The college majors that make you the most and the least money

Every industry in this and other nations need more engineers. The world economy, on the whole, has not produced the people educated in the fields it takes to sustain our technology. On my level, we simply cannot get enough qualified millwrights and electricians, and on the level just above, getting engineers is equally difficult. Here, and everywhere else, the media, movies, tv, ect. simply portrays the people that do the everyday work that powers the world economy as klutzes, and glorifies the people with the guns and useless jobs, like athletes.

Wealth is people with technical skills - engineers, computer scientists, businessmen, farmers, physicists, automotive technicians etc. People that can do things, make things, grow things, and fix things.
I studied Art (painting) in college, had a great time, and I still have done very well. It is not easy being successful as an artist though.

I played music for 20 years first, and then got serious.

You're a useless parasite.
not everyone that goes to college does it for employment reasons.

They should. If you want to learn french literature get some books and teach yourself . Colleges should only teach technical subjects that require lab experience like physics or chemistry or electrical engineering.
Every industry in this and other nations need more engineers. The world economy, on the whole, has not produced the people educated in the fields it takes to sustain our technology. On my level, we simply cannot get enough qualified millwrights and electricians, and on the level just above, getting engineers is equally difficult. Here, and everywhere else, the media, movies, tv, ect. simply portrays the people that do the everyday work that powers the world economy as klutzes, and glorifies the people with the guns and useless jobs, like athletes.

Wealth is people with technical skills - engineers, computer scientists, businessmen, farmers, physicists, automotive technicians etc. People that can do things, make things, grow things, and fix things.

We call those people Democrats.
I studied in Japan for a year of my BA Degree. I had a friend who majored in Law and then got a job in Export Sales. Another was a Biology major who joined QC department of a company that produced stereo equipment. Still another was a History major.....he is now a Civil Engineer. They all received job related education and training after they were hired.

My point? The purpose of college is to learn how to learn. To refine the skills taught in public schools while developing independent thought and independence in general. You never know where life will take you.
I studied in Japan for a year of my BA Degree. I had a friend who majored in Law and then got a job in Export Sales. Another was a Biology major who joined QC department of a company that produced stereo equipment. Still another was a History major.....he is now a Civil Engineer. They all received job related education and training after they were hired.

My point? The purpose of college is to learn how to learn. To refine the skills taught in public schools while developing independent thought and independence in general. You never know where life will take you.

Well said. I credit the analytical skill I developed during the first two years I had in college over 40 years ago with my success as a millwright. The ability to think in a rational logical manner is developed irregardless of the field of education. And, if one is really interested in doing well in college, you learn to manage your time, and work beyond the assignment. For that is what it takes for success in the real world.
The highest paid people in the USA today are running HEDGE FUNDS.

Which, of course, reflects a great deal in what is wrong with our nation. We pay people like that, CEO's that run their companies into the ground, and athletes whose only skill is throwing or catching a ball more money that we pay the people that create the things neccessary for our daily lives.
not everyone that goes to college does it for employment reasons.

They should. If you want to learn french literature get some books and teach yourself . Colleges should only teach technical subjects that require lab experience like physics or chemistry or electrical engineering.

You still haven't told us about your advanced degrees, shitforbrains.
College major that makes you the most amount of precious money...

Or the life that is most fulfilling?

Have you been brainwashed enough?

I'd rather be able to afford life fulfilling experiences than get paid shit and have all my "fulfillment" come from a crappy job.
College major that makes you the most amount of precious money...

Or the life that is most fulfilling?

Have you been brainwashed enough?

I'd rather be able to afford life fulfilling experiences than get paid shit and have all my "fulfillment" come from a crappy job.

I do pretty well........but the most fulfilling experiences I have had cost just about nothing. If you think bout it, I expect you'll come to the sme conclusion.
College major that makes you the most amount of precious money...

Or the life that is most fulfilling?

Have you been brainwashed enough?

I'd rather be able to afford life fulfilling experiences than get paid shit and have all my "fulfillment" come from a crappy job.

I do pretty well........but the most fulfilling experiences I have had cost just about nothing. If you think bout it, I expect you'll come to the sme conclusion.

The experiences themselves cost nearly nothing but one has to get places and that costs.

One of the best times of my life was a week backpacking in Glacier.

But I had to be able to buy the gear, plane tickets etc etc.

Another was the time we spent in the Utah desert in Canyonlands. Again had to get there etc.

We're planning a month long African Safari in a couple years I expect that to be quite spectacular but it's going to cost a lot of dough.

If i was making 25K a year I'd never be able to do that.

So go for the best paying job you can get and get your "life fulfillment" outside of the workplace.
I'd rather be able to afford life fulfilling experiences than get paid shit and have all my "fulfillment" come from a crappy job.

I do pretty well........but the most fulfilling experiences I have had cost just about nothing. If you think bout it, I expect you'll come to the sme conclusion.

The experiences themselves cost nearly nothing but one has to get places and that costs.

One of the best times of my life was a week backpacking in Glacier.

But I had to be able to buy the gear, plane tickets etc etc.

Another was the time we spent in the Utah desert in Canyonlands. Again had to get there etc.

We're planning a month long African Safari in a couple years I expect that to be quite spectacular but it's going to cost a lot of dough.

If i was making 25K a year I'd never be able to do that.

So go for the best paying job you can get and get your "life fulfillment" outside of the workplace. like to travel. Cool.

I would argue that hundreds of millions of people have had very fulfilling lives and never travelled more than 100 miles from the spot they were born.

Your income has broadened your horizons....but it has not made your life more meaningful nor fulfilling than that of a peanut farmer in the Philippines.

To each his own.
I studied in Japan for a year of my BA Degree. I had a friend who majored in Law and then got a job in Export Sales. Another was a Biology major who joined QC department of a company that produced stereo equipment. Still another was a History major.....he is now a Civil Engineer. They all received job related education and training after they were hired.

My point? The purpose of college is to learn how to learn. To refine the skills taught in public schools while developing independent thought and independence in general. You never know where life will take you.

HAHAHA What liberal crap. There is no thinking involved in "studying" history or political science. And if you want to learn easy mush like that, you can get a book at the library and do it on your own.

Only kind of intelligence is technical intelligence. THINK
The highest paid people in the USA today are running HEDGE FUNDS.

Which, of course, reflects a great deal in what is wrong with our nation. We pay people like that, CEO's that run their companies into the ground, and athletes whose only skill is throwing or catching a ball more money that we pay the people that create the things neccessary for our daily lives.

Most rich people are useless parasites. They're lawyers, politicians, entertainers, athletes, bankers etc. I hate it but that's what happens under capitalism. It's still better than central planning where govt officials decide what your pay should be.
I studied in Japan for a year of my BA Degree. I had a friend who majored in Law and then got a job in Export Sales. Another was a Biology major who joined QC department of a company that produced stereo equipment. Still another was a History major.....he is now a Civil Engineer. They all received job related education and training after they were hired.

My point? The purpose of college is to learn how to learn. To refine the skills taught in public schools while developing independent thought and independence in general. You never know where life will take you.

Well said. I credit the analytical skill I developed during the first two years I had in college over 40 years ago with my success as a millwright. The ability to think in a rational logical manner is developed irregardless of the field of education. And, if one is really interested in doing well in college, you learn to manage your time, and work beyond the assignment. For that is what it takes for success in the real world.

All true, but while one is there it's also a good idea to pick up some marketable skills.
I'd rather be able to afford life fulfilling experiences than get paid shit and have all my "fulfillment" come from a crappy job.

I do pretty well........but the most fulfilling experiences I have had cost just about nothing. If you think bout it, I expect you'll come to the sme conclusion.

The experiences themselves cost nearly nothing but one has to get places and that costs.

One of the best times of my life was a week backpacking in Glacier.

But I had to be able to buy the gear, plane tickets etc etc.

Another was the time we spent in the Utah desert in Canyonlands. Again had to get there etc.

We're planning a month long African Safari in a couple years I expect that to be quite spectacular but it's going to cost a lot of dough.

If i was making 25K a year I'd never be able to do that.

So go for the best paying job you can get and get your "life fulfillment" outside of the workplace.

Well said.

One of the best experiences in my life was a free walk on a beach in Jamaica. But I had to get the wife and the kids there to experience it. ;)

Wealth is people with technical skills - engineers, computer scientists, businessmen, farmers, physicists, automotive technicians etc. People that can do things, make things, grow things, and fix things.

We call those people Democrats.

BS. All democrats who went to college majored in verbal crap like sociology or literature.

Which is why Blue States are called "donor states" and Red States are called "Welfare States"?

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