The CDC Is A for-profit corporation, owning more than 50 different vaccine patents

Them owning the patents doesn't freak me out. Its the talk of making vaccines and shit mandatory. That's fucking scary

You do realize that vaccines have been mandatory many times in American history- right?

And that saved the lives of thousands- maybe hundreds of thousands?

The first mandatory vaccination law in the United States was enacted in 1809 in Massachusetts, giving the government the power to enforce mandatory vaccination or quarantine in the event of a disease (smallpox) outbreak that posed a threat to the public health (10).
I get that. But it doesn't mean it isn't scary to me. As I am not a statist.
Quarantines I get. I was talking about small pox and shit for babies. That is NOT the governments call. IDK if you notice, but they are all fucking idiots.

Still, if I were a terrorist who had zealots lining up to die for “the cause”? Multidrug resistant TB. Easy to infect ‘em with, send them out into american malls, airports, sporting events, mass transit stations, Wall Street offices, govt buildings, parks, PTA meetings? Cough. Done. And the time lag of infection would render the perps undetectable until it was too late. Societal pandemonium, total economic colapse. Total military impotence in regards to defense against.
That would be a way to do it for sure. But still, is the answer force?

I guess that's open to individual interpretation, but I'm glad I was vaccinated against TB. Same for polio, small pox, hep A and hep B. The last two I was forced to by an employer as I was working in hep C research and had to isloate live hep C retrovirus out of diseased patient liver tissue. Still, I would have done it anyway, would have been silly not to. Even now every employer I've ever had over the past two and a half decades strong armed me to get a yearly flu shot understanding you just can't have empoyees walking around major biomedical research center university hospitals, VA's, and big pharma corporate centers infecting patients and each other. And it of course feeds into their own concerns of their bottom line

And yet, my initial reaction to being told I must do anything is to always resist.

Perhaps another pandemic would bring it closer to home again for more of us. I don't know what the right thing is for others, not my decision. But it's odd to me that as a culture we bristle at what we think the government forces on us versus what an employer does; we accept that all the time. I get that the argument is we can always leave, but we very, very seldom do, we very, very seldom really can, especially if we're encumbered with a family and kids in school. Employers know this.

My current employer this year has done what employers have been doing for decades regarding “healthcare”; it’s getting worse again like it does every year, well before the ACA, it’s a much longer trajectory than that. Deductibles went up 300% for less coverage and one “option”, premiums went up again as well. And they will line us up like cattle this summer to draw blood from every employee to determine (ostensibly only to determine) if you’re a cigarette smoker or not, premium rates being higher for those who do, and they need to make sure they’re not being cheated by their employees. I don’t smoke, but I will be gone by then, I’m no one’s property, keep your fuggin’ money. Folks that untrustworthy cannot be trusted.

I guess that kinda explains my own reaction to force.
Them owning the patents doesn't freak me out. Its the talk of making vaccines and shit mandatory. That's fucking scary

You do realize that vaccines have been mandatory many times in American history- right?

And that saved the lives of thousands- maybe hundreds of thousands?

The first mandatory vaccination law in the United States was enacted in 1809 in Massachusetts, giving the government the power to enforce mandatory vaccination or quarantine in the event of a disease (smallpox) outbreak that posed a threat to the public health (10).
I get that. But it doesn't mean it isn't scary to me. As I am not a statist.
Quarantines I get. I was talking about small pox and shit for babies. That is NOT the governments call. IDK if you notice, but they are all fucking idiots.

Governments eliminated small pox. Pretty amazing for being fucking idiots.
What is actually scary to me are the anti-vaxxers who don't vaccinate their own children- that is like them choosing not to have their kids wear seat belts- but beyond that is that the anti-vaxxers put at risk the lives of infants and others who cannot be vaccinated.
Them owning the patents doesn't freak me out. Its the talk of making vaccines and shit mandatory. That's fucking scary

You do realize that vaccines have been mandatory many times in American history- right?

And that saved the lives of thousands- maybe hundreds of thousands?

The first mandatory vaccination law in the United States was enacted in 1809 in Massachusetts, giving the government the power to enforce mandatory vaccination or quarantine in the event of a disease (smallpox) outbreak that posed a threat to the public health (10).
I get that. But it doesn't mean it isn't scary to me. As I am not a statist.
Quarantines I get. I was talking about small pox and shit for babies. That is NOT the governments call. IDK if you notice, but they are all fucking idiots.

Governments eliminated small pox. Pretty amazing for being fucking idiots.
What is actually scary to me are the anti-vaxxers who don't vaccinate their own children- that is like them choosing not to have their kids wear seat belts- but beyond that is that the anti-vaxxers put at risk the lives of infants and others who cannot be vaccinated.
And polio. I remember in the early fifties visiting a family and one of the boys was not there. When I asked why, I was told he was in an Iron lung, and the prognosis was not good.
Them owning the patents doesn't freak me out. Its the talk of making vaccines and shit mandatory. That's fucking scary

You do realize that vaccines have been mandatory many times in American history- right?

And that saved the lives of thousands- maybe hundreds of thousands?

The first mandatory vaccination law in the United States was enacted in 1809 in Massachusetts, giving the government the power to enforce mandatory vaccination or quarantine in the event of a disease (smallpox) outbreak that posed a threat to the public health (10).
I get that. But it doesn't mean it isn't scary to me. As I am not a statist.
Quarantines I get. I was talking about small pox and shit for babies. That is NOT the governments call. IDK if you notice, but they are all fucking idiots.

Governments eliminated small pox. Pretty amazing for being fucking idiots.
What is actually scary to me are the anti-vaxxers who don't vaccinate their own children- that is like them choosing not to have their kids wear seat belts- but beyond that is that the anti-vaxxers put at risk the lives of infants and others who cannot be vaccinated.
I was talking about our govt. and all the gives did was cooperate. It was lead by the WHO if I'm not mistaken
Them owning the patents doesn't freak me out. Its the talk of making vaccines and shit mandatory. That's fucking scary

You do realize that vaccines have been mandatory many times in American history- right?

And that saved the lives of thousands- maybe hundreds of thousands?

The first mandatory vaccination law in the United States was enacted in 1809 in Massachusetts, giving the government the power to enforce mandatory vaccination or quarantine in the event of a disease (smallpox) outbreak that posed a threat to the public health (10).
I get that. But it doesn't mean it isn't scary to me. As I am not a statist.
Quarantines I get. I was talking about small pox and shit for babies. That is NOT the governments call. IDK if you notice, but they are all fucking idiots.

Governments eliminated small pox. Pretty amazing for being fucking idiots.
What is actually scary to me are the anti-vaxxers who don't vaccinate their own children- that is like them choosing not to have their kids wear seat belts- but beyond that is that the anti-vaxxers put at risk the lives of infants and others who cannot be vaccinated.

The Government put SMALL POX in the blankets of Native AMericans too.............
see how much the Government back then just loved as one.. Guess what they still want your health all for your money.
A 2002 study published in the Journal of Biomedical Sciences, for instance, observed a causal effect between the MMR vaccine and autism, particularly with regards to the measles portion of the vaccine. The researchers from Utah State University concluded that MMR is capable of inducing an abnormal measles infection in some children, which in turn can lead to neurological problems that fall under the umbrella of ASD.
Heavy metals, adjuvants, preservatives and other vaccine additives all linked to causing autism

Perhaps the most interesting aspect of Walia’s extensive research on the subject is the fact that there appear to be multiple ingredients in vaccines responsible for triggering autism. Besides toxic metals like aluminum and mercury, vaccines also contain adjuvant materials, preservatives and other additives that have all been identified as culprits in the studies listed in his article. Realistically, each of these additives is most likely toxic both in isolation and in combination with the other additives, eliciting compounded toxicity depending on the mixture.

“Oxidative stress, brain inflammation and microgliosis have been much documented in association with toxic exposures including various heavy metals,” admits one study out of Massachusetts General Hospital, which verified that autistic individuals possess a unique type of neuroinflammation in their brain tissue that points to vaccine damage.

Several of the studies listed in Walia’s report also pin thimerosal, a toxic mercury derivative that is still being added to multidose vials of flu vaccine, as a trigger in causing the types of brain damage linked to autism. One particular study out of the University of Texas Health Science Center found that for every 1,000 pounds of mercury released into the environment, there is a consequential 61 percent increase in autism rates.
The CDC Is A For-Profit Corporation, Owning More Than 50 Different Vaccine Patents
There are CDC patents applicable to vaccines for Flu, Rotavirus, Hepatitis A, HIV, Anthrax, Rabies, Dengue fever, West Nile virus, Group A Strep, Pneumococcal disease, Meningococcal disease, RSV, Gastroenteritis, Japanese encephalitis, SARS, Rift Valley Fever, and chlamydophila pneumoniae.

The CDC Is A For-Profit Corporation, Owning More Than 50 Different Vaccine Patents

Sad thing is the kids pay for parents stupidity.

As La Hood talks, the vaccine criminals and liars crumble into dust
Bang: Texas Prosecutor Video: “Vaccines cause autism”

Here are the bones of the story. For the first time in 30 years, a vaccine-damage case has gone before a court judge. Lawyers for a 16-year-old autistic boy are suing a medical clinic for administering vaccines that brought about the autism. The CDC, of course, denies any connection between vaccines and autism. But one of its own long-time researchers, William Thompson, has publicly confessed to fraud in that area. Thompson states that he and his colleagues concealed research data that would have shown the MMR vaccine and mercury-laden vaccines do cause autism. The lawyers for the 16-year-old boy want to bring in Thompson to testify about what he knows. The CDC has said NO. The head of the CDC, Thomas Frieden, states, “Dr. William Thompson’s deposition testimony would not substantially promote the objectives of CDC or HHS [the Department of Health and Human Services].”

Well, he’s right, because the CDC is the PR arm of the vaccine industry. The CDC is a major purchaser of vaccines for the US federal government. If this boy won his case, other cases would follow. The potential monetary exposure in judgments? A trillion dollars or more. has the details:

“The medical malpractice case seeking Dr. Thompson’s testimony is on behalf of 16-year-old Yates Hazlehurst. The lawsuit alleges that Yates is autistic as a result of vaccine injuries, which occurred when the vaccines were improperly administered in 2001. Because of the Vaccine Injury Compensation Act of 1986 (VICA), Hazlehurst v. The Jackson Clinic is the only vaccine injury case that has gone to any U.S. court in 30 years.”

“Dr. Thompson wants to reveal the scientific fraud and destruction of evidence that took place in the studies that he co-authored. However, in accordance with the Whistle Blower Protection Act and other federal regulations, Dr. Thompson can not testify under oath without the permission of the director of the CDC, Dr. Thomas Frieden.”

“The request on behalf of Hazlehurst specifically relates to the issue of causation, i.e. the issue of whether vaccines can cause autism, which the State of Tennessee Circuit Court Judge found to be both relevant and a proper basis for seeking the deposition of Dr. Thompson.”

“Judge Acree ordered on Feb. 5 that Dr. Thompson should be deposed. Following Judge’s Acree’s ruling, Smith [Bryan Smith, the boy’s attorney] filed a formal request to CDC to make Thompson available for deposition and trial testimony.”

“On Sept. 22, in a letter from CDC Director Thomas Freiden, CDC denied Smith’s request. Smith explained that ‘this denial was a disappointment but not a surprise, since the inescapable implication of Dr. Thompson’s testimony is that the agency fraudulently altered the science to undermine autism cases worth potentially $1 trillion in compensation ordered by Congress’.”

“Smith and Kennedy [Robert F Kennedy, Jr., the boy’s other attorney] plan to immediately appeal the CDC’s denial to federal court.”

William Thompson, the CDC whistleblower, is the subject of the film Vaxxed. Thompson has admitted publicly that he and his CDC colleagues literally threw damning data into a garbage can, to avoid reaching the conclusion, in a 2004 study, that the MMR vaccine raises the risk of autism in children........................CONT.

Bombshell: CDC Commits new Vaccine-autism Crime
Them owning the patents doesn't freak me out. Its the talk of making vaccines and shit mandatory. That's fucking scary

You do realize that vaccines have been mandatory many times in American history- right?

And that saved the lives of thousands- maybe hundreds of thousands?

The first mandatory vaccination law in the United States was enacted in 1809 in Massachusetts, giving the government the power to enforce mandatory vaccination or quarantine in the event of a disease (smallpox) outbreak that posed a threat to the public health (10).
I get that. But it doesn't mean it isn't scary to me. As I am not a statist.
Quarantines I get. I was talking about small pox and shit for babies. That is NOT the governments call. IDK if you notice, but they are all fucking idiots.

Governments eliminated small pox. Pretty amazing for being fucking idiots.
What is actually scary to me are the anti-vaxxers who don't vaccinate their own children- that is like them choosing not to have their kids wear seat belts- but beyond that is that the anti-vaxxers put at risk the lives of infants and others who cannot be vaccinated.

The Government put SMALL POX in the blankets of Native AMericans too.............
see how much the Government back then just loved as one.. Guess what they still want your health all for your money.

You are still pissed off that vaccinations ended smallpox, and eliminated the deaths in the United States from polio.
The CDC Is A For-Profit Corporation, Owning More Than 50 Different Vaccine Patents
There are CDC patents applicable to vaccines for Flu, Rotavirus, Hepatitis A, HIV, Anthrax, Rabies, Dengue fever, West Nile virus, Group A Strep, Pneumococcal disease, Meningococcal disease, RSV, Gastroenteritis, Japanese encephalitis, SARS, Rift Valley Fever, and chlamydophila pneumoniae.

The CDC Is A For-Profit Corporation, Owning More Than 50 Different Vaccine Patents

Sad thing is the kids pay for parents stupidity.


Nothing prevents a Texan from being as much of an idiot as you.

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