The Common Denominator: Islam

Reading a book which reinforces your preconceived biases by some schmuck like Glenn Beck or Rush Limbaugh or some no-name asshole in America does not inform you about Islam.

Read the two books I linked above. These writers are long time writers and experts on the subject of Islamic fundamentalism and terrorism. They are reporters from the region who clearly do not support the radicalization of their religion. They give outstanding objective reportage on the rise of Islamic fundamentalism and terrorism.

In fact, Rashid's book was pretty much required reading by the Bush Administration, and has been widely read in the military.
I still await the massive protest against the radicals.... Maybe the authors could lead them:thup:
When you cover your eyes and ears, it is not surprising you are unable to find the widespread Islamic opposition to the terrorists.

You really do suffer from profound confirmation bias.

Now go and read those two books and stop revealing your deep ignorance so casually.

I haven't seen any massive conservative Christian protests against Christians killing abortion doctors.

You make a comment like that and expect to be taken seriously? Do you even think before you post? What kind of a moron equates 'christians killing abortion doctors' to worldwide islamic terrorism, and then expects anything else he says to hold any weight?

What's the material difference between one journalist beheaded and one abortion doctor shot?
Bet you evinced the same attitude toward the education your teachers offered.

That's, after all, what makes one a Liberal.

Where do you get your fortune cookies from? They're far more interesting than the ones I get....

At any rate - I'm willing to bet that the Bible can (and has been) just as easily cherry picked with an eye towards extremism as the Quran has and cherry picking does not equal understanding - just the skillful taking out of context appropriate phrases. I'll bypass your nifty educational efforts and leave you to your fortune cookie enterprise.

Pretty stupid post.

I've taken nothing "just the skillful taking out of context."

The Q'ran is a book about making war.

"The Koran’s core theme is about the duty of all Muslims to fight non-Muslims; an Islamic Mein Kampf, in which fight means war, jihad. The Koran is above all a book of war – a call to butcher non-Muslims (2:191, 3:141, 4:91, 5:3), to roast them (4:56, 69:30-69:32), and to cause bloodbaths amongst them (47:4). Jews are compared to monkeys and pigs (2:65, 5:60, 7:166), while people who believe in Jesus Christ as the Son of God must according to the Koran be fought (9:30 [9:29])."
Geert Wilders 8217 Parliamentary Speech On The Koran Pat Dollard

That is not the case with the Bible.

Ready to admit that you are a dunce?

Since you believe Islam to be the CAUSE of the violence, then you must believe we are justified outlawing Islam in America,

for starters.

Is that what you believe, or do you take some other illogical view?

Don't tell me what I must do, you moron.

Then don't take illogical positions. You blame Islam for violence, but you don't want to take action against Islam?

That makes no sense whatsoever. That says that you are willing to accept the right to exist of a religion that causes violence, death, and destruction.

That by your own standard makes you an enabler of the violence.

OR... could admit that the religion itself is not to blame...

Illogical positions like defending a violent and oppresive religion while at the same time condemning a religion that is peaceful? lol
Where do you get your fortune cookies from? They're far more interesting than the ones I get....

At any rate - I'm willing to bet that the Bible can (and has been) just as easily cherry picked with an eye towards extremism as the Quran has and cherry picking does not equal understanding - just the skillful taking out of context appropriate phrases. I'll bypass your nifty educational efforts and leave you to your fortune cookie enterprise.

Pretty stupid post.

I've taken nothing "just the skillful taking out of context."

The Q'ran is a book about making war.

"The Koran’s core theme is about the duty of all Muslims to fight non-Muslims; an Islamic Mein Kampf, in which fight means war, jihad. The Koran is above all a book of war – a call to butcher non-Muslims (2:191, 3:141, 4:91, 5:3), to roast them (4:56, 69:30-69:32), and to cause bloodbaths amongst them (47:4). Jews are compared to monkeys and pigs (2:65, 5:60, 7:166), while people who believe in Jesus Christ as the Son of God must according to the Koran be fought (9:30 [9:29])."
Geert Wilders 8217 Parliamentary Speech On The Koran Pat Dollard

That is not the case with the Bible.

Ready to admit that you are a dunce?

Since you believe Islam to be the CAUSE of the violence, then you must believe we are justified outlawing Islam in America,

for starters.

Is that what you believe, or do you take some other illogical view?

Don't tell me what I must do, you moron.

Then don't take illogical positions. You blame Islam for violence, but you don't want to take action against Islam?

That makes no sense whatsoever. That says that you are willing to accept the right to exist of a religion that causes violence, death, and destruction.

That by your own standard makes you an enabler of the violence.

OR... could admit that the religion itself is not to blame...

Illogical positions like defending a violent and oppresive religion while at the same time condemning a religion that is peaceful? lol

Then Islam should be banned? We should amend our Constitution to facilitate that?
Where do you get your fortune cookies from? They're far more interesting than the ones I get....

At any rate - I'm willing to bet that the Bible can (and has been) just as easily cherry picked with an eye towards extremism as the Quran has and cherry picking does not equal understanding - just the skillful taking out of context appropriate phrases. I'll bypass your nifty educational efforts and leave you to your fortune cookie enterprise.

Pretty stupid post.

I've taken nothing "just the skillful taking out of context."

The Q'ran is a book about making war.

"The Koran’s core theme is about the duty of all Muslims to fight non-Muslims; an Islamic Mein Kampf, in which fight means war, jihad. The Koran is above all a book of war – a call to butcher non-Muslims (2:191, 3:141, 4:91, 5:3), to roast them (4:56, 69:30-69:32), and to cause bloodbaths amongst them (47:4). Jews are compared to monkeys and pigs (2:65, 5:60, 7:166), while people who believe in Jesus Christ as the Son of God must according to the Koran be fought (9:30 [9:29])."
Geert Wilders 8217 Parliamentary Speech On The Koran Pat Dollard

That is not the case with the Bible.

Ready to admit that you are a dunce?

Since you believe Islam to be the CAUSE of the violence, then you must believe we are justified outlawing Islam in America,

for starters.

Is that what you believe, or do you take some other illogical view?

Don't tell me what I must do, you moron.

Then don't take illogical positions. You blame Islam for violence, but you don't want to take action against Islam?

That makes no sense whatsoever. That says that you are willing to accept the right to exist of a religion that causes violence, death, and destruction.

That by your own standard makes you an enabler of the violence.

OR... could admit that the religion itself is not to blame...

Illogical positions like defending a violent and oppresive religion while at the same time condemning a religion that is peaceful? lol

What's violent about a Muslim who never breaks the law nor harms anyone?

What's peaceful about a Christian who blows up an abortion clinic?
Reading a book which reinforces your preconceived biases by some schmuck like Glenn Beck or Rush Limbaugh or some no-name asshole in America does not inform you about Islam.

Read the two books I linked above. These writers are long time writers and experts on the subject of Islamic fundamentalism and terrorism. They are reporters from the region who clearly do not support the radicalization of their religion. They give outstanding objective reportage on the rise of Islamic fundamentalism and terrorism.

In fact, Rashid's book was pretty much required reading by the Bush Administration, and has been widely read in the military.
I still await the massive protest against the radicals.... Maybe the authors could lead them:thup:
When you cover your eyes and ears, it is not surprising you are unable to find the widespread Islamic opposition to the terrorists.

You really do suffer from profound confirmation bias.

Now go and read those two books and stop revealing your deep ignorance so casually.

I haven't seen any massive conservative Christian protests against Christians killing abortion doctors.

You make a comment like that and expect to be taken seriously? Do you even think before you post? What kind of a moron equates 'christians killing abortion doctors' to worldwide islamic terrorism, and then expects anything else he says to hold any weight?

What's the material difference between one journalist beheaded and one abortion doctor shot?

What abortion doctor was shot, when, and by whom?

One beheaded journalist is the only victim of islamic terrorism?

Are you f'in crazy to even attempt to equate 'christian' violence in the name of religion with islamic violence in the name of their Allah? You look like a fool, fool!

Unfortunately, this is the insanity that we're dealing with here, folks!
Bet you evinced the same attitude toward the education your teachers offered.

That's, after all, what makes one a Liberal.

Where do you get your fortune cookies from? They're far more interesting than the ones I get....

At any rate - I'm willing to bet that the Bible can (and has been) just as easily cherry picked with an eye towards extremism as the Quran has and cherry picking does not equal understanding - just the skillful taking out of context appropriate phrases. I'll bypass your nifty educational efforts and leave you to your fortune cookie enterprise.

Pretty stupid post.

I've taken nothing "just the skillful taking out of context."

The Q'ran is a book about making war.

"The Koran’s core theme is about the duty of all Muslims to fight non-Muslims; an Islamic Mein Kampf, in which fight means war, jihad. The Koran is above all a book of war – a call to butcher non-Muslims (2:191, 3:141, 4:91, 5:3), to roast them (4:56, 69:30-69:32), and to cause bloodbaths amongst them (47:4). Jews are compared to monkeys and pigs (2:65, 5:60, 7:166), while people who believe in Jesus Christ as the Son of God must according to the Koran be fought (9:30 [9:29])."
Geert Wilders 8217 Parliamentary Speech On The Koran Pat Dollard

That is not the case with the Bible.

Ready to admit that you are a dunce?

Since you believe Islam to be the CAUSE of the violence, then you must believe we are justified outlawing Islam in America,

for starters.

Is that what you believe, or do you take some other illogical view?

Don't tell me what I must do, you moron.

Namecalling is proof that you've lost the argument. Isn't that one of your beliefs?


Vulgarity is.

What you call 'name calling' is accurately describing.
I'm good at that.
Pretty stupid post.

I've taken nothing "just the skillful taking out of context."

The Q'ran is a book about making war.

"The Koran’s core theme is about the duty of all Muslims to fight non-Muslims; an Islamic Mein Kampf, in which fight means war, jihad. The Koran is above all a book of war – a call to butcher non-Muslims (2:191, 3:141, 4:91, 5:3), to roast them (4:56, 69:30-69:32), and to cause bloodbaths amongst them (47:4). Jews are compared to monkeys and pigs (2:65, 5:60, 7:166), while people who believe in Jesus Christ as the Son of God must according to the Koran be fought (9:30 [9:29])."
Geert Wilders 8217 Parliamentary Speech On The Koran Pat Dollard

That is not the case with the Bible.

Ready to admit that you are a dunce?

Since you believe Islam to be the CAUSE of the violence, then you must believe we are justified outlawing Islam in America,

for starters.

Is that what you believe, or do you take some other illogical view?

Don't tell me what I must do, you moron.

Then don't take illogical positions. You blame Islam for violence, but you don't want to take action against Islam?

That makes no sense whatsoever. That says that you are willing to accept the right to exist of a religion that causes violence, death, and destruction.

That by your own standard makes you an enabler of the violence.

OR... could admit that the religion itself is not to blame...

Illogical positions like defending a violent and oppresive religion while at the same time condemning a religion that is peaceful? lol

What's violent about a Muslim who never breaks the law nor harms anyone?

What's peaceful about a Christian who blows up an abortion clinic?

If muslims weren't violent, then this discussion would never be taking place.

What christian blew up what abortion clinic? when?
I still await the massive protest against the radicals.... Maybe the authors could lead them:thup:
When you cover your eyes and ears, it is not surprising you are unable to find the widespread Islamic opposition to the terrorists.

You really do suffer from profound confirmation bias.

Now go and read those two books and stop revealing your deep ignorance so casually.

I haven't seen any massive conservative Christian protests against Christians killing abortion doctors.

You make a comment like that and expect to be taken seriously? Do you even think before you post? What kind of a moron equates 'christians killing abortion doctors' to worldwide islamic terrorism, and then expects anything else he says to hold any weight?

What's the material difference between one journalist beheaded and one abortion doctor shot?

What abortion doctor was shot, when, and by whom?

One beheaded journalist is the only victim of islamic terrorism?

Are you f'in crazy to even attempt to equate 'christian' violence in the name of religion with islamic violence in the name of their Allah? You look like a fool, fool!

Unfortunately, this is the insanity that we're dealing with here, folks!

It's insane to not want to blame innocent Muslims for the crimes committed by other Muslims?
Since you believe Islam to be the CAUSE of the violence, then you must believe we are justified outlawing Islam in America,

for starters.

Is that what you believe, or do you take some other illogical view?

Don't tell me what I must do, you moron.

Then don't take illogical positions. You blame Islam for violence, but you don't want to take action against Islam?

That makes no sense whatsoever. That says that you are willing to accept the right to exist of a religion that causes violence, death, and destruction.

That by your own standard makes you an enabler of the violence.

OR... could admit that the religion itself is not to blame...

Illogical positions like defending a violent and oppresive religion while at the same time condemning a religion that is peaceful? lol

What's violent about a Muslim who never breaks the law nor harms anyone?

What's peaceful about a Christian who blows up an abortion clinic?

If muslims weren't violent, then this discussion would never be taking place.

What christian blew up what abortion clinic? when?

Every Muslim is violent?
Where do you get your fortune cookies from? They're far more interesting than the ones I get....

At any rate - I'm willing to bet that the Bible can (and has been) just as easily cherry picked with an eye towards extremism as the Quran has and cherry picking does not equal understanding - just the skillful taking out of context appropriate phrases. I'll bypass your nifty educational efforts and leave you to your fortune cookie enterprise.

Pretty stupid post.

I've taken nothing "just the skillful taking out of context."

The Q'ran is a book about making war.

"The Koran’s core theme is about the duty of all Muslims to fight non-Muslims; an Islamic Mein Kampf, in which fight means war, jihad. The Koran is above all a book of war – a call to butcher non-Muslims (2:191, 3:141, 4:91, 5:3), to roast them (4:56, 69:30-69:32), and to cause bloodbaths amongst them (47:4). Jews are compared to monkeys and pigs (2:65, 5:60, 7:166), while people who believe in Jesus Christ as the Son of God must according to the Koran be fought (9:30 [9:29])."
Geert Wilders 8217 Parliamentary Speech On The Koran Pat Dollard

That is not the case with the Bible.

Ready to admit that you are a dunce?

Since you believe Islam to be the CAUSE of the violence, then you must believe we are justified outlawing Islam in America,

for starters.

Is that what you believe, or do you take some other illogical view?

Don't tell me what I must do, you moron.

Namecalling is proof that you've lost the argument. Isn't that one of your beliefs?


Vulgarity is.

What you call 'name calling' is accurately describing.
I'm good at that.

Okay, then you're a mentally retarded bigot. Happy now?
When you cover your eyes and ears, it is not surprising you are unable to find the widespread Islamic opposition to the terrorists.

You really do suffer from profound confirmation bias.

Now go and read those two books and stop revealing your deep ignorance so casually.

I haven't seen any massive conservative Christian protests against Christians killing abortion doctors.

You make a comment like that and expect to be taken seriously? Do you even think before you post? What kind of a moron equates 'christians killing abortion doctors' to worldwide islamic terrorism, and then expects anything else he says to hold any weight?

What's the material difference between one journalist beheaded and one abortion doctor shot?

What abortion doctor was shot, when, and by whom?

One beheaded journalist is the only victim of islamic terrorism?

Are you f'in crazy to even attempt to equate 'christian' violence in the name of religion with islamic violence in the name of their Allah? You look like a fool, fool!

Unfortunately, this is the insanity that we're dealing with here, folks!

It's insane to not want to blame innocent Muslims for the crimes committed by other Muslims?

Perhaps if that's what anyone was doing here it might be insane, you seem to be the only one who thinks that's the case. And then of course, you jump in to defend all those muslims that you think are being maligned (I'm sure they all thank you), while at the same time you're willing to spit on christians any way you can. Why is that?
Don't tell me what I must do, you moron.

Then don't take illogical positions. You blame Islam for violence, but you don't want to take action against Islam?

That makes no sense whatsoever. That says that you are willing to accept the right to exist of a religion that causes violence, death, and destruction.

That by your own standard makes you an enabler of the violence.

OR... could admit that the religion itself is not to blame...

Illogical positions like defending a violent and oppresive religion while at the same time condemning a religion that is peaceful? lol

What's violent about a Muslim who never breaks the law nor harms anyone?

What's peaceful about a Christian who blows up an abortion clinic?

If muslims weren't violent, then this discussion would never be taking place.

What christian blew up what abortion clinic? when?

Every Muslim is violent?

No reading comprehension?

I've asked twice now who blew up an abortion clinic and when? Who shot and abortion doctor and when? I'm still waiting.
Pretty stupid post.

I've taken nothing "just the skillful taking out of context."

The Q'ran is a book about making war.

"The Koran’s core theme is about the duty of all Muslims to fight non-Muslims; an Islamic Mein Kampf, in which fight means war, jihad. The Koran is above all a book of war – a call to butcher non-Muslims (2:191, 3:141, 4:91, 5:3), to roast them (4:56, 69:30-69:32), and to cause bloodbaths amongst them (47:4). Jews are compared to monkeys and pigs (2:65, 5:60, 7:166), while people who believe in Jesus Christ as the Son of God must according to the Koran be fought (9:30 [9:29])."
Geert Wilders 8217 Parliamentary Speech On The Koran Pat Dollard

That is not the case with the Bible.

Ready to admit that you are a dunce?

Since you believe Islam to be the CAUSE of the violence, then you must believe we are justified outlawing Islam in America,

for starters.

Is that what you believe, or do you take some other illogical view?

Don't tell me what I must do, you moron.

Namecalling is proof that you've lost the argument. Isn't that one of your beliefs?


Vulgarity is.

What you call 'name calling' is accurately describing.
I'm good at that.

Okay, then you're a mentally retarded bigot. Happy now?

Based on your limitations, I'm sure you fail to see the glaring error in your several posts....

Yours, false.
Mine, true.
Then don't take illogical positions. You blame Islam for violence, but you don't want to take action against Islam?

That makes no sense whatsoever. That says that you are willing to accept the right to exist of a religion that causes violence, death, and destruction.

That by your own standard makes you an enabler of the violence.

OR... could admit that the religion itself is not to blame...

Illogical positions like defending a violent and oppresive religion while at the same time condemning a religion that is peaceful? lol

What's violent about a Muslim who never breaks the law nor harms anyone?

What's peaceful about a Christian who blows up an abortion clinic?

If muslims weren't violent, then this discussion would never be taking place.

What christian blew up what abortion clinic? when?

Every Muslim is violent?

No reading comprehension?

I've asked twice now who blew up an abortion clinic and when? Who shot and abortion doctor and when? I'm still waiting.

Are you that stupid?
Pretty stupid post.

I've taken nothing "just the skillful taking out of context."

The Q'ran is a book about making war.

"The Koran’s core theme is about the duty of all Muslims to fight non-Muslims; an Islamic Mein Kampf, in which fight means war, jihad. The Koran is above all a book of war – a call to butcher non-Muslims (2:191, 3:141, 4:91, 5:3), to roast them (4:56, 69:30-69:32), and to cause bloodbaths amongst them (47:4). Jews are compared to monkeys and pigs (2:65, 5:60, 7:166), while people who believe in Jesus Christ as the Son of God must according to the Koran be fought (9:30 [9:29])."
Geert Wilders 8217 Parliamentary Speech On The Koran Pat Dollard

That is not the case with the Bible.

Ready to admit that you are a dunce?

Since you believe Islam to be the CAUSE of the violence, then you must believe we are justified outlawing Islam in America,

for starters.

Is that what you believe, or do you take some other illogical view?

Don't tell me what I must do, you moron.

Namecalling is proof that you've lost the argument. Isn't that one of your beliefs?


Vulgarity is.

What you call 'name calling' is accurately describing.
I'm good at that.

Okay, then you're a mentally retarded bigot. Happy now?

So do you seroiusly equate world wide islamic terrorism that occurs on a daily basis with chrisitian violence? Do you see them as equivalent? One reaps as much death as the other? Do you really want to appear as being that foolish?
Illogical positions like defending a violent and oppresive religion while at the same time condemning a religion that is peaceful? lol

What's violent about a Muslim who never breaks the law nor harms anyone?

What's peaceful about a Christian who blows up an abortion clinic?

If muslims weren't violent, then this discussion would never be taking place.

What christian blew up what abortion clinic? when?

Every Muslim is violent?

No reading comprehension?

I've asked twice now who blew up an abortion clinic and when? Who shot and abortion doctor and when? I'm still waiting.

Are you that stupid?

So again, you're just full of bullshit? Why would you even bring up abortion doctors and clinics if you don't have the data to back up your 'claims'?
Then don't take illogical positions. You blame Islam for violence, but you don't want to take action against Islam?

That makes no sense whatsoever. That says that you are willing to accept the right to exist of a religion that causes violence, death, and destruction.

That by your own standard makes you an enabler of the violence.

OR... could admit that the religion itself is not to blame...

Illogical positions like defending a violent and oppresive religion while at the same time condemning a religion that is peaceful? lol

What's violent about a Muslim who never breaks the law nor harms anyone?

What's peaceful about a Christian who blows up an abortion clinic?

If muslims weren't violent, then this discussion would never be taking place.

What christian blew up what abortion clinic? when?

Every Muslim is violent?

No reading comprehension?

I've asked twice now who blew up an abortion clinic and when? Who shot and abortion doctor and when? I'm still waiting.

This is what makes someone an asshole.

You pretend you don't know of anyone who ever murdered an abortion doctor, and yet it takes me a minute to find this thread about the murder of an abortion doctor,

with YOUR posts in it:

Roeder Found Guilty of Murder US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Grow the fuck up, asshole.
[The media does not get along with the Obama administration. The liberal New York Times is one of the biggest complainers. Righties like you perpetuate these false rumours about Obama and the media and they are simply not true. These was a good article on the subject in Rolling Stone a few weeks ago, you should read it.

Well, here's a tip for the media. When their nose is up his ass and they realize his shit stinks, they should take their noses out of his ass.
I'm a fairly religious person. If someone from my church was planing to bomb an abortion clinic, I'd tell the police. If I stay silent, I become part of the criminal act.

Almost every Christian would. It's the lie of the left to say otherwise. A Christian is more likely to turn in a Christian for planning a bombing than a liberal would turn in a liberal for planning the same by far.
I'm a fairly religious person. If someone from my church was planing to bomb an abortion clinic, I'd tell the police. If I stay silent, I become part of the criminal act.

Almost every Christian would. It's the lie of the left to say otherwise. A Christian is more likely to turn in a Christian for planning a bombing than a liberal would turn in a liberal for planning the same by far.

well...note the Christian nature of this list:


We, the undersigned, declare the justice of taking all godly action necessary to defend innocent human life including the use of force. We proclaim that whatever force is legitimate to defend the life of a born child is legitimate to defend the life of an unborn child. We assert that if Michael Griffin did in fact kill David Gunn, his use of lethal force was justifiable provided it was carried out for the purpose of defending the lives of unborn children. Therefore, he ought to be acquitted of the charges against him.

The list in the link:

Defensive Action statements


Forum List
