The Chicago Looting.


Active Member
Aug 11, 2020
Most of you probably saw all the looting that was going on in Chicago last night. Mostly by negroes. If you weren't told what to think, I wonder what you might actually think about it. Maybe you would think what you should be thinking. Which is that Hitler was right. In so far as believing the worst of the BS you have been taught about him. But if you knew the real truth, there would be no doubt in your mind.
Hitler predicted looting in Chicago by black peoples, wow get him on Oprah. As far as thing about it I think the cops and the establishment of government has failed at their jobs miserably.
Hitler predicted looting in Chicago by black peoples, wow get him on Oprah. As far as thing about it I think the cops and the establishment of government has failed at their jobs miserably.

No. Hitler didn't predict it. Somebody who went on to be a Nobel Laureate did. Not that I think you're interested, just for laughs, I will show you who that was and what he said.

Dr Schweitzer 2 .jpg
Hitler predicted looting in Chicago by black peoples, wow get him on Oprah. As far as thing about it I think the cops and the establishment of government has failed at their jobs miserably.
blacks murdering at FOUR times the national rate
committing crime at high rates
graduating at lower rates
and cops/etc have failed?? not blacks???? IDIOCY
..there is no problem of police brutality--proven before
..there is no problem of racism -proven before
you are babbling crap again

here is more!!!
St Louis has one of the highest murder rates and voted most dangerous city --because blacks are murdering other blacks--yet this dumbass blames the cops!!!!!! LIKE YOU----one of the most stupid things I've ever heard

Excessive force will not make St. Louis safer. Changing the culture of policing and restoring the trust of the community with local law enforcement will.

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