The Cappucino Corral

going to go out do some thanksgiving food shopping & put gas in my motorcycle.

We're going out to dinner on Thanksgiving. I love doing that, beautiful restaurant.

That's won't have to bother with cooking and cleaning up afterwards...... We're going over to friends....their kids also are doing their own thing (except for one), so it will be nice. I'm bringing over a side and a pecan pie, also some wine! We did that with them 2 years ago and it was nice to just be responsible with helping clean up afterwards. I can do that....;)

OMG! Some of those pictures remind me of that scene in Dr. Zhivago when Lara and Yury escape to the Zhivago's summer retreat, only it's winter! Sure hope you weren't caught in that traffic jam.


OMG! Some of those pictures remind me of that scene in Dr. Zhivago when Lara and Yury escape to the Zhivago's summer retreat, only it's winter! Sure hope you weren't caught in that traffic jam.

I live in NW Ohio but we share Lake Erie with Buffalo, NY. This snowfall could happen to us, it is Lake effect snow. Scary stuff.
Don't know how the indians coped w/ 6 ft of snowfall.Helps to have pemmican stored-up and a good stout teepee.
Wonder how they're gonna play football in this Sunday in Buffalo. They'll never have this cleaned up by then.
Afternoon folks! I hope the day finds everyone well. I am having a pretty lazy afternoon intermixed with some light chores around the house. Cheers!
I'm going over to my hair stylist.....having an inch cut all the way around.....tired of messing with it

I desperately need a haircut. This is the longest my hair has been in the last several years. It has been almost 7 months since my last visit. I am getting a little shaggy looking but I wear it very well.
I just had an idea for a new thread in badlands. I was thinking we need a drinking house where swearing and fighting is allowed by the definition of the badlands forum. It would take all the heat off the coffee shop and the cappuccino coral. I would start the thread myself but I do not want to have to be the host. But maybe someone else will.
I just had an idea for a new thread in badlands. I was thinking we need a drinking house where swearing and fighting is allowed by the definition of the badlands forum. It would take all the heat off the coffee shop and the cappuccino coral. I would start the thread myself but I do not want to have to be the host. But maybe someone else will.

I can just picture should start it, Dajjal, then just let it take off. I bet it would be funny.
I just had an idea for a new thread in badlands. I was thinking we need a drinking house where swearing and fighting is allowed by the definition of the badlands forum. It would take all the heat off the coffee shop and the cappuccino coral. I would start the thread myself but I do not want to have to be the host. But maybe someone else will.
I think there is already a tavern down there. ... a good one, too. boedicca started it.

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Good Morning, Cappucinistas of the world! Wishing you a snow-free, easy Thursday. Not on very much, but maybe on Saturday, I will have more time.

I'm really glad that people are coming here just to chill out. That's great.

Remember, EVERYONE is welcome, so long as they obey the rules of the Lounge that cereal_killer put into place. His site, his rules, and I think they are good rules. That's the standard (and very correct, I might add) disclaimer. :D

Have a good one.
Morning Everyone. I braved the cold weather this morning and went to the store, got gas and went to the pharmacy. Home now and finally have my coffee.

Hope you're all staying safe and warm. :)
I went to
I'm going over to my hair stylist.....having an inch cut all the way around.....tired of messing with it

I desperately need a haircut. This is the longest my hair has been in the last several years. It has been almost 7 months since my last visit. I am getting a little shaggy looking but I wear it very well.
the barber ain't seen me in 4 years...It's past my shoulders..
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