The 'church' of Satan. True churches shall refuse to obey satanic commands like social distancing, insane masks etc.


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Would Jesus or the first Christians do the same?
I doubt it.
So-called 'churches' which transformed themselves to brothels are synagogues of Satan

Revelation 2:9 King James Version (KJV)
9 I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.

True priests shall stand up to satanic demands and continue church services according to the Christian tradition, not to demands of Hell and its servants.
Would Jesus wear the insane mask and transform his teaching to blasphemy?


In the Last Time true Christians shall stop to go to dead 'churches', they shall study the Holy Bible ( KJV) and pray directly to Jesus without satanic traitorous middlemen.


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Would Jesus or the first Christians do the same?
I doubt it.
So-called 'churches' which transformed themselves to brothels are synagogues of Satan

Revelation 2:9 King James Version (KJV)
9 I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.

True priests shall stand up to satanic demands and continue church services according to the Christian tradition, not to demands of Hell and its servants.
Would Jesus wear the insane mask and transform his teaching to blasphemy?


In the Last Time true Christians shall stop to go to dead 'churches', they shall study the Holy Bible ( KJV) and pray directly to Jesus without satanic traitorous middlemen.



Nice post, thanks.
We have only one Teacher. Jesus
We have only one Holy Book - The Holy Bible
And we shall follow commands of Jesus and the Holy Bible, not of satanic politicians and their servants
Since 2,000 years didn't existed a such shame on Chrisianity
Christianity is dead if it cannot rid itself of hate preachers and other assorted charlatans like OP who do not care one bit if this shit causes someone to get sick and die. The gullible may still be redeemed but those church leaders who require a dangerous test of faith of their flock will never see the kingdom of heaven.
Christianity is dead if it cannot rid itself of hate preachers and other assorted charlatans like OP who do not care one bit if this shit causes someone to get sick and die. The gullible may still be redeemed but those church leaders who require a dangerous test of faith of their flock will never see the kingdom of heaven.
All Christianity is, is a Book of rules to live by. We either follow them or we don't. Its all to degree by most people. You will fine that when many people who have seen massive despair in their lives, they turn to religion. The Godless religion of gaia that we have moved to seems to have created many more problems while using social injustice wins to blur much of that and cast blame on others who did no wrong.

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