The Caravan Hoax

The Trump Administration and its state news media, known as Fix News, has been pushing the Hoax known as the caravan as an invasion force storming the border.

This so called Caravan is TWO MONTHS from the border. It's numbers are falling.

The only legitimate voice on Fox News has said this Caravan story is a charade and is not an invasion.

Fox's Shep Smith rips Trump rhetoric on caravan: 'There is no invasion'

The caravan in April was also used to gin up fear among Trumpers. Remember? A total of 12 people were arrested.

This caravan Hoax is meant to gin up the base among the weak-minded and fearful. In other words the Trump voter.

For the rest of us, don't buy into the Hoax and vote out the Trumpian/Republican bums next Tuesday.
The caravan is purely political, Mexico has offered these fuckers food, housing and jobs, and they want no part of it.
That is proof it is political
NO ONE...not Beto O' for "open borders". That's a stupid and dishonest claim.

This whole thing is a nothing burger. The numbers of people in the caravan are already dwindling (as they always do) and when they get to the border...there will be hundreds, not thousands (as always happens) and they'll apply for asylum..

As always happens. ANd they won't reach the border for a month or more.

This has been happening for decades and that is how it plays out.
They are because their major donors are for open society (borders).
The Trump Administration and its state news media, known as Fix News, has been pushing the Hoax known as the caravan as an invasion force storming the border.

This so called Caravan is TWO MONTHS from the border. It's numbers are falling.

The only legitimate voice on Fox News as said this Caravan story is charade.

Fox's Shep Smith rips Trump rhetoric on caravan: 'There is no invasion'

The caravan in April was also used to gin up fear among Trumpers. Remember? A total of 12 people were arrested.

This caravan Hoax is meant to gin up the base among the weak-minded and fearful. Those people who hide under their covers at night and are afraid of their own shadows. In other words the Trump voter.
Is it true that thousands of Guatemalans waiving Guatemalan flags are marching through Mexico intent on entering the U.S. illegally?

Start there.
Two months away. Now less than 3500. After the mid terms it will be: "What caravan?"

After the midterms it will be 12 mothers and 2 fathers with their children that will be promptly kidnapped from th and put into jails in the desert.

Try that post again, in English this time please!

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