The case against Fani Willis

Thank you for the link. The word campaign exists exactly once at the link.

Here is the quote: "When I took out a large amount of money on my first campaign, I kept some of the cash of that. Like, to tell you, I just have cash in my house. I don't have as much today as I would normally have, but I'm building back up now. So you just put money in. It's a very good practice. I would advise it to all women."

That is not saying she took money out of her campaign finances (i.e. donor money). It's say she took a large amount of money out of her personal accounts, kept part of it in cash, AND THEN used the remainder (i.e. $50,000) to give to the campaign for funding.

If I take $60,000 out of my personal accounts, keep $10,000, and then donate $50,000 -- that does not mean I took $10K from a campaign account.

The key is she said she took money out (of her personal accounts) "on my first campaign", which does not mean took money FROM the campaign.


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She took large sums of money out of her campaign ... and kept some of the cash .. she explicitly stated "I took out a large amount of money on my first campaign ..I kept some of the cash of that .." she admitted to using campaign funds to fund her sexual exploits. You can spin it however you want .. she embezzled funds and admitted it. Oops.

Unethical, sexual driven encounter using campaign funds to have sexual encounters.
If Willis is removed from the case, the prosecution will likely never happen. It definitely won't happen before the election and that's the whole point of the exercise, - to delay this case until after the election and Trump wins, or seizes power.

The ONLY way Trump can have Willis removed from the case is to prove the she is financially benefitting from her prosecution of this case. She has to be proven to be making money from the prosecution.

To that end, Trump is claiming that Ms. Willis, who reports a net worth of $8 million and annual income of $1.5 million from multiple investments and sources, is prosecuting Donald Trump in order to obtain less than $20,000 in free travel benefits from Fulton County over the past 2+ years.

See also slut shaming. How dare this woman who has been divorced since 2005, have sex with a co-worker in 2022, who separated from his wife in 2019. What a slattern!! These black women have no morals.

Notice how "morality" is always defined by sex with these assholes. A woman who has sex is "immoral". A man who has sex is a real stud.
Again, for the slow and amazingly STUPID, Trump did not accuse her of anything, another defendant brought the Charges and Trump and several of the other Defendents joined the case.
She took large sums of money out of her campaign ... and kept some of the cash .. she explicitly stated "I took out a large amount of money on my first campaign ..I kept some of the cash of that .." she admitted to using campaign funds to fund her sexual exploits. You can spin it however you want .. she embezzled funds and admitted it. Oops.

Unethical, sexual driven encounter using campaign funds to have sexual encounters.

That isn't saying what you are trying to imply.

Took money out "ON my first campaign" not took money out "OF my first campaign".

"What I was talking about is I ran for judge. When I ran for judge, I took $50,000 of my personal money out of my retirement and that money ended up being lost. And I know when you bet on yourself, you're going to have to bet money on yourself. And so, what I was talking about was not wanting to go to the personal financial expense of running for office. By no means that I think that I was going to be financially in a bad position once I won. Let's talk about what I was up against because it's important to understand that comment."

Read the transcript and look at the context, she is clearly talking about her own money. She took out extra. If I take $60,000 out of my personal accounts, keep $10,000, and then donate $50,000 -- that does not mean I took $10K from a campaign account.

I mean at the end of the day, you are free to believe as you wish, but you claim is not what she said and the Judge will rule based on what's was presented in court and is in the transcripts.

That isn't saying what you are trying to imply.

Took money out "ON my first campaign" not took money out "OF my first campaign".

"What I was talking about is I ran for judge. When I ran for judge, I took $50,000 of my personal money out of my retirement and that money ended up being lost. And I know when you bet on yourself, you're going to have to bet money on yourself. And so, what I was talking about was not wanting to go to the personal financial expense of running for office. By no means that I think that I was going to be financially in a bad position once I won. Let's talk about what I was up against because it's important to understand that comment."

Read the transcript and look at the context, she is clearly talking about her own money. She took out extra. If I take $60,000 out of my personal accounts, keep $10,000, and then donate $50,000 -- that does not mean I took $10K from a campaign account.

I mean at the end of the day, you are free to believe as you wish, but you claim is not what she said and the Judge will rule based on what's was presented in court and is in the transcripts.

She can't even explain how she paid for her outstanding lean .. so sorry that your hope in Georgia isn't going well for you.

Who new everyone...

..... ..... ..... Being able to quote transcripts...

..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... From the actual trial...

..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... Is now "Fake News"!
:rofl: :rofl:

Oh - "different" kind of crook... uh-huh, so only Trumps kind of crookedness is what matters.
Crooks who wage war against and attempt coups against The United States government like Trump did sink to a different level of criminality.
Anymore dumb questions?
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Who cares how she paid off a tax bill, the woman is worth $8M and paid off a tax lien of $4600 at some point in the past.


Willis admitted she was had cash shortages .. It's laughable you're defending this unethical district attorney. Too many questions and not enough answers. How convenient she only pays cash for sexual ventures.
I am wondering what this has to do with the Georgia case against Trump and others.
I havent been following it closely so I might have missed something.
But she had an affair with a colleague on the case. That is not unusual in any walk of life. It seems that there are questions about some receipts.
But how does it impact on the case against trump. Ms Willis has already scalped several of the conspirators in this case. It doesnt look good for those who are still standing.
If she is brought down surely someone else would take up the case and see it to its conclusion ?
That is what would happen in a civilised country that is run by the rule of law.
I cant see a link between Ms Willis and the case against trump. It seems to be clutching at strawx.
Correct. There is nothing here that has a real impact on the Trump case. I’ve even heard the Trumpers try to claim that it was corrupt for her to hire her underqualified boyfriend. Well underqualified helps Trump so that argument is meaningless. I’ve asked several times for somebody to explain the actual connection to the case and nobody can. They just like to call her corrupt and demean her… red meat

This whole thing is a delay and distract tactic from Trump. Plain and simple
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Also Fani violated another legal statute by not disclosing the relationship. They had her read the stipulation for a D.A. to report any relationships with other lawyers on staff they are dating. She seemed to have no idea that law existed.
Was this guy staff or a private attorney hired as an outside contractor (special prosecutor)? Seem like a grey area
We are talking hundreds of thousands of cash gains. . . was that reported?
Huh? Where are you getting 100s of thousands from?

I thought the issue was in regards to approx $10k in vacation expenses over the course of two years.
I am wondering what this has to do with the Georgia case against Trump and others.
I havent been following it closely so I might have missed something.
But she had an affair with a colleague on the case. That is not unusual in any walk of life. It seems that there are questions about some receipts.
But how does it impact on the case against trump. Ms Willis has already scalped several of the conspirators in this case. It doesnt look good for those who are still standing.
If she is brought down surely someone else would take up the case and see it to its conclusion ?
That is what would happen in a civilised country that is run by the rule of law.
I cant see a link between Ms Willis and the case against trump. It seems to be clutching at strawx.
She is an obviously a corrupt individual who brought a corrupt prosecution to court. We cant believe anything from her investigation.
Again, for the slow and amazingly STUPID, Trump did not accuse her of anything, another defendant brought the Charges and Trump and several of the other Defendents joined the case.
All of this is just distracting tabloid static.
Even IF Willis is removed from this case that still would in no way exonerate your orange shoe clerk of his crime(s) in trying to steal the election after getting trounced by President Biden.
The evidence is still going to be there....and it is extremely damning.
To think that this trumped up "gotcha" scandal (pun intended) involving Willis is going to kill or even alter the case against inmate number.” P01135809 is just folly.
She is an obviously a corrupt individual who brought a corrupt prosecution to court. We cant believe anything from her investigation.
That’s the great thing about the courts. You don’t just believe the prosecutors… they need to prove their case using evidence. I know it’s a wild concept for you Trumpers but that’s how it works.
Willis admitted she was had cash shortages .. It's laughable you're defending this unethical district attorney. Too many questions and not enough answers. How convenient she only pays cash for sexual ventures.

Dude cash "shortages" for multi-millionares and cash "shortages" are on completely different scales. She was a successful private attorney before taking the pay cut to be a DA.

There is a term for "to many questions" it's called sealioning. The only reason the question are made up is because she dared charge FPOTUS#45.

Well, nobody has proven he broke the law.

And yes, this impacts Trump case, and well..every case she's brought...she is now proven to have committed a fraud on the court. Nothing she touched can be credible

Much like when you all put your faith in Michael Avanitti....I am starting to see a trend among the Dembots and their "get trump" heroes .... they are all crooked

Not only has it been "proven", some of his co-conspirators have already confessed and plead guilty.

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