The college majors that make you the most and the least money

Every industry in this and other nations need more engineers. The world economy, on the whole, has not produced the people educated in the fields it takes to sustain our technology. On my level, we simply cannot get enough qualified millwrights and electricians, and on the level just above, getting engineers is equally difficult. Here, and everywhere else, the media, movies, tv, ect. simply portrays the people that do the everyday work that powers the world economy as klutzes, and glorifies the people with the guns and useless jobs, like athletes.

Wealth is people with technical skills - engineers, computer scientists, businessmen, farmers, physicists, automotive technicians etc. People that can do things, make things, grow things, and fix things.

We call those people Democrats.

What degrees do you hold?
No surprises here. It's all about science and engineering. The idiots who major in liberal arts BS just go to college to party around.

People who go to college to get a "good job" are morons.

It's one of the main reasons our educational system is in chaos. I expect we'll see B. S. degrees in storm door hanging soon.
I studied in Japan for a year of my BA Degree. I had a friend who majored in Law and then got a job in Export Sales. Another was a Biology major who joined QC department of a company that produced stereo equipment. Still another was a History major.....he is now a Civil Engineer. They all received job related education and training after they were hired.

My point? The purpose of college is to learn how to learn. To refine the skills taught in public schools while developing independent thought and independence in general. You never know where life will take you.

HAHAHA What liberal crap. There is no thinking involved in "studying" history or political science. And if you want to learn easy mush like that, you can get a book at the library and do it on your own.

Only kind of intelligence is technical intelligence. THINK

If I want to make something, I'll draw a plan and make it. There's nothing wrong with practical things, but they certainly aren't the be-all, end-all of education.

Our technical schools are turning out non-thinking morons with no respect for culture, the arts, or any other thing they can't hit with a hammer. Most of them couldn't construct an argument if their lives depended on it.
Wealth is people with technical skills - engineers, computer scientists, businessmen, farmers, physicists, automotive technicians etc. People that can do things, make things, grow things, and fix things.

We call those people Democrats.

What degrees do you hold?

Only one. In engineering. From Roosevelt University in Chicago. GI bill and student loans and one grant for being of Italian descent. One only, I don't pretend to have more than I earned.
I studied in Japan for a year of my BA Degree. I had a friend who majored in Law and then got a job in Export Sales. Another was a Biology major who joined QC department of a company that produced stereo equipment. Still another was a History major.....he is now a Civil Engineer. They all received job related education and training after they were hired.

My point? The purpose of college is to learn how to learn. To refine the skills taught in public schools while developing independent thought and independence in general. You never know where life will take you.

HAHAHA What liberal crap. There is no thinking involved in "studying" history or political science. And if you want to learn easy mush like that, you can get a book at the library and do it on your own.

Only kind of intelligence is technical intelligence. THINK

If I want to make something, I'll draw a plan and make it. There's nothing wrong with practical things, but they certainly aren't the be-all, end-all of education.

Our technical schools are turning out non-thinking morons with no respect for culture, the arts, or any other thing they can't hit with a hammer. Most of them couldn't construct an argument if their lives depended on it.

Well that can't be Republicans since so many don't go to school. Seems they don't want to be an "elitist" and besides, education is for snobs.
We call those people Democrats.

What degrees do you hold?

Only one. In engineering. From Roosevelt University in Chicago. GI bill and student loans and one grant for being of Italian descent. One only, I don't pretend to have more than I earned.

Fair enough.

Only one degree is all I need for now also, Business degree in Decision and Information Sciences from the University of Florida. GI Bill also, loans, and 2 full time jobs.
HAHAHA What liberal crap. There is no thinking involved in "studying" history or political science. And if you want to learn easy mush like that, you can get a book at the library and do it on your own.

Only kind of intelligence is technical intelligence. THINK

If I want to make something, I'll draw a plan and make it. There's nothing wrong with practical things, but they certainly aren't the be-all, end-all of education.

Our technical schools are turning out non-thinking morons with no respect for culture, the arts, or any other thing they can't hit with a hammer. Most of them couldn't construct an argument if their lives depended on it.

Well that can't be Republicans since so many don't go to school. Seems they don't want to be an "elitist" and besides, education is for snobs.

I voted Republican in the last election and I went to school.

Served my country too.
I do pretty well........but the most fulfilling experiences I have had cost just about nothing. If you think bout it, I expect you'll come to the sme conclusion.

The experiences themselves cost nearly nothing but one has to get places and that costs.

One of the best times of my life was a week backpacking in Glacier.

But I had to be able to buy the gear, plane tickets etc etc.

Another was the time we spent in the Utah desert in Canyonlands. Again had to get there etc.

We're planning a month long African Safari in a couple years I expect that to be quite spectacular but it's going to cost a lot of dough.

If i was making 25K a year I'd never be able to do that.

So go for the best paying job you can get and get your "life fulfillment" outside of the workplace. like to travel. Cool.

I would argue that hundreds of millions of people have had very fulfilling lives and never travelled more than 100 miles from the spot they were born.

Your income has broadened your horizons....but it has not made your life more meaningful nor fulfilling than that of a peanut farmer in the Philippines.

To each his own.

The point is your job should not be your life fulfillment.

The job is naught but a means.

So again get the best paying job possible.
The experiences themselves cost nearly nothing but one has to get places and that costs.

One of the best times of my life was a week backpacking in Glacier.

But I had to be able to buy the gear, plane tickets etc etc.

Another was the time we spent in the Utah desert in Canyonlands. Again had to get there etc.

We're planning a month long African Safari in a couple years I expect that to be quite spectacular but it's going to cost a lot of dough.

If i was making 25K a year I'd never be able to do that.

So go for the best paying job you can get and get your "life fulfillment" outside of the workplace. like to travel. Cool.

I would argue that hundreds of millions of people have had very fulfilling lives and never travelled more than 100 miles from the spot they were born.

Your income has broadened your horizons....but it has not made your life more meaningful nor fulfilling than that of a peanut farmer in the Philippines.

To each his own.

The point is your job should not be your life fulfillment.

The job is naught but a means.

So again get the best paying job possible.

I agree in part.

You should not take a job that makes you miserable no matter what it pays. It is still a major part of your life

But you are correct in getting your fulfillment elsewhere if you don't get your dream job. I loved history in High School and considered it as a major. But even in High School I realized that if I majored in history all I could do was teach it to someone else. My guidance counsellor told me to take engineering because I was good at math.
I ended up as an engineer for 35 years. I like the job but engineering is not my passion
I can still do history. I read books, visit historical sites and battlefields, watch documentaries like to travel. Cool.

I would argue that hundreds of millions of people have had very fulfilling lives and never travelled more than 100 miles from the spot they were born.

Your income has broadened your horizons....but it has not made your life more meaningful nor fulfilling than that of a peanut farmer in the Philippines.

To each his own.

The point is your job should not be your life fulfillment.

The job is naught but a means.

So again get the best paying job possible.

I agree in part.

You should not take a job that makes you miserable no matter what it pays. It is still a major part of your life

But you are correct in getting your fulfillment elsewhere if you don't get your dream job. I loved history in High School and considered it as a major. But even in High School I realized that if I majored in history all I could do was teach it to someone else. My guidance counsellor told me to take engineering because I was good at math.
I ended up as an engineer for 35 years. I like the job but engineering is not my passion
I can still do history. I read books, visit historical sites and battlefields, watch documentaries

There's no such thing as a "dream job"

I own my own business and I wouldn't call it a "dream job". I do it mostly because I am the type of person who absolutely can't stand someone telling me what to do.

It's challenging which is good but it's also tedious and frustrating and the latter two more than the former.

Right now I am at the point where the business affords me a little more free time and disposable income and that's the real reward.
We call those people Democrats.

BS. All democrats who went to college majored in verbal crap like sociology or literature.

Which is why Blue States are called "donor states" and Red States are called "Welfare States"?
Don't you just love how the democrats simultaneously complain that the republicans are evil rich bastards that make too much money then turn right around and brag about how much money the evil rich republicans making in their states?
The point is your job should not be your life fulfillment.

The job is naught but a means.

So again get the best paying job possible.

I agree in part.

You should not take a job that makes you miserable no matter what it pays. It is still a major part of your life

But you are correct in getting your fulfillment elsewhere if you don't get your dream job. I loved history in High School and considered it as a major. But even in High School I realized that if I majored in history all I could do was teach it to someone else. My guidance counsellor told me to take engineering because I was good at math.
I ended up as an engineer for 35 years. I like the job but engineering is not my passion
I can still do history. I read books, visit historical sites and battlefields, watch documentaries

There's no such thing as a "dream job"

I own my own business and I wouldn't call it a "dream job". I do it mostly because I am the type of person who absolutely can't stand someone telling me what to do.

It's challenging which is good but it's also tedious and frustrating and the latter two more than the former.

Right now I am at the point where the business affords me a little more free time and disposable income and that's the real reward.

Funny, I've been doing my dream jobs my whole life. I suppose it just comes down to perspective.
The problem with High School kids is that they are just stupid. They have no concept of what the real world is like and make choices based on their limited High School experiences

A kid loves art or music so they become Art Majors or Music Majors. It will not make you an artist or a musician. Our greatest artists and our greatest musicians did not go to college for it. Best a college degree will do is allow you to teach art or music to others

Parents need to stop accommodating kids on their college choices. Kids get to pick any college they want or any major they want and parents just write the checks no questions asked

How many kids choose a college based on where their friends are going or because they have a winning football team or because they want to go to Florida or California? How many choose majors that do nothing to make them employable?

Parents need to learn to say no
The problem with High School kids is that they are just stupid. They have no concept of what the real world is like and make choices based on their limited High School experiences

A kid loves art or music so they become Art Majors or Music Majors. It will not make you an artist or a musician. Our greatest artists and our greatest musicians did not go to college for it. Best a college degree will do is allow you to teach art or music to others

Parents need to stop accommodating kids on their college choices. Kids get to pick any college they want or any major they want and parents just write the checks no questions asked

How many kids choose a college based on where their friends are going or because they have a winning football team or because they want to go to Florida or California? How many choose majors that do nothing to make them employable?

Parents need to learn to say no

IMO parents shouldn't pay for college.
The problem with High School kids is that they are just stupid. They have no concept of what the real world is like and make choices based on their limited High School experiences

A kid loves art or music so they become Art Majors or Music Majors. It will not make you an artist or a musician. Our greatest artists and our greatest musicians did not go to college for it. Best a college degree will do is allow you to teach art or music to others

Parents need to stop accommodating kids on their college choices. Kids get to pick any college they want or any major they want and parents just write the checks no questions asked

How many kids choose a college based on where their friends are going or because they have a winning football team or because they want to go to Florida or California? How many choose majors that do nothing to make them employable?

Parents need to learn to say no

IMO parents shouldn't pay for college.

Mostly agree. As a minimum, a kid needs a dog in the fight

If a kid is working and their hard earned money is used to pay for their education, they will take it more seriously. If daddy is paying and you party all night and flunk out it is no big deal.
Not many kids who are paying their own way will skip classes, party excessively or jump from major to major
The problem with High School kids is that they are just stupid. They have no concept of what the real world is like and make choices based on their limited High School experiences

A kid loves art or music so they become Art Majors or Music Majors. It will not make you an artist or a musician. Our greatest artists and our greatest musicians did not go to college for it. Best a college degree will do is allow you to teach art or music to others

Parents need to stop accommodating kids on their college choices. Kids get to pick any college they want or any major they want and parents just write the checks no questions asked

How many kids choose a college based on where their friends are going or because they have a winning football team or because they want to go to Florida or California? How many choose majors that do nothing to make them employable?

Parents need to learn to say no

My youngest son (soon to be a valedictorian) was gonna be a musician last year. I said cool. I asked him will he go to school after HS for that? He said he wanted to go to a school that has a dual major for art and music and maybe take some classes in management. I said cool. Then we looked at what those jobs pay and I asked him with a straight face how would he pay for the school, a place to live, a car, dates and such if he did not become a famous artist right away? I told him I admired him for choosing such a tough life as a starving artist.

Now he wants to be a doctor.

Our technical schools are turning out non-thinking morons with no respect for culture, the arts, or any other thing they can't hit with a hammer. Most of them couldn't construct an argument if their lives depended on it.

Hey stupid. Technical schools does not mean vocational schools. We're not talking about carpentry classes. We're talking math and physics and computer science. Those subjects take real brains.

Our technical schools are turning out non-thinking morons with no respect for culture, the arts, or any other thing they can't hit with a hammer. Most of them couldn't construct an argument if their lives depended on it.

Hey stupid. Technical schools does not mean vocational schools. We're not talking about carpentry classes. We're talking math and physics and computer science. Those subjects take real brains.

Uhm.. what part of the fact that math, physics, and computer science isn't the arts confused you?
The problem with High School kids is that they are just stupid. They have no concept of what the real world is like and make choices based on their limited High School experiences

A kid loves art or music so they become Art Majors or Music Majors. It will not make you an artist or a musician. Our greatest artists and our greatest musicians did not go to college for it. Best a college degree will do is allow you to teach art or music to others

Parents need to stop accommodating kids on their college choices. Kids get to pick any college they want or any major they want and parents just write the checks no questions asked

How many kids choose a college based on where their friends are going or because they have a winning football team or because they want to go to Florida or California? How many choose majors that do nothing to make them employable?

Parents need to learn to say no

My youngest son (soon to be a valedictorian) was gonna be a musician last year. I said cool. I asked him will he go to school after HS for that? He said he wanted to go to a school that has a dual major for art and music and maybe take some classes in management. I said cool. Then we looked at what those jobs pay and I asked him with a straight face how would he pay for the school, a place to live, a car, dates and such if he did not become a famous artist right away? I told him I admired him for choosing such a tough life as a starving artist.

Now he wants to be a doctor.

Good for your son

If your kid loves music, there is nothing that keeps him from playing while he goes for a medical degree or for the rest of his life. You see very few great musicians with Masters Degrees or Doctorates in music.

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