The carbon dioxide level is dangerously low

To bad the AGW cult has not provided a link to datasets with source code that proves CO2 drives climate.

Outside of what the IPCC, Giss and the noaa has posted we don't have such a dataset available.
To bad the AGW cult has not provided a link to datasets with source code that proves CO2 drives climate.

Outside of what the IPCC, Giss and the noaa has posted we don't have such a dataset available.

Another AGW cult fail.

They can not post one link to any real science that fits their belief other than AGW scripture.
Control the people, and kill those you can't control.

I mean where do you come up with this dribble? Where in the world did I say humans should operate according to killing those who disagree? Let me clarify, I believe in Social Democracy. I wonder how you can spin this to mean I want to kill people. Well, I know you'll figure out some way so let me also say I categorically refuse to kill people for any reason, period.

You obviously ignored my questions about what if we decided to vote on what color the sky was and everyone voted purple, does the sky become purple? Because if you think science works that way, why then do we not just vote floods and famine away?

Hell, let's do it right now. I vote to remove all floods and famine. Any since I'm sure we'd all agree, why then are there still floods and famine?

Because objective reality like floods and famine are not subject to human reason or democracy. I mean how stupid do you have to be to say this? Do you believe it?
Oh I forgot Westwall, it's say whatever the fuck you want without evidence day. So I'll say westwall is a neo-nazi rapist. Although I don't think he should be killed I do think someone should go to his house and remove the gun that's pointed at his head because no one is consciously as stupid as he is. There has to be someone controlling him that isn't rational.
History shows that regulated capitalism is the only system that works. There is no other option...
Does objective reality conform to human Democracy? So if people took a big vote and decided the sky was purple it would become purple? Or better yet, if everyone elected cars to become people, would cars suddenly become people?

Yep, reality is a dictator alright. It doesn't conform to our wishes. It just exists and if we don't like it tough shit.

So you do prefer dictatorship over democratic rule. Good to know but I can't say I'm surprised. All you progressives are pretty much alike. Control the people, and kill those you can't control.

So here we have it. Dumb fuck Walleyes believes that reality is subject to political desires. So now we know why he can post all the blad faced lies that he does.

Why do all of your "realities" revolve around dictatorships?:cuckoo:
To bad the AGW cult has not provided a link to datasets with source code that proves CO2 drives climate.

Outside of what the IPCC, Giss and the noaa has posted we don't have such a dataset available.

They only point to computer models. Nowhere is there even one iota of empirical data. Nowhere.
Control the people, and kill those you can't control.

I mean where do you come up with this dribble? Where in the world did I say humans should operate according to killing those who disagree? Let me clarify, I believe in Social Democracy. I wonder how you can spin this to mean I want to kill people. Well, I know you'll figure out some way so let me also say I categorically refuse to kill people for any reason, period.

You obviously ignored my questions about what if we decided to vote on what color the sky was and everyone voted purple, does the sky become purple? Because if you think science works that way, why then do we not just vote floods and famine away?

Hell, let's do it right now. I vote to remove all floods and famine. Any since I'm sure we'd all agree, why then are there still floods and famine?

Because objective reality like floods and famine are not subject to human reason or democracy. I mean how stupid do you have to be to say this? Do you believe it?

Yeah, we know.

Let me guess, he's your hero....

Hugo Chávez - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
What's a matter? Having trouble responding at a 2nd grade level? Again, you just ignore my questions because you know the answer and the answer makes you look insane. And I don't know enough about Chavez to care. Just like you he was a person and as far as people go, I guess they live and die. Is that a hero? Not really.
What's a matter? Having trouble responding at a 2nd grade level? Again, you just ignore my questions because you know the answer and the answer makes you look insane. And I don't know enough about Chavez to care. Just like you he was a person and as far as people go, I guess they live and die. Is that a hero? Not really.

Po pot

All the communist leaders that killed people if they tried to do better in life. This isn't what I wish to see for my country...sorry.
Matthew, most of your posts are not intelligible. It's like they are sound bytes of larger conversations. Either way, those folks are not communist. No more than Obama or any US president is. Just because you hear them referred to as communists doesn't mean they are. Communism as technically defined has nothing to do with USSR or any propaganda the US has propagated. If by communist you actually mean to say dictator, then say dictator, don't call them communists. Communism is a "political theory derived from Karl Marx, advocating class war and leading to a society in which all property is publicly owned and each person works and is paid according to their abilities and needs." Do you think the public in the USSR carried out their own murder? I mean how insane do you have to be? Just think for a second! Don't accept what the government tells you as fact. Often when the government says one thing, it means another. Maybe you don't care that words have real meanings and if so, let me know so I can write you off as yet another regular American.
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What's a matter? Having trouble responding at a 2nd grade level? Again, you just ignore my questions because you know the answer and the answer makes you look insane. And I don't know enough about Chavez to care. Just like you he was a person and as far as people go, I guess they live and die. Is that a hero? Not really.

He was a Social Democrat. I figured you would be conversant with the types of shitholes they create.
Matthew, most of your posts are not intelligible. It's like they are sound bytes of larger conversations. Either way, those folks are not communist. No more than Obama or any US president is. Just because you hear them referred to as communists doesn't mean they are. Communism as technically defined has nothing to do with USSR or any propaganda the US has propagated. If by communist you actually mean to say dictator, then say dictator, don't call them communists. Communism is a "political theory derived from Karl Marx, advocating class war and leading to a society in which all property is publicly owned and each person works and is paid according to their abilities and needs." Do you think the public in the USSR carried out their own murder? I mean how insane do you have to be? Just think for a second! Don't accept what the government tells you as fact. Often when the government says one thing, it means another. Maybe you don't care that words have real meanings and if so, let me know so I can write you off as yet another regular American.

"Regular American"? :lol::lol: You're clearly an irrational whatever the hell you are. Here's a suggestion....why don't you piss off and head back to whichever basement you inhabit, and we won't bother you any more.

More importantly, you won't bother anyone either.
I don't have to go to Venezuela or Cambodia for examples of progressives seeking
dictatorial powers.. We have a clear record with FDR and our new FDR Jr who's sitting
in the Oval Office right now.. You have the PROGRESSIVE wing of the Dem party pushing Obama
to make 2014 the year of action "with or without Congress".. Clearly, if they could, they would
bring back the Federal Movie Review Board from the FDR era and the great WPA programs that
involved labor practices and employment that would make any true "liberal" cringe today.

All in the name of obtaining and wielding power in THEIR image of what life you should lead.
Much like the posts that Gnarly makes exhorting us all to create heaven on earth by HIS designs.

All little dictators in their own right. To bring this back to topic -- and for Gnarly to SEE actual progressive ideals in this AGW movement..

"We need to get some broad based support, to capture the public's imagination... So we have to offer up scary scenarios, make simplified, dramatic statements and make little mention of any doubts... Each of us has to decide what the right balance is between being effective and being honest." - Stephen Schneider, lead author of many IPCC reports

"It doesn't matter what is true, it only matters what people believe is true." - Paul Watson, co-founder of Greenpeace

"We've got to ride this global warming issue. Even if the theory of global warming is wrong, we will be doing the right thing in terms of economic and environmental policy." - Timothy Wirth, President of the UN Foundation

"No matter if the science of global warming is all phony... climate change provides the greatest opportunity to bring about justice and equality in the world." - Christine Stewart, fmr Canadian Minister of the Environment

"The only way to get our society to truly change is to frighten people with the possibility of a catastrophe." - emeritus professor Daniel Botkin

"Isn't the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn't it our responsibility to bring that about?" - Maurice Strong, founder of the UN Environment Program

That last one ought to bring the GnarlyOne close to orgasm... Am I right??? Afterglow for you.. Light up. "our species is out of control ... if we don't control population -- nature will" -- Maurice Strong
do you only favor dictatorial leadership?

Does objective reality conform to human Democracy? So if people took a big vote and decided the sky was purple it would become purple? Or better yet, if everyone elected cars to become people, would cars suddenly become people?

Yep, reality is a dictator alright. It doesn't conform to our wishes. It just exists and if we don't like it tough shit.

It is DICTATORIAL for a board of 10 or 12 scientists to issue SWEEPING public policy statements on behalf of several THOUSAND accomplished scientists.. Those organizations collect dues BECAUSE the members want DISCOUNTS on conference fees, journal access, and Car Rentals. THAT'S why they HAVE a membership.. NOT BECAUSE the membership DESIRES or ADVOCATES taking positions on public policy.

So ---- YES --- the membership SHOULD be polled, the process SHOULD be opened up if they want to make those statements in the name of the membership. Anything else -- would be dictatorial and deceptive to the public dupes like GoldiRocks and Abraham and perhaps yourself who simply "count the votes" and can't weigh in on the details of the propositions..

In other words, most of the members of whatever organization you belong to told you "Ah shadup, stop spouting BS".
I don't have to go to Venezuela or Cambodia for examples of progressives seeking
dictatorial powers.. We have a clear record with FDR and our new FDR Jr who's sitting
in the Oval Office right now.. You have the PROGRESSIVE wing of the Dem party pushing Obama
to make 2014 the year of action "with or without Congress".. Clearly, if they could, they would
bring back the Federal Movie Review Board from the FDR era and the great WPA programs that
involved labor practices and employment that would make any true "liberal" cringe today.

All in the name of obtaining and wielding power in THEIR image of what life you should lead.
Much like the posts that Gnarly makes exhorting us all to create heaven on earth by HIS designs.

All little dictators in their own right. To bring this back to topic -- and for Gnarly to SEE actual progressive ideals in this AGW movement..

"We need to get some broad based support, to capture the public's imagination... So we have to offer up scary scenarios, make simplified, dramatic statements and make little mention of any doubts... Each of us has to decide what the right balance is between being effective and being honest." - Stephen Schneider, lead author of many IPCC reports

"It doesn't matter what is true, it only matters what people believe is true." - Paul Watson, co-founder of Greenpeace

"We've got to ride this global warming issue. Even if the theory of global warming is wrong, we will be doing the right thing in terms of economic and environmental policy." - Timothy Wirth, President of the UN Foundation

"No matter if the science of global warming is all phony... climate change provides the greatest opportunity to bring about justice and equality in the world." - Christine Stewart, fmr Canadian Minister of the Environment

"The only way to get our society to truly change is to frighten people with the possibility of a catastrophe." - emeritus professor Daniel Botkin

"Isn't the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn't it our responsibility to bring that about?" - Maurice Strong, founder of the UN Environment Program

That last one ought to bring the GnarlyOne close to orgasm... Am I right??? Afterglow for you.. Light up. "our species is out of control ... if we don't control population -- nature will" -- Maurice Strong

Ah yes, one of the "Conservatives" still spouting hate for ol' FDR. And therefore against reality in all of it's forms.

Well, buddy boy, most of the nation remembers FDR as one of the great Presidents. And thinks that people that spout the shit that you do are a few shy of a load.

So you attack science and real scientists out of political motives, not caring a whit about the truth.
What's a matter? Having trouble responding at a 2nd grade level? Again, you just ignore my questions because you know the answer and the answer makes you look insane. And I don't know enough about Chavez to care. Just like you he was a person and as far as people go, I guess they live and die. Is that a hero? Not really.

He was a Social Democrat. I figured you would be conversant with the types of shitholes they create.

Ah yes, such shitholes as Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Germany, all of which now have an average living standard higher than we have here.
Let's see the environmentalists attack this article @ The carbon dioxide level is dangerously low

We all know they will. :eusa_whistle:

The United States is needlessly penalizing itself and squandering its resource endowment, all because of the big lie that carbon dioxide is causing dangerous global warming. The Chinese, in contrast, merely pay lip service to that big lie. The only reason they are making a token effort on the “global warming” front is to encourage Western countries to continue hobbling their own economies. One can be forgiven for thinking that there must be some truth in the global warming notion given how much noise its advocates have made. But as with most causes promoted by leftist ideologues, the truth is exactly the opposite to their claim. The fact of the matter is the carbon dioxide level of the atmosphere remains dangerously low at four hundred parts per million. In fact the more carbon dioxide there is in the atmosphere, the better for all forms of life on planet Earth.


Do conservatives ever bother getting someone's bio before using them as a source?

David Archibald Exaggerates the Solar Influence on Future Climate Change
David Archibald Exaggerates the Solar Influence on Future Climate Change

"David Archibald is a climate "skeptic" who has been CEO of multiple oil and mineral exploration companies operating in Australia, and currently is part of the scientific advisory panel for the Australian Climate Science Coalition (ACSC) - a group of Australian fake skeptics which also includes Bob Carter, John McLean, David Evans, and Ian Plimer. Archibald is a major proponent of the "it's the sun" myth, and from time to time will publish a paper in Energy&Environment (the controversial journal which publishes "skeptic" research which is too erroneous to meet the standards in standard peer-reviewed journals), claiming that a decline in solar activity will lead to substantial cooling over the next few decades."

Ya. Why on Earth would a CEO of an oil company make anything up (rolls eyes.)
What's a matter? Having trouble responding at a 2nd grade level? Again, you just ignore my questions because you know the answer and the answer makes you look insane. And I don't know enough about Chavez to care. Just like you he was a person and as far as people go, I guess they live and die. Is that a hero? Not really.

He was a Social Democrat. I figured you would be conversant with the types of shitholes they create.

And here you accused me of supporting a dictator.

I thought your earlier post was about how I hated Democracy and wanted to control people.

Get your story straight. So which is it? Do I want to control those and kill whom I cant control or do I support a Democracy?

Ah, don't answer. I know youre literally too hateful to have a coherent answer.
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What's a matter? Having trouble responding at a 2nd grade level? Again, you just ignore my questions because you know the answer and the answer makes you look insane. And I don't know enough about Chavez to care. Just like you he was a person and as far as people go, I guess they live and die. Is that a hero? Not really.

He was a Social Democrat. I figured you would be conversant with the types of shitholes they create.

Ah yes, such shitholes as Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Germany, all of which now have an average living standard higher than we have here.

All of whom have now run out of money and are on the downhill slide. You can only take from people for so long before the caca hits the rotary oscillator. It also helps that the US helped rebuild them after WWII so their infrastructure was fresh.

I can go one, but Europe has enjoyed a long period of prosperity thanks to OUR money. It was our money from our servicemen that kept them going through the Cold War era. We are now gone and watch them decline.

Below are just a few articles dealing with Europe's impending implosion. There are hundreds more.

Financial Trouble for European Countries Continue to Loom | The Deal | Cavuto | Fox Business

Germany Could Be The Next Nation In Trouble In The European Debt Crisis, Report Warns

Britain the latest European country in deep financial trouble |

The European Union in deep trouble | The World

Europe's economy: Trouble at the core | The Economist

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