the case for Democratic Socialism & against white nationalism

Try making sense before you post.
Yes, you should make sense before you post shit like Bernie's Socialism is all about taking money from those that work and giving it to those that dont...

Bernie Sanders is an advocate for effective government.

You aren't and should own it and stop with the misrepresentations of things that YOU don't understand.
Boy, I have been around a long time, and I know everything about how fucked up Socialism is. You on the other hand have been publicly indoctrinated to think that what is mine should also be yours, and again, I am willing to give up what is mine, just with a loud bang, followed by a piercing hole somewhere in your body. Bernie is a typical lefties stooge who says "Everyone should be paid equal" then he goes out and buys up three $600,000 houses, not willing to share them with you. Dont you find that somewhat troubling? No? My picture of a typical liberal is just below.

View attachment 235827

Kid, I’ve been around long enough to know bullshit when I see it. You conservatives throw the term socialism around like trinkets at a circus.

And then with the very communist canard of true power only comes from the barrel of a gun.

Grow up not just old would my advise.
I am not a conservative but a libertarian conservative and do not want any fucking government interfering in my life when I dont break the law. You on the other hand are a fucking loser, who cant use your God given gifts to make something of yourself, so have to have Uncle Bernie come in and hold your sorry ass hand while you piss. Go to Cuba, if you want socialism, it is the liberal Socialist Paradise, that the 1/2 white faggot community agitator opened up for you...

You must have got the janitors job that you were hoping for.
the bad news is instead of going forward together, demagogues like Trump win elections by dividing america.

too many of us get angry at the wrong people.

it was not immigrants picking strawberries at 8 bucks an hour that wrecked the economy in 2008.

it was not transgender people who threw out millions of workers on the streets as factories shut down

Crazy Bernie must, for the sake of our grandchildren and our kids, bring our people together around a progressive agenda and defeat Trump decisively in 2020!
It was immigrants growing an insurmountable burden for their care, feeding and satisfaction.

It was transgender people demanding children to mold into their own reprehensible ideals and punishing those who won't agree with them.

The evil and perverted left would have you hate the person that pays your wages, puts food in your mouth and a roof over your head. To the left, the world is only good when everyone is on the dole.
Yes, you should make sense before you post shit like Bernie's Socialism is all about taking money from those that work and giving it to those that dont...

Bernie Sanders is an advocate for effective government.

You aren't and should own it and stop with the misrepresentations of things that YOU don't understand.
Boy, I have been around a long time, and I know everything about how fucked up Socialism is. You on the other hand have been publicly indoctrinated to think that what is mine should also be yours, and again, I am willing to give up what is mine, just with a loud bang, followed by a piercing hole somewhere in your body. Bernie is a typical lefties stooge who says "Everyone should be paid equal" then he goes out and buys up three $600,000 houses, not willing to share them with you. Dont you find that somewhat troubling? No? My picture of a typical liberal is just below.

View attachment 235827

Kid, I’ve been around long enough to know bullshit when I see it. You conservatives throw the term socialism around like trinkets at a circus.

And then with the very communist canard of true power only comes from the barrel of a gun.

Grow up not just old would my advise.
I am not a conservative but a libertarian conservative and do not want any fucking government interfering in my life when I dont break the law. You on the other hand are a fucking loser, who cant use your God given gifts to make something of yourself, so have to have Uncle Bernie come in and hold your sorry ass hand while you piss. Go to Cuba, if you want socialism, it is the liberal Socialist Paradise, that the 1/2 white faggot community agitator opened up for you...

You must have got the janitors job that you were hoping for.
Ohhh, you hurt my feelings...Bwaaahhhaaaahhaaaa...Took the skills job of fixing jets to Saudi Arabia, you know where Obama bowed to the king to suck his dick, and made oodles of dollars, all tax FREEEEEEEEE...…..I worked hard for that money and dont like it that the government now comes and tells me I have to give it up so dickheads like you cant collect FREE stuff...
Don't like Exxon not selling gas to you? Start your own oil refinery. Don't like Ford not telling you about the safety recall on your F-150? Start your own truck company. Don't like Pfizer not selling you that hypertension medicine? Get your own FDA approval.

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