The Christian Testimonies

Having to learn a ancient extinct language to become a "jewish" is such a waste, as Hebrew will never really be a language. All its good for is to read old ancient writing , living a holy life is simple really, do not murder, kill, steal or lie or commit adultery, which is quite new to Jews.

What does "Hebrew will never really be a language" mean? It is and
has been a language for more than 3000 years. Did you learn the name SIR ISAAC NEWTON in the little brothel school? He was the
greatest mathematician and scientist of the entire second millennium. ----He was so impressed with the Hebrew language that he studied and wrote in it all of his life. Penelope, you seem to have a problem with language. Is there any language in the world in which you are
proficient? Were you ever offered remediation?. Some people believe that the study of a "second language" is helpful to people
like you.

Irosie I can read history and the jewish history is not the same as what is in the OT. Hebrew will die out again, as most Jews do not even speak it , its not a language many people even want to learn, and one doesn't need to to read the OT. They are just stories, wrote by men. It doesn't matter if one reads them in Hebrew or English, we have plenty of scholars who translate them from Greek, which is really what one should learn or Arabic.

Penelope----you cannot even read and write in English. The phrase "jewish history is not the same as what is in the OT"-----does not mean
anything. The OT is a scriptural writing just as is the GITA. It takes a bit of a brain to read both. I do not know any Sanskrit at all---and would not pretend that I know anything about the Gita other than the "classic comic" version. You barely know the classic comic version of the OT or NT-----neither can be read without at least some insight into the languages spoken by the players. Scum like you have been, DESPERATELY, trying to destroy jews and Judaism for more than 2000 years-------and always predicting its demise. Kind of funny-----but time to give it up-----you failed. In fact----there was a push to destroy Hinduism too--------it will also survive. Zoroastrianism is in trouble-----but Israel is helping to keep it alive. An interesting factoid that jerks like you seem not to know----is that Judaism has always---since its inception---taken converts. Zoroastrianism is an example of a creed that does not.
Having to learn a ancient extinct language to become a "jewish" is such a waste, as Hebrew will never really be a language. All its good for is to read old ancient writing , living a holy life is simple really, do not murder, kill, steal or lie or commit adultery, which is quite new to Jews.

What does "Hebrew will never really be a language" mean? It is and
has been a language for more than 3000 years. Did you learn the name SIR ISAAC NEWTON in the little brothel school? He was the
greatest mathematician and scientist of the entire second millennium. ----He was so impressed with the Hebrew language that he studied and wrote in it all of his life. Penelope, you seem to have a problem with language. Is there any language in the world in which you are
proficient? Were you ever offered remediation?. Some people believe that the study of a "second language" is helpful to people
like you.

Irosie I can read history and the jewish history is not the same as what is in the OT. Hebrew will die out again, as most Jews do not even speak it , its not a language many people even want to learn, and one doesn't need to to read the OT. They are just stories, wrote by men. It doesn't matter if one reads them in Hebrew or English, we have plenty of scholars who translate them from Greek, which is really what one should learn or Arabic.

Penelope----you cannot even read and write in English. The phrase "jewish history is not the same as what is in the OT"-----does not mean
anything. The OT is a scriptural writing just as is the GITA. It takes a bit of a brain to read both. I do not know any Sanskrit at all---and would not pretend that I know anything about the Gita other than the "classic comic" version. You barely know the classic comic version of the OT or NT-----neither can be read without at least some insight into the languages spoken by the players. Scum like you have been, DESPERATELY, trying to destroy jews and Judaism for more than 2000 years-------and always predicting its demise. Kind of funny-----but time to give it up-----you failed. In fact----there was a push to destroy Hinduism too--------it will also survive. Zoroastrianism is in trouble-----but Israel is helping to keep it alive. An interesting factoid that jerks like you seem not to know----is that Judaism has always---since its inception---taken converts. Zoroastrianism is an example of a creed that does not.

Then why is Israel faking artifacts like they prove the OT , Israel is a racist state and yet you take converts. Just remember converts can un convert. I do agree, Hebrews were intermarrying all the time no matter how their Priests discouraged it, must be those Canaanite women were a sight to behold hey. According to EZE, you were even wearing nose rings and the likes.
Having to learn a ancient extinct language to become a "jewish" is such a waste, as Hebrew will never really be a language. All its good for is to read old ancient writing , living a holy life is simple really, do not murder, kill, steal or lie or commit adultery, which is quite new to Jews.

What does "Hebrew will never really be a language" mean? It is and
has been a language for more than 3000 years. Did you learn the name SIR ISAAC NEWTON in the little brothel school? He was the
greatest mathematician and scientist of the entire second millennium. ----He was so impressed with the Hebrew language that he studied and wrote in it all of his life. Penelope, you seem to have a problem with language. Is there any language in the world in which you are
proficient? Were you ever offered remediation?. Some people believe that the study of a "second language" is helpful to people
like you.

Irosie I can read history and the jewish history is not the same as what is in the OT. Hebrew will die out again, as most Jews do not even speak it , its not a language many people even want to learn, and one doesn't need to to read the OT. They are just stories, wrote by men. It doesn't matter if one reads them in Hebrew or English, we have plenty of scholars who translate them from Greek, which is really what one should learn or Arabic.

Penelope----you cannot even read and write in English. The phrase "jewish history is not the same as what is in the OT"-----does not mean
anything. The OT is a scriptural writing just as is the GITA. It takes a bit of a brain to read both. I do not know any Sanskrit at all---and would not pretend that I know anything about the Gita other than the "classic comic" version. You barely know the classic comic version of the OT or NT-----neither can be read without at least some insight into the languages spoken by the players. Scum like you have been, DESPERATELY, trying to destroy jews and Judaism for more than 2000 years-------and always predicting its demise. Kind of funny-----but time to give it up-----you failed. In fact----there was a push to destroy Hinduism too--------it will also survive. Zoroastrianism is in trouble-----but Israel is helping to keep it alive. An interesting factoid that jerks like you seem not to know----is that Judaism has always---since its inception---taken converts. Zoroastrianism is an example of a creed that does not.

Then why is Israel faking artifacts like they prove the OT , Israel is a racist state and yet you take converts. Just remember converts can un convert. I do agree, Hebrews were intermarrying all the time no matter how their Priests discouraged it, must be those Canaanite women were a sight to behold hey. According to EZE, you were even wearing nose rings and the likes.

your post makes about as much sense as do your preceding posts.
you got a citation?

"CONVERTS CAN UNCONVERT" yeah? what else is new?---the good news is that unlike your filth----no one feels compelled to FAKE conversion in order to survive the knife or the flames and no one was ever forced as were tens of millions to your filth.

"nose rings"-----some of the brightest Hindu lady doctors I know
have pierced noses with a little decoration therein----either a ring
or a stud......SO???? you hate hindus too?-------(muslims of southeast asia sometimes so engage)

your little sex allusions are vulgar-----a left over from your childhood?
PS which "priests" were discouraging intermarriage. Hint----I know one and why-------for the time he made a good point----but it was a very time limited issue. I have even worse news for you-----"priests" in jewish law-----actually do not have much of a role (in fact none at all) in creating a "marriage". The one guy who discouraged intermarriage was-----only incidentally, a priest. (I am depending on memory-----I will have to check). I have a very strong
sense that none of the three kids that are the product of my brother's erstwhile marriage to a catholic (of course we will bring them up catholic----uhm-----father) turned out to be catholic. (I have lots of brothers---it was no tragedy)
By M, a Reform female

For most of my life I was not a religious person. My father was agnostic and my mother was Catholic. When I was growing up, my mother wanted to give me a religious education because it was the "right thing to do," according to her. As a child, I attended the services at the church and I went to catechism. My father used to tease my mother by saying that she was trying to "brainwash me" with outdated concepts. In grade school, most of my teachers were anticlerical and said that religious beliefs were simply superstition.

Ultimately, I came to the conclusion that my father and my teachers were probably right. At the same time, I was asking myself questions: The idea that God sent his only son to be killed to save us did not make any sense. Was the world a better place after Jesus was killed and resurrected? If there was a God, why did God, who was so loving, allow all the injustice to happen in the world? Why did people commit massacre in the name of religion? Was not a religion as good as another religion? When I asked these questions, my mother and the priest would respond with, "Don’t question, just have faith." As a result I stopped going to church when I was in my teens. I did see not the point in going to a place of worship if I did not agree on the religious beliefs and practices.

I went through life caring very little about God and religion. However, deep down I believed that there was supernatural force, a Master of the Universe. Science did not give me a satisfactory answer on how the world was created. My teachers talked about the Big Bang. Science could not tell what was before the Big Bang. I believed that the master of the Universe set the Big Bang into motion and the world originated from there.

A major life change happened three years ago. My husband filed for divorce after 21 years of marriage. I almost had a nervous breakdown because I was frightened. I had no marketable job skills, I had never been alone in all those years, and I depended on my husband for my well-being. With the support of my family and friends, I picked myself up, and went back to college to get a master's degree in social work. Two weeks after graduation, I found my first job as a social worker in an agency working with seniors.

My clients at the agency were elderly Russian Jewish immigrants. As a social worker, I wanted to be culturally competent. I needed to know where my clients were coming from to better understand them. I took Russian language classes at City College and I attended a three-day workshop called a "Taste of Judaism." I felt that the workshop on Judaism was not enough to satisfy my curiosity. I took another six-week course on "Intro to Judaism." At the same time, I attended the Sabbath and Torah services. I was attracted by Judaism’s emphasis on action, rather than faith and dogma. I also learned that Judaism is not only a religion but a culture.

At the end of the workshop I talked to Lisa (who runs the conversion program at Sherith Israel) about the possibility of conversion. I really appreciated that I could take my time and study Judaism in depth before committing myself. My mentor, Helen, is very supportive and patient. She invited me for Passover and Hanukah. She sat with me at the Torah services and study. I learned more by participating than reading from a book. During the Torah study, I was amazed that the participants asked questions, and they were allowed to have different points of view. In addition, Helen suggested that I volunteer for Hamotzi. I really enjoy preparing meals for the shelters. In order to better understand the prayer book, I have been taking Hebrew classes.

Looking back when I first started attending Intro to Judaism classes and conversion classes, my view of God has changed. He (or she) is not the distant entity living in the sky. I believe that God is omnipotent, omnipresent and animates all beings. Therefore everything that happens, good things as well as bad things, is God’s will. What the prophet Isaiah said makes sense, "I am the Lord, there is no other. I form light and create darkness, I make weal and I create woe; I am the Lord of all these things." Now I do not try to control events anymore; I surrender to God. In life we have limited choices. Our apparent free will is conditioned by our environment, genetics, and talent. This, too, is God's will.

With Judaism I have found the values that I searched for. Judaism shows me the way to become a holy person. The way of salvation is by action rather than faith. We are in partnership with God to make the world better. I am looking forward to becoming part of the Jewish community.

PS which "priests" were discouraging intermarriage. Hint----I know one and why-------for the time he made a good point----but it was a very time limited issue. I have even worse news for you-----"priests" in jewish law-----actually do not have much of a role (in fact none at all) in creating a "marriage". The one guy who discouraged intermarriage was-----only incidentally, a priest. (I am depending on memory-----I will have to check). I have a very strong
sense that none of the three kids that are the product of my brother's erstwhile marriage to a catholic (of course we will bring them up catholic----uhm-----father) turned out to be catholic. (I have lots of brothers---it was no tragedy)

Are you saying your prophets were not Priests? There was a whole tribe set aside for Priesthood, and you have to explain EXO 13: 2 yet, please explain the deeper meaning of that verse.
By M, a Reform female

For most of my life I was not a religious person. My father was agnostic and my mother was Catholic. When I was growing up, my mother wanted to give me a religious education because it was the "right thing to do," according to her. As a child, I attended the services at the church and I went to catechism. My father used to tease my mother by saying that she was trying to "brainwash me" with outdated concepts. In grade school, most of my teachers were anticlerical and said that religious beliefs were simply superstition.

Ultimately, I came to the conclusion that my father and my teachers were probably right. At the same time, I was asking myself questions: The idea that God sent his only son to be killed to save us did not make any sense. Was the world a better place after Jesus was killed and resurrected? If there was a God, why did God, who was so loving, allow all the injustice to happen in the world? Why did people commit massacre in the name of religion? Was not a religion as good as another religion? When I asked these questions, my mother and the priest would respond with, "Don’t question, just have faith." As a result I stopped going to church when I was in my teens. I did see not the point in going to a place of worship if I did not agree on the religious beliefs and practices.

I went through life caring very little about God and religion. However, deep down I believed that there was supernatural force, a Master of the Universe. Science did not give me a satisfactory answer on how the world was created. My teachers talked about the Big Bang. Science could not tell what was before the Big Bang. I believed that the master of the Universe set the Big Bang into motion and the world originated from there.

A major life change happened three years ago. My husband filed for divorce after 21 years of marriage. I almost had a nervous breakdown because I was frightened. I had no marketable job skills, I had never been alone in all those years, and I depended on my husband for my well-being. With the support of my family and friends, I picked myself up, and went back to college to get a master's degree in social work. Two weeks after graduation, I found my first job as a social worker in an agency working with seniors.

My clients at the agency were elderly Russian Jewish immigrants. As a social worker, I wanted to be culturally competent. I needed to know where my clients were coming from to better understand them. I took Russian language classes at City College and I attended a three-day workshop called a "Taste of Judaism." I felt that the workshop on Judaism was not enough to satisfy my curiosity. I took another six-week course on "Intro to Judaism." At the same time, I attended the Sabbath and Torah services. I was attracted by Judaism’s emphasis on action, rather than faith and dogma. I also learned that Judaism is not only a religion but a culture.

At the end of the workshop I talked to Lisa (who runs the conversion program at Sherith Israel) about the possibility of conversion. I really appreciated that I could take my time and study Judaism in depth before committing myself. My mentor, Helen, is very supportive and patient. She invited me for Passover and Hanukah. She sat with me at the Torah services and study. I learned more by participating than reading from a book. During the Torah study, I was amazed that the participants asked questions, and they were allowed to have different points of view. In addition, Helen suggested that I volunteer for Hamotzi. I really enjoy preparing meals for the shelters. In order to better understand the prayer book, I have been taking Hebrew classes.

Looking back when I first started attending Intro to Judaism classes and conversion classes, my view of God has changed. He (or she) is not the distant entity living in the sky. I believe that God is omnipotent, omnipresent and animates all beings. Therefore everything that happens, good things as well as bad things, is God’s will. What the prophet Isaiah said makes sense, "I am the Lord, there is no other. I form light and create darkness, I make weal and I create woe; I am the Lord of all these things." Now I do not try to control events anymore; I surrender to God. In life we have limited choices. Our apparent free will is conditioned by our environment, genetics, and talent. This, too, is God's will.

With Judaism I have found the values that I searched for. Judaism shows me the way to become a holy person. The way of salvation is by action rather than faith. We are in partnership with God to make the world better. I am looking forward to becoming part of the Jewish community.

PS which "priests" were discouraging intermarriage. Hint----I know one and why-------for the time he made a good point----but it was a very time limited issue. I have even worse news for you-----"priests" in jewish law-----actually do not have much of a role (in fact none at all) in creating a "marriage". The one guy who discouraged intermarriage was-----only incidentally, a priest. (I am depending on memory-----I will have to check). I have a very strong
sense that none of the three kids that are the product of my brother's erstwhile marriage to a catholic (of course we will bring them up catholic----uhm-----father) turned out to be catholic. (I have lots of brothers---it was no tragedy)

Are you saying your prophets were not Priests? There was a whole tribe set aside for Priesthood, and you have to explain EXO 13: 2 yet, please explain the deeper meaning of that verse.

Correct -----only a few of the prophets were priests. Some of the prophets were not priests------probably most. Eli-----was a priest but I do not think Samuel was (not sure) What do you mean by "deeper meaning" -----you want to quote the verse to which you allude? being a priest is an hereditary position-----it needs to be
a descendant of AARON------ The situation galvanized the discovery of the cohen Haplotype. --------which STATISTICALLY indicates a common ancestor. It is a study that you do not understand at all. You seem to believe that the presence of the cohen haplotype in any person PROVES a lineage to aaron-----<<<<not true Lots of people not descended from aaron can have that haplotype. You probably failed high school biology
By M, a Reform female

For most of my life I was not a religious person. My father was agnostic and my mother was Catholic. When I was growing up, my mother wanted to give me a religious education because it was the "right thing to do," according to her. As a child, I attended the services at the church and I went to catechism. My father used to tease my mother by saying that she was trying to "brainwash me" with outdated concepts. In grade school, most of my teachers were anticlerical and said that religious beliefs were simply superstition.

Ultimately, I came to the conclusion that my father and my teachers were probably right. At the same time, I was asking myself questions: The idea that God sent his only son to be killed to save us did not make any sense. Was the world a better place after Jesus was killed and resurrected? If there was a God, why did God, who was so loving, allow all the injustice to happen in the world? Why did people commit massacre in the name of religion? Was not a religion as good as another religion? When I asked these questions, my mother and the priest would respond with, "Don’t question, just have faith." As a result I stopped going to church when I was in my teens. I did see not the point in going to a place of worship if I did not agree on the religious beliefs and practices.

I went through life caring very little about God and religion. However, deep down I believed that there was supernatural force, a Master of the Universe. Science did not give me a satisfactory answer on how the world was created. My teachers talked about the Big Bang. Science could not tell what was before the Big Bang. I believed that the master of the Universe set the Big Bang into motion and the world originated from there.

A major life change happened three years ago. My husband filed for divorce after 21 years of marriage. I almost had a nervous breakdown because I was frightened. I had no marketable job skills, I had never been alone in all those years, and I depended on my husband for my well-being. With the support of my family and friends, I picked myself up, and went back to college to get a master's degree in social work. Two weeks after graduation, I found my first job as a social worker in an agency working with seniors.

My clients at the agency were elderly Russian Jewish immigrants. As a social worker, I wanted to be culturally competent. I needed to know where my clients were coming from to better understand them. I took Russian language classes at City College and I attended a three-day workshop called a "Taste of Judaism." I felt that the workshop on Judaism was not enough to satisfy my curiosity. I took another six-week course on "Intro to Judaism." At the same time, I attended the Sabbath and Torah services. I was attracted by Judaism’s emphasis on action, rather than faith and dogma. I also learned that Judaism is not only a religion but a culture.

At the end of the workshop I talked to Lisa (who runs the conversion program at Sherith Israel) about the possibility of conversion. I really appreciated that I could take my time and study Judaism in depth before committing myself. My mentor, Helen, is very supportive and patient. She invited me for Passover and Hanukah. She sat with me at the Torah services and study. I learned more by participating than reading from a book. During the Torah study, I was amazed that the participants asked questions, and they were allowed to have different points of view. In addition, Helen suggested that I volunteer for Hamotzi. I really enjoy preparing meals for the shelters. In order to better understand the prayer book, I have been taking Hebrew classes.

Looking back when I first started attending Intro to Judaism classes and conversion classes, my view of God has changed. He (or she) is not the distant entity living in the sky. I believe that God is omnipotent, omnipresent and animates all beings. Therefore everything that happens, good things as well as bad things, is God’s will. What the prophet Isaiah said makes sense, "I am the Lord, there is no other. I form light and create darkness, I make weal and I create woe; I am the Lord of all these things." Now I do not try to control events anymore; I surrender to God. In life we have limited choices. Our apparent free will is conditioned by our environment, genetics, and talent. This, too, is God's will.

With Judaism I have found the values that I searched for. Judaism shows me the way to become a holy person. The way of salvation is by action rather than faith. We are in partnership with God to make the world better. I am looking forward to becoming part of the Jewish community.

PS which "priests" were discouraging intermarriage. Hint----I know one and why-------for the time he made a good point----but it was a very time limited issue. I have even worse news for you-----"priests" in jewish law-----actually do not have much of a role (in fact none at all) in creating a "marriage". The one guy who discouraged intermarriage was-----only incidentally, a priest. (I am depending on memory-----I will have to check). I have a very strong
sense that none of the three kids that are the product of my brother's erstwhile marriage to a catholic (of course we will bring them up catholic----uhm-----father) turned out to be catholic. (I have lots of brothers---it was no tragedy)

Are you saying your prophets were not Priests? There was a whole tribe set aside for Priesthood, and you have to explain EXO 13: 2 yet, please explain the deeper meaning of that verse.

Correct -----only a few of the prophets were priests. Some of the prophets were not priests------probably most. Eli-----was a priest but I do not think Samuel was (not sure) What do you mean by "deeper meaning" -----you want to quote the verse to which you allude? being a priest is an hereditary position-----it needs to be
a descendant of AARON------ The situation galvanized the discovery of the cohen Haplotype. --------which STATISTICALLY indicates a common ancestor. It is a study that you do not understand at all. You seem to believe that the presence of the cohen haplotype in any person PROVES a lineage to aaron-----<<<<not true Lots of people not descended from aaron can have that haplotype. You probably failed high school biology

so EXO 13: 2 is about child sacrifice, is it not?
By M, a Reform female

For most of my life I was not a religious person. My father was agnostic and my mother was Catholic. When I was growing up, my mother wanted to give me a religious education because it was the "right thing to do," according to her. As a child, I attended the services at the church and I went to catechism. My father used to tease my mother by saying that she was trying to "brainwash me" with outdated concepts. In grade school, most of my teachers were anticlerical and said that religious beliefs were simply superstition.

Ultimately, I came to the conclusion that my father and my teachers were probably right. At the same time, I was asking myself questions: The idea that God sent his only son to be killed to save us did not make any sense. Was the world a better place after Jesus was killed and resurrected? If there was a God, why did God, who was so loving, allow all the injustice to happen in the world? Why did people commit massacre in the name of religion? Was not a religion as good as another religion? When I asked these questions, my mother and the priest would respond with, "Don’t question, just have faith." As a result I stopped going to church when I was in my teens. I did see not the point in going to a place of worship if I did not agree on the religious beliefs and practices.

I went through life caring very little about God and religion. However, deep down I believed that there was supernatural force, a Master of the Universe. Science did not give me a satisfactory answer on how the world was created. My teachers talked about the Big Bang. Science could not tell what was before the Big Bang. I believed that the master of the Universe set the Big Bang into motion and the world originated from there.

A major life change happened three years ago. My husband filed for divorce after 21 years of marriage. I almost had a nervous breakdown because I was frightened. I had no marketable job skills, I had never been alone in all those years, and I depended on my husband for my well-being. With the support of my family and friends, I picked myself up, and went back to college to get a master's degree in social work. Two weeks after graduation, I found my first job as a social worker in an agency working with seniors.

My clients at the agency were elderly Russian Jewish immigrants. As a social worker, I wanted to be culturally competent. I needed to know where my clients were coming from to better understand them. I took Russian language classes at City College and I attended a three-day workshop called a "Taste of Judaism." I felt that the workshop on Judaism was not enough to satisfy my curiosity. I took another six-week course on "Intro to Judaism." At the same time, I attended the Sabbath and Torah services. I was attracted by Judaism’s emphasis on action, rather than faith and dogma. I also learned that Judaism is not only a religion but a culture.

At the end of the workshop I talked to Lisa (who runs the conversion program at Sherith Israel) about the possibility of conversion. I really appreciated that I could take my time and study Judaism in depth before committing myself. My mentor, Helen, is very supportive and patient. She invited me for Passover and Hanukah. She sat with me at the Torah services and study. I learned more by participating than reading from a book. During the Torah study, I was amazed that the participants asked questions, and they were allowed to have different points of view. In addition, Helen suggested that I volunteer for Hamotzi. I really enjoy preparing meals for the shelters. In order to better understand the prayer book, I have been taking Hebrew classes.

Looking back when I first started attending Intro to Judaism classes and conversion classes, my view of God has changed. He (or she) is not the distant entity living in the sky. I believe that God is omnipotent, omnipresent and animates all beings. Therefore everything that happens, good things as well as bad things, is God’s will. What the prophet Isaiah said makes sense, "I am the Lord, there is no other. I form light and create darkness, I make weal and I create woe; I am the Lord of all these things." Now I do not try to control events anymore; I surrender to God. In life we have limited choices. Our apparent free will is conditioned by our environment, genetics, and talent. This, too, is God's will.

With Judaism I have found the values that I searched for. Judaism shows me the way to become a holy person. The way of salvation is by action rather than faith. We are in partnership with God to make the world better. I am looking forward to becoming part of the Jewish community.

PS which "priests" were discouraging intermarriage. Hint----I know one and why-------for the time he made a good point----but it was a very time limited issue. I have even worse news for you-----"priests" in jewish law-----actually do not have much of a role (in fact none at all) in creating a "marriage". The one guy who discouraged intermarriage was-----only incidentally, a priest. (I am depending on memory-----I will have to check). I have a very strong
sense that none of the three kids that are the product of my brother's erstwhile marriage to a catholic (of course we will bring them up catholic----uhm-----father) turned out to be catholic. (I have lots of brothers---it was no tragedy)

Are you saying your prophets were not Priests? There was a whole tribe set aside for Priesthood, and you have to explain EXO 13: 2 yet, please explain the deeper meaning of that verse.

Correct -----only a few of the prophets were priests. Some of the prophets were not priests------probably most. Eli-----was a priest but I do not think Samuel was (not sure) What do you mean by "deeper meaning" -----you want to quote the verse to which you allude? being a priest is an hereditary position-----it needs to be
a descendant of AARON------ The situation galvanized the discovery of the cohen Haplotype. --------which STATISTICALLY indicates a common ancestor. It is a study that you do not understand at all. You seem to believe that the presence of the cohen haplotype in any person PROVES a lineage to aaron-----<<<<not true Lots of people not descended from aaron can have that haplotype. You probably failed high school biology

so EXO 13: 2 is about child sacrifice, is it not?

you cannot copy and paste? I do not know what "exo" 13:2 is in
your idiot Nazi mistranslation
No not even close. If you want to see what Judaism is about just build the temple, what are you affraid of?

I don't need to see what Judaism is about, I can read, I know a lot about Jews in the US, and in Israel. I really do not think Israel needs a temple, they have plenty of synagogues, they also need to quit burning Christian churches.
By M, a Reform female

For most of my life I was not a religious person. My father was agnostic and my mother was Catholic. When I was growing up, my mother wanted to give me a religious education because it was the "right thing to do," according to her. As a child, I attended the services at the church and I went to catechism. My father used to tease my mother by saying that she was trying to "brainwash me" with outdated concepts. In grade school, most of my teachers were anticlerical and said that religious beliefs were simply superstition.

Ultimately, I came to the conclusion that my father and my teachers were probably right. At the same time, I was asking myself questions: The idea that God sent his only son to be killed to save us did not make any sense. Was the world a better place after Jesus was killed and resurrected? If there was a God, why did God, who was so loving, allow all the injustice to happen in the world? Why did people commit massacre in the name of religion? Was not a religion as good as another religion? When I asked these questions, my mother and the priest would respond with, "Don’t question, just have faith." As a result I stopped going to church when I was in my teens. I did see not the point in going to a place of worship if I did not agree on the religious beliefs and practices.

I went through life caring very little about God and religion. However, deep down I believed that there was supernatural force, a Master of the Universe. Science did not give me a satisfactory answer on how the world was created. My teachers talked about the Big Bang. Science could not tell what was before the Big Bang. I believed that the master of the Universe set the Big Bang into motion and the world originated from there.

A major life change happened three years ago. My husband filed for divorce after 21 years of marriage. I almost had a nervous breakdown because I was frightened. I had no marketable job skills, I had never been alone in all those years, and I depended on my husband for my well-being. With the support of my family and friends, I picked myself up, and went back to college to get a master's degree in social work. Two weeks after graduation, I found my first job as a social worker in an agency working with seniors.

My clients at the agency were elderly Russian Jewish immigrants. As a social worker, I wanted to be culturally competent. I needed to know where my clients were coming from to better understand them. I took Russian language classes at City College and I attended a three-day workshop called a "Taste of Judaism." I felt that the workshop on Judaism was not enough to satisfy my curiosity. I took another six-week course on "Intro to Judaism." At the same time, I attended the Sabbath and Torah services. I was attracted by Judaism’s emphasis on action, rather than faith and dogma. I also learned that Judaism is not only a religion but a culture.

At the end of the workshop I talked to Lisa (who runs the conversion program at Sherith Israel) about the possibility of conversion. I really appreciated that I could take my time and study Judaism in depth before committing myself. My mentor, Helen, is very supportive and patient. She invited me for Passover and Hanukah. She sat with me at the Torah services and study. I learned more by participating than reading from a book. During the Torah study, I was amazed that the participants asked questions, and they were allowed to have different points of view. In addition, Helen suggested that I volunteer for Hamotzi. I really enjoy preparing meals for the shelters. In order to better understand the prayer book, I have been taking Hebrew classes.

Looking back when I first started attending Intro to Judaism classes and conversion classes, my view of God has changed. He (or she) is not the distant entity living in the sky. I believe that God is omnipotent, omnipresent and animates all beings. Therefore everything that happens, good things as well as bad things, is God’s will. What the prophet Isaiah said makes sense, "I am the Lord, there is no other. I form light and create darkness, I make weal and I create woe; I am the Lord of all these things." Now I do not try to control events anymore; I surrender to God. In life we have limited choices. Our apparent free will is conditioned by our environment, genetics, and talent. This, too, is God's will.

With Judaism I have found the values that I searched for. Judaism shows me the way to become a holy person. The way of salvation is by action rather than faith. We are in partnership with God to make the world better. I am looking forward to becoming part of the Jewish community.

PS which "priests" were discouraging intermarriage. Hint----I know one and why-------for the time he made a good point----but it was a very time limited issue. I have even worse news for you-----"priests" in jewish law-----actually do not have much of a role (in fact none at all) in creating a "marriage". The one guy who discouraged intermarriage was-----only incidentally, a priest. (I am depending on memory-----I will have to check). I have a very strong
sense that none of the three kids that are the product of my brother's erstwhile marriage to a catholic (of course we will bring them up catholic----uhm-----father) turned out to be catholic. (I have lots of brothers---it was no tragedy)

Are you saying your prophets were not Priests? There was a whole tribe set aside for Priesthood, and you have to explain EXO 13: 2 yet, please explain the deeper meaning of that verse.

Correct -----only a few of the prophets were priests. Some of the prophets were not priests------probably most. Eli-----was a priest but I do not think Samuel was (not sure) What do you mean by "deeper meaning" -----you want to quote the verse to which you allude? being a priest is an hereditary position-----it needs to be
a descendant of AARON------ The situation galvanized the discovery of the cohen Haplotype. --------which STATISTICALLY indicates a common ancestor. It is a study that you do not understand at all. You seem to believe that the presence of the cohen haplotype in any person PROVES a lineage to aaron-----<<<<not true Lots of people not descended from aaron can have that haplotype. You probably failed high school biology

so EXO 13: 2 is about child sacrifice, is it not?

you cannot copy and paste? I do not know what "exo" 13:2 is in
your idiot Nazi mistranslation

EXODUS 13:2, in your Hebrew bible. It means child sacrifice.
oh I found it--------13: 2 the redemption of the first born ------each of the kids ----FIRST BORN of an Israelite (not a levi or a cohen) ---must be presented at the temple---------that child can be devoted to the temple or redeemed -----at the price of something like a half shekel (which was trivial) ----it has nothing to do with sacrifice. I am of the tribe of levi ----so my first born was exempt----ALSO he was born by C-section----another reason to exempt him----I did not go thru the ceremony of redemption at the cost of something like 50 cents. You have another question IDIOT?. It's a ceremony not quite as idiotic as splashing holy water on the kid's head. Samuel was a prophet. very important His mom---??PENNINNA ----devoted him to ELI the priest. Samuel grew up to be a very important PROPHET (clearly he was not of the tribe of Levi but ELI was ----like me) Samuel is featured in a beautiful
RENAISSANCE painting------accusing DAVID-------very dramatic.
Are you not impressed? you are not even sure who your grandfather was
By M, a Reform female

For most of my life I was not a religious person. My father was agnostic and my mother was Catholic. When I was growing up, my mother wanted to give me a religious education because it was the "right thing to do," according to her. As a child, I attended the services at the church and I went to catechism. My father used to tease my mother by saying that she was trying to "brainwash me" with outdated concepts. In grade school, most of my teachers were anticlerical and said that religious beliefs were simply superstition.

Ultimately, I came to the conclusion that my father and my teachers were probably right. At the same time, I was asking myself questions: The idea that God sent his only son to be killed to save us did not make any sense. Was the world a better place after Jesus was killed and resurrected? If there was a God, why did God, who was so loving, allow all the injustice to happen in the world? Why did people commit massacre in the name of religion? Was not a religion as good as another religion? When I asked these questions, my mother and the priest would respond with, "Don’t question, just have faith." As a result I stopped going to church when I was in my teens. I did see not the point in going to a place of worship if I did not agree on the religious beliefs and practices.

I went through life caring very little about God and religion. However, deep down I believed that there was supernatural force, a Master of the Universe. Science did not give me a satisfactory answer on how the world was created. My teachers talked about the Big Bang. Science could not tell what was before the Big Bang. I believed that the master of the Universe set the Big Bang into motion and the world originated from there.

A major life change happened three years ago. My husband filed for divorce after 21 years of marriage. I almost had a nervous breakdown because I was frightened. I had no marketable job skills, I had never been alone in all those years, and I depended on my husband for my well-being. With the support of my family and friends, I picked myself up, and went back to college to get a master's degree in social work. Two weeks after graduation, I found my first job as a social worker in an agency working with seniors.

My clients at the agency were elderly Russian Jewish immigrants. As a social worker, I wanted to be culturally competent. I needed to know where my clients were coming from to better understand them. I took Russian language classes at City College and I attended a three-day workshop called a "Taste of Judaism." I felt that the workshop on Judaism was not enough to satisfy my curiosity. I took another six-week course on "Intro to Judaism." At the same time, I attended the Sabbath and Torah services. I was attracted by Judaism’s emphasis on action, rather than faith and dogma. I also learned that Judaism is not only a religion but a culture.

At the end of the workshop I talked to Lisa (who runs the conversion program at Sherith Israel) about the possibility of conversion. I really appreciated that I could take my time and study Judaism in depth before committing myself. My mentor, Helen, is very supportive and patient. She invited me for Passover and Hanukah. She sat with me at the Torah services and study. I learned more by participating than reading from a book. During the Torah study, I was amazed that the participants asked questions, and they were allowed to have different points of view. In addition, Helen suggested that I volunteer for Hamotzi. I really enjoy preparing meals for the shelters. In order to better understand the prayer book, I have been taking Hebrew classes.

Looking back when I first started attending Intro to Judaism classes and conversion classes, my view of God has changed. He (or she) is not the distant entity living in the sky. I believe that God is omnipotent, omnipresent and animates all beings. Therefore everything that happens, good things as well as bad things, is God’s will. What the prophet Isaiah said makes sense, "I am the Lord, there is no other. I form light and create darkness, I make weal and I create woe; I am the Lord of all these things." Now I do not try to control events anymore; I surrender to God. In life we have limited choices. Our apparent free will is conditioned by our environment, genetics, and talent. This, too, is God's will.

With Judaism I have found the values that I searched for. Judaism shows me the way to become a holy person. The way of salvation is by action rather than faith. We are in partnership with God to make the world better. I am looking forward to becoming part of the Jewish community.

PS which "priests" were discouraging intermarriage. Hint----I know one and why-------for the time he made a good point----but it was a very time limited issue. I have even worse news for you-----"priests" in jewish law-----actually do not have much of a role (in fact none at all) in creating a "marriage". The one guy who discouraged intermarriage was-----only incidentally, a priest. (I am depending on memory-----I will have to check). I have a very strong
sense that none of the three kids that are the product of my brother's erstwhile marriage to a catholic (of course we will bring them up catholic----uhm-----father) turned out to be catholic. (I have lots of brothers---it was no tragedy)

Are you saying your prophets were not Priests? There was a whole tribe set aside for Priesthood, and you have to explain EXO 13: 2 yet, please explain the deeper meaning of that verse.

Correct -----only a few of the prophets were priests. Some of the prophets were not priests------probably most. Eli-----was a priest but I do not think Samuel was (not sure) What do you mean by "deeper meaning" -----you want to quote the verse to which you allude? being a priest is an hereditary position-----it needs to be
a descendant of AARON------ The situation galvanized the discovery of the cohen Haplotype. --------which STATISTICALLY indicates a common ancestor. It is a study that you do not understand at all. You seem to believe that the presence of the cohen haplotype in any person PROVES a lineage to aaron-----<<<<not true Lots of people not descended from aaron can have that haplotype. You probably failed high school biology

Samuel was a Levite priest who wore the ephod and he was also a prophet, Rosie.

It is written:
And did I choose him out of all the tribes of Israel to be my priest, to offer upon mine altar, to burn incense, to wear an ephod before me? and did I give unto the house of thy father all the offerings made by fire of the children of Israel?
1 Samuel 2:28

Some people are confused about it because it was written he descended from an ancestry described as an Ephraimite. Note the lineage of Samuel here from his father, Elkenah.

1 Samuel 1King James Version (KJV)
1 Now there was a certain man of Ramathaimzophim, of mount Ephraim, and his name was Elkanah, the son of Jeroham, the son of Elihu, the son of Tohu, the son of Zuph, an Ephrathite:

2 And he had two wives; the name of the one was Hannah, and the name of the other Peninnah: and Peninnah had children, but Hannah had no children.

3 And this man went up out of his city yearly to worship and to sacrifice unto the Lord of hosts in Shiloh. And the two sons of Eli, Hophni and Phinehas, the priests of the Lord, were there.

4 And when the time was that Elkanah offered, he gave to Peninnah his wife, and to all her sons and her daughters, portions:

5 But unto Hannah he gave a worthy portion; for he loved Hannah: but the Lord had shut up her womb.

6 And her adversary also provoked her sore, for to make her fret, because the Lord had shut up her womb.

7 And as he did so year by year, when she went up to the house of the Lord, so she provoked her; therefore she wept, and did not eat.

8 Then said Elkanah her husband to her, Hannah, why weepest thou? and why eatest thou not? and why is thy heart grieved? am not I better to thee than ten sons?

9 So Hannah rose up after they had eaten in Shiloh, and after they had drunk. Now Eli the priest sat upon a seat by a post of the temple of the Lord.

10 And she was in bitterness of soul, and prayed unto the Lord, and wept sore.

11 And she vowed a vow, and said, O Lord of hosts, if thou wilt indeed look on the affliction of thine handmaid, and remember me, and not forget thine handmaid, but wilt give unto thine handmaid a man child, then I will give him unto the Lord all the days of his life, and there shall no razor come upon his head.

12 And it came to pass, as she continued praying before the Lord, that Eli marked her mouth.

13 Now Hannah, she spake in her heart; only her lips moved, but her voice was not heard: therefore Eli thought she had been drunken.

14 And Eli said unto her, How long wilt thou be drunken? put away thy wine from thee.

15 And Hannah answered and said, No, my lord, I am a woman of a sorrowful spirit: I have drunk neither wine nor strong drink, but have poured out my soul before the Lord.

16 Count not thine handmaid for a daughter of Belial: for out of the abundance of my complaint and grief have I spoken hitherto.

17 Then Eli answered and said, Go in peace: and the God of Israel grant thee thy petition that thou hast asked of him.

18 And she said, Let thine handmaid find grace in thy sight. So the woman went her way, and did eat, and her countenance was no more sad.

19 And they rose up in the morning early, and worshipped before the Lord, and returned, and came to their house to Ramah: and Elkanah knew Hannah his wife; and the Lordremembered her.

20 Wherefore it came to pass, when the time was come about after Hannah had conceived, that she bare a son, and called his name Samuel, saying, Because I have asked him of the Lord.

21 And the man Elkanah, and all his house, went up to offer unto the Lord the yearly sacrifice, and his vow.

22 But Hannah went not up; for she said unto her husband, I will not go up until the child be weaned, and then I will bring him, that he may appear before the Lord, and there abide for ever.

See 1 Samuel 1:1 and we know that Samuel was acting as the priest in that Saul was supposed to wait upon him for the sacrifice to God (but he did not wait). That's in 1 Samuel 13:9,10. See below:

1 Samuel 13:9-14 King James Version (KJV)
9 And Saul said, Bring hither a burnt offering to me, and peace offerings. And he offered the burnt offering.

10 And it came to pass, that as soon as he had made an end of offering the burnt offering, behold, Samuel came; and Saul went out to meet him, that he might salute him.

11 And Samuel said, What hast thou done? And Saul said, Because I saw that the people were scattered from me, and that thou camest not within the days appointed, and that the Philistines gathered themselves together at Michmash;

12 Therefore said I, The Philistines will come down now upon me to Gilgal, and I have not made supplication unto the Lord: I forced myself therefore, and offered a burnt offering.

13 And Samuel said to Saul, Thou hast done foolishly: thou hast not kept the commandment of the Lord thy God, which he commanded thee: for now would the Lordhave established thy kingdom upon Israel for ever.

14 But now thy kingdom shall not continue: the Lord hath sought him a man after his own heart, and the Lord hath commanded him to be captain over his people, because thou hast not kept that which the Lord commanded thee.

King James Version (KJV)
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*because no one really
knows his name*

Technically forms /figures have names, Essences don't have names they have descriptions thus many descriptions they call many names.
The term "his" also is not technically correct, but we use gender for non forms and figures or objects.
Like saying "she (engine) runs smooth"
"lady luck" tv overheating="he's burning up"

Lastly Moshiach kwows the secret of the name of God ( scroll 4Q300I ii4=4Q299 2 i I4), which means Jesus wasn't Moshiach and the church wasn't the Bride, 'cause they never say who the father is.
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Then you inadvertantly admited he's lucifer.
Even your own text says you have the wrong groom.

Revelation 18:23

"And the light of a lamp (Jesus the Luciferous 'light of this world')
shall shine in thee no more; and the voice of bridegroom (Jesus) and bride (his church) shall be heard in thee nomore; for thy merchants were the great men of the earth, and all nations were deceived by thy sorcery."

Remember it's the Dew of the Night (Evening Star) not the Day (Morning Star) that flows down to the Bride.
The Hasidic discourse on the Song of Songs 5:2 by Rabbi Yitzchak Ginsburgh.
The Song of Songs CANT.5:2

"I am asleep, yet my heart is awake, the voice of my beloved beats, open to me, my sister, my companion, my dove, my perfect one, for my head is filled with dew, and my locks with droplets of Night."

The Rabbi's commentary:

In order for the "dew" to permeate all souls and beings, small "droplets" (concentrated drops) of "dew" must flow down the "locks" of the Groom to his bride. The property of might is called "Night'', for it -causes a contraction of light (eliminates darkness and pain by diffusing light into the world).

This Night however, is the means for conveying droplets of dew through the "locks" to the world, bringing with it the dawn of redemption - ultimate peace and freedom from all lower nights of exile.

"For my head is filled with dew" - Dew is symbolic of the gift of divine revelation that does not require arousal from below; for it comes from such a hidden and transcendent source that no effort of created beings can possibly reach.
*because no one really
knows his name*

Technically forms /figures have names, Essences don't have names they have descriptions thus many descriptions they call many names.
The term "his" also is not technically correct, but we use gender for non forms and figures or objects.
Like saying "she (engine) runs smooth"
"lady luck" tv overheating="he's burning up"

Lastly Moshiach kwows the secret of the name of God (don't have the verse or scroll number but there is one), which means Jesus wasn't Moshiach and the church wasn't the Bride, 'cause they never say who the father is.

His name is I am and Jesus revealed Himself as I am in the New Testament.

The Hebrew word Ahad meaning One is used in the meaning of God's One-ness. the Tenet of the Shema - Hear O' Israel the LORD our God is One - meaning 1 x 1 x 1 = 1, HaShev.

Going back to the word describing God as One - Ahad - it is also often used as a multiple compound - therein is your first clue - Elohim is a plural noun, consider the Scripture in Genesis 1:26 when God said,

Let US make man in OUR image and after OUR likeness............

Who was God speaking to? Let US make man? ..... in OUR Image? .......After OUR likeness??

Who is like God but God? He was speaking to His Word - Jesus Christ - His Spirit - the Holy Spirit of the living God - that is who He was speaking to.

As the Jewish man who received Jesus as His Messiah has said - 1 Kings 8:27 speaks of how God fills the universe - yet His word also says He filled the temple in Jerusalem. A contradiction? No. God's ways are mysterious. He reveals Himself as He will - listen in Genesis Chapter 32 Jacob wrestles with the Lord and refuses to release Him until He blesses him! Can an angel bless a human? No. Only the LORD can do that.... what does Jacob say of the encounter? he says I've seen the LORD face to face and yet I live....... (to tell about it!) Who has the power to change Jacob's name to Israel? An angel? No. Only the LORD. Genesis Chapter 18 Abraham has 3 men to visit him and yet he says God and then man and then God and then man back and forth back and forth........ So Jesus Christ is the I am. The Beginning and the End, the Alpha and the Omega. He is both the root and offspring of David and the bright and Morning Star. And how can he be both the root of David and His offspring? Because He is God, HaShev. Hear O Israel, the Lord thy God is One. 1 x 1 x 1 = 1.
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I am was the angel of the Lord and your NT and faith says Jesus isn't an angel even calling him lower then angels in Theslonians.
Everytime you can't answer to or refute something ypu place Jesus into thinfs like you said yourself is an insane thing to do (your own words).

Found the source fixed former post:
Moshiach kwows the secret of the name of God ( scroll 4Q300I ii4=4Q299 2 i I4)
Disqualifies Jesus as the groom snd the church who knew not the bame as the bride.
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oh I found it--------13: 2 the redemption of the first born ------each of the kids ----FIRST BORN of an Israelite (not a levi or a cohen) ---must be presented at the temple---------that child can be devoted to the temple or redeemed -----at the price of something like a half shekel (which was trivial) ----it has nothing to do with sacrifice. I am of the tribe of levi ----so my first born was exempt----ALSO he was born by C-section----another reason to exempt him----I did not go thru the ceremony of redemption at the cost of something like 50 cents. You have another question IDIOT?. It's a ceremony not quite as idiotic as splashing holy water on the kid's head. Samuel was a prophet. very important His mom---??PENNINNA ----devoted him to ELI the priest. Samuel grew up to be a very important PROPHET (clearly he was not of the tribe of Levi but ELI was ----like me) Samuel is featured in a beautiful
RENAISSANCE painting------accusing DAVID-------very dramatic.
Are you not impressed? you are not even sure who your grandfather was
Exodus 13:2New King James Version (NKJV)

2 “Consecrate to Me all the firstborn, whatever opens the womb among the children of Israel, both of man and beast; it is Mine.”

Dont' be making things up, its firstborn sacrifice of anything that first opens the womb, except for levi. who are needed to carry out the sacrifices.

Your the tribe of levi, ok, lets have a list of your papers , because there is no way you can know that, as even the Priests and the Levis intermarried, you are probably a Canaanite and Amorite mixture, maybe even a little Sumerian, or Ethiopian, who can even trace their linage back that far.
I am was the angel of the Lord and your NT and faith says Jesus isn't an angel even calling him lower then angels in Theslonians.
Everytime you can't answer to or refute something ypu place Jesus into thinfs like you said yourself is an insane thing to do (your own words).

Your an angel of the Lord, really.
I am was the angel of the Lord and your NT and faith says Jesus isn't an angel even calling him lower then angels in Theslonians.
Everytime you can't answer to or refute something ypu place Jesus into thinfs like you said yourself is an insane thing to do (your own words).

Found the source fixed former post:
Moshiach kwows the secret of the name of God ( scroll 4Q300I ii4=4Q299 2 i I4)
Disqualifies Jesus as the groom snd the church who knew not the bame as the bride.
Refer me to the verse you talking about, thank you.
I am was the angel of the Lord and your NT and faith says Jesus isn't an angel even calling him lower then angels in Theslonians.
Everytime you can't answer to or refute something ypu place Jesus into thinfs like you said yourself is an insane thing to do (your own words).

Listen to me, HaShev. God's ways are higher than your ways or my ways. He is God. We have a finite mind trying to comprehend an infinite God - it is God who reveals Himself to each of us - but it is not His Will to hide this truth from you that Jesus Christ is the Messiah. In John 7:17 we see clearly that Jesus tells us if any man shall will to do the will of God he shall know the truth. What does this mean? Simple.

If you tell G-d, you are willing to do the will of G-d once you know it - that you are willing to receive Jesus Christ as your Messiah if G-d reveals to you He is the One - that you will follow Him all the days of your life and serve Him - you shall know the truth. If you only want to discuss things to argue about them - G-d will not reveal anything to you because when a person does that he is stuck in pride and we know that G-d resists the proud but giveth grace unto the humble. He will draw near to you if you draw near to Him. Are you willing?

Here is what I see - you are like a lawyer - looking for your answer before you even hear the explanation - you are not listening - you are searching for your response - your comeback - but you need to be still and listen. You need to be still and know He is God. Not you. He is G-d. Let G-d be G-d and you humble yourself like a little child and wait upon Him and He will come to you. I know He will.

I am praying for you that the LORD reveals Himself to you. If you desire the praise of G-d over the praise of men? If you are willing to be shunned by the religious people who reject Jesus as Messiah once you know He is the Messiah? He will be pleased with you and reveal Himself to you. You need only have a willing heart, HaShev. That is all it is. A heart willing to follow the LORD all the days of your life. King David knew this walk with the LORD, he knew the delight of knowing G-d, of having His Spirit - he cried to the LORD, take not thy Spirit from me! What was King David speaking of? The precious Holy Spirit of God. He said, Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet. Who is Thy Word O God? It is thy Son - Jesus Christ.

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