Zone1 The Chicago Nobody Wants to See

People like me have taken black youth out of gangs and sent them to college r trade school. People like me have trained people to given them skills to get off welfare. People like me have helped blacks start and grow businesses. Stop repeating what race baiting white whores tell you about blacks in order to keep this nation divided so they can keep getting richer.

I have done the things that you claim, I doubt you have because you are too wrapped up in denial, self pity, and you have no skills to speak of other than cutting and pasting the words that other people write.
I have done the things that you claim, I doubt you have because you are too wrapped up in denial, self pity, and you have no skills to speak of other than cutting and pasting the words that other people write.
All you do is repeat right wing bs. Now post on the topic or stay the fuck out of this thread.
So some group raisess 110K and everything else about chicago is now debunked? :lol:
You sure are a dumbass, man. No joke.
Since more than that happens perhaps you stop reciting racist bs.
Yeah, you do. Demanding "reparations" is race baiting, and begging. You are just too stupid to figure it out. My tribe never got reparations you ignorant clod. The Japanese rightfully got reparations because THEY WERE STILL ALIVE!

The black family who had their property stolen from them in Los Angeles County justly got reparations for their loss because THEY ARE STILL ALIVE!

Your tribe gets reparations. For things that happened when none of them were living. Blacks endure racism now.
All you do is repeat right wing bs. Now post on the topic or stay the fuck out of this thread.

Piss off, boi. I have addressed the OP. And, typically, you run from the real issues and whine about "White man bad".

YOU are the black populations worst nightmare.
Piss off, boi. I have addressed the OP. And, typically, you run from the real issues and whine about "White man bad".

YOU are the black populations worst nightmare.
I agree. Normal blacks who read his rantings are cringing.
Your tribe gets reparations. For things that happened when none of them were living. Blacks endure racism now.

No, my tribe didn't, you ignorant fool.
What tribe is he even talking about?

I am a mix of Shawnee, and Apache. Though my mom was married to a Sioux for many, many years. I lived on Pine Ridge for about 5 years, off and on, when I was a kid.
What tribe is he even talking about?
I think he intends to be understood as making a slick reference to race. But, that said, he isn’t clear.

Neanderthals may not have been a separate race. But whites and blacks and Asians and Native Americans etc., are absolutely not separate races. Different colors and some other phenotype differences. But all part of the same race. The human race.
I am a mix of Shawnee, and Apache. Though my mom was married to a Sioux for many, many years. I lived on Pine Ridge for about 5 years, off and on, when I was a kid.
I see, thanks. I thought maybe he was referring to one of the 10 Lost Tribes of Israel or something!

Because he does that with Jews, too - always going on about how they got reparations for the Holocaust. What he keeps ignoring is that SURVIVING Jews got reparations because they lost their homes, their property, and often their health for the rest of their lives.

Jews who had the entire families wiped out, but were not directly affected, didn’t get a cent. And I never knew a Jew who thought he was entitled to any money, either.
Yes they did. I think me and you need to go to the flame zone. Because you don't want to address the topic and I am going to give your ignorant lie about being native american ass a beating that you will never forget.
Yes they did. I think me and you need to go to the flame zone. Because you don't want to address the topic and I am going to give your ignorant lie about being native american ass a beating that you will never forget.

I'm just glad you support Charter Schools and fight the race baiting, gender confused, public schools Dims support. :)
The thing that needs to be done is for you racists to STFU and recognize that nobody is doing the shit you imagine.

People like me have taken black youth out of gangs and sent them to college r trade school. People like me have trained people to given them skills to get off welfare. People like me have helped blacks start and grow businesses. Stop repeating what race baiting white whores tell you about blacks in order to keep this nation divided so they can keep getting richer.
and so has Clarence Thomas and Candace Owens but you label them sellouts because their not libs.

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