The "Chosen" get shot down- wishful thinking of course-

getting back to the subject. Has SB 327 been removed from the Georgia State
legal code? Gdjjrr ??? has Abby Martin been RE-INVITED to speak at Georgia State?
SOMEBODY must know-------how about SURADA?
Abby Martin Beats the Israel Lobby
Attack on Free Speech and Association Fails Court Test

Many Americans who follow developments overseas would concede that Israel and its supporters in the United States exercise a fairly high level of control over U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East. Some are also aware of Congressional attempts to introduce legislation that would define criticism of the Jewish state as a federal hate crime. That would narrow the options for discussion, infringing on First Amendment free speech rights, and further tighten the grip on policy. It would also make violators of the new law subject to fines and even imprisonment at the hands of the Department of Justice, which has traditionally responded favorably on issues of concern to Israel and its supporters.


In 2016 in Georgia Governor Nathan Deal signed off on a law designated SB 327, which is similar to legislation currently active in at least thirty states. The bill is entitled “State Purchasing; prohibit the state from entering into certain contracts unless such contracts contain a certification; does not presently conduct a boycott of Israel” and reads “A BILL to be entitled an Act to amend Part 1 of Article 3 of Chapter 5 of Title 50 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated, relating to general authority, duties, and procedure relative to state purchasing, so as to prohibit the state, including all of its subdivisions and instrumentalities, from entering into certain contracts with an individual or company unless such contracts contain a certification that such individual or company does not presently conduct a boycott of Israel and will not conduct such a boycott for the duration of such contract; to exclude certain contracts from these requirements; to provide for definitions; to repeal conflicting laws; and for other purposes.”

In simple language, the law requires any person or company that enters into a contract with the State of Georgia worth $1,000 or more to sign a loyalty oath pledging not engage in political boycotts of the Israeli government based on its treatment of Palestinians.

Before commenting, read the article- let we the ignorant know your opinion on the whole thing.
So the NEXT PM is ultra religious Orthodox Jew and was elected with just 5% of the vote.

Kinda like Joe Biden and Assad.

He if for building a Jewish Temple on the Temple Mount at all costs.

So once this guy is PM, you should start reading The Book of Revelation to figure out what is coming next.

Revelation says there is no Temple.

They tried to rebuild it about 300 AD under Emperor Justinian.
I am INTRIGUED Do you have a citation referring to Emperor'
Justinian's efforts to rebuild the temple in Jerusalem?

There are many ..

do you have a CREDIBLE citation? The thing you posted is historic revisionism.
I asked for something to support your assertion that JUSTINIAN wanted to
rebuild the Temple (?) or somebody else circa 300 AD (?) ---and somehow a bunch
of jews took it down STONE BY STONE (?)
You cannot have a valid discussion with someone who believe in the NT.
In all fairness, that works both ways.
Tanach was here way before the NT and the NT has a few thousand misquotes.

Revelation isn't in the Tanach at all.

Revelation 21:22 Commentaries: I saw no temple in it, for the Lord God the Almighty and the Lamb are its temple. But I saw no temple in the city, because the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are its temple. (22) And I saw no temple therein . . . —Rather, And temple I saw not in it, for the Lord God the Almighty is her temple, and the Lamb.
Revelation is a bunch of horseshit.
I read it in 1999 and almost laughed my guts out at what you guys take seriously.
I bet you laugh at the book of Daniel too.
I imagine you pee yourself reading Ezekiel 38, Isaiah 17, and other prophetic books.

Revelation is just repeating in one book many of the old testament prophecies.

You can look at it as a summary of all the unfulfilled prophecies in the old testament with a little extra detail thrown in.
Daniel was recognized by his peers, not as a prophet, but as having what is called a Separate Spirit, which is why his book is vague.
So he is not a prophet despite his prediction down to the very day when "Messiah would be cut off and have nothing for himself?" I'd say Daniel was one of the greatest prophets at all. The 490 years determined upon Israel or 70 week years is one of the most interesting prophecies in The Bible. At week 69 or 483 years, Messiah was cut off, pausing the prophetic clock.

There are 7 years left, and these are called The Time of Jacob's Trouble or in the New Testament, The Tribulation.

But he's not a prophet, right? Pay no attention to Daniel, right? Even though he predicted the first appearance and crucifixions of Yeshuah, The Messiah who came as Messiah son of Joseph and is returning at the end of Jacob's Trouble as Messiah son of David?

Either everything Daniel said was true, or Daniel is a liar and everything he said is a lie.

Which is it?
When you can figure out all of the imagery of Daniel, write a book.

No need.. fine scholars have studied it and written about it. Daniel was written 168-164 BC and loosely based on a 1500 year old Syrian poem from the Ugarit.
I know some "scholars"...they're on a payroll.

Some are, but not the best ones.
You're hilarious.
I have quite a few relatives who have PhDs and run some of the finest Universities in the US.
Sit down with them for dinner and discover that without their cue cards they are dumb as dogshit.

I was thinking of the tablets at Ras Shamra ..

One of the most, if perhaps not the most, important aspect of Ugaritic studies is the assistance it gives in correctly translating difficult Hebrew words and passages in the Old Testament. As a language develops the meaning of words changes or their meaning is lost altogether. This is also true of the Biblical text.
Ugarit and the Bible - Quartz Hill School of Theology
You might as well read The National Enquirer for your news.
You're living in a world where every media outlet reports different facts on the same story and you believe that 1,000 years ago everyone was honest.
Are you that naïve?

The work at Ras Shamra confirms the tablets in Sumer and Dilmun.
Who cares?
That's like CNN confirming MSNBC.
Hebrew is Hebrew because the JOOOOS, unlike every other nation, has writings going all the back in history.
I will state that the worst purposeful mangler of Hebrew has been Artscroll.
By the way, you can't translate Hebrew in to a language like English because mindset of English is totally different than Hebrew.
Hebrew has only about 500 words and each word takes volumes to explain.
I have a library of several hundred books just on Torah.

500 words. I had read it was more like 300 words. The Jews had no foundation myths or national narrative until they returned from Babylon. The Habiru were not exactly cosmopolitan.. They were lawless fringe people.
I am fully aware of what your Arab sites claim about Judaism.

Has nothing to do with what Arabs say. Why would the Arabs even care?

Habiru - Wikipedia
Habiru and the biblical Hebrews. The biblical word "Hebrew", like Habiru, began as a social category, and evolved into an ethnic one. Since the discovery of the 2nd millennium BCE inscriptions mentioning the Habiru, there have been many theories linking these to the Hebrews of the Bible.
I wouldn't be surprises as every literate nation wanted contact with Jews.

Jews lived all over the Arab world for more than 2000 years.... long before Islam. For the most part they prospered and got along OK. The problem has only developed with European Zionists who hated Arabs and the culture.. and they didn't speak Arabic. The problem with a million of them moving to Palestine was not because they were Jews.. It was because they were European foreigners.
what are we calling "the arab world" this year and 2000 years ago? Egypt---where everyone
spoke arabic? Syria---where everyone spoke arabic?
getting back to the subject. Has SB 327 been removed from the Georgia State
legal code? Gdjjrr ??? has Abby Martin been RE-INVITED to speak at Georgia State?
SOMEBODY must know-------how about SURADA?
Abby Martin Beats the Israel Lobby
Attack on Free Speech and Association Fails Court Test

Many Americans who follow developments overseas would concede that Israel and its supporters in the United States exercise a fairly high level of control over U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East. Some are also aware of Congressional attempts to introduce legislation that would define criticism of the Jewish state as a federal hate crime. That would narrow the options for discussion, infringing on First Amendment free speech rights, and further tighten the grip on policy. It would also make violators of the new law subject to fines and even imprisonment at the hands of the Department of Justice, which has traditionally responded favorably on issues of concern to Israel and its supporters.


In 2016 in Georgia Governor Nathan Deal signed off on a law designated SB 327, which is similar to legislation currently active in at least thirty states. The bill is entitled “State Purchasing; prohibit the state from entering into certain contracts unless such contracts contain a certification; does not presently conduct a boycott of Israel” and reads “A BILL to be entitled an Act to amend Part 1 of Article 3 of Chapter 5 of Title 50 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated, relating to general authority, duties, and procedure relative to state purchasing, so as to prohibit the state, including all of its subdivisions and instrumentalities, from entering into certain contracts with an individual or company unless such contracts contain a certification that such individual or company does not presently conduct a boycott of Israel and will not conduct such a boycott for the duration of such contract; to exclude certain contracts from these requirements; to provide for definitions; to repeal conflicting laws; and for other purposes.”

In simple language, the law requires any person or company that enters into a contract with the State of Georgia worth $1,000 or more to sign a loyalty oath pledging not engage in political boycotts of the Israeli government based on its treatment of Palestinians.

Before commenting, read the article- let we the ignorant know your opinion on the whole thing.
So the NEXT PM is ultra religious Orthodox Jew and was elected with just 5% of the vote.

Kinda like Joe Biden and Assad.

He if for building a Jewish Temple on the Temple Mount at all costs.

So once this guy is PM, you should start reading The Book of Revelation to figure out what is coming next.

Revelation says there is no Temple.

They tried to rebuild it about 300 AD under Emperor Justinian.
I am INTRIGUED Do you have a citation referring to Emperor'
Justinian's efforts to rebuild the temple in Jerusalem?

There are many ..

do you have a CREDIBLE citation? The thing you posted is historic revisionism.
I asked for something to support your assertion that JUSTINIAN wanted to
rebuild the Temple (?) or somebody else circa 300 AD (?) ---and somehow a bunch
of jews took it down STONE BY STONE (?)
You cannot have a valid discussion with someone who believe in the NT.
In all fairness, that works both ways.
Tanach was here way before the NT and the NT has a few thousand misquotes.

Revelation isn't in the Tanach at all.

Revelation 21:22 Commentaries: I saw no temple in it, for the Lord God the Almighty and the Lamb are its temple. But I saw no temple in the city, because the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are its temple. (22) And I saw no temple therein . . . —Rather, And temple I saw not in it, for the Lord God the Almighty is her temple, and the Lamb.
Revelation is a bunch of horseshit.
I read it in 1999 and almost laughed my guts out at what you guys take seriously.
I bet you laugh at the book of Daniel too.
I imagine you pee yourself reading Ezekiel 38, Isaiah 17, and other prophetic books.

Revelation is just repeating in one book many of the old testament prophecies.

You can look at it as a summary of all the unfulfilled prophecies in the old testament with a little extra detail thrown in.
Daniel was recognized by his peers, not as a prophet, but as having what is called a Separate Spirit, which is why his book is vague.
So he is not a prophet despite his prediction down to the very day when "Messiah would be cut off and have nothing for himself?" I'd say Daniel was one of the greatest prophets at all. The 490 years determined upon Israel or 70 week years is one of the most interesting prophecies in The Bible. At week 69 or 483 years, Messiah was cut off, pausing the prophetic clock.

There are 7 years left, and these are called The Time of Jacob's Trouble or in the New Testament, The Tribulation.

But he's not a prophet, right? Pay no attention to Daniel, right? Even though he predicted the first appearance and crucifixions of Yeshuah, The Messiah who came as Messiah son of Joseph and is returning at the end of Jacob's Trouble as Messiah son of David?

Either everything Daniel said was true, or Daniel is a liar and everything he said is a lie.

Which is it?
When you can figure out all of the imagery of Daniel, write a book.

No need.. fine scholars have studied it and written about it. Daniel was written 168-164 BC and loosely based on a 1500 year old Syrian poem from the Ugarit.
I know some "scholars"...they're on a payroll.

Some are, but not the best ones.
You're hilarious.
I have quite a few relatives who have PhDs and run some of the finest Universities in the US.
Sit down with them for dinner and discover that without their cue cards they are dumb as dogshit.

I was thinking of the tablets at Ras Shamra ..

One of the most, if perhaps not the most, important aspect of Ugaritic studies is the assistance it gives in correctly translating difficult Hebrew words and passages in the Old Testament. As a language develops the meaning of words changes or their meaning is lost altogether. This is also true of the Biblical text.
Ugarit and the Bible - Quartz Hill School of Theology
You might as well read The National Enquirer for your news.
You're living in a world where every media outlet reports different facts on the same story and you believe that 1,000 years ago everyone was honest.
Are you that naïve?

The work at Ras Shamra confirms the tablets in Sumer and Dilmun.
Who cares?
That's like CNN confirming MSNBC.
Hebrew is Hebrew because the JOOOOS, unlike every other nation, has writings going all the back in history.
I will state that the worst purposeful mangler of Hebrew has been Artscroll.
By the way, you can't translate Hebrew in to a language like English because mindset of English is totally different than Hebrew.
Hebrew has only about 500 words and each word takes volumes to explain.
I have a library of several hundred books just on Torah.

500 words. I had read it was more like 300 words. The Jews had no foundation myths or national narrative until they returned from Babylon. The Habiru were not exactly cosmopolitan.. They were lawless fringe people.
I am fully aware of what your Arab sites claim about Judaism.

Has nothing to do with what Arabs say. Why would the Arabs even care?

Habiru - Wikipedia
Habiru and the biblical Hebrews. The biblical word "Hebrew", like Habiru, began as a social category, and evolved into an ethnic one. Since the discovery of the 2nd millennium BCE inscriptions mentioning the Habiru, there have been many theories linking these to the Hebrews of the Bible.
I wouldn't be surprises as every literate nation wanted contact with Jews.

Jews lived all over the Arab world for more than 2000 years.... long before Islam. For the most part they prospered and got along OK. The problem has only developed with European Zionists who hated Arabs and the culture.. and they didn't speak Arabic. The problem with a million of them moving to Palestine was not because they were Jews.. It was because they were European foreigners.
It seems that those "invaders" were somehow able to overcome the 1.X billion Arabs who objected.
Face it...don't fk with Jews.

In all its history Palestine never had a population of more than 600,000. .. Mostly Muslims and Christians with a small Jewish population.
And yet the JOOS still managed to kick the shit out of all their Arabs neighbors at the same time.
Keep're amusing.

Yes, they did. They were Europeans after all and they had suffered horribly in Europe.
^^^^^ and islamo nazi meme along with "MUSLIMS HAVE THE MOST TOLERATION"
watevah da hell that is supposed to mean
getting back to the subject. Has SB 327 been removed from the Georgia State
legal code? Gdjjrr ??? has Abby Martin been RE-INVITED to speak at Georgia State?
SOMEBODY must know-------how about SURADA?
Abby Martin Beats the Israel Lobby
Attack on Free Speech and Association Fails Court Test

Many Americans who follow developments overseas would concede that Israel and its supporters in the United States exercise a fairly high level of control over U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East. Some are also aware of Congressional attempts to introduce legislation that would define criticism of the Jewish state as a federal hate crime. That would narrow the options for discussion, infringing on First Amendment free speech rights, and further tighten the grip on policy. It would also make violators of the new law subject to fines and even imprisonment at the hands of the Department of Justice, which has traditionally responded favorably on issues of concern to Israel and its supporters.


In 2016 in Georgia Governor Nathan Deal signed off on a law designated SB 327, which is similar to legislation currently active in at least thirty states. The bill is entitled “State Purchasing; prohibit the state from entering into certain contracts unless such contracts contain a certification; does not presently conduct a boycott of Israel” and reads “A BILL to be entitled an Act to amend Part 1 of Article 3 of Chapter 5 of Title 50 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated, relating to general authority, duties, and procedure relative to state purchasing, so as to prohibit the state, including all of its subdivisions and instrumentalities, from entering into certain contracts with an individual or company unless such contracts contain a certification that such individual or company does not presently conduct a boycott of Israel and will not conduct such a boycott for the duration of such contract; to exclude certain contracts from these requirements; to provide for definitions; to repeal conflicting laws; and for other purposes.”

In simple language, the law requires any person or company that enters into a contract with the State of Georgia worth $1,000 or more to sign a loyalty oath pledging not engage in political boycotts of the Israeli government based on its treatment of Palestinians.

Before commenting, read the article- let we the ignorant know your opinion on the whole thing.
So the NEXT PM is ultra religious Orthodox Jew and was elected with just 5% of the vote.

Kinda like Joe Biden and Assad.

He if for building a Jewish Temple on the Temple Mount at all costs.

So once this guy is PM, you should start reading The Book of Revelation to figure out what is coming next.

Revelation says there is no Temple.

They tried to rebuild it about 300 AD under Emperor Justinian.
I am INTRIGUED Do you have a citation referring to Emperor'
Justinian's efforts to rebuild the temple in Jerusalem?

There are many ..

do you have a CREDIBLE citation? The thing you posted is historic revisionism.
I asked for something to support your assertion that JUSTINIAN wanted to
rebuild the Temple (?) or somebody else circa 300 AD (?) ---and somehow a bunch
of jews took it down STONE BY STONE (?)
You cannot have a valid discussion with someone who believe in the NT.
In all fairness, that works both ways.
Tanach was here way before the NT and the NT has a few thousand misquotes.

Revelation isn't in the Tanach at all.

Revelation 21:22 Commentaries: I saw no temple in it, for the Lord God the Almighty and the Lamb are its temple. But I saw no temple in the city, because the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are its temple. (22) And I saw no temple therein . . . —Rather, And temple I saw not in it, for the Lord God the Almighty is her temple, and the Lamb.
Revelation is a bunch of horseshit.
I read it in 1999 and almost laughed my guts out at what you guys take seriously.
I bet you laugh at the book of Daniel too.
I imagine you pee yourself reading Ezekiel 38, Isaiah 17, and other prophetic books.

Revelation is just repeating in one book many of the old testament prophecies.

You can look at it as a summary of all the unfulfilled prophecies in the old testament with a little extra detail thrown in.
Daniel was recognized by his peers, not as a prophet, but as having what is called a Separate Spirit, which is why his book is vague.
So he is not a prophet despite his prediction down to the very day when "Messiah would be cut off and have nothing for himself?" I'd say Daniel was one of the greatest prophets at all. The 490 years determined upon Israel or 70 week years is one of the most interesting prophecies in The Bible. At week 69 or 483 years, Messiah was cut off, pausing the prophetic clock.

There are 7 years left, and these are called The Time of Jacob's Trouble or in the New Testament, The Tribulation.

But he's not a prophet, right? Pay no attention to Daniel, right? Even though he predicted the first appearance and crucifixions of Yeshuah, The Messiah who came as Messiah son of Joseph and is returning at the end of Jacob's Trouble as Messiah son of David?

Either everything Daniel said was true, or Daniel is a liar and everything he said is a lie.

Which is it?
When you can figure out all of the imagery of Daniel, write a book.

No need.. fine scholars have studied it and written about it. Daniel was written 168-164 BC and loosely based on a 1500 year old Syrian poem from the Ugarit.
I know some "scholars"...they're on a payroll.

Some are, but not the best ones.
You're hilarious.
I have quite a few relatives who have PhDs and run some of the finest Universities in the US.
Sit down with them for dinner and discover that without their cue cards they are dumb as dogshit.

I was thinking of the tablets at Ras Shamra ..

One of the most, if perhaps not the most, important aspect of Ugaritic studies is the assistance it gives in correctly translating difficult Hebrew words and passages in the Old Testament. As a language develops the meaning of words changes or their meaning is lost altogether. This is also true of the Biblical text.
Ugarit and the Bible - Quartz Hill School of Theology
You might as well read The National Enquirer for your news.
You're living in a world where every media outlet reports different facts on the same story and you believe that 1,000 years ago everyone was honest.
Are you that naïve?

The work at Ras Shamra confirms the tablets in Sumer and Dilmun.
Who cares?
That's like CNN confirming MSNBC.
Hebrew is Hebrew because the JOOOOS, unlike every other nation, has writings going all the back in history.
I will state that the worst purposeful mangler of Hebrew has been Artscroll.
By the way, you can't translate Hebrew in to a language like English because mindset of English is totally different than Hebrew.
Hebrew has only about 500 words and each word takes volumes to explain.
I have a library of several hundred books just on Torah.

500 words. I had read it was more like 300 words. The Jews had no foundation myths or national narrative until they returned from Babylon. The Habiru were not exactly cosmopolitan.. They were lawless fringe people.
I am fully aware of what your Arab sites claim about Judaism.

Has nothing to do with what Arabs say. Why would the Arabs even care?

Habiru - Wikipedia
Habiru and the biblical Hebrews. The biblical word "Hebrew", like Habiru, began as a social category, and evolved into an ethnic one. Since the discovery of the 2nd millennium BCE inscriptions mentioning the Habiru, there have been many theories linking these to the Hebrews of the Bible.
I wouldn't be surprises as every literate nation wanted contact with Jews.

Jews lived all over the Arab world for more than 2000 years.... long before Islam. For the most part they prospered and got along OK. The problem has only developed with European Zionists who hated Arabs and the culture.. and they didn't speak Arabic. The problem with a million of them moving to Palestine was not because they were Jews.. It was because they were European foreigners.
It seems that those "invaders" were somehow able to overcome the 1.X billion Arabs who objected.
Face it...don't fk with Jews.

In all its history Palestine never had a population of more than 600,000. .. Mostly Muslims and Christians with a small Jewish population.

what are we calling "palestine" this year and just what is the span of the "HISTORY OF PALESTINE"?
It goes way back to 500 years BC when Palestine was a province of Syria.

Answer those questions.
Palestine was a province of Syria just like Kuwait was a province of Iraq.

There were no countries called Germany or Italy until quite recent history.

In any case, the people who lived there didn't migrate from Europe. They'd been there for 2000 years.
Every nation in Europe in the last 1,000 years could provide concrete answers to those questions.
It goes way back to 500 years BC when Palestine was a province of Syria.
you did not answer the question
It goes way back to 500 years BC when Palestine was a province of Syria.
what is "it" ? The term "palestina" was coined by Herodotus ABOUT
500 BC. to describe a sort of nebulous region in the Levant. What sort of
government did this SYRIAN province you call "Palestine" have----something like
you did not answer the question

what is "it" ? The term "palestina" was coined by Herodotus ABOUT
500 BC. to describe a sort of nebulous region in the Levant. What sort of
government did this SYRIAN province you call "Palestine" have----something like

Cyrus the Great was king of Syria and Persia..

Palestine was a province of Syria just like Kuwait was a province of Iraq.

There were no countries called Germany or Italy until quite recent history.

In any case, the people who lived there didn't migrate from Europe. They'd been there for 2000 years.
In 500 BC there were people in the area which Syria called a province and which Herodotus
called PALESTINE who had been there for 2000 years? Did they speak arabic-----being
migrants from arabia called AKKADIANS? When did the Akkadian arabs in the Syrian
province PALESTINE give up using cuneiform
In 500 BC there were people in the area which Syria called a province and which Herodotus
called PALESTINE who had been there for 2000 years? Did they speak arabic-----being
migrants from arabia called AKKADIANS? When did the Akkadian arabs in the Syrian
province PALESTINE give up using cuneiform

Do you even know what cuneiform means?

Akkadian texts are attested from the 24th century BC onward and make up the bulk of the cuneiform record. Akkadian cuneiform was itself adapted to write the Hittite language sometime around the 17th century BC. The other languages with significant cuneiform corpora are Eblaite, Elamite, Hurrian, Luwian, and Urartian.
Created: around 3200 BC
Direction: left-to-right
Script type: Logographic, and syllabary
Time period: c. 31st century BC to 2nd century AD
Cuneiform - Wikipedia
Cyrus the Great was king of Syria and Persia..

I was wondering how that syrian province called "palestine" was governed in 500 BC. Were
both the talmud bavli and yerushalmi written in arabic using cuneiform?
Do you even know what cuneiform means?

Akkadian texts are attested from the 24th century BC onward and make up the bulk of the cuneiform record. Akkadian cuneiform was itself adapted to write the Hittite language sometime around the 17th century BC. The other languages with significant cuneiform corpora are Eblaite, Elamite, Hurrian, Luwian, and Urartian.
Created: around 3200 BC
Direction: left-to-right
Script type: Logographic, and syllabary
Time period: c. 31st century BC to 2nd century AD
Cuneiform - Wikipedia
thanks for the information albeit not germane to the discussion. I was considering the syrian
province called Palestine and its language which based on your information should have
been arabic written using cuneiform figures unless some really catastrophic event demolished
the akkadian arabs of the syrian province, Palestine
Cyrus the Great was king of Syria and Persia..


Akkadian texts are attested from the 24th century BC onward and make up the bulk of the cuneiform record. Akkadian cuneiform was itself adapted to write the Hittite language sometime around the 17th century BC. The other languages with significant cuneiform corpora are Eblaite, Elamite, Hurrian, Luwian, and Urartian.
Created: around 3200 BC
Direction: left-to-right
Script type: Logographic, and syllabary
Time period: c. 31st century BC to 2nd century AD
Cuneiform - Wikipedia
we were working on the syrian province called "palestine" and its language circa
500 BC and its Akkadian arabs
we were working on the syrian province called "palestine" and its language circa
500 BC and its Akkadian arabs

The Akkadians were around MUCH earlier than 500 BC.

Akkadian texts are attested from the 24th century BC onward and make up the bulk of the cuneiform record. Akkadian cuneiform was itself adapted to write the Hittite language sometime around the 17th century BC. The other languages with significant cuneiform corpora are Eblaite, Elamite, Hurrian, Luwian, and Urartian.
Created: around 3200 BC
Direction: left-to-right
Script type: Logographic, and syllabary
Time period: c. 31st century BC to 2nd century AD
Cuneiform - Wikipedia
The Akkadians were around MUCH earlier than 500 BC.

Akkadian texts are attested from the 24th century BC onward and make up the bulk of the cuneiform record. Akkadian cuneiform was itself adapted to write the Hittite language sometime around the 17th century BC. The other languages with significant cuneiform corpora are Eblaite, Elamite, Hurrian, Luwian, and Urartian.
Created: around 3200 BC
Direction: left-to-right
Script type: Logographic, and syllabary
Time period: c. 31st century BC to 2nd century AD
Cuneiform - Wikipedia
yes----the AKKADIAN arabs began migration out of arabia to that little syrian
province called Palestine----perhaps about 5000 BC bringing the language
arabic and culture along with them and their system of writing arabic which
was cuneiform. I am assuming that arabic akkadians would write their arabic
language in the writing system KNOWN to them and not just DISCARD IT
and suddenly become illiterate for thousands of years

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