Zone1 The Christmas tree is not an idol.

I do this all year
I stopped all this when I read Jeremiah long ago:

Listen to the Message that GOD is sending your way, House of Israel. Listen most carefully: “Don’t take the godless nations as your models. Don’t be impressed by their glamour and glitz, no matter how much they’re impressed. The religion of these peoples is nothing but smoke. An idol is nothing but a tree chopped down, then shaped by a woodsman’s ax. They trim it with tinsel and balls, use hammer and nails to keep it upright. It’s like a scarecrow in a cabbage patch—can’t talk! Deadwood that has to be carried—can’t walk! Don’t be impressed by such stuff. It’s useless for either good or evil.”
I stopped all this when I read Jeremiah long ago:

Listen to the Message that GOD is sending your way, House of Israel. Listen most carefully: “Don’t take the godless nations as your models. Don’t be impressed by their glamour and glitz, no matter how much they’re impressed. The religion of these peoples is nothing but smoke. An idol is nothing but a tree chopped down, then shaped by a woodsman’s ax. They trim it with tinsel and balls, use hammer and nails to keep it upright. It’s like a scarecrow in a cabbage patch—can’t talk! Deadwood that has to be carried—can’t walk! Don’t be impressed by such stuff. It’s useless for either good or evil.”
"Tinsel and balls" don't appear in the original (Thou shalt not add stuff to scripture).
Read it in any translation, THEN do as your heart desires. That's how God judges:

For the heart is deceitful above all things; desperately wicked. Who can know it?
If I were God, I would generally be pleased with the Christmas holiday as a whole.

You really have to be a special kind of window licker to get your tail in a crack about a Christmas Tree.
At base level it is a decoration for no other reason than decorating, and on top of that, trees are and always have been a renewable resource ... :thup:

I'm 68 years old and to me the Christmas tree has never been anything but a cultural thing, not necessarily symbolic of anything. Just a decorative centerpiece of the season.
Same here. I am wondering should I be concerned about bringing my soon-to-be flowering camellias into the house as my January decorative centerpieces. Some innocent may visit and fall down in worship. (They are quite beautiful.)
Same here. I am wondering should I be concerned about bringing my soon-to-be flowering camellias into the house as my January decorative centerpieces. Some innocent may visit and fall down in worship. (They are quite beautiful.)

You have camellias out in December? I'm jealous.

I'm surrounded by trees, andView attachment 741983 I keep the feeder filled for my feathered friends.

I think I'm down to just two or three days of birdseed left and will be lucky if it gets warm enough on Wednesday to allow me to get out to get more. The flock of sparrows and a few woodpeckers, jays and doves that depend on me for that food might have to tighten their belts!

This year, some are just beginning to open. Other times there are a few in full bloom by Christmas. When do they bloom for you?

When I lived in Washington State, they were early spring bloomers. Now that I'm in South Dakota, I haven't seen any, so I don't know.


I think I'm down to just two or three days of birdseed left and will be lucky if it gets warm enough on Wednesday to allow me to get out to get more. The flock of sparrows and a few woodpeckers, jays and doves that depend on me for that food might have to tighten their belts!

I stocked up on feed early on. I have gang of sparrows that demolishes the food pile almost as soon as I put it out. Bigger birds do chase them away however and get their share.
I stocked up on feed early on. I have gang of sparrows that demolishes the food pile almost as soon as I put it out. Bigger birds do chase them away however and get their share.


I normally buy 10# bags but I think I'll get the 25# bag this time.

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