The CIA, Obama & FBI Were Colluding to “Get Trump”!

One thing everyone is overlooking is that anyone who put their hands on The Russian Fusion GPS Dossier, passed it along to The Media, Promoted it in any way, used it in a FISA affidavit knowingly, and paid for such information is qualified as an AGENT OF A FOREIGN GOVERNMENT! And that Foreign Government was Russia.

Let’s not forget that both “Not My President” and “Black Lives Matter” were both creations of Russian Intelligence as well, and that they staged Anti Trump Rallies right outside Trump Tower.

The Democrat party and their allies did Russia’s bidding and Russia’s goal was to undermine Trump to such a degree that Clinton would win The Election. And why? Because everyone knows The Clintons are for sale.

China knows it, Russia knows it, Saudi Arabia knows it, Iran knows it and North Korea knows it.

Note also that here was no Clinton Russian Dossier whipped up to smear Clinton 1,000 different ways.

And what kind of moron says Comey helped Trump when what he did was Exonerate Clinton months before the Investigation when clearly she should have been not only disqualified from The Election, but should be doing time in Leavenworth!

He gave the entire Clinton Posse Immunity.

He broke FBI protocol and procedure when he did not record or take notes of any of The Interviews.

He allowed destruction of Evidence and held no one accountable for it.

Comey was Forced to do
An Investigation because of a Whistleblower, and had no choice and then was ordered by Loretta Lynch to sweep it all under the rug.

If Comey merely followed the law, Bernie Sanders would have been Trump’s opponent, and probably could have been the next president.

I think it would have been a great opportunity for Americans to discuss the issues instead of engagaing in Chicago mud slinging and skullduggery that comes with anything Clinton related!


Comey clearly helped Trump get elected


now Republicans claim Obama didn't do enough.

How many ways can you have it?
That claim is based on the theory that Hillary is innocent, but we all know she is guilty as hell.
Guilty of what?
Either she is the smartest woman in the world or Republicans are the most lame investigators.

And if she is the smartest woman in the world, to bad the dumbest didn't vote for her. They had to go vote for a Russian Rodeo Clown.

she is gultyof violating the espionage of this country.
Because she, she, what exactly was it she did?

Now Trump on the other hand...........

The Original Tree just explained it, dumbass.
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This corruption involving the assorted swamp rats from Obama on down really has created a Constitutional Crisis. These criminals need to be locked up already, or no American citizen will trust anything the government says.
Documents suggest possible coordination between CIA, FBI, Obama WH and Dem officials early in Trump-Russia probe: investigators

More truth to bitch slap The Crooked Treasonous Obama Administration. And LeftTard subversives!

I recommend reading the full article in the link provided above.

Documents provided to Fox News “strongly suggest” coordination between former President Barack Obama’s Chief of Staff Denis McDonough, then-Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid, and CIA Director John Brennan —which they say would “contradict” the Obama administration’s public stance about its hand in the process.

Page texted Strzok on Aug. 2, 2016, saying: “Make sure you can lawfully protect what you sign. Just thinking about congress, foia, etc. You probably know better than me.”

A text message from Strzok to Page on Aug. 3 described former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe as being concerned with “information control” related to the initial investigation into the Trump campaign. According to a report from the New York Times, Brennan was sent to Capitol Hill around the same time to brief members of Congress on the possibility of election interference.

Days later, on Aug. 8, 2016, Strzok texted Page: “Internal joint cyber cd intel piece for D, scenesetter for McDonough brief, Trainer [head of FBI cyber division] directed all cyber info be pulled. I’d let Bill and Jim hammer it out first, though it would be best for D to have it before the Wed WH session.”

In the texts, “D” referred to FBI Director James Comey, and and “McDonough” referred to Chief of Staff Denis McDonough, the GOP investigators said.

Yep, but Sessions doesn't think it warrants a special prosecutor....
Did you read the article at all that I posted above?

Attorney General Jeff Sessions designated U.S. attorney John Huber as the prosecutor tasked with looking into allegations of abuse of power at the FBI.

In a Thursday letter to Congress, Sessions said this appointment was made in response to requests for a special counsel investigation of the claims. The attorney general said, however, that Huber will be the one determining "whether any matters merit the appointment of a special counsel."

More truth to bitch slap The Crooked Treasonous Obama Administration. And LeftTard subversives!

I recommend reading the full article in the link provided above.

Documents provided to Fox News “strongly suggest” coordination between former President Barack Obama’s Chief of Staff Denis McDonough, then-Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid, and CIA Director John Brennan —which they say would “contradict” the Obama administration’s public stance about its hand in the process.

Page texted Strzok on Aug. 2, 2016, saying: “Make sure you can lawfully protect what you sign. Just thinking about congress, foia, etc. You probably know better than me.”

A text message from Strzok to Page on Aug. 3 described former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe as being concerned with “information control” related to the initial investigation into the Trump campaign. According to a report from the New York Times, Brennan was sent to Capitol Hill around the same time to brief members of Congress on the possibility of election interference.

Days later, on Aug. 8, 2016, Strzok texted Page: “Internal joint cyber cd intel piece for D, scenesetter for McDonough brief, Trainer [head of FBI cyber division] directed all cyber info be pulled. I’d let Bill and Jim hammer it out first, though it would be best for D to have it before the Wed WH session.”

In the texts, “D” referred to FBI Director James Comey, and and “McDonough” referred to Chief of Staff Denis McDonough, the GOP investigators said.

Yep, but Sessions doesn't think it warrants a special prosecutor....
Did you read the article at all that I posted above?

Attorney General Jeff Sessions designated U.S. attorney John Huber as the prosecutor tasked with looking into allegations of abuse of power at the FBI.

In a Thursday letter to Congress, Sessions said this appointment was made in response to requests for a special counsel investigation of the claims. The attorney general said, however, that Huber will be the one determining "whether any matters merit the appointment of a special counsel."

More truth to bitch slap The Crooked Treasonous Obama Administration. And LeftTard subversives!

I recommend reading the full article in the link provided above.

Documents provided to Fox News “strongly suggest” coordination between former President Barack Obama’s Chief of Staff Denis McDonough, then-Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid, and CIA Director John Brennan —which they say would “contradict” the Obama administration’s public stance about its hand in the process.

Page texted Strzok on Aug. 2, 2016, saying: “Make sure you can lawfully protect what you sign. Just thinking about congress, foia, etc. You probably know better than me.”

A text message from Strzok to Page on Aug. 3 described former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe as being concerned with “information control” related to the initial investigation into the Trump campaign. According to a report from the New York Times, Brennan was sent to Capitol Hill around the same time to brief members of Congress on the possibility of election interference.

Days later, on Aug. 8, 2016, Strzok texted Page: “Internal joint cyber cd intel piece for D, scenesetter for McDonough brief, Trainer [head of FBI cyber division] directed all cyber info be pulled. I’d let Bill and Jim hammer it out first, though it would be best for D to have it before the Wed WH session.”

In the texts, “D” referred to FBI Director James Comey, and and “McDonough” referred to Chief of Staff Denis McDonough, the GOP investigators said.

Yep, but Sessions doesn't think it warrants a special prosecutor....

WASHINGTON — Attorney General Jeff Sessionswill not appoint a second special counsel to review a host of politically charged grievances against the Justice Department and the FBI leveled by Republican lawmakers.

While acknowledging that the Justice Department is "not above criticism," Sessions said in a letter Thursday to three Republican committee chairmen that such an appointment was not necessary.}

Attorney General Jeff Sessions says he won't appoint a second special counsel
This is the new Trump talking point: the FBI hatched a plan to “get Trump” on some phony charges in the event he won the election.

Nothing new, this has been an argument for sometime now, both parties are being ran by nutsos. Pretty sad
This is the new Trump talking point: the FBI hatched a plan to “get Trump” on some phony charges in the event he won the election.

Nothing new, this has been an argument for sometime now, both parties are being ran by nutsos. Pretty sad

The Stalinist democrats have engaged in open treason.

But Sessions doesn't think that warrants a special counsel...
Apparently no one knows how to fucking read around here.

Sessions appointed Huber as a prosecutor to look in to FBI corruption and FISA Abuse and he is charged with making the final call for a second Special Prosecutor.

Sessions is doing that to insulate himself.

A special prosecutor will be appointed not by Sessions but by Huber.
This is the real story and not Russians and Stormy. It's sad so much of the USA wants to be a cat chasing its tail All because Hillary lost

Comey clearly helped Trump get elected


now Republicans claim Obama didn't do enough.

How many ways can you have it?
That claim is based on the theory that Hillary is innocent, but we all know she is guilty as hell.
Guilty of what?
Either she is the smartest woman in the world or Republicans are the most lame investigators.

And if she is the smartest woman in the world, to bad the dumbest didn't vote for her. They had to go vote for a Russian Rodeo Clown.

she is gultyof violating the espionage of this country.

english, comrade, english
Comey got Hillary elected dum dums.
Sure he did, that's why Comey gave Clinton Immunity, Exonerated her months before he interviewed her, allowed her to delete 30,000 emails that were under two Federal Preservation Orders, then broke FBI protocol and procedure when he interviewed her entire posse, and did not take any notes or recordings of any of the testimony, and then even despite allowing Clinton to bleach bit her server in violation of the law, still found evidence of crimes, and still came out publicly and stated to his embarrassment that despite finding evidence of wrong doing, and gross negligence that Clinton was too stupid to prosecute her and no reasonable prosecutor would do that.
Apparently no one knows how to fucking read around here.

Sessions appointed Huber as a prosecutor to look in to FBI corruption and FISA Abuse and he is charged with making the final call for a second Special Prosecutor.

Sessions is doing that to insulate himself.

A special prosecutor will be appointed not by Sessions but by Huber.

Try again;

Attorney General Jeff Sessions told lawmakers Thursday he will not be naming a second special counsel at this time, explaining in a letter that a federal prosecutor is reviewing allegations of misconduct at the Federal Bureau of Investigation and Department of Justice.

“I write in response to recent letters requesting the appointment of a Special Counsel to review certain prosecutorial and investigative determinations made by the Department of Justice in 2016 and 2017. I take the concerns you raise seriously,” Sessions wrote in a letter to Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley, House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte and House Oversight Committee Chairman Trey Gowdy.

But, he said, a second special counsel is named only in "the most 'extraordinary circumstances.' "

"To justify such an appointment, the Attorney General would need to conclude that 'the public interest would be served by removing a large degree of responsibility for the matter from the Department of Justice,' " Sessions added.}

Leah Barkoukis - Sessions Has Made a Decision About Appointing a Second Special Counsel
Documents suggest possible coordination between CIA, FBI, Obama WH and Dem officials early in Trump-Russia probe: investigators

More truth to bitch slap The Crooked Treasonous Obama Administration. And LeftTard subversives!

I recommend reading the full article in the link provided above.

Documents provided to Fox News “strongly suggest” coordination between former President Barack Obama’s Chief of Staff Denis McDonough, then-Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid, and CIA Director John Brennan —which they say would “contradict” the Obama administration’s public stance about its hand in the process.

Page texted Strzok on Aug. 2, 2016, saying: “Make sure you can lawfully protect what you sign. Just thinking about congress, foia, etc. You probably know better than me.”

A text message from Strzok to Page on Aug. 3 described former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe as being concerned with “information control” related to the initial investigation into the Trump campaign. According to a report from the New York Times, Brennan was sent to Capitol Hill around the same time to brief members of Congress on the possibility of election interference.

Days later, on Aug. 8, 2016, Strzok texted Page: “Internal joint cyber cd intel piece for D, scenesetter for McDonough brief, Trainer [head of FBI cyber division] directed all cyber info be pulled. I’d let Bill and Jim hammer it out first, though it would be best for D to have it before the Wed WH session.”

In the texts, “D” referred to FBI Director James Comey, and and “McDonough” referred to Chief of Staff Denis McDonough, the GOP investigators said.

top indepependent sources not on the governments payroll have exposed obama and clinton as well. amazing that obama would care being out of office,he did not do that with romney because romney same as him are part of the NWO plan against americans and the world.
english, comrade, english

English, derp.

The name of a language is a proper noun. Had you stuck it out and completed 2nd grade you would know this, derp.

i'll take your word for it, considering how you attempted second grade much more recently than i completed it.

Dropping out is not "completing," derp.

Had you continued to try, you no doubt would have still been repeating the second grade while I was awarded my doctorate; but at least it would have been an effort.

Run along and dig more "almond roca" out of the cat box now, derp...

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