The Climate Change Cult

Granted. The earth does seem to be warming, we ALL just have to figure out why.
where is it warming? You haven't been following the More Proof the Skeptics are Winning thread. Our winters are longer and are springs have all but disappeared in the NH. So explain where it is warming. In fact, the average has not gone up since 2000. so, enlighten me on where.
I think the Arctic-that's what Al Gore said.
sure, post up the actual temperatures over the last thirty years for the arctic. You know it's actually colder? you must have missed the boats stuck in ice in the summer.
I don't know or care, frankly-just seems warmer to me
well the facts aren't your feelings I supposed. Don't know what else to tell you. the facts are the winters are longer. you understand what that means? just curious, where do you live?
Granted. The earth does seem to be warming, we ALL just have to figure out why.
where is it warming? You haven't been following the More Proof the Skeptics are Winning thread. Our winters are longer and are springs have all but disappeared in the NH. So explain where it is warming. In fact, the average has not gone up since 2000. so, enlighten me on where.
I think the Arctic-that's what Al Gore said.
sure, post up the actual temperatures over the last thirty years for the arctic. You know it's actually colder? you must have missed the boats stuck in ice in the summer.
I don't know or care, frankly-just seems warmer to me
SO your gauging the planets health on your short life span and your feelings?


The planet is 4.5 BILLION years old and your measly 20-30 years is now the measure of it? Do you know how ignorant of the science that is? There are cycles on this planet that range in 130,000 years and you think 30 years is going to tell you anything?

View attachment 280608

Here is the last 450,000 years.. What you experience today is nothing compared to just one of earths glacial cycles, which last 90,000 years and a warm cycle that last just 9,000-14,000 years.. Were in the warm part of just one 130,000 year cycle and its nearing its return to glaciation.
I wish it was ONLY 20 or 30 years.
View attachment 280556

HEr handler and escort is a soros brainless useful idiot

YEP are now equating a kid with Hitler Youth because she is concerned about climate change?

I guess there is no low to low.
Looks like a duck, walks like a duck, quacks like a duck....
You seem to have a great deal of trouble identifying ducks.
nope, duck.
Woe. A teenage girl, advocating for climate change, is now the equivalent of Hitler.

Forget about ducks, you guys are freaking loons.
that's not what he said at all. reading is a skill. you should go back and reread what it is he did say.
where is it warming? You haven't been following the More Proof the Skeptics are Winning thread. Our winters are longer and are springs have all but disappeared in the NH. So explain where it is warming. In fact, the average has not gone up since 2000. so, enlighten me on where.
I think the Arctic-that's what Al Gore said.
sure, post up the actual temperatures over the last thirty years for the arctic. You know it's actually colder? you must have missed the boats stuck in ice in the summer.
I don't know or care, frankly-just seems warmer to me
well the facts aren't your feelings I supposed. Don't know what else to tell you. the facts are the winters are longer. you understand what that means? just curious, where do you live?
I live in chicago, and dude, it ain't warmer. guarownteee
where is it warming? You haven't been following the More Proof the Skeptics are Winning thread. Our winters are longer and are springs have all but disappeared in the NH. So explain where it is warming. In fact, the average has not gone up since 2000. so, enlighten me on where.
I think the Arctic-that's what Al Gore said.
sure, post up the actual temperatures over the last thirty years for the arctic. You know it's actually colder? you must have missed the boats stuck in ice in the summer.
I don't know or care, frankly-just seems warmer to me
SO your gauging the planets health on your short life span and your feelings?


The planet is 4.5 BILLION years old and your measly 20-30 years is now the measure of it? Do you know how ignorant of the science that is? There are cycles on this planet that range in 130,000 years and you think 30 years is going to tell you anything?

View attachment 280608

Here is the last 450,000 years.. What you experience today is nothing compared to just one of earths glacial cycles, which last 90,000 years and a warm cycle that last just 9,000-14,000 years.. Were in the warm part of just one 130,000 year cycle and its nearing its return to glaciation.
I wish it was ONLY 20 or 30 years.
I'm in my fifties and even my life span is to short to determine what the climate is doing..
No One Seemed To Notice Greta Thunberg’s Critique Of The Green New Deal

Though Thunberg did not utter the words “Green New Deal,” she characterized partisan efforts that envision an idealized future as unhelpful dreams, and her criticism culminated in these words:

“No matter how political the background to this crisis may be, we must not allow this to continue to be a partisan political question. The climate and ecological crisis is beyond party politics. And our main enemy right now is not our political opponents. Our main enemy now is physics. And we can not make ‘deals’ with physics.”

The Achilles’ Heel of the Green New Deal is that it deploys the climate crisis as a liberal cause, which ensures conservative opposition.

The climate crisis is a universal cause.

Conservatives need a way to get on board. It’s difficult for them to support a policy that evokes the New Deal. And conservative opposition will relegate the Green New Deal to the realm of fantasy at least until a cataclysm arrives like the one that inspired the original New Deal.

In the meantime back to reality. . . .

Top 10 Global Warming Lies That May Shock You

You're delusional. Get this through your thick skull, lefty. YOU ARE THE BRAINWASH. Classical liberals have not gotten abroad and are not going to get abroad because there is no crisis. There never has been. The only cataclysm is the one proposed by you hysterical, pseudoscientific lunatics.
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Yet another nimrod thread from climate change deniers. What do you do for an encore? Say vaccinations cause autism?
Hey, Grumpy, Climate Change is WEATHER. Climate Change is WEATHER. You're welcome.

Hey Bluzman. Pumping billions of tonnes of shit into the atmosphere has no affect on the climate. Pumping billions of tonnes of shit into the atmosphere has no affect on the climate. Now say thank-you.

While we're on fairy tales like humans DON'T affect the climate, I'll just make my list for Santa Claus, make sure I put my denches under my pillow for the tooth fairy, find out what the fucker the Easter Bunny is doing this April, and see my local leprechaun about how my stash of gold is doing.
Also incredibly old and stale

You leftwing nazi morons should really come up with some brand new bullshit instead of the same old recycled shit.....pun intended

Human CO2 is a tiny % of CO2 emissions

“The oceans contain 37,400 billion tons (GT) of suspended carbon, land biomass has 2000-3000 GT. The atpmosphere contains 720 billion tons of CO2 and humans contribute only 6 GT additional load on this balance. The oceans, land and atpmosphere exchange CO2 continuously so the additional load by humans is incredibly small. A small shift in the balance between oceans and air would cause a CO2 much more severe rise than anything we could produce.” (Jeff Id)

Who is Jeff Id, and why should I listen to some dude on a message board?
Hey Bluzman. Pumping billions of tonnes of shit into the atmosphere has no affect on the climate. Pumping billions of tonnes of shit into the atmosphere has no affect on the climate. Now say thank-you.

You seem to be a willing victim of propaganda. That statement makes it pretty clear. Tell me, are you aware that to date, there has not been a single peer reviewed paper published in any journal in which the claimed warming caused by our production of "greenhouse" gasses has been empirically measured, quantified and blamed on those "greenhouse" gasses?

So tell me, where did you get your belief that pumping billions of tons of "shit" into the air is altering the climate? What scientific paper did it come from?

Can you even provide a peer reviewed paper published in any respectable journal that makes the claim, and supports it with actual data that we are even the cause of rising CO2 in the atmosphere? I can provide numerous peer reviewed, published papers that find, via empirical evidence, that our contribution to the "greenhouse" gasses in the atmosphere is vanishingly small.

Since you are communicating with Santa...maybe you could ask for some actual science to support your claims. You can't even provide a single shred of observed, measured evidence which supports the AGW hypothesis over natural variability...

While we're on fairy tales like humans DON'T affect the climate, I'll just make my list for Santa Claus, make sure I put my denches under my pillow for the tooth fairy, find out what the fucker the Easter Bunny is doing this April, and see my local leprechaun about how my stash of gold is doing.

Since you are communicating with Santa...maybe you could ask for some actual science to support your claims. You can't even provide a single shred of observed, measured evidence which supports the AGW hypothesis over natural variability..

They have modelled it. And yes, modelling is absolutely a scientifically provable method. I'm not even going to go into the physical evidence. You stack up your list of 'scientists' and I'll stack up mine. And no, you just being some hick on a messageboard doesn't make you an expert.
He has no idea of what you are talking about. He chose his side based on his politics and only gets information from approved sources which don't talk about the science. You may as well be repeating those numbers to a bleating insensate calf..your words would be equally understood by either.

For a start I am apolitical. As for politics, how come every single person on this board who doesn't believe humans are affecting the climate are right-wing neocon whackadoodles? No politics there? Next thing you'll be saying is that the climate scientists are doing it to get grant money. To which I say, if you think that, you know nothing about scientists and what motivates them.
Hey don't believe me, talk to NASA. Hey, but don't worry! Apparently it's nothing to do with humans. Just the sun going through the motions (see the bolded part in the quote below - I know you losers won't read the whole quote, just so you know, the bolded part refers to pre 1950, not the current situation). Yeah, some right-wing neocon nimrods on a message board should be believed over NASA.


Evidence | Facts – Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet

The Earth's climate has changed throughout history. Just in the last 650,000 years there have been seven cycles of glacial advance and retreat, with the abrupt end of the last ice age about 7,000 years ago marking the beginning of the modern climate era — and of human civilization. Most of these climate changes are attributed to very small variations in Earth’s orbit that change the amount of solar energy our planet receives.

The current warming trend is of particular significance because most of it is extremely likely (greater than 95 percent probability) to be the result of human activity since the mid-20thcentury and proceeding at a rate that is unprecedented over decades to millennia.1


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Here is the last 450,000 years.. What you experience today is nothing compared to just one of earths glacial cycles, which last 90,000 years and a warm cycle that last just 9,000-14,000 years.. Were in the warm part of just one 130,000 year cycle and its nearing its return to glaciation.

BS. See my previous.
Hey don't believe me, talk to NASA. Hey, but don't worry! Apparently it's nothing to do with humans. Just the sun going through the motions (see the bolded part in the quote below - I know you losers won't read the whole quote, just so you know, the bolded part refers to pre 1950, not the current situation). Yeah, some right-wing neocon nimrods on a message board should be believed over NASA.


Evidence | Facts – Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet

The Earth's climate has changed throughout history. Just in the last 650,000 years there have been seven cycles of glacial advance and retreat, with the abrupt end of the last ice age about 7,000 years ago marking the beginning of the modern climate era — and of human civilization. Most of these climate changes are attributed to very small variations in Earth’s orbit that change the amount of solar energy our planet receives.

The current warming trend is of particular significance because most of it is extremely likely (greater than 95 percent probability) to be the result of human activity since the mid-20thcentury and proceeding at a rate that is unprecedented over decades to millennia.1
I see your a graduate of the Michael Mann School of deception... You tack on the thermometer record to a plot of 250-500 year data points... In other words your a liar and a deceiver.. And to do it with the CO2 record as well is funny as hell..

You use the 95 or 97 % consensus lie to boot....

Just another political hack drone without a real thought of your own..
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Here is the last 450,000 years.. What you experience today is nothing compared to just one of earths glacial cycles, which last 90,000 years and a warm cycle that last just 9,000-14,000 years.. Were in the warm part of just one 130,000 year cycle and its nearing its return to glaciation.

BS. See my previous.
You dont even understand what it is your posting.. All I can do is laugh at your abject ignorance of the subject..
Hey don't believe me, talk to NASA. Hey, but don't worry! Apparently it's nothing to do with humans. Just the sun going through the motions (see the bolded part in the quote below - I know you losers won't read the whole quote, just so you know, the bolded part refers to pre 1950, not the current situation). Yeah, some right-wing neocon nimrods on a message board should be believed over NASA.


Evidence | Facts – Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet

The Earth's climate has changed throughout history. Just in the last 650,000 years there have been seven cycles of glacial advance and retreat, with the abrupt end of the last ice age about 7,000 years ago marking the beginning of the modern climate era — and of human civilization. Most of these climate changes are attributed to very small variations in Earth’s orbit that change the amount of solar energy our planet receives.

The current warming trend is of particular significance because most of it is extremely likely (greater than 95 percent probability) to be the result of human activity since the mid-20thcentury and proceeding at a rate that is unprecedented over decades to millennia.1
And then you post up a bull shit CO2 record... Priceless...

Stomata and CO2.png

Many times throught history we have been at or above 400ppm due to normal cycles of the earth...
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You know how cults sometimes go up to a mountaintop awaiting Armageddon. They tell us that they are the only persons "sayved" and going to heaven.
THEN in the morning they go home dragging their tails behind them depressed because the world did not end and wondering why they had to sign over their wealth and property to their "leader" if the world was ending anyway??

----- Exactly like the "Climate Armageddon" gang. And the kids they are scaring with BS are no better. Somehow the solution is ALWAYS adding a tax (government revenue piles for politicians to spend) to utilities or whatever. then they pretend the problem is "solved" and move on to tax another "EVILLL" influence in the USA.
Which is only to feed their addiction to OPM----Other Peoples' Money.
View attachment 280556

HEr handler and escort is a soros brainless useful idiot

YEP are now equating a kid with Hitler Youth because she is concerned about climate change?

I guess there is no low to low.

Feigned outrage.. I love it.... The parents of the little girl are using her for their political agenda just as Hitler did with kids.. It is an excellent comparison as the outcomes they each want/wanted are the same, Total control over the populace...
Just like Hitler huh? They’re selling her on genocide, racial purity and Aryan superiority? Right?

God you guys are assholes.
That is the end result of all socialist movements
I see your a graduate of the Michael Mann School of deception... You tack on the thermometer record to a plot of 250-500 year data points... In other words your a liar and a deceiver.. And to do it with the CO2 record as well is funny as hell..

You use the 95 or 97 % consensus lie to boot....

Just another political hack drone without a real thought of your own..

You so haven't got a clue. It's hard to know where to start. Nobody, not even climate scientists who support the truthful and already proven notion that humans are responsible for climate change, denies that the Earth has gone through various climate change scenarios over thousands of years. What they have proven is that the current situation is FAR above the norm. The NASA graph shows you that you imbecile.
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