The coming purge of Congress.

What is different about this Coronavirus that makes it necessary to shut down the economy? Seasonal flu has been around since the beginning and never has there been a global shutdown of industries and businesses. There is something we are not being told. This virus started in China; we know that much. There is speculation that it got underway at some exotic animal market in Wuhan China but that sounds like an explanation on a par with swamp gas to explain UFO’s.

Let’s look at some facts we can verify. We know that the US Congress has been selling out America to China for at least the last four decades. Our leaders, both republicans and democrats, have been stuffing their pockets with Chinese money for so long that it’s become almost an inside joke. While average Americans slept, our leadership in Washington granted Favorite Nation Status to China, a state enemy that despises our way of life.

China’s entire economy depends on undercutting domestic US markets so they can sell cheap goods to Americans while its own people die in the gutter when they get old and sick. China quickly gained control of the US pharmaceutical industry and now they hold Americans hostage because they produce about 95 percent of the essential drugs Americans need to stay alive.

There is a bioweapons manufacturer in China called the Wuhan Institute of Virology, a stone’s throw from that market where patient zero supposedly got infected. You don’t need to be a genius to figure out that the deadly pathogen sweeping the world almost certainly escaped from that biowarfare plant.

No one can hold the Chinese accountable for this because US government operatives both public and private, got rich by stabbing Americans in the back to hand China control of US markets. The president cannot hold the Chinese to account because he cannot risk a blockade of life-saving drugs produced and manufactured in china.

It will take years to regain control of pharmaceutical manufacturing domestically and Americans are beginning to understand that they have been betrayed by a Congress populated with politicians with decades of seniority. When the scourge passes expect a purge of Congress and investigations into how they got away with setting the table to make the US vulnerable to a toxic microbe that could kill millions.

This is not conspiracy theory, it’s reality and it is a frightening lesson for us all.

You are a crazy asshole who belongs in a asylum. This is a crazy conspiracy theory. Apparently you are suffering from dementia/.
Ray is no Joe Biden
What is different about this Coronavirus that makes it necessary to shut down the economy? Seasonal flu has been around since the beginning and never has there been a global shutdown of industries and businesses.

It's highly transmittable and a mortality rate on par with the 1918 version. I think global trade was pretty fucked up at that time too. Just sayin.

But for the record I support a term limit amendment and a balance budget amendment as well.
I like the term limits and balanced budget ideas. But what would happen if they went over budget? Probably the same thing that happens when some state or city defies federal law and declares they're a sanctuary city. As far as term limits go, we'll probably have to impose that ourselves via the voting booth. Personally, I'd like to believe we will get rid of these long time congress people who have subverted out government for their own enrichment. I'd love for all Americans to become aware that globalism and the NWO are evil, totalitarian and anti worker. I'd love the American people to be aware that the MSM is feeding us a bunch of BS designed to normalize and promote the NWO. The American people need to learn that the NWO wants to enslave them. Then maybe we can change our government for the better. Congressmen are like underwear, they should be changed regularly.

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