The Clintons the undesputed King and Queen of "Do as I say not as I do".

That is her interest group.

She will be arming them for good time to come, as she did with ISIS. Let me assure you, the liberal background checks will be forgotten.
As the Left in the US continuously bombards everyone who will listen on the Rights treatment of gays. The Clinton Foundation receives big bucks from countries where it is illegal to be a homosexual.

Rights groups silent as Clinton Foundation takes millions from countries that imprison gays | Fox News

So wingnuts actually give a shit how gays are treated now?

A other moonbat/regressive who thinks that restricting marriage is the same as advocating for public executions?

Where is that liberal nuance we keep hearing about?
Yet there are still some assholes that are so blind, they are will to put them back in office.
As the Left in the US continuously bombards everyone who will listen on the Rights treatment of gays. The Clinton Foundation receives big bucks from countries where it is illegal to be a homosexual.

Rights groups silent as Clinton Foundation takes millions from countries that imprison gays | Fox News

So wingnuts actually give a shit how gays are treated now?
I care when the rights of others supersedes my own. Which is what the left tries to give every "minority" in the Country. Other than that live your life without interfering in mine and we are good.

But that's not what my OP is about. Its about a blatantly hypocritical Democratic Party Presidential nominee who thinks she knows better than us poor peasants.
Hillarys' strategy to defeat ISIS, if Prez, is to force Saudi Arabia, Qatar, etc. to help.

Ques: How can she force them to do anything, after they've donated millions to the 'Clinton Global Racketeering Fund'?
Ans: It ain't happening, folks!

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