The Climate Hoaxers are targeting beef.


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2013
The Real World
Of course the agitprop says the sociopaths are not going to try and limit or reduce people's meat consumption, the rest of the agitprop insists that success in fighting the bullshit climate hoax requires it. So my idea is this. We should start eating MORE. We should be gorging ourselves with beef. Even if you just buy a tube of shitty ground beef from the dollar store once a week and throw it away it will keep demand high.

It's shitty meat anyway, so just feed it to dogs if they'll eat it. This way if we increase our beef consumption and the moonbats do manage to pass some draconian law, we can just go back to eating our regular amount. For that matter if you have the acreage, buy a calf and fatten it up. Then have the thing slaughtered and there is fuck all the bed wetters can do about it. Hopefully we can keep leftist lunacy down well enough to vote these jabbering retards out of power next time, get serious about election integrity, and keep these insane dumbfucks from screwing with our diets because I for one WILL NOT reduce my beef consumption. In fact I have pledged to prepare and charcoal grill steak at least twice a month.

(Mods: I looked for a thread on this, I couldn't find it. Please merge it if there is one.)
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Cows fart methane, 10X worse than carbon dioxide for greenhouse warming. People also fart methane.
All mammals fart methane, I don't think fish or birds fart. The bacterium e-coli is the culprit but without it mammals can't digest food.
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Of course the agitprop says the sociopaths are not going to try and limit or reduce people's meat consumption, the rest of the agitprop insists that success in fighting the bullshit climate hoax requires it. So my idea is this. We should start eating MORE. We should be gorging ourselves with beef. Even if you just buy a tube of shitty ground beef from the dollar store once a week and throw it away it will keep demand high.

It's shitty meat anyway, so just feed it to dogs if they'll eat it. This way if we increase our beef consumption and the moonbats do manage to pass some draconian law, we can just go back to eating our regular amount. For that matter if you have the acreage, buy a calf and fatten it up. Then have the thing slaughtered and there is fuck all the bed wetters can do about it. Hopefully we can keep leftist lunacy down well enough to vote these jabbering retards out of power next time, get serious about election integrity, and keep these insane dumbfucks from screwing with our diets because I for one WILL NOT reduce my beef consumption. In fact I have pledged to prepare and charcoal grill steak at least twice a month.

(Mods: I looked for a thread on this, I couldn't find it. Please merge it if there is one.)

Two things are attributed to the evolution of the human brain from our more primitive ancestors

1) Walking upright which cooled the brain more (apparently brains don't like heat) ...
2) Eating protein especially after the invention of fire which allowed for cooking meat making it easier to consume.

if you wanna dumb down the population making them easier to control, removing meat from the diet will certainly help in this endeavor.
Petey, you tellin' everyone that a cheeburg ain't no good? Millions of 'em done eaten every single day. I dare say hamburg and cheeburg are the most commonly form of meat consumed in Amurika.
Cows fart methane, 10X worse than carbon dioxide for greenhouse warming. People also fart methane.

So what. There's nowhere near enough methane on this planet, period, to affect the climate.
Yes, there is enough methane to destroy us. Much of Siberia is covered in permafrost which is already starting to melt. Underneath lie vast deposits of methane that will gas us all before putting Earth in a un-reversable accelerated global warming situation.
Cows fart methane, 10X worse than carbon dioxide for greenhouse warming. People also fart methane.

So what. There's nowhere near enough methane on this planet, period, to affect the climate.
Yes, there is enough methane to destroy us. Much of Siberia is covered in permafrost which is already starting to melt. Underneath lie vast deposits of methane that will gas us all before putting Earth in a un-reversable accelerated global warming situation.

What happened the last time that permafrost melted?
The Earth melted, irreversibly, right? We were destroyed, right?
All mammals fart methane, I don't think fish or birds fart. The bacterium e-coli is the culprit but without it mammals can't digest food.
e coli is not the culprit. Methane is produced in the cow's foregut by a class of bacteria called methanogens.
Cows fart methane, 10X worse than carbon dioxide for greenhouse warming. People also fart methane.

So what. There's nowhere near enough methane on this planet, period, to affect the climate.
Yes, there is enough methane to destroy us. Much of Siberia is covered in permafrost which is already starting to melt. Underneath lie vast deposits of methane that will gas us all before putting Earth in a un-reversable accelerated global warming situation.

What happened the last time that permafrost melted?
The Earth melted, irreversibly, right? We were destroyed, right?

How long did the melt last? Shall we say 50,000 years. That's 10 times the span of human civilization. I think the odds of our species lasting that long are slim to none.
Cows fart methane, 10X worse than carbon dioxide for greenhouse warming. People also fart methane.

So what. There's nowhere near enough methane on this planet, period, to affect the climate.
Yes, there is enough methane to destroy us. Much of Siberia is covered in permafrost which is already starting to melt. Underneath lie vast deposits of methane that will gas us all before putting Earth in a un-reversable accelerated global warming situation.

No, there isn't. You anti science nut jobs are a hoot.
How long did the melt last? Shall we say 50,000 years.

Wait, it wasn't irreversible?

I think the odds of our species lasting that long are slim to none.

A couple of degrees warmer is going to destroy our high tech species?

Maybe if we let the idiots outlaw cheap, useful energy.
Of course the agitprop says the sociopaths are not going to try and limit or reduce people's meat consumption, the rest of the agitprop insists that success in fighting the bullshit climate hoax requires it. So my idea is this. We should start eating MORE. We should be gorging ourselves with beef. Even if you just buy a tube of shitty ground beef from the dollar store once a week and throw it away it will keep demand high.

It's shitty meat anyway, so just feed it to dogs if they'll eat it. This way if we increase our beef consumption and the moonbats do manage to pass some draconian law, we can just go back to eating our regular amount. For that matter if you have the acreage, buy a calf and fatten it up. Then have the thing slaughtered and there is fuck all the bed wetters can do about it. Hopefully we can keep leftist lunacy down well enough to vote these jabbering retards out of power next time, get serious about election integrity, and keep these insane dumbfucks from screwing with our diets because I for one WILL NOT reduce my beef consumption. In fact I have pledged to prepare and charcoal grill steak at least twice a month.

(Mods: I looked for a thread on this, I couldn't find it. Please merge it if there is one.)

1) they are magically all invested in beyond burgers and similar-go figure!
2)the plant base food will make humans so gassy that we'll just replace the methane missing from the lack of cows.
3)our VP which will be pres before this term is up, will be sending those cows to India to save their lives, a clear cut conflict of interest. *L*
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At least the OP wasn't spreading the fake news that Biden wanted to ban hamburgers, so there's that.

He still probably believes it, though, even though even FOX News admitted it was made-up. His type falls for every conspiracy theory.
How long did the melt last? Shall we say 50,000 years.

Wait, it wasn't irreversible?

I think the odds of our species lasting that long are slim to none.

A couple of degrees warmer is going to destroy our high tech species?

Maybe if we let the idiots outlaw cheap, useful energy.

Animal and plant species are currently going extinct at a rate that has not been seen since the last mass extinction. Rising sea levels will require the relocation of hundreds of millions of people over the span of a few decades. What do you think that will do to the world's economy Todd? Crops are going to start failing left and right for a variety of reasons. Todd, you're smarter than this. Have some balls and accept what you know to be the facts.
How long did the melt last? Shall we say 50,000 years.

Wait, it wasn't irreversible?

I think the odds of our species lasting that long are slim to none.

A couple of degrees warmer is going to destroy our high tech species?

Maybe if we let the idiots outlaw cheap, useful energy.

Animal and plant species are currently going extinct at a rate that has not been seen since the last mass extinction. Rising sea levels will require the relocation of hundreds of millions of people over the span of a few decades. What do you think that will do to the world's economy Todd? Crops are going to start failing left and right for a variety of reasons. Todd, you're smarter than this. Have some balls and accept what you know to be the facts.
So you are saying your brainiac politicians choose slaughtering cows as the solution instead of the cheaper more practicle CO'2 filtration systems that exist that can be instituted in a congressional bill to require so many filter units be required per so many cows as an offset? A particular amount of units per car sold and require gas stations to purchase so many units as well so the Gov't doesn't add to it's debt by purchasing them.
=idiots with solutions in front of them and they choose the most comedic far out wacky idea instead. *L*
How long did the melt last? Shall we say 50,000 years.

Wait, it wasn't irreversible?

I think the odds of our species lasting that long are slim to none.

A couple of degrees warmer is going to destroy our high tech species?

Maybe if we let the idiots outlaw cheap, useful energy.

Animal and plant species are currently going extinct at a rate that has not been seen since the last mass extinction. Rising sea levels will require the relocation of hundreds of millions of people over the span of a few decades. What do you think that will do to the world's economy Todd? Crops are going to start failing left and right for a variety of reasons. Todd, you're smarter than this. Have some balls and accept what you know to be the facts.

Animal and plant species are currently going extinct at a rate that has not been seen since the last mass extinction.

Because temperatures have risen slightly?

Rising sea levels will require the relocation of hundreds of millions of people over the span of a few decades.

It's true, levels have risen a few inches. How many windmills will it take to make them drop?

What do you think that will do to the world's economy Todd?

I guess we could crush our economy now....and beat the rush.
AOC has some ideas. DURR.

Crops are going to start failing left and right for a variety of reasons.

Quick, let's outlaw GMOs, they're yucky!!!

Have some balls and accept what you know to be the facts.

Why don't you help me with some facts.
Let's say we cut our emissions by 4 billion metric tons over the next 50 years and spend $20 trillion to do it while China adds 6 billion metric tons, what's the temperature going to be in 2100?

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