The Cappucino Corral

She's pretty.....and most of them are very attractive, but I still can't figure out what their talent is....I must have missed something along the way.

I don't think she's pretty at all. She's very masculine and swarthy looking. She probably has to shave her mustache (and back) on a daily basis...

I do know she's almost always wearing a butt-load of makeup- and when I say Butt-Load, I mean a Kim Kardashian sized BUTT-LOAD of make-up!! Here's a pic of her sans the fake-up....


She's pretty.....and most of them are very attractive, but I still can't figure out what their talent is....I must have missed something along the way.
Their best asset is their mom, she manages them. They do appearances, guest host spots on shows like the old Chelsea Lately and they have the reality show. All of them are in it, even the babies.

I've never watched their show and whenever one of them shows up on TV I change the channel or leave the room.

Me neither....none of those shows (Wives of Beverly Hills/Wives of Orange County/Wives in Atlanta) interest me in the least. (I don't even know the exact name of the shows.)

My wife made me watch the coffee maker video...... :lol:

It looks like an attachment to a coffee maker, I read Keurig on the top. Would be fun for a party.....but who drinks coffee at a party where you would use that?:lol:
She's pretty.....and most of them are very attractive, but I still can't figure out what their talent is....I must have missed something along the way.

I don't think she's pretty at all. She's very masculine and swarthy looking. She probably has to shave her mustache (and back) on a daily basis...

I do know she's almost always wearing a butt-load of makeup- and when I say Butt-Load, I mean a Kim Kardashian sized BUTT-LOAD of make-up!! Here's a pic of her sans the fake-up....



Most movie stars don't look as good as we see them when they are just being their regular selves, but I've seen pictures where she looks really good. Make up can't possibly do all that....but her figure is not that great.....she seems to be a little on the heavy side.

Picture like this one:

Dang, wind chill is enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey out there!!! :eek:

Dropped off my big leather coat at the tailors today. I have had it for about 20 years now and it is awesome in weather like this. The leather is like butter it is so soft but the lining was shot. Probably going to cost me about $100 to have it relined but it is worth it in my opinion. Good leather lasts forever.
Dang, wind chill is enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey out there!!! :eek:

Dropped off my big leather coat at the tailors today. I have had it for about 20 years now and it is awesome in weather like this. The leather is like butter it is so soft but the lining was shot. Probably going to cost me about $100 to have it relined but it is worth it in my opinion. Good leather lasts forever.

Probably won't be as expensive as buying a new one. I had a pair of my boots resoled. They were pretty expensive and were holding up so well, I couldn't bare to throw them out when the bottoms wore out. They're good for a couple of years, now....:D
We have one of those Keurig single-brew machines. Mrs. H. likes the little "K" cups, and they do make for a superior brew. But even if you buy an 80-count box at say Sam's Club they still come out to 50 cents a pop. I bought a big tub of Folger's dark brew that was on sale and figured the per-cup price at around 5 cents.
Do the math. Sure it tastes like crap but geez Louise I ain't going that K cup route again.

You can purchase a stainless steel refillable K-cup. Mrs Te fills it up with her favorite brew from Dunkin Donuts. Much cheaper than the disposable k-cups. :)
I've been wanting to try Dunkin Donuts coffee. Maybe I'll pick some up this week.

That's the kind we use. We like Cracker Barrel's coffee....and Gevalia, too.
I want to try Gevalia too. I almost got it once but it's expensive and I wasn't sure I'd like it.

I tried it when it first came out -- they were giving away some gift with a subscription, a coffee machine I think --- but it was probably the weakest puniest most what's-the-point coffee I ever had. :puke: I never went back to it. Kept the coffee maker though.
OK, It's freaking 13 degrees outside.

Otherwise, I slept better last night then the night before and my daughter didn't wake me up this time.

Now, for some caffeine and getting some work done instead of posting here, LOL.

Have a good one all!!

18 here, but it's early yet. I don't think we saw over 26 today.



Number six.
In the 37 degree rain.


Just figured out where he is, right in back of the house this time, yet he said nothing until now.

We're making progress. He's only got 487 trees left to explore.
Dealing with it in the morning.

I think Hobbes may be part monkey.....why he likes trees so much....:rolleyes:

That's a thought. Next time I'll see if I can entice him down with a banana. :banana:

I think this time he may have been spooked by the two dogs that followed me home after a walk -- one of them was a stranger. Big black lab from down the street, not aggressive at all, just a big sweet playful oaf. But he is a big guy, and I suspect Hobbes is intimidated by big canines.



Number six.
In the 37 degree rain.


Just figured out where he is, right in back of the house this time, yet he said nothing until now.

We're making progress. He's only got 487 trees left to explore.
Dealing with it in the morning.

I think Hobbes may be part monkey.....why he likes trees so much....:rolleyes:

That's a thought. Next time I'll see if I can entice him down with a banana. :banana:

I think this time he may have been spooked by the two dogs that followed me home after a walk -- one of them was a stranger. Big black lab from down the street, not aggressive at all, just a big sweet playful oaf. But he is a big guy, and I suspect Hobbes is intimidated by big canines.
Well, they can have big teeth...


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Good morning everyone! Once again, wanted to sleep in but instead of being awakened by cats and dog making noise, I woke up to absolute quiet - wide awake, just sure that I had not seen Catsby before I closed the bedroom door last night and feared I had accidentally left the little blighter out on the screened in porch. So, rushed out into the cold house, stark naked, headed for the porch, only to find him sitting in the in the big front window, quietly watching a deer in our front yard.

He ignored me, of course. Dogs do that "huh?" look really well but cats don't even turn their head.

Sarah, I don't know how to make cappuccino either and it sounds good this morning.

Its a veritable heat wave this morning - 38 degrees! I'm through one cup of coffee, put the bird feeders out and saw an eagle fly by.

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