The Cheerleader-Killer


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This suburbia horror-tale was inspired by Jeepers Creepers 2.

It seems that modern suburbia-values is conducive for all kinds of 'demon-stalker storytelling.'

Signing off,


Alixe was a presence from the 'dark side.' He was a large humanoid with fiercely-glowing eyes and a terrible raspy voice and deformed skin and muscle. He had pirate-like facial hair and a curled thick moustache. Alixe wore a large coat with hood and wandered around suburban areas in America on Friday evenings looking for cheerleaders walking home from high school football games. You see, Alixe despised America, smalltown values, and community life and therefore targeted cheerleaders as 'symbols' of pedestrian vitality. Alixe had decapitated 15 cheerleaders in just three months (across the U.S. states of Georgia, North Carolina, and Virginia). He was now approaching the state of Michigan to continue his cheerleader killing-spree.

An idealistic FBI detective named Patrick was on the trail of Alixe and had his personal offbeat theory that the 'Cheerleader-Killer' was some kind of demonic presence. Patrick based his theory on evidence that the cheerleader beheadings had something to do with a 'metaphysical attack' on smalltown values in America. Since the Cheerleader-Killer had no pattern or apparent motive and left only the trail of decapitated cheerleaders, Patrick had to simply hypothesize the next U.S. state Alixe would strike. Somehow, Patrick guessed correctly that Alixe would strike in Michigan next, so he moved his FBI forces there and decided to stakeout high school football game on weekends for a whole month.

When Patrick was staking out a high school football game on a Friday night (in Michigan) in Beaver Hills High School, he noted that all the cheerleaders were blonde. He also noticed a strange and rather large man (a shadowy figure) wearing a trench-coat was observing the game from a distance (parked in the high school parking lot). The shadowy figure was smoking a cigarette and seemed to be glaring right at the cheerleaders of the football game. Patrick surmised that the figure must be the Cheerleader-Killer the FBI was hunting. He decided to creep up to the figure with two cops backing him up. He then pulled out his electric stun-gun (a new acquisition for FBI cops working in the field!) and zapped the large man. The man fell down (it was indeed Alixe!) and the FBI carried him off to an incarceration-center where he could be interrogated.

PATRICK: You are very deformed and unusual-looking.
ALIXE: I am from another 'dimension.'
PATRICK: Are you some kind of 'traveller' or 'demon'?
PATRICK: Well, we think you're the Cheerleader-Killer.
ALIXE: You are correct.
PATRICK:'s you!
PATRICK: Why cheerleaders, Alixe?
ALIXE: There's innocence and frailty when young women root for school!
PATRICK: What? Are you some kind of 'America-cynic'?
ALIXE: I suppose, detective, you're some kind of 'America-priest'?
PATRICK: Well, I'm a cop. If I have to be your 'priest,' I will be that.
ALIXE: I don't need a priest, only a witness...
PATRICK: Alright, make me your witness, Alixe. What is your message?
ALIXE: Oh, well, my message is very...blunt --- "Americans need shock-therapy."
PATRICK: Young women are not scapegoats for frailties in American values, Alixe.
ALIXE: You have a right to be 'religious,' detective, but America is a power-plant.
PATRICK: I want to help you, but change your attitude, lest they call you a 'heretic.'
ALIXE: The ghosts of my victims will prophesy from the grave about American Ugly.
PATRICK: What exactly is 'American Ugly,' Alixe?
ALIXE: 'American Ugly' refers to pedestrian bonfires, detective!
PATRICK: You're just like Jack the Ripper.
ALIXE: I'm no stranger...



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