The Caravan Hoax

Actually few are Guatemalan. Guatemala is not as much of a shithole as Hondouras and El Salvador you see. That's where the thousands are from.
Are their a group of thousands of people from said shitholes waiving their shithole flags heading North to enter the U.S. without permission?


Fixed it.

For the love of aardvark ass fucking.
The Trump Administration and its state news media, known as Fix News, has been pushing the Hoax known as the caravan as an invasion force storming the border.

This so called Caravan is TWO MONTHS from the border. It's numbers are falling.

The only legitimate voice on Fox News as said this Caravan story is charade.

Fox's Shep Smith rips Trump rhetoric on caravan: 'There is no invasion'

The caravan in April was also used to gin up fear among Trumpers. Remember? A total of 12 people were arrested.

This caravan Hoax is meant to gin up the base among the weak-minded and fearful. Those people who hide under their covers at night and are afraid of their own shadows. In other words the Trump voter.
Is it true that thousands of Guatemalans waiving Guatemalan flags are marching through Mexico intent on entering the U.S. illegally?

Start there.
Two months away. Now less than 3500. After the mid terms it will be: "What caravan?"

After the midterms it will be 12 mothers and 2 fathers with their children that will be promptly kidnapped from th and put into jails in the desert.
...Two months away. Now less than 3500. After the mid terms it will be: "What caravan?"
That wasn't the challenge...

The challenge was to refute the idea that there are thousands of Central Americans marching towards the US southern border.

Start there.
Just like in April when the Trumpian fear campaign ran rampant, when the caravan arrived at the border there was a whopping 12 arrests.

This is a hoax and you all are being played.
Doesn't matter one little bit.

The question remains:

"Are thousands of Central Americans presently marching towards the US southern border?"

Yes or No.

We will listen to what you have to say, once you answer that seminal question; necessary to this conversation.

No qualifiers... no caveats... one word... "Yes" or "No".

Now, let's see if you have the courage to answer the question...
See my post 20.
started as 7000, now it is 3500 and falling. Calling men, women and children an invasion force is the Hoax. Sending 5200 troops to the border for a caravan that is two months away is a hoax. All this is being done to gin up fear. Shep Smith is right.

So, you meant to say "yes, there are thousands who intend to enter the U.S. illegally" right?

You can't even admit facts.

The Trump Administration and its state news media, known as Fix News, has been pushing the Hoax known as the caravan as an invasion force storming the border.

This so called Caravan is TWO MONTHS from the border. It's numbers are falling.

The only legitimate voice on Fox News as said this Caravan story is charade.

Fox's Shep Smith rips Trump rhetoric on caravan: 'There is no invasion'

The caravan in April was also used to gin up fear among Trumpers. Remember? A total of 12 people were arrested.

This caravan Hoax is meant to gin up the base among the weak-minded and fearful. Those people who hide under their covers at night and are afraid of their own shadows. In other words the Trump voter.
Is it true that thousands of Guatemalans waiving Guatemalan flags are marching through Mexico intent on entering the U.S. illegally?

Start there.
Two months away. Now less than 3500. After the mid terms it will be: "What caravan?"

After the midterms it will be 12 mothers and 2 fathers with their children that will be promptly kidnapped from th and put into jails in the desert.
After the mid terms Trump will say it is all under control so his supporters can get a good nights sleep. That is until his next crisis when this nice shiny object will reappear.
The Trump Administration and its state news media, known as Fix News, has been pushing the Hoax known as the caravan as an invasion force storming the border.

This so called Caravan is TWO MONTHS from the border. It's numbers are falling.

The only legitimate voice on Fox News has said this Caravan story is a charade and is not an invasion.

Fox's Shep Smith rips Trump rhetoric on caravan: 'There is no invasion'

The caravan in April was also used to gin up fear among Trumpers. Remember? A total of 12 people were arrested.

This caravan Hoax is meant to gin up the base among the weak-minded and fearful. In other words the Trump voter.

For the rest of us, don't buy into the Hoax and vote out the Trumpian/Republican bums next Tuesday.

Too late . . .

...Two months away. Now less than 3500. After the mid terms it will be: "What caravan?"
That wasn't the challenge...

The challenge was to refute the idea that there are thousands of Central Americans marching towards the US southern border.

Start there.
Just like in April when the Trumpian fear campaign ran rampant, when the caravan arrived at the border there was a whopping 12 arrests.

This is a hoax and you all are being played.
Doesn't matter one little bit.

The question remains:

"Are thousands of Central Americans presently marching towards the US southern border?"

Yes or No.

We will listen to what you have to say, once you answer that seminal question; necessary to this conversation.

No qualifiers... no caveats... one word... "Yes" or "No".

Now, let's see if you have the courage to answer the question...
See my post 20.
Wrong answer.

Or are you as Gutless and Nutless as most Liberal-Progressives are, when asked such a question.

Concede reality, then proceed from there...

One more chance to demonstrate your courage here, before we give up on you...

"Are thousands of Central Americans presently marching towards the US southern border?"

No qualifiers... no caveats... one word... "Yes" or "No".

Your audience awaits your demonstration of courage with guarded hope (for your sake).
The Trump Administration and its state news media, known as Fix News, has been pushing the Hoax known as the caravan as an invasion force storming the border.

This so called Caravan is TWO MONTHS from the border. It's numbers are falling.

The only legitimate voice on Fox News has said this Caravan story is a charade and is not an invasion.

Fox's Shep Smith rips Trump rhetoric on caravan: 'There is no invasion'

The caravan in April was also used to gin up fear among Trumpers. Remember? A total of 12 people were arrested.

This caravan Hoax is meant to gin up the base among the weak-minded and fearful. In other words the Trump voter.

For the rest of us, don't buy into the Hoax and vote out the Trumpian/Republican bums next Tuesday.
That's the problem at my house. There's a fine young man here in my State running for the Senate as a Republican, and under other circumstances I would carefully consider voting for him. I believe his intentions are the best. However, in our Senate, the true Republicans who still believe in process and debate are running for the hills and all that survive the Trump assault and remain are mindless bots. What chance does this kid have joining a party run by Trump and his lackey McConnell?

This election IS a referendum on the current Republican party at my house.
After the midterms it will be 12 mothers and 2 fathers with their children that will be promptly kidnapped from th and put into jails in the desert.
It's not Trump's fault that you communists stirred up a group of shithole dwellers and encouraged them to march on the U.S. border, giving Trump a HUGE talking point.

Your communist shit backfired on you.

You expected the non-commie president to pussy out and act with "compassion" like other non-commie presidents. It didn't work.

Now you're pissed because he is fucking you up the ass with your own bullshit.

Take your medicine and go to bed.

...Two months away. Now less than 3500. After the mid terms it will be: "What caravan?"
That wasn't the challenge...

The challenge was to refute the idea that there are thousands of Central Americans marching towards the US southern border.

Start there.
Just like in April when the Trumpian fear campaign ran rampant, when the caravan arrived at the border there was a whopping 12 arrests.

This is a hoax and you all are being played.
Doesn't matter one little bit.

The question remains:

"Are thousands of Central Americans presently marching towards the US southern border?"

Yes or No.

We will listen to what you have to say, once you answer that seminal question; necessary to this conversation.

No qualifiers... no caveats... one word... "Yes" or "No".

Now, let's see if you have the courage to answer the question...
/----/ God Bless President Trump for fighting for us.
Exclusive: Trump to terminate birthright citizenship
Trump told "Axios on HBO" that he has run the idea of ending birthright citizenship by his counsel and plans to proceed with the highly controversial move, which certainly will face legal challenges.

  • "It was always told to me that you needed a constitutional amendment. Guess what? You don't," Trump said, declaring he can do it by executive order.
  • When told that's very much in dispute, Trump replied: "You can definitely do it with an Act of Congress. But now they're saying I can do it just with an executive order."
  • "We're the only country in the world where a person comes in and has a baby, and the baby is essentially a citizen of the United States ... with all of those benefits," Trump continued. "It's ridiculous. It's ridiculous. And it has to end."
  • "It's in the process. It'll happen ... with an executive order."
started as 7000, now it is 3500 and falling. Calling men, women and children an invasion force is the Hoax. Sending 5200 troops to the border for a caravan that is two months away is a hoax. All this is being done to gin up fear. Shep Smith is right.

So, you meant to say "yes, there are thousands who intend to enter the U.S. illegally" right?

You can't even admit facts.

Your argument is full of false assumptions. How do you know they intend on entering the US illegally? The few that actually do make if to the border, I imagine will ask for asylum or some other programs available under US law. Your post shows your fear and apprehension for a set of facts that exists only in your mind.

There may be some that may try to cross illegally, but that may be the minority and they deserve to be sent home.

Calling 3500 people an invasion force is a hoax. That number would not fill a small concert venue.
...Two months away. Now less than 3500. After the mid terms it will be: "What caravan?"
That wasn't the challenge...

The challenge was to refute the idea that there are thousands of Central Americans marching towards the US southern border.

Start there.
Just like in April when the Trumpian fear campaign ran rampant, when the caravan arrived at the border there was a whopping 12 arrests.

This is a hoax and you all are being played.
Doesn't matter one little bit.

The question remains:

"Are thousands of Central Americans presently marching towards the US southern border?"

Yes or No.

We will listen to what you have to say, once you answer that seminal question; necessary to this conversation.

No qualifiers... no caveats... one word... "Yes" or "No".

Now, let's see if you have the courage to answer the question...
/----/ God Bless President Trump for fighting for us.
Exclusive: Trump to terminate birthright citizenship
Trump told "Axios on HBO" that he has run the idea of ending birthright citizenship by his counsel and plans to proceed with the highly controversial move, which certainly will face legal challenges.

    • "It was always told to me that you needed a constitutional amendment. Guess what? You don't," Trump said, declaring he can do it by executive order.
    • When told that's very much in dispute, Trump replied: "You can definitely do it with an Act of Congress. But now they're saying I can do it just with an executive order."
    • "We're the only country in the world where a person comes in and has a baby, and the baby is essentially a citizen of the United States ... with all of those benefits," Trump continued. "It's ridiculous. It's ridiculous. And it has to end."
    • "It's in the process. It'll happen ... with an executive order."
Oh, man. Payback is such a BITCH, ain't it.
Calling 3500 people an invasion force is a hoax. That number would not fill a small concert venue.
3500 = thousands

Thousands intending to enter another country illegally by force?

They are invading. They intend to do so forcefully.

Invasion force, right?

Just admit that you are pissed that your communist party fucked up and Trump is making you pay for it.


Calling 3500 people an invasion force is a hoax. That number would not fill a small concert venue.
3500 = thousands

Thousands intending to enter another country illegally by force?

They are invading. They intend to do so forcefully.

Invasion force, right?

Just admit that you are pissed that your communist party fucked up and Trump is making you pay for it.


Forcefully???? Yes, coming at the US border armed with baby rattles, emaciated children, and strollers is an invasion force. Get a grip.
The Trump Administration and its state news media, known as Fix News, has been pushing the Hoax known as the caravan as an invasion force storming the border.

This so called Caravan is TWO MONTHS from the border. It's numbers are falling.

The only legitimate voice on Fox News has said this Caravan story is a charade and is not an invasion.

Fox's Shep Smith rips Trump rhetoric on caravan: 'There is no invasion'

The caravan in April was also used to gin up fear among Trumpers. Remember? A total of 12 people were arrested.

This caravan Hoax is meant to gin up the base among the weak-minded and fearful. In other words the Trump voter.

For the rest of us, don't buy into the Hoax and vote out the Trumpian/Republican bums next Tuesday.
i don't get you. i really don't. you *seem* to want to be fair and honest yet you "obama" up fox news and try and pretend they're the only bad outlet that exists. hell i don't think fox is bad per se i do think they're inflammatory. i won't go to their website *ever* cause it always looked like flash ads took over their genitalia and very rookie in it's design. i don't even get fox news on my dish network so i *can't* watch it even if i wanted to.

but there is no hoax about this. they are coming and your seemingly desperate attempt to make it something else reeks of party bias, not mired in reality.

i'm a trump voter and i'll take you on at any time for debates on any current events topic. i've already seen you stereotype your way through things and seldom if ever actually think your way through them so this "debate" would be an epic asswhipping that would be over before it began.

so come on - pick a topic and don't they have a debate zone? this "weak minded" trump voter will be glad to show your stereotypes are full of shit.

Turning American into a Third-World $hithole...

One caravan of Illegal Aliens at a time...


Time's up, Libs... America has had enough of your $hit in this context... we'll take it from here.
How do you know they intend on entering the US illegally?
Because TV reporters went down their and asked them....ON TV.

Good one... :21:

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