The Cappucino Corral

hey Coyote. Nice avie!!! Haven't seen that one before.

Thank you :)

I'm still in mourning for my animated popcorn eating critters but..this'll do :)

Did you take that photo at what we laughingly call our compost heap?

Its really a feeding station for the raccoons and foxes.

I'm sure Czar smells them and objects to their visits. He makes his feelings known about it by peeing off the edge of the deck onto where he knows the critters were last night and every night.

I don't agree with feeding wildlife but we do want to compost ...

And yeah, that's a very cute avie.

No, it was just a photo I found - but we do have racoons around, rummaging under the bird feeders at night :)

We have to bring our feeders in evvery night.

One night last summer, we watched a juvie raccoon hanging off the hummingbird feeder, sugary nectar running down his body. I imagine he had a fun bath later.

hey Coyote. Nice avie!!! Haven't seen that one before.

Yeah, except it reminds me of the family that came and ate every single persimmon on my they like pizza too?

I don't think there's anything they don't like.

And, like Coyote said, they get the spilled bird seed. We try not to encourage them but its fun watching them working to scoop up loose seed in those little hands.

What I really love is getting a glimpse of our foxes. We have a Great blue heron (Gilbert) who jealously guards our boat dock. The foxes like to lay in the sun on the dock and we can hear Gilbert (or maybe Sullivan) squawking at them. We've seen tracks in the snow that made us think they might have had a little set to over who owns the dock and it sure as heck isn't us!
just got back from the CS IRL ;) Walked and it was @ 20 degrees because of the 20 MPH windchill.
typo in your title, fyi... two Cs in cappuccino!

I did it deliberately!!! To be different!!!

That's why you had it the thread title be different!!

There's no delusion like self delusion!! :thup:
Actually, I did not alter the thread title. I really did only want one c. Looks like a mod altered the title. That's the first issue.

The second issue is that you are very welcome to be here, but trolling or attacking is not. Just to be very clear.



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As you wish :)

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Speaking of coffee...did ya see the new Kim Kardashian Coffee maker?

I didn't know it was a coffee maker. I saw at a glance where they were showing her naked butt, but I hadn't been watching long enough to know what they were talking about.
just got back from the CS IRL ;) Walked and it was @ 20 degrees because of the 20 MPH windchill.
I just went out and did my errand. Same conditions here. Omg, That wind stings your face..

I'm not trying to rub it in, but our temperatures are actually going up. It was below freezing this morning, and already the temp has gone up to the 40's, supposed to be 50 degrees by 3:00 pm......enough of this cold weather!:eusa_clap:
just got back from the CS IRL ;) Walked and it was @ 20 degrees because of the 20 MPH windchill.
I just went out and did my errand. Same conditions here. Omg, That wind stings your face..

I'm not trying to rub it in, but our temperatures are actually going up. It was below freezing this morning, and already the temp has gone up to the 40's, supposed to be 50 degrees by 3:00 pm......enough of this cold weather!:eusa_clap:
Great. I really don't like it that warm in the winter but the 30s are ok for now. We talk about that cold because it is so big and kind of scary. I dress warm to go out but I love coming back home when it's like this.
just got back from the CS IRL ;) Walked and it was @ 20 degrees because of the 20 MPH windchill.
I just went out and did my errand. Same conditions here. Omg, That wind stings your face..

I'm not trying to rub it in, but our temperatures are actually going up. It was below freezing this morning, and already the temp has gone up to the 40's, supposed to be 50 degrees by 3:00 pm......enough of this cold weather!:eusa_clap:
Great. I really don't like it that warm in the winter but the 30s are ok for now. We talk about that cold because it is so big and kind of scary. I dress warm to go out but I love coming back home when it's like this.

Here in Texas, we get a few really cold days followed by warmer days, and that's the way it goes all winter....never for too long. I remember when we lived in NH, it was cold every day, below freezing, for months....the sun would be out, but it was still freezing...and then you might get a couple of warm days in the summer...the complete opposite of what it is here. Being in bed in the winter is the best part.....getting up the worst.
Speaking of coffee...did ya see the new Kim Kardashian Coffee maker?

This is the picture I saw.....


Damn, she has a big butt.

Most of the family does have huge butts. They're pretty good at keeping their weight down but if they ever let go those asses will overtake everything. She also has huge boobs. Anatomical freak.
She's pretty.....and most of them are very attractive, but I still can't figure out what their talent is....I must have missed something along the way.
Their best asset is their mom, she manages them. They do appearances, guest host spots on shows like the old Chelsea Lately and they have the reality show. All of them are in it, even the babies.
She's pretty.....and most of them are very attractive, but I still can't figure out what their talent is....I must have missed something along the way.
Their best asset is their mom, she manages them. They do appearances, guest host spots on shows like the old Chelsea Lately and they have the reality show. All of them are in it, even the babies.

I've never watched their show and whenever one of them shows up on TV I change the channel or leave the room.

My wife made me watch the coffee maker video...... :lol:
She's pretty.....and most of them are very attractive, but I still can't figure out what their talent is....I must have missed something along the way.
Their best asset is their mom, she manages them. They do appearances, guest host spots on shows like the old Chelsea Lately and they have the reality show. All of them are in it, even the babies.

I remember their father during the OJ trial, but have never kept up with the rest of them....just little snippets here and there. I've seen Kim guest appear in some TV programs, doesn't seem to be very good at acting, though.

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