for him to go up a tree and come down and you won't have to worry about it.:eusa_clap:
We have one of those Keurig single-brew machines. Mrs. H. likes the little "K" cups, and they do make for a superior brew. But even if you buy an 80-count box at say Sam's Club they still come out to 50 cents a pop. I bought a big tub of Folger's dark brew that was on sale and figured the per-cup price at around 5 cents.
Do the math. Sure it tastes like crap but geez Louise I ain't going that K cup route again.

You can purchase a stainless steel refillable K-cup. Mrs Te fills it up with her favorite brew from Dunkin Donuts. Much cheaper than the disposable k-cups. :)
I've been wanting to try Dunkin Donuts coffee. Maybe I'll pick some up this week.

That's the kind we use. We like Cracker Barrel's coffee....and Gevalia, too.
I want to try Gevalia too. I almost got it once but it's expensive and I wasn't sure I'd like it.

We buy it at the commissary, and it's only a couple of bucks more than Folgers/Maxwell House. I like trying out different brands. We ordered some from the internet that we had at a Mexican chain restaurant in San Antonio called "Las Palapas" - the waitress told us it was Douwe Egberts....really good but could only find it on the internet. A tad more expensive, but it's nice for when you have company or if you just want to indulge.

Douwe Egberts Coffee
OK, It's freaking 13 degrees outside.

Otherwise, I slept better last night then the night before and my daughter didn't wake me up this time.

Now, for some caffeine and getting some work done instead of posting here, LOL.

Have a good one all!!

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