The Catholic Church Has So Many Child Molestation Cases...


Gold Member
Apr 26, 2016
Williamsburg, KY
The Pope just fired the guy that headed up the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, an office at the Vatican that handles the cases of child rape in the Catholic church. Yes, you heard that right, the Vatican has an office dedicated to handling the cases of child molestation by members of the Catholic church. That tells you just how bad it is.

"Perhaps sensing a need to change course, Francis declined to renew the mandate of German Cardinal Gerhard Mueller as prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, the Vatican office that processes and evaluates all cases of priests accused of raping or molesting minors.

During Mueller's five-year term, the congregation amassed a 2,000-case backlog and came under blistering criticism from Irish abuse survivor Marie Collins, who had been tapped by Francis in 2014 to advise the church on caring for abuse victims and protecting children from pedophile priests."

Pope removes German cardinal as sex abuse crisis catches up

Where is the outrage on this forum?
It's a solvable problem, but they never listen to sound advice.
THE IRONY is that they claim to be
pro-creation, and yet they "HINDER" and supress that natural urge given us in order to move forward & procreate by celibacy rules that are counter procreation.
So remove the restrictions to our natural make up of being procreators=remove the silly celibacy demands of the priests.
There's other things they have to do as well to solve this problem, like the brushing down the line the accused by moving them to new parishes, the *revictimizing the victims
( Church Leaders Who Revictimize Abuse Victims and Theology That Harms Both Victims and Perpetrators )
does not help in admission or addressing the issues nor does protecting the image by hiding and sweeping it under the rug.
Good thing the Media is not affraid to speak out like they used to hide these things in the past. A problem out in the open is a more likely solved problem.
Note: Nuns are many times a victim of this abuse, that has to be addressed regarding abuses of power, but the Celibacy issue has to be the root cause of the lax in control and sound judgement & mind set.
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Yes they have cases, but I don't believe most of it, and if one put all non RC preachers today and rabbis you'd find the same no.

Of course the RCC is vulnerable , because Protestants do not like Catholics and also because they have money.
Those movies on TV are about a couple priests,

and I read the rabbi pedophiles in NY get sent to Israel and vice versa.
No the numbers comparing Rabbis & Priests aren't even close and your excuses are the problem that allowed it to get this bad.
Yes some claims will be false, but they can't claim they know about repentance when they do what you just did displacing and deflecting blames instead of first step admitting there is a problem-This step is called vidui.
Second- Feeling regret that one sinned.
Third- adressing the problem to not repeat the problem,
forth when applicable- restitutions.
This is the common sense comments I made decades ago about the issue of celibacy and how those religious leaders who did not have celibacy restraints did not have these problems.

Isn't celibacy the problem leading to this act since it's not an uncommon event as we learn of the many cases of priests contracting aids, abuses and rapes of children & Nuns by Priests?

In other words if other churches have no celibacy tradition and the RCC does, then if this trend is mainly a problem in the RCC priesthood we thus can conclude it's the issue of celibacy that should be addressed especially since it's anti human nature to be celibate since we were created with that desire and drive to procreate, to resist it is to bottle up something humans can not always control.

My web page from the mid 90's (the MSM was still too affraid to discuss this stuff, because of boycotts and religious backlash)
Church Denial & Abuses
Churches spiritual Abuse:
Spiritual abuse is the misuse of a position of power, leadership, or influence to further the selfish interests of someone other than the individual who needs help. Sometimes abuse arises out of a doctrinal position. At other times it occurs because of legitimate personal needs of a leader that are being met by illegitimate means. Spiritually abusive religious systems are sometimes described as legalistic, mind controlling, religiously addictive, and authoritarian.
Abusive religions must distinguish themselves from all other religions so they can claim to be distinctive and therefore special to God. This is usually done by majoring on minor issues such as prophecy, carrying biblical law to extremes, or using strange methods of biblical interpretation. This is why the religion seperated from the original Judaic teachings and added texts to the Bible while taking away and changing important spiritual laws and creating twists to everything.
The same people who did this to the origional faith, have the nerve to claim other faiths do this to their Gospels. Besides being Hypocritical of this fact, they confuse correcting mistakes as being additions to their works when it's just bringing the strays back where they belong.

Cover up or denial
The abusive religious system is scrupulous to maintain an image of righteousness. The organization's history is often misrepresented in the effort to demonstrate the organization's special relationship to God. The mistaken judgements and character flaws of its leaders are denied or covered up in order to validate their authority.

Here's an Example of Coverup and Denial
The Roman Catholic Church Addresses it's sexual abuse by revictimizing and also blaming the parents,
and refuse to solve the problems or institute some solution. A Court Jury accused the Diocese of Concealment, Malice and cover up.
It is documented fact that 10% of the number in Roman catholic Church have the abuse problem.
Over 10,000 have sought help from Abuse by the Roman Catholic Church alone and that's only the ones knowing of this help and coming forward, (#'s are from one social service only) so the total Numbers would be staggering.
90% of all abuses informed of are from Catholic Churches. (hint:the celibacy?)
'76-83' over 300 Priests have checked in to a special program for treatment for abusers. This Program
is yet to be reactivated. An Archbishop and a Cardinal have been part of cover ups and have solved the problem by reassigning the abusers.

Example Sample of Some Serious Religious Abuse
Three Los Angeles area women were convicted of murder and assult in last years paddling death of a five year old girl. The trio reportedly was trying to "strike the Devil" out of the girl for turning cartwheels indoors.
Deborah Elizabeth Reynolds reportedly whipped her daughters bare buttocks with a board until she bled while Julia Ann Olivas and Esther Rebecca Griggs held her down.
Prosecuters say the women who often met for religious study and took methamphetamine drugs and paddled their children.
MORE /cut from a chat:
Puzzled One : . . . . msg#6166 Wed, Jun 18, 4:08PM PST (-0700 GMT)
As a recovering Catholic I have enjoyed visiting sites like this. I grew up in an extremely religiously addicted family. We went without proper food and clothing so that our family could consistently be the #1 contributors in money to our parish, and we were every year. Most Sundays we had to go to two masses. We had to pray unceasingly and we had to pray the family rosary every night. Almost every day someone in our house got a beating, usually my mother, and I got the most beatings of the kids. We were constantly told we were going to hell because we didn't measure up to what God wanted and we certainly was inherently depraved. And in this same household I saw my baby sister die from abuse and neglect. When I was 10 years old I became a mass server to better please God and the priest sodomized me about twice a week for the next 3 years. For forty years I never breathed a word to anyone what I saw and experienced. All these years since I have tried to remain a good Catholic until 5 years ago when I went and told the Catholic hierarchy my story. I guess I was terribly naive; I thought if everything else in the world went to hell my church would be there for me when the chips were down. Well, they were not. In fact I was quickly labeled a malcontent and a church bashing trouble maker. Today the thing I grieve most is the fact that I believe that severe abuse by a trusted individual is "soul murder". For some reason today I have a problem even going near a church. Today when someone tells me they are a christian I want to get the hell away from them before they do something bad to me. I need to talk to others, especially those where religion is part of the scenario of their abuse. Thanks for listening.
(result of this plee and cry were more cold and vicious attacks by people claiming he's lying and causing trouble, all for spilling his heart out. Do they ever learn?)

They can only learn if you take the time to spread these pages and help us educate people. Please support the awakening by promoting these to NG's,friends, ICQ,
chats, discussion boards, classroom discussions, and bible schools.
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This is the common sense comments I made decades ago about the issue of celibacy and how those religious leaders who did not have celibacy restraints did not have these problems.

Isn't celibacy the problem leading to this act since it's not an uncommon event as we learn of the many cases of priests contracting aids, abuses and rapes of children & Nuns by Priests?

In other words if other churches have no celibacy tradition and the RCC does, then if this trend is mainly a problem in the RCC priesthood we thus can conclude it's the issue of celibacy that should be addressed especially since it's anti human nature to be celibate since we were created with that desire and drive to procreate, to resist it is to bottle up something humans can not always control.

My web page from the mid 90's (the MSM was still too affraid to discuss this stuff, because of boycotts and religious backlash)
Church Denial & Abuses
Churches spiritual Abuse:
Spiritual abuse is the misuse of a position of power, leadership, or influence to further the selfish interests of someone other than the individual who needs help. Sometimes abuse arises out of a doctrinal position. At other times it occurs because of legitimate personal needs of a leader that are being met by illegitimate means. Spiritually abusive religious systems are sometimes described as legalistic, mind controlling, religiously addictive, and authoritarian.
Abusive religions must distinguish themselves from all other religions so they can claim to be distinctive and therefore special to God. This is usually done by majoring on minor issues such as prophecy, carrying biblical law to extremes, or using strange methods of biblical interpretation. This is why the religion seperated from the original Judaic teachings and added texts to the Bible while taking away and changing important spiritual laws and creating twists to everything.
The same people who did this to the origional faith, have the nerve to claim other faiths do this to their Gospels. Besides being Hypocritical of this fact, they confuse correcting mistakes as being additions to their works when it's just bringing the strays back where they belong.

Cover up or denial
The abusive religious system is scrupulous to maintain an image of righteousness. The organization's history is often misrepresented in the effort to demonstrate the organization's special relationship to God. The mistaken judgements and character flaws of its leaders are denied or covered up in order to validate their authority.

Here's an Example of Coverup and Denial
The Roman Catholic Church Addresses it's sexual abuse by revictimizing and also blaming the parents,
and refuse to solve the problems or institute some solution. A Court Jury accused the Diocese of Concealment, Malice and cover up.
It is documented fact that 10% of the number in Roman catholic Church have the abuse problem.
Over 10,000 have sought help from Abuse by the Roman Catholic Church alone and that's only the ones knowing of this help and coming forward, (#'s are from one social service only) so the total Numbers would be staggering.
90% of all abuses informed of are from Catholic Churches. (hint:the celibacy?)
'76-83' over 300 Priests have checked in to a special program for treatment for abusers. This Program
is yet to be reactivated. An Archbishop and a Cardinal have been part of cover ups and have solved the problem by reassigning the abusers.

Example Sample of Some Serious Religious Abuse
Three Los Angeles area women were convicted of murder and assult in last years paddling death of a five year old girl. The trio reportedly was trying to "strike the Devil" out of the girl for turning cartwheels indoors.
Deborah Elizabeth Reynolds reportedly whipped her daughters bare buttocks with a board until she bled while Julia Ann Olivas and Esther Rebecca Griggs held her down.
Prosecuters say the women who often met for religious study and took methamphetamine drugs and paddled their children.
MORE /cut from a chat:
Puzzled One : . . . . msg#6166 Wed, Jun 18, 4:08PM PST (-0700 GMT)
As a recovering Catholic I have enjoyed visiting sites like this. I grew up in an extremely religiously addicted family. We went without proper food and clothing so that our family could consistently be the #1 contributors in money to our parish, and we were every year. Most Sundays we had to go to two masses. We had to pray unceasingly and we had to pray the family rosary every night. Almost every day someone in our house got a beating, usually my mother, and I got the most beatings of the kids. We were constantly told we were going to hell because we didn't measure up to what God wanted and we certainly was inherently depraved. And in this same household I saw my baby sister die from abuse and neglect. When I was 10 years old I became a mass server to better please God and the priest sodomized me about twice a week for the next 3 years. For forty years I never breathed a word to anyone what I saw and experienced. All these years since I have tried to remain a good Catholic until 5 years ago when I went and told the Catholic hierarchy my story. I guess I was terribly naive; I thought if everything else in the world went to hell my church would be there for me when the chips were down. Well, they were not. In fact I was quickly labeled a malcontent and a church bashing trouble maker. Today the thing I grieve most is the fact that I believe that severe abuse by a trusted individual is "soul murder". For some reason today I have a problem even going near a church. Today when someone tells me they are a christian I want to get the hell away from them before they do something bad to me. I need to talk to others, especially those where religion is part of the scenario of their abuse. Thanks for listening.
(result of this plee and cry were more cold and vicious attacks by people claiming he's lying and causing trouble, all for spilling his heart out. Do they ever learn?)

They can only learn if you take the time to spread these pages and help us educate people. Please support the awakening by promoting these to NG's,friends, ICQ,
chats, discussion boards, classroom discussions, and bible schools.
Too much copy&paste. No one will read it. You lose.
The Pope just fired the guy that headed up the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, an office at the Vatican that handles the cases of child rape in the Catholic church. Yes, you heard that right, the Vatican has an office dedicated to handling the cases of child molestation by members of the Catholic church. That tells you just how bad it is.

"Perhaps sensing a need to change course, Francis declined to renew the mandate of German Cardinal Gerhard Mueller as prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, the Vatican office that processes and evaluates all cases of priests accused of raping or molesting minors.

During Mueller's five-year term, the congregation amassed a 2,000-case backlog and came under blistering criticism from Irish abuse survivor Marie Collins, who had been tapped by Francis in 2014 to advise the church on caring for abuse victims and protecting children from pedophile priests."

Pope removes German cardinal as sex abuse crisis catches up

Where is the outrage on this forum?


Don't look to the catholics.

It was two popes ago, I think, who was in charge of shuffling priests around in order to supply them with new victims. It's especially horrifying that catholics know this and yet take their children to priests.

If all the religious cults, catholicism is the worst.

Though the sharia law fundie thumpers are working hard to catch up.

Sent from my iPad using
This is the common sense comments I made decades ago about the issue of celibacy and how those religious leaders who did not have celibacy restraints did not have these problems.

Isn't celibacy the problem leading to this act since it's not an uncommon event as we learn of the many cases of priests contracting aids, abuses and rapes of children & Nuns by Priests?

In other words if other churches have no celibacy tradition and the RCC does, then if this trend is mainly a problem in the RCC priesthood we thus can conclude it's the issue of celibacy that should be addressed especially since it's anti human nature to be celibate since we were created with that desire and drive to procreate, to resist it is to bottle up something humans can not always control.

My web page from the mid 90's (the MSM was still too affraid to discuss this stuff, because of boycotts and religious backlash)
Church Denial & Abuses
Churches spiritual Abuse:
Spiritual abuse is the misuse of a position of power, leadership, or influence to further the selfish interests of someone other than the individual who needs help. Sometimes abuse arises out of a doctrinal position. At other times it occurs because of legitimate personal needs of a leader that are being met by illegitimate means. Spiritually abusive religious systems are sometimes described as legalistic, mind controlling, religiously addictive, and authoritarian.
Abusive religions must distinguish themselves from all other religions so they can claim to be distinctive and therefore special to God. This is usually done by majoring on minor issues such as prophecy, carrying biblical law to extremes, or using strange methods of biblical interpretation. This is why the religion seperated from the original Judaic teachings and added texts to the Bible while taking away and changing important spiritual laws and creating twists to everything.
The same people who did this to the origional faith, have the nerve to claim other faiths do this to their Gospels. Besides being Hypocritical of this fact, they confuse correcting mistakes as being additions to their works when it's just bringing the strays back where they belong.

Cover up or denial
The abusive religious system is scrupulous to maintain an image of righteousness. The organization's history is often misrepresented in the effort to demonstrate the organization's special relationship to God. The mistaken judgements and character flaws of its leaders are denied or covered up in order to validate their authority.

Here's an Example of Coverup and Denial
The Roman Catholic Church Addresses it's sexual abuse by revictimizing and also blaming the parents,
and refuse to solve the problems or institute some solution. A Court Jury accused the Diocese of Concealment, Malice and cover up.
It is documented fact that 10% of the number in Roman catholic Church have the abuse problem.
Over 10,000 have sought help from Abuse by the Roman Catholic Church alone and that's only the ones knowing of this help and coming forward, (#'s are from one social service only) so the total Numbers would be staggering.
90% of all abuses informed of are from Catholic Churches. (hint:the celibacy?)
'76-83' over 300 Priests have checked in to a special program for treatment for abusers. This Program
is yet to be reactivated. An Archbishop and a Cardinal have been part of cover ups and have solved the problem by reassigning the abusers.

Example Sample of Some Serious Religious Abuse
Three Los Angeles area women were convicted of murder and assult in last years paddling death of a five year old girl. The trio reportedly was trying to "strike the Devil" out of the girl for turning cartwheels indoors.
Deborah Elizabeth Reynolds reportedly whipped her daughters bare buttocks with a board until she bled while Julia Ann Olivas and Esther Rebecca Griggs held her down.
Prosecuters say the women who often met for religious study and took methamphetamine drugs and paddled their children.
MORE /cut from a chat:
Puzzled One : . . . . msg#6166 Wed, Jun 18, 4:08PM PST (-0700 GMT)
As a recovering Catholic I have enjoyed visiting sites like this. I grew up in an extremely religiously addicted family. We went without proper food and clothing so that our family could consistently be the #1 contributors in money to our parish, and we were every year. Most Sundays we had to go to two masses. We had to pray unceasingly and we had to pray the family rosary every night. Almost every day someone in our house got a beating, usually my mother, and I got the most beatings of the kids. We were constantly told we were going to hell because we didn't measure up to what God wanted and we certainly was inherently depraved. And in this same household I saw my baby sister die from abuse and neglect. When I was 10 years old I became a mass server to better please God and the priest sodomized me about twice a week for the next 3 years. For forty years I never breathed a word to anyone what I saw and experienced. All these years since I have tried to remain a good Catholic until 5 years ago when I went and told the Catholic hierarchy my story. I guess I was terribly naive; I thought if everything else in the world went to hell my church would be there for me when the chips were down. Well, they were not. In fact I was quickly labeled a malcontent and a church bashing trouble maker. Today the thing I grieve most is the fact that I believe that severe abuse by a trusted individual is "soul murder". For some reason today I have a problem even going near a church. Today when someone tells me they are a christian I want to get the hell away from them before they do something bad to me. I need to talk to others, especially those where religion is part of the scenario of their abuse. Thanks for listening.
(result of this plee and cry were more cold and vicious attacks by people claiming he's lying and causing trouble, all for spilling his heart out. Do they ever learn?)

They can only learn if you take the time to spread these pages and help us educate people. Please support the awakening by promoting these to NG's,friends, ICQ,
chats, discussion boards, classroom discussions, and bible schools.

Celibacy is unnatural but it's not the cause of pedophilia.

Muddy is right - I didn't read the rest.

Sent from my iPad using
The Pope just fired the guy that headed up the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, an office at the Vatican that handles the cases of child rape in the Catholic church. Yes, you heard that right, the Vatican has an office dedicated to handling the cases of child molestation by members of the Catholic church. That tells you just how bad it is.

"Perhaps sensing a need to change course, Francis declined to renew the mandate of German Cardinal Gerhard Mueller as prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, the Vatican office that processes and evaluates all cases of priests accused of raping or molesting minors.

During Mueller's five-year term, the congregation amassed a 2,000-case backlog and came under blistering criticism from Irish abuse survivor Marie Collins, who had been tapped by Francis in 2014 to advise the church on caring for abuse victims and protecting children from pedophile priests."

Pope removes German cardinal as sex abuse crisis catches up

Where is the outrage on this forum?
Since this is not an issue with the Eastern Orthodox Church it indicates that the main problem is due to celibacy.

The Pope should therefore authorize and encourage Catholic priests and nuns to get married.

That should solve the problem.

Nothing like a good nun to quell your lust. They need it too.
I find it odd that the Catholics use the euphemistic term, "Doctrine of the Faith" as the office that handles priest pedophilia. Maybe if they call it Office of Doctrine of Faith, it isn't pedophilia.

In the USA, it would be child endangerment to leave a child alone with a priest. I think that it should be illegal for a parent to do that.
You know my whole point in posting this thread was to point out that things are so bad that the Catholic church had to set up an actual office at the Vatican just to handle all the molestation cases because there were so many. I mean we aren't talking about a few occasions where some branch of the Vatican could handle it along with their regular duties. No, they had to create a group specifically for this purpose. That's beyond sad.

What's worse is that it isn't just a sin of molesting children, the majority of the time it is young boys.

Sadly, this kind of thing used to happen in the old days and was actually accepted practice, and they would want the castrato boy who looks pre-pubescent. These boys would be kept like sex slaves.

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