The case against Barack Obama grows daily!


Uppity Senior Citizen
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 20, 2009
As the truth trickles down, we learn more and more just how despicable is Barack Obama. He should expect to be criticized for his total failure in the Libyan Terrorist Attack debacle.

It is hard to believe the man can be so un-presidential and so totally inept.

Stupid people elected him our President...and stupid people will keep him in office unless enough of them wake up and see what a gutless liar he is.

Articles: Stand Down Obama and Biden, Stand Down

It's still largely unreported by the legacy media. Fox News has been a leader and there's been some coverage at CNN by Anderson Cooper, but PBS and the alphabets have been doing their best to keep from you the incompetence, treachery and outrageous behavior of the President, Vice President, Secretaries of State and Defense.

Read more: Articles: Stand Down Obama and Biden, Stand Down

We need to get rid of them all!


Arrest them all! For TREASON!
Excerpt from the linked article above:

He said the President was cold and appeared unsympathetic at the ceremony at which the bodies of the slain were returned. Secretary Clinton whispered that the administration was going to have the producer of the film trailer arrested, showing she was still playing the lying game and, at the same time, demonstrating the administration's utter disregard for the Free Speech guarantees of the Constitution. But that wasn't the worst of it. The rock bottom of sleaziness was the question asked by the Vice President:

"Did your son always have balls the size of cue balls?"

Straight from Biden filthy mouth.
I went to a Romney rally in a small Florida town with over 15,000 attendees of every age and ethnicity last night (My first political rally).

People parked and walked for 2+ miles along US41 to get there.
Do you know everything that happened? Is none of it the information, top secret, would you prefer we telegraph our secrets
Where are you getting your info from..........what was your stance on the war on terror with bush in office? Did you question national security then?

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