The coming liberal revolt? MSNBC’s Krystal Ball urges Hillary to cede nomination


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Yeehaw, we gonna have us a hoe down...:meow:


The coming liberal revolt? MSNBC’s Krystal Ball urges Hillary to cede nomination to Elizabeth Warren

Brendan Bordelon

Krystal Ball, one of four progressives who together make up MSNBC’s left-wing love-fest “The Cycle,” called on Hillary Clinton to cede the Democratic nomination to Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren.

“I deeply respect Hillary Clinton,” Ball began. “I think she’s a great intellect with great fortitude. I think she was a strong secretary of state, a hardworking and effective senator. But I’ve come to a difficult realization: I don’t want Hillary Clinton to run for president in 2016. I do not think she is the right person for this moment.”

The MSNBC host noted that she rejected the “Obama bandwagon” in 2008 and backed Hillary, believing that was the moment America was ready for the other Clinton.

“That moment has passed,” she declared. “We are now in a moment of existential crisis. As a country we are recovering slowly from the ‘Great Recession,’ but as we pick our heads up and look around at where we’re heading, we don’t like what we see.”

Her problems are the usual progressive laundry list: excessive profits while “workers get the shaft,” “corporations hijacking our politics,” “two economies,” et cetera. “Does Hillary Clinton sound like the right person to you for this moment?” she asked.

“Is someone who sat on the rabidly anti-union board of Walmart for six years the right person to restore workers rights?” she continued. “At a time when we’re still reeling from a global financial disaster brought on by foolhardy bank regulation, is someone who recently took $400,000 to give two speeches at Goldman Sachs the person we need to wrest control of the asylum back from the banking inmates?”


Read more: MSNBC's Krystal Ball urges Hillary to cede to Warren | The Daily Caller

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