The coming Temperature Dataset Scandal


Gold Member
Sep 22, 2009
Australia seems to be well on its way to investigating its BoM. The fallout from their homogenisation could easily spread to the global datasets. One thing that would make me less concerned is if there was a study done where high quality stations were taken out, one by one, and the algorithms reproduced them without adding a warming trend.

I am also interested in seeing the ongoing results from the NOAA experiment where they set up a station with multiple types of thermometers, at multiple distances from a building, and continuous readings that could be used to quantify both TOB and UHI. The preliminary results from 2 years ago larger UHI effects than expected but no data was given on TOB.
Australia seems to be well on its way to investigating its BoM. The fallout from their homogenisation could easily spread to the global datasets. One thing that would make me less concerned is if there was a study done where high quality stations were taken out, one by one, and the algorithms reproduced them without adding a warming trend.

I am also interested in seeing the ongoing results from the NOAA experiment where they set up a station with multiple types of thermometers, at multiple distances from a building, and continuous readings that could be used to quantify both TOB and UHI. The preliminary results from 2 years ago larger UHI effects than expected but no data was given on TOB.

It can only be hoped that those responsible for so thoroughly corrupting the temperature record will be held truly responsible for it. Fraud on that scale that has resulted in the amounts of public money spent based on that fraud should require decades in prison.
Baby steps. Let's focus on fixing the datasets first. Its a quagmire when criminal prosecution is involved. Remember when the Inquiries didn't even ask Jones whether he wrote the 'delete all emails' email? He would have had to be questioned under caution (like Miranda in the US).
Australia seems to be well on its way to investigating its BoM. The fallout from their homogenisation could easily spread to the global datasets. One thing that would make me less concerned is if there was a study done where high quality stations were taken out, one by one, and the algorithms reproduced them without adding a warming trend.

I am also interested in seeing the ongoing results from the NOAA experiment where they set up a station with multiple types of thermometers, at multiple distances from a building, and continuous readings that could be used to quantify both TOB and UHI. The preliminary results from 2 years ago larger UHI effects than expected but no data was given on TOB.
You denier cult morons are starting to believe your own propaganda now? LOLOL.
These fuckers fuck with the data all the have to have a plate in your head not to realize it. WHole shit is rigged......there is a lot on the line for them not to.
Australia seems to be well on its way to investigating its BoM. The fallout from their homogenisation could easily spread to the global datasets. One thing that would make me less concerned is if there was a study done where high quality stations were taken out, one by one, and the algorithms reproduced them without adding a warming trend.

I am also interested in seeing the ongoing results from the NOAA experiment where they set up a station with multiple types of thermometers, at multiple distances from a building, and continuous readings that could be used to quantify both TOB and UHI. The preliminary results from 2 years ago larger UHI effects than expected but no data was given on TOB.
You denier cult morons are starting to believe your own propaganda now? LOLOL.
Healthy skepticism is the sign of critical thought in progress. Belief, however; is just a religion.
Baby steps. Let's focus on fixing the datasets first. Its a quagmire when criminal prosecution is involved. Remember when the Inquiries didn't even ask Jones whether he wrote the 'delete all emails' email? He would have had to be questioned under caution (like Miranda in the US).

I don't believe they can be fixed...I doubt that anyone knows where all the raw data is....even climate pseudoscientists wouldn't be stupid enough to leave that sort of smoking gun to prove their fraud would they?
Again? How many times have deniers made theses proclamations? And every time, they end up doing a faceplant into a cow patty.

Given how often it's happened, even the dimmest deniers have to understand that their leaders have been spoonfeeding them lies. Therefore, they bear some responsibility for how eagerly they lap up those lies. A few times is excusable, but a few dozen times isn't.
Again? How many times have deniers made theses proclamations? And every time, they end up doing a faceplant into a cow patty.

Given how often it's happened, even the dimmest deniers have to understand that their leaders have been spoonfeeding them lies. Therefore, they bear some responsibility for how eagerly they lap up those lies. A few times is excusable, but a few dozen times isn't.
Dude, why do you care? If the deniers hit the cow patties why are you so concerned? What the your problem? is it not factual?
Again? How many times have deniers made theses proclamations? And every time, they end up doing a faceplant into a cow patty.

Given how often it's happened, even the dimmest deniers have to understand that their leaders have been spoonfeeding them lies. Therefore, they bear some responsibility for how eagerly they lap up those lies. A few times is excusable, but a few dozen times isn't.

How many complaints were there against Madoff or Armstrong before the truth came out? I bet ever time the complainant was hoping this would be the turning point. Its a matter of when, not if.
At this point. Anything prior to 1979 or so has been over-cooked.
It's those OLDER records that are used to hockey-stick the history plots.

Thankfully, the satellite record is in good hands and keeps the 21st Century data honest..
It doesn't matter if the data is altered the AGWCult can just show us all those lab experiments where a 120PPM increase in 120 makes the temperature spike by 2 - 7 degrees, amiright?
I suppose once the Faithers have been stripped of their academic credentials, we can take new samples and establish a honest data set.
I suppose once the Faithers have been stripped of their academic credentials, we can take new samples and establish a honest data set.

Wouldn't be the first time we had a "gap in the recordings" would it?
I say we just eventually just put in Red X's from 1920 to 1980.. Call it the
Mann-Hansen Gap..
Australia seems to be well on its way to investigating its BoM. The fallout from their homogenisation could easily spread to the global datasets. One thing that would make me less concerned is if there was a study done where high quality stations were taken out, one by one, and the algorithms reproduced them without adding a warming trend.

I am also interested in seeing the ongoing results from the NOAA experiment where they set up a station with multiple types of thermometers, at multiple distances from a building, and continuous readings that could be used to quantify both TOB and UHI. The preliminary results from 2 years ago larger UHI effects than expected but no data was given on TOB.
You denier cult morons are starting to believe your own propaganda now? LOLOL.

The time of observation bias corrections should be a one time adjustment done on individual stations according to their history.

Before the presently available computer storage power decadal estimates were used to make across the board approximations which are no longer necessary.

One of the biggest problems is that the homogenisation algorithms automatically change results that they don't expect, assuming that it was an undocumented station change or equipment change. In the best documented country in the world, the US, one third of the readings have already been replaced by these 'estimates'. Even poor real data is more useful than made-up data, especially when it is undisclosed just how much of the official data is fabricated.
The time of observation bias corrections should be a one time adjustment done on individual stations according to their history.

Before the presently available computer storage power decadal estimates were used to make across the board approximations which are no longer necessary.

One of the biggest problems is that the homogenisation algorithms automatically change results that they don't expect, assuming that it was an undocumented station change or equipment change. In the best documented country in the world, the US, one third of the readings have already been replaced by these 'estimates'. Even poor real data is more useful than made-up data, especially when it is undisclosed just how much of the official data is fabricated.

Depends on what SURFACE you want to measure the "average". IIRC from my pilot days, lapse rate is about 3.5degF/1000ft. So all you have to do to get an appreciable NATIONAL adjustment is relocate about 100 stations from higher to lower altitudes and be sloppy with the "corrections". Big diff between the surface temp at the casinos in South Lake Tahoe and the lodge at the top of Squaw Valley isn't there?

Entry just says Lake Tahoe.. My bet is the temperature isn't measured at South Lake Airport any more..
You are correct flac. The great thermometer die out in the 90's added a lot to the trend. Other lesser factors are such things as the 'improved' way of sampling and weighting areas. The vast majority of changes to the methodologies just happen to increase the trends. These changes are arbitrary but I can well imagine that the choice between various methods is affected by the favoured outcomes found.
And why do you imagine such a thing? Back when that decision was being made, global warming wasn't zackly a household term. And do you have some evidence that it was a bad choice? And if they chose their technologies in order to be able to make an adjustment in the direction they have, why did they wait 30 years to do it? And for that matter, even if their choice DID have some ulterior motive such as you suggest, it wouldn't change the fact that adjustments in the directions they've made them were required.

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