The Common Denominator: Islam

So how many of you who have decided that international Islamry (like that?) is the problem believe that our logical response to that should be that we amend our Constitution so that we can ban Islam from the US?

not necessary, we already have laws against murder, robbery, female mutilation, slavery, etc. Just apply our laws to muslims as we apply them to everyone else------------------oh, except illegals of course.

You're missing the point of this thread. The OP is claiming that Islam is the CAUSE of the violence. If you believe that something is the CAUSE of the violence then you logically eliminate the CAUSE.
Let's cut to the chase:

How many religions can you name where the adherents attend religious services and then rush out and kill people?

Only one.....

Easy peasey! The KKK and the IRA were devout churchgoers. And we can be pretty sure Tomás de Torquemada attended mass before he rushed out and killed Jews and "heretics".
So how many of you who have decided that international Islamry (like that?) is the problem believe that our logical response to that should be that we amend our Constitution so that we can ban Islam from the US?

Watch it and learn something

Zuhdi Jasser separating mosque and state

LOL. You can pay me to watch it if you'd like.

Why not, instead, you just address my point/question?
Reading a book which reinforces your preconceived biases by some schmuck like Glenn Beck or Rush Limbaugh or some no-name asshole in America does not inform you about Islam.

Read the two books I linked above. These writers are long time writers and experts on the subject of Islamic fundamentalism and terrorism. They are reporters from the region who clearly do not support the radicalization of their religion. They give outstanding objective reportage on the rise of Islamic fundamentalism and terrorism.

In fact, Rashid's book was pretty much required reading by the Bush Administration, and has been widely read in the military.
I still await the massive protest against the radicals.... Maybe the authors could lead them:thup:
Reading a book which reinforces your preconceived biases by some schmuck like Glenn Beck or Rush Limbaugh or some no-name asshole in America does not inform you about Islam.

Read the two books I linked above. These writers are long time writers and experts on the subject of Islamic fundamentalism and terrorism. They are reporters from the region who clearly do not support the radicalization of their religion. They give outstanding objective reportage on the rise of Islamic fundamentalism and terrorism.

In fact, Rashid's book was pretty much required reading by the Bush Administration, and has been widely read in the military.
I still await the massive protest against the radicals.... Maybe the authors could lead them:thup:
When you cover your eyes and ears, it is not surprising you are unable to find the widespread Islamic opposition to the terrorists.

You really do suffer from profound confirmation bias.

Now go and read those two books and stop revealing your deep ignorance so casually.
It doesn't take much education to cherry pick religious texts to find phrases that fit your bias. There's probably a psychological term for that as well.

Hmmm.....earlier you claimed I hadn't studied the Q'ran.

Now you claim I've 'cherry picked'....pretty thin defense.

hmmmm....since when does "cherry picked" equal "studied"? Google is your friend. One can google phrases without ever reading or studying the original material. Doing so implies understanding - something lacking in your posts.

I note that you made no attempt to counter any of what I posted.


If you need a lesson in understanding the Q'ran, please don't hesitate to ask.

I'll be happy to provide valuable hermeneutics.

The "value" of what you wish to provide is more likely to be found in a box of cracker jacks :)

Bet you evinced the same attitude toward the education your teachers offered.

That's, after all, what makes one a Liberal.

Where do you get your fortune cookies from? They're far more interesting than the ones I get....

At any rate - I'm willing to bet that the Bible can (and has been) just as easily cherry picked with an eye towards extremism as the Quran has and cherry picking does not equal understanding - just the skillful taking out of context appropriate phrases. I'll bypass your nifty educational efforts and leave you to your fortune cookie enterprise.

Pretty stupid post.

I've taken nothing "just the skillful taking out of context."

The Q'ran is a book about making war.

"The Koran’s core theme is about the duty of all Muslims to fight non-Muslims; an Islamic Mein Kampf, in which fight means war, jihad. The Koran is above all a book of war – a call to butcher non-Muslims (2:191, 3:141, 4:91, 5:3), to roast them (4:56, 69:30-69:32), and to cause bloodbaths amongst them (47:4). Jews are compared to monkeys and pigs (2:65, 5:60, 7:166), while people who believe in Jesus Christ as the Son of God must according to the Koran be fought (9:30 [9:29])."
Geert Wilders 8217 Parliamentary Speech On The Koran Pat Dollard

That is not the case with the Bible.

Ready to admit that you are a dunce?

Since you believe Islam to be the CAUSE of the violence, then you must believe we are justified outlawing Islam in America,

for starters.

Is that what you believe, or do you take some other illogical view?
So how many of you who have decided that international Islamry (like that?) is the problem believe that our logical response to that should be that we amend our Constitution so that we can ban Islam from the US?

Watch it and learn something

Zuhdi Jasser separating mosque and state

LOL. You can pay me to watch it if you'd like.

Why not, instead, you just address my point/question?

Your point is ignorant and stupid. We don't ban religion here. It's you liberals you'd like to do that actually.
Reading a book which reinforces your preconceived biases by some schmuck like Glenn Beck or Rush Limbaugh or some no-name asshole in America does not inform you about Islam.

Read the two books I linked above. These writers are long time writers and experts on the subject of Islamic fundamentalism and terrorism. They are reporters from the region who clearly do not support the radicalization of their religion. They give outstanding objective reportage on the rise of Islamic fundamentalism and terrorism.

In fact, Rashid's book was pretty much required reading by the Bush Administration, and has been widely read in the military.
I still await the massive protest against the radicals.... Maybe the authors could lead them:thup:
When you cover your eyes and ears, it is not surprising you are unable to find the widespread Islamic opposition to the terrorists.

You really do suffer from profound confirmation bias.

Now go and read those two books and stop revealing your deep ignorance so casually.

Maybe the radical nutjobs who are slaughtering people as we speak should read your books
The vast, vast majority of the violence committed by the terrorists is against Muslims. So what special kind of retard do you have to be to believe most Muslims are going, "Hooray for the terrorists!"?

Jesus, some of you people are incredibly stupid. And it is a willful stupidity!
Reading a book which reinforces your preconceived biases by some schmuck like Glenn Beck or Rush Limbaugh or some no-name asshole in America does not inform you about Islam.

Read the two books I linked above. These writers are long time writers and experts on the subject of Islamic fundamentalism and terrorism. They are reporters from the region who clearly do not support the radicalization of their religion. They give outstanding objective reportage on the rise of Islamic fundamentalism and terrorism.

In fact, Rashid's book was pretty much required reading by the Bush Administration, and has been widely read in the military.
I still await the massive protest against the radicals.... Maybe the authors could lead them:thup:
So how many of you who have decided that international Islamry (like that?) is the problem believe that our logical response to that should be that we amend our Constitution so that we can ban Islam from the US?

Watch it and learn something

Zuhdi Jasser separating mosque and state

LOL. You can pay me to watch it if you'd like.

Why not, instead, you just address my point/question?

Your point is ignorant and stupid. We don't ban religion here it's you liberals you'd like to do that actually.

But if you believe Islam is the CAUSE of the violence then aren't we wrong to have a blanket policy against banning religions?

Isn't it illogical to allow what you believe to be a CAUSE OF VIOLENCE to have the same rights in this country?

Shouldn't we amend the Constitution to enable the banning of Islam?

You people take a position but then you reject the most sensible and logical actions to support your position.

That makes you irrational.
Reading a book which reinforces your preconceived biases by some schmuck like Glenn Beck or Rush Limbaugh or some no-name asshole in America does not inform you about Islam.

Read the two books I linked above. These writers are long time writers and experts on the subject of Islamic fundamentalism and terrorism. They are reporters from the region who clearly do not support the radicalization of their religion. They give outstanding objective reportage on the rise of Islamic fundamentalism and terrorism.

In fact, Rashid's book was pretty much required reading by the Bush Administration, and has been widely read in the military.
I still await the massive protest against the radicals.... Maybe the authors could lead them:thup:
So how many of you who have decided that international Islamry (like that?) is the problem believe that our logical response to that should be that we amend our Constitution so that we can ban Islam from the US?

Watch it and learn something

Zuhdi Jasser separating mosque and state

LOL. You can pay me to watch it if you'd like.

Why not, instead, you just address my point/question?

Your point is ignorant and stupid. We don't ban religion here it's you liberals you'd like to do that actually.

But if you believe Islam is the CAUSE of the violence then aren't we wrong to have a blanket policy against banning religions?

Isn't it illogical to allow what you believe to be a CAUSE OF VIOLENCE to have the same rights in this country?

Shouldn't we amend the Constitution to enable the banning of Islam?

You people take a position but then you reject the most sensible and logical actions to support your position.

That makes you irrational.

May be if you watch the video you might learn something..but you wont so whatcha going to do?:dunno:
So how many of you who have decided that international Islamry (like that?) is the problem believe that our logical response to that should be that we amend our Constitution so that we can ban Islam from the US?

Watch it and learn something

Zuhdi Jasser separating mosque and state

LOL. You can pay me to watch it if you'd like.

Why not, instead, you just address my point/question?

Your point is ignorant and stupid. We don't ban religion here. It's you liberals you'd like to do that actually.

What religion have we banned?

I can find plenty of examples of Republicans attempting to curtail religion - Anti-Sharia legislation for example, preventing the building of Mosques....

I don't think the Liberals have banned the building or expansion of churches, nor have they banned things like Talmudic law....or Mosaic law....via legislation.
Reading a book which reinforces your preconceived biases by some schmuck like Glenn Beck or Rush Limbaugh or some no-name asshole in America does not inform you about Islam.

Read the two books I linked above. These writers are long time writers and experts on the subject of Islamic fundamentalism and terrorism. They are reporters from the region who clearly do not support the radicalization of their religion. They give outstanding objective reportage on the rise of Islamic fundamentalism and terrorism.

In fact, Rashid's book was pretty much required reading by the Bush Administration, and has been widely read in the military.
I still await the massive protest against the radicals.... Maybe the authors could lead them:thup:
So how many of you who have decided that international Islamry (like that?) is the problem believe that our logical response to that should be that we amend our Constitution so that we can ban Islam from the US?

Watch it and learn something

Zuhdi Jasser separating mosque and state

LOL. You can pay me to watch it if you'd like.

Why not, instead, you just address my point/question?

Your point is ignorant and stupid. We don't ban religion here it's you liberals you'd like to do that actually.

But if you believe Islam is the CAUSE of the violence then aren't we wrong to have a blanket policy against banning religions?

Isn't it illogical to allow what you believe to be a CAUSE OF VIOLENCE to have the same rights in this country?

Shouldn't we amend the Constitution to enable the banning of Islam?

You people take a position but then you reject the most sensible and logical actions to support your position.

That makes you irrational.

May be if you watch the video you might learn something..but you wont so whatcha going to do?:dunno:

Since you can't put your points in your own words, but have to resort to trying to get someone to watch a 20 minute video, I'd say you're the problem here.
Reading a book which reinforces your preconceived biases by some schmuck like Glenn Beck or Rush Limbaugh or some no-name asshole in America does not inform you about Islam.

Read the two books I linked above. These writers are long time writers and experts on the subject of Islamic fundamentalism and terrorism. They are reporters from the region who clearly do not support the radicalization of their religion. They give outstanding objective reportage on the rise of Islamic fundamentalism and terrorism.

In fact, Rashid's book was pretty much required reading by the Bush Administration, and has been widely read in the military.
I still await the massive protest against the radicals.... Maybe the authors could lead them:thup:
When you cover your eyes and ears, it is not surprising you are unable to find the widespread Islamic opposition to the terrorists.

You really do suffer from profound confirmation bias.

Now go and read those two books and stop revealing your deep ignorance so casually.

I haven't seen any massive conservative Christian protests against Christians killing abortion doctors.
Let's cut to the chase:

How many religions can you name where the adherents attend religious services and then rush out and kill people?

Only one.....

Easy peasey! The KKK and the IRA were devout churchgoers. And we can be pretty sure Tomás de Torquemada attended mass before he rushed out and killed Jews and "heretics".

You don't have to pretend to be stupid......really.
Hmmm.....earlier you claimed I hadn't studied the Q'ran.

Now you claim I've 'cherry picked'....pretty thin defense.

hmmmm....since when does "cherry picked" equal "studied"? Google is your friend. One can google phrases without ever reading or studying the original material. Doing so implies understanding - something lacking in your posts.

I note that you made no attempt to counter any of what I posted.


If you need a lesson in understanding the Q'ran, please don't hesitate to ask.

I'll be happy to provide valuable hermeneutics.

The "value" of what you wish to provide is more likely to be found in a box of cracker jacks :)

Bet you evinced the same attitude toward the education your teachers offered.

That's, after all, what makes one a Liberal.

Where do you get your fortune cookies from? They're far more interesting than the ones I get....

At any rate - I'm willing to bet that the Bible can (and has been) just as easily cherry picked with an eye towards extremism as the Quran has and cherry picking does not equal understanding - just the skillful taking out of context appropriate phrases. I'll bypass your nifty educational efforts and leave you to your fortune cookie enterprise.

Pretty stupid post.

I've taken nothing "just the skillful taking out of context."

The Q'ran is a book about making war.

"The Koran’s core theme is about the duty of all Muslims to fight non-Muslims; an Islamic Mein Kampf, in which fight means war, jihad. The Koran is above all a book of war – a call to butcher non-Muslims (2:191, 3:141, 4:91, 5:3), to roast them (4:56, 69:30-69:32), and to cause bloodbaths amongst them (47:4). Jews are compared to monkeys and pigs (2:65, 5:60, 7:166), while people who believe in Jesus Christ as the Son of God must according to the Koran be fought (9:30 [9:29])."
Geert Wilders 8217 Parliamentary Speech On The Koran Pat Dollard

That is not the case with the Bible.

Ready to admit that you are a dunce?

Since you believe Islam to be the CAUSE of the violence, then you must believe we are justified outlawing Islam in America,

for starters.

Is that what you believe, or do you take some other illogical view?

Don't tell me what I must do, you moron.
hmmmm....since when does "cherry picked" equal "studied"? Google is your friend. One can google phrases without ever reading or studying the original material. Doing so implies understanding - something lacking in your posts.

The "value" of what you wish to provide is more likely to be found in a box of cracker jacks :)

Bet you evinced the same attitude toward the education your teachers offered.

That's, after all, what makes one a Liberal.

Where do you get your fortune cookies from? They're far more interesting than the ones I get....

At any rate - I'm willing to bet that the Bible can (and has been) just as easily cherry picked with an eye towards extremism as the Quran has and cherry picking does not equal understanding - just the skillful taking out of context appropriate phrases. I'll bypass your nifty educational efforts and leave you to your fortune cookie enterprise.

Pretty stupid post.

I've taken nothing "just the skillful taking out of context."

The Q'ran is a book about making war.

"The Koran’s core theme is about the duty of all Muslims to fight non-Muslims; an Islamic Mein Kampf, in which fight means war, jihad. The Koran is above all a book of war – a call to butcher non-Muslims (2:191, 3:141, 4:91, 5:3), to roast them (4:56, 69:30-69:32), and to cause bloodbaths amongst them (47:4). Jews are compared to monkeys and pigs (2:65, 5:60, 7:166), while people who believe in Jesus Christ as the Son of God must according to the Koran be fought (9:30 [9:29])."
Geert Wilders 8217 Parliamentary Speech On The Koran Pat Dollard

That is not the case with the Bible.

Ready to admit that you are a dunce?

Since you believe Islam to be the CAUSE of the violence, then you must believe we are justified outlawing Islam in America,

for starters.

Is that what you believe, or do you take some other illogical view?

Don't tell me what I must do, you moron.

Then don't take illogical positions. You blame Islam for violence, but you don't want to take action against Islam?

That makes no sense whatsoever. That says that you are willing to accept the right to exist of a religion that causes violence, death, and destruction.

That by your own standard makes you an enabler of the violence.

OR... could admit that the religion itself is not to blame...
Reading a book which reinforces your preconceived biases by some schmuck like Glenn Beck or Rush Limbaugh or some no-name asshole in America does not inform you about Islam.

Read the two books I linked above. These writers are long time writers and experts on the subject of Islamic fundamentalism and terrorism. They are reporters from the region who clearly do not support the radicalization of their religion. They give outstanding objective reportage on the rise of Islamic fundamentalism and terrorism.

In fact, Rashid's book was pretty much required reading by the Bush Administration, and has been widely read in the military.
I still await the massive protest against the radicals.... Maybe the authors could lead them:thup:
When you cover your eyes and ears, it is not surprising you are unable to find the widespread Islamic opposition to the terrorists.

You really do suffer from profound confirmation bias.

Now go and read those two books and stop revealing your deep ignorance so casually.

I haven't seen any massive conservative Christian protests against Christians killing abortion doctors.

You make a comment like that and expect to be taken seriously? Do you even think before you post? What kind of a moron equates 'christians killing abortion doctors' to worldwide islamic terrorism, and then expects anything else he says to hold any weight?
hmmmm....since when does "cherry picked" equal "studied"? Google is your friend. One can google phrases without ever reading or studying the original material. Doing so implies understanding - something lacking in your posts.

The "value" of what you wish to provide is more likely to be found in a box of cracker jacks :)

Bet you evinced the same attitude toward the education your teachers offered.

That's, after all, what makes one a Liberal.

Where do you get your fortune cookies from? They're far more interesting than the ones I get....

At any rate - I'm willing to bet that the Bible can (and has been) just as easily cherry picked with an eye towards extremism as the Quran has and cherry picking does not equal understanding - just the skillful taking out of context appropriate phrases. I'll bypass your nifty educational efforts and leave you to your fortune cookie enterprise.

Pretty stupid post.

I've taken nothing "just the skillful taking out of context."

The Q'ran is a book about making war.

"The Koran’s core theme is about the duty of all Muslims to fight non-Muslims; an Islamic Mein Kampf, in which fight means war, jihad. The Koran is above all a book of war – a call to butcher non-Muslims (2:191, 3:141, 4:91, 5:3), to roast them (4:56, 69:30-69:32), and to cause bloodbaths amongst them (47:4). Jews are compared to monkeys and pigs (2:65, 5:60, 7:166), while people who believe in Jesus Christ as the Son of God must according to the Koran be fought (9:30 [9:29])."
Geert Wilders 8217 Parliamentary Speech On The Koran Pat Dollard

That is not the case with the Bible.

Ready to admit that you are a dunce?

Since you believe Islam to be the CAUSE of the violence, then you must believe we are justified outlawing Islam in America,

for starters.

Is that what you believe, or do you take some other illogical view?

Don't tell me what I must do, you moron.

Namecalling is proof that you've lost the argument. Isn't that one of your beliefs?

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