The Common Denominator: Islam

Since you believe Islam to be the CAUSE of the violence, then you must believe we are justified outlawing Islam in America,

for starters.

Is that what you believe, or do you take some other illogical view?

Don't tell me what I must do, you moron.

Namecalling is proof that you've lost the argument. Isn't that one of your beliefs?


Vulgarity is.

What you call 'name calling' is accurately describing.
I'm good at that.

Okay, then you're a mentally retarded bigot. Happy now?

So do you seroiusly equate world wide islamic terrorism that occurs on a daily basis with chrisitian violence? Do you see them as equivalent? One reaps as much death as the other? Do you really want to appear as being that foolish?

Both are being conducted by a minority of that religion's extremists. The vast majority of each religion's adherents do not participate in that violence or condone it. In that they are certainly comparable. However, the main difference seems to be that with one religion you are willing to blame the entire religion for the acts of it's extremists yet cry foul when the other religion is tarred in a similar way. In order to do that, of course, you have to be able to show that the entire religion is at fault by attacking it's Holy Book, yet that falls apart when closely examined as the Bible contains far more calls to violence - unrestricted violence - than the Quran.

Extremists are the problem - not a particular religion. And the factors leading to this rise in extremism are complex and more than simply religion.
Since you believe Islam to be the CAUSE of the violence, then you must believe we are justified outlawing Islam in America,

for starters.

Is that what you believe, or do you take some other illogical view?

Don't tell me what I must do, you moron.

Then don't take illogical positions. You blame Islam for violence, but you don't want to take action against Islam?

That makes no sense whatsoever. That says that you are willing to accept the right to exist of a religion that causes violence, death, and destruction.

That by your own standard makes you an enabler of the violence.

OR... could admit that the religion itself is not to blame...

Illogical positions like defending a violent and oppresive religion while at the same time condemning a religion that is peaceful? lol

What's violent about a Muslim who never breaks the law nor harms anyone?

What's peaceful about a Christian who blows up an abortion clinic?

If muslims weren't violent, then this discussion would never be taking place.

What christian blew up what abortion clinic? when?

Are you frickin' retarded? Or have you been asleep for forty years?

This guy ----


bombed a Birmingham clinic in January 1998 (his second abortion clinic bombing)

Here's one of his victims who managed to survive that dynamite-shrapnel blast:


The other one I can't show you. He's dead.

Eric Rudolph not only killed and injured over 100 people in his various two-year reign of terrorism -- he successfully avoided capture for months, literally here in my neck of the woods, almost certainly with the complicity of locals sympathetic to his cause. He's Christian. By the logic turds floated here we should be rounding up all Christians and herding them to gas chambers, should we not?

I mean as long as Composition Fallacies are going to carry the day over rationality....

Christmas Day 1984: Matt Goldsby, Jimmy Simmons, Kathy Simmons, Kaye Wiggins, who later called the bombings "a gift to Jesus on his birthday" bombed a clinic in Pensacola. Ten years later a doctor there was murdered. Two years ago it was firembombed.

Missoula Blue Mountain Clinic (March 1993) -- no need to watch the whole video, the first few seconds tell the background:

You only mentioned bombings, so I didn't list all the shootings, attempted and sucessful murders, arson, pouring of acid, anthrax threats, and the priest who drove his car into a building and started swinging an axe. Nor did I list all the bombings including those foiled before execution or unsolved. But you can see a bunch here.

Nor did I mention the whole "Army of Allah God".

"What christian blew up what abortion clinic? when?" ?? Did you really type that on the internet? :wtf:

None of which of course even touches on terrorism committed for non-abortion reasons, such as the Murrah Building. But forget all that, let's set our hair on fire about da evil Emmanuel Goldstein Moooooslims in civil wars seven thousand miles away and fuel our Two Minutes Hate on bullshit fake news sites recycling and repurposing old photos where a little girl having a bad day at a freaking poetry competition is turned into "about to be raped". Open wide, here comes the spoon.

See the differences?
Me neither.

Perhaps there's a clinic somewhere that specializes in anal craniumectomy. Better make an appointment before it gets attacked by some wacko who thinks it's an abortion clinic.

Like this guy did.

Those who ignore the history of mob mentality condemn themselves to repeat it.
Last edited:
Don't tell me what I must do, you moron.

Then don't take illogical positions. You blame Islam for violence, but you don't want to take action against Islam?

That makes no sense whatsoever. That says that you are willing to accept the right to exist of a religion that causes violence, death, and destruction.

That by your own standard makes you an enabler of the violence.

OR... could admit that the religion itself is not to blame...

Illogical positions like defending a violent and oppresive religion while at the same time condemning a religion that is peaceful? lol

What's violent about a Muslim who never breaks the law nor harms anyone?

What's peaceful about a Christian who blows up an abortion clinic?

If muslims weren't violent, then this discussion would never be taking place.

What christian blew up what abortion clinic? when?

Are you frickin' retarded? Or have you been asleep for forty years?

This guy ----


bombed a Birmingham clinic in January 1998 (his second abortion clinic bombing)

Here's one of his victims who managed to survive that dynamite-shrapnel blast:


The other one I can't show you. He's dead.

Eric Rudolph not only killed and injured over 100 people in his various two-year reign of terrorism -- he successfully avoided capture for months, literally here in my neck of the woods, almost certainly with the complicity of locals sympathetic to his cause. He's Christian. By the logic turds floated here we should be rounding up all Christians and herding them to gas chambers, should we not?

I mean as long as Composition Fallacies are going to carry the day over rationality....

Christmas Day 1984: Matt Goldsby, Jimmy Simmons, Kathy Simmons, Kaye Wiggins) who later called the bombings "a gift to Jesus on his birthday" bombed a clinic in Pensacola. Ten years later a doctor there was murdered. Two years ago it was firembombed.

Missoula Blue Mountain Clinic (March 1993) -- no need to watch the whole video, the first few seconds tell the background:

You only mentioned bombings, so I didn't list all the shootings, attempted and sucessful murders, arson, pouring of acid, anthrax threats, and the priest who drove his car into a building and started swinging an axe. Nor did I list all the bombings including those foiled before execution or unsolved. But you can see a bunch here.

Nor did I mention the whole "Army of Allah God".

"What christian blew up what abortion clinic? when?" ?? Did you really type that on the internet? :wtf:

None of which of course even touches on terrorism committed for non-abortion reasons, such as the Murrah Building. But forget all that, let's set our hair on fire about da evil Emmanuel Goldstein Moooooslims in civil wars seven thousand miles away and fuel our Two Minutes Hate on bullshit fake news sites recycling and repurposing old photos where a little girl having a bad day at a freaking poetry competition is turned into "about to be raped". Open wide, here comes the spoon.

See the differences?
Me neither.

Perhaps there's a clinic somewhere that specializes in anal craniumectomy. Better make an appointment before it gets attacked by some wacko who thinks it's an abortion clinic.

Like this guy did.

Those who ignore the history of mob mentality condemn themselves to repeat it.

Thanks for providing a peek into Liberal insanity.

You admitted that this clinic bombing involves.....what....a half dozen individuals???

ISIS.....just one of the many iterations of homicidal maniacs associated with one single religious group....Islam....
...has quite a few more than the handful you highlight.

"Could ISIS now be twice as powerful? Membership of extreme group may double in size as it merges with al Qaeda's 15,000-strong Syrian offshoot on border with Iraq"
Could ISIS now be twice as powerful Membership of extreme group may double in size as it merges with al Qaeda s 15 000-strong Syrian offshoot on border with Iraq Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
It's actually difficult to understand....or and why Liberals shill for the maniacal blood cult.....

When the Liberal Peanut President installed the Ayatollah in Iran, the blood cult went into high gear!

a. How is it that the Shah has been replaced by a more repressive, more brutal, more corrupt, less competent Islamic regime? The fact is the Ayatollah has more power than any king, and claimed to speak for God; his followers said “going against Khomeini is going against God himself.”
Dr. Abbas Milani, the Director of the Iranian Studies Program at Stanford University. His recent book is “The Shah”

b. "When the Iranian revolution came to power, with the help of Democratic President Jimmy Carter,the Ayatollah Khomeini killed more human beings (about twenty thousand) in two weeks than had been killed by the Shah during his entire thirty-eight years.Khomeini followed this by sending hundreds of thousands of Iranians to die in the Iran-Iraq war, as martyrdom was needed to resurrect the Islamic Empire."
Paul Berman, “Terror and Liberalism,” p. 108

What are they defending??????
Then don't take illogical positions. You blame Islam for violence, but you don't want to take action against Islam?

That makes no sense whatsoever. That says that you are willing to accept the right to exist of a religion that causes violence, death, and destruction.

That by your own standard makes you an enabler of the violence.

OR... could admit that the religion itself is not to blame...

Illogical positions like defending a violent and oppresive religion while at the same time condemning a religion that is peaceful? lol

What's violent about a Muslim who never breaks the law nor harms anyone?

What's peaceful about a Christian who blows up an abortion clinic?

If muslims weren't violent, then this discussion would never be taking place.

What christian blew up what abortion clinic? when?

Are you frickin' retarded? Or have you been asleep for forty years?

This guy ----


bombed a Birmingham clinic in January 1998 (his second abortion clinic bombing)

Here's one of his victims who managed to survive that dynamite-shrapnel blast:


The other one I can't show you. He's dead.

Eric Rudolph not only killed and injured over 100 people in his various two-year reign of terrorism -- he successfully avoided capture for months, literally here in my neck of the woods, almost certainly with the complicity of locals sympathetic to his cause. He's Christian. By the logic turds floated here we should be rounding up all Christians and herding them to gas chambers, should we not?

I mean as long as Composition Fallacies are going to carry the day over rationality....

Christmas Day 1984: Matt Goldsby, Jimmy Simmons, Kathy Simmons, Kaye Wiggins) who later called the bombings "a gift to Jesus on his birthday" bombed a clinic in Pensacola. Ten years later a doctor there was murdered. Two years ago it was firembombed.

Missoula Blue Mountain Clinic (March 1993) -- no need to watch the whole video, the first few seconds tell the background:

You only mentioned bombings, so I didn't list all the shootings, attempted and sucessful murders, arson, pouring of acid, anthrax threats, and the priest who drove his car into a building and started swinging an axe. Nor did I list all the bombings including those foiled before execution or unsolved. But you can see a bunch here.

Nor did I mention the whole "Army of Allah God".

"What christian blew up what abortion clinic? when?" ?? Did you really type that on the internet? :wtf:

None of which of course even touches on terrorism committed for non-abortion reasons, such as the Murrah Building. But forget all that, let's set our hair on fire about da evil Emmanuel Goldstein Moooooslims in civil wars seven thousand miles away and fuel our Two Minutes Hate on bullshit fake news sites recycling and repurposing old photos where a little girl having a bad day at a freaking poetry competition is turned into "about to be raped". Open wide, here comes the spoon.

See the differences?
Me neither.

Perhaps there's a clinic somewhere that specializes in anal craniumectomy. Better make an appointment before it gets attacked by some wacko who thinks it's an abortion clinic.

Like this guy did.

Those who ignore the history of mob mentality condemn themselves to repeat it.

Thanks for providing a peek into Liberal insanity.

You admitted that this clinic bombing involves.....what....a half dozen individuals???

"Yabbut .... Yabbut... Yabbut.... yammer yammer yammer"


I "admitted" squat. The question was asked; the question was fucking obliterated. And I only had to scratch the surface.

In the context of said question the post could be titled "The Common Denominator: Christianism". Which is not only your own title wording but your own illogic tossed back in your face.

"Insanity"? Sure is. No matter who does it. And cherrypicking to construct a Composition Fallacy will never be any more than that --- a fallacy. So be proud.

Having it both ways: Priceless.
Illogical positions like defending a violent and oppresive religion while at the same time condemning a religion that is peaceful? lol

What's violent about a Muslim who never breaks the law nor harms anyone?

What's peaceful about a Christian who blows up an abortion clinic?

If muslims weren't violent, then this discussion would never be taking place.

What christian blew up what abortion clinic? when?

Every Muslim is violent?

No reading comprehension?

I've asked twice now who blew up an abortion clinic and when? Who shot and abortion doctor and when? I'm still waiting.

This is what makes someone an asshole.

You pretend you don't know of anyone who ever murdered an abortion doctor, and yet it takes me a minute to find this thread about the murder of an abortion doctor,

with YOUR posts in it:

Roeder Found Guilty of Murder US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Grow the fuck up, asshole.

Uh oh, someone is losing his temper... tsk tsk....

You're the asshole who is sadly attempting to equate islamic violence around the world with an abortion doctor being killed, and while doing so totally belittling all of those people who have lost their lives because of islamic terrorism. And you're the asshole who is sitting here in this thread defending it with every post. You pretend there haven't been tens of thousands killed in the name of 'islam.
Don't tell me what I must do, you moron.

Namecalling is proof that you've lost the argument. Isn't that one of your beliefs?


Vulgarity is.

What you call 'name calling' is accurately describing.
I'm good at that.

Okay, then you're a mentally retarded bigot. Happy now?

So do you seroiusly equate world wide islamic terrorism that occurs on a daily basis with chrisitian violence? Do you see them as equivalent? One reaps as much death as the other? Do you really want to appear as being that foolish?

Both are being conducted by a minority of that religion's extremists. The vast majority of each religion's adherents do not participate in that violence or condone it. In that they are certainly comparable. However, the main difference seems to be that with one religion you are willing to blame the entire religion for the acts of it's extremists yet cry foul when the other religion is tarred in a similar way. In order to do that, of course, you have to be able to show that the entire religion is at fault by attacking it's Holy Book, yet that falls apart when closely examined as the Bible contains far more calls to violence - unrestricted violence - than the Quran.

Extremists are the problem - not a particular religion. And the factors leading to this rise in extremism are complex and more than simply religion.

Both are being 'conducted'? Perhaps you'd like to list the number of abortion clinic bombings in the last year and the number of casualities, and then list the number of Islamic violent acts and the number of casualites, and then explain to us all how you find it 'comparable'. Tell us the number of 'Christian extremists' there are in the world reeking havoc, and then tell us the number of islamic extremists.

You people are totally freakin' insane. And you apparently don't realize how ridiculous you sound to the normal person. Do us all a favor, strike up a conversation at your work place with your coworkers and see how many of them would agree with you that christian extremist violence is even remotely on the same scale as islamic extremist violence and see how many of them either think you're joking or laugh you out of the room.
Don't tell me what I must do, you moron.

Then don't take illogical positions. You blame Islam for violence, but you don't want to take action against Islam?

That makes no sense whatsoever. That says that you are willing to accept the right to exist of a religion that causes violence, death, and destruction.

That by your own standard makes you an enabler of the violence.

OR... could admit that the religion itself is not to blame...

Illogical positions like defending a violent and oppresive religion while at the same time condemning a religion that is peaceful? lol

What's violent about a Muslim who never breaks the law nor harms anyone?

What's peaceful about a Christian who blows up an abortion clinic?

If muslims weren't violent, then this discussion would never be taking place.

What christian blew up what abortion clinic? when?

Are you frickin' retarded? Or have you been asleep for forty years?

This guy ----


bombed a Birmingham clinic in January 1998 (his second abortion clinic bombing)

Here's one of his victims who managed to survive that dynamite-shrapnel blast:


The other one I can't show you. He's dead.

Eric Rudolph not only killed and injured over 100 people in his various two-year reign of terrorism -- he successfully avoided capture for months, literally here in my neck of the woods, almost certainly with the complicity of locals sympathetic to his cause. He's Christian. By the logic turds floated here we should be rounding up all Christians and herding them to gas chambers, should we not?

I mean as long as Composition Fallacies are going to carry the day over rationality....

Christmas Day 1984: Matt Goldsby, Jimmy Simmons, Kathy Simmons, Kaye Wiggins, who later called the bombings "a gift to Jesus on his birthday" bombed a clinic in Pensacola. Ten years later a doctor there was murdered. Two years ago it was firembombed.

Missoula Blue Mountain Clinic (March 1993) -- no need to watch the whole video, the first few seconds tell the background:

You only mentioned bombings, so I didn't list all the shootings, attempted and sucessful murders, arson, pouring of acid, anthrax threats, and the priest who drove his car into a building and started swinging an axe. Nor did I list all the bombings including those foiled before execution or unsolved. But you can see a bunch here.

Nor did I mention the whole "Army of Allah God".

"What christian blew up what abortion clinic? when?" ?? Did you really type that on the internet? :wtf:

None of which of course even touches on terrorism committed for non-abortion reasons, such as the Murrah Building. But forget all that, let's set our hair on fire about da evil Emmanuel Goldstein Moooooslims in civil wars seven thousand miles away and fuel our Two Minutes Hate on bullshit fake news sites recycling and repurposing old photos where a little girl having a bad day at a freaking poetry competition is turned into "about to be raped". Open wide, here comes the spoon.

See the differences?
Me neither.

Perhaps there's a clinic somewhere that specializes in anal craniumectomy. Better make an appointment before it gets attacked by some wacko who thinks it's an abortion clinic.

Like this guy did.

Those who ignore the history of mob mentality condemn themselves to repeat it.

Why don't you now post all of the violence done by islamic terrorists since the 1980's and post a picture of each on of their victim's pictures. And then give us the numbers for each. Should be quick, right? I mean, the violence is comparable, right? How man dead due to islamic 'justice' in the last 40 years? Surely you have that number right at the top of your pointy little head, right Pogo, since you're so opposed to violence and all?
Then don't take illogical positions. You blame Islam for violence, but you don't want to take action against Islam?

That makes no sense whatsoever. That says that you are willing to accept the right to exist of a religion that causes violence, death, and destruction.

That by your own standard makes you an enabler of the violence.

OR... could admit that the religion itself is not to blame...

Illogical positions like defending a violent and oppresive religion while at the same time condemning a religion that is peaceful? lol

What's violent about a Muslim who never breaks the law nor harms anyone?

What's peaceful about a Christian who blows up an abortion clinic?

If muslims weren't violent, then this discussion would never be taking place.

What christian blew up what abortion clinic? when?

Are you frickin' retarded? Or have you been asleep for forty years?

This guy ----


bombed a Birmingham clinic in January 1998 (his second abortion clinic bombing)

Here's one of his victims who managed to survive that dynamite-shrapnel blast:


The other one I can't show you. He's dead.

Eric Rudolph not only killed and injured over 100 people in his various two-year reign of terrorism -- he successfully avoided capture for months, literally here in my neck of the woods, almost certainly with the complicity of locals sympathetic to his cause. He's Christian. By the logic turds floated here we should be rounding up all Christians and herding them to gas chambers, should we not?

I mean as long as Composition Fallacies are going to carry the day over rationality....

Christmas Day 1984: Matt Goldsby, Jimmy Simmons, Kathy Simmons, Kaye Wiggins) who later called the bombings "a gift to Jesus on his birthday" bombed a clinic in Pensacola. Ten years later a doctor there was murdered. Two years ago it was firembombed.

Missoula Blue Mountain Clinic (March 1993) -- no need to watch the whole video, the first few seconds tell the background:

You only mentioned bombings, so I didn't list all the shootings, attempted and sucessful murders, arson, pouring of acid, anthrax threats, and the priest who drove his car into a building and started swinging an axe. Nor did I list all the bombings including those foiled before execution or unsolved. But you can see a bunch here.

Nor did I mention the whole "Army of Allah God".

"What christian blew up what abortion clinic? when?" ?? Did you really type that on the internet? :wtf:

None of which of course even touches on terrorism committed for non-abortion reasons, such as the Murrah Building. But forget all that, let's set our hair on fire about da evil Emmanuel Goldstein Moooooslims in civil wars seven thousand miles away and fuel our Two Minutes Hate on bullshit fake news sites recycling and repurposing old photos where a little girl having a bad day at a freaking poetry competition is turned into "about to be raped". Open wide, here comes the spoon.

See the differences?
Me neither.

Perhaps there's a clinic somewhere that specializes in anal craniumectomy. Better make an appointment before it gets attacked by some wacko who thinks it's an abortion clinic.

Like this guy did.

Those who ignore the history of mob mentality condemn themselves to repeat it.

Thanks for providing a peek into Liberal insanity.

You admitted that this clinic bombing involves.....what....a half dozen individuals???

ISIS.....just one of the many iterations of homicidal maniacs associated with one single religious group....Islam....
...has quite a few more than the handful you highlight.

"Could ISIS now be twice as powerful? Membership of extreme group may double in size as it merges with al Qaeda's 15,000-strong Syrian offshoot on border with Iraq"
Could ISIS now be twice as powerful Membership of extreme group may double in size as it merges with al Qaeda s 15 000-strong Syrian offshoot on border with Iraq Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

They are so intent on their agenda, they don't even realize how idiotic they sound spewing this crap. It reveals them for what they truely are.
Illogical positions like defending a violent and oppresive religion while at the same time condemning a religion that is peaceful? lol

What's violent about a Muslim who never breaks the law nor harms anyone?

What's peaceful about a Christian who blows up an abortion clinic?

If muslims weren't violent, then this discussion would never be taking place.

What christian blew up what abortion clinic? when?

Are you frickin' retarded? Or have you been asleep for forty years?

This guy ----


bombed a Birmingham clinic in January 1998 (his second abortion clinic bombing)

Here's one of his victims who managed to survive that dynamite-shrapnel blast:


The other one I can't show you. He's dead.

Eric Rudolph not only killed and injured over 100 people in his various two-year reign of terrorism -- he successfully avoided capture for months, literally here in my neck of the woods, almost certainly with the complicity of locals sympathetic to his cause. He's Christian. By the logic turds floated here we should be rounding up all Christians and herding them to gas chambers, should we not?

I mean as long as Composition Fallacies are going to carry the day over rationality....

Christmas Day 1984: Matt Goldsby, Jimmy Simmons, Kathy Simmons, Kaye Wiggins) who later called the bombings "a gift to Jesus on his birthday" bombed a clinic in Pensacola. Ten years later a doctor there was murdered. Two years ago it was firembombed.

Missoula Blue Mountain Clinic (March 1993) -- no need to watch the whole video, the first few seconds tell the background:

You only mentioned bombings, so I didn't list all the shootings, attempted and sucessful murders, arson, pouring of acid, anthrax threats, and the priest who drove his car into a building and started swinging an axe. Nor did I list all the bombings including those foiled before execution or unsolved. But you can see a bunch here.

Nor did I mention the whole "Army of Allah God".

"What christian blew up what abortion clinic? when?" ?? Did you really type that on the internet? :wtf:

None of which of course even touches on terrorism committed for non-abortion reasons, such as the Murrah Building. But forget all that, let's set our hair on fire about da evil Emmanuel Goldstein Moooooslims in civil wars seven thousand miles away and fuel our Two Minutes Hate on bullshit fake news sites recycling and repurposing old photos where a little girl having a bad day at a freaking poetry competition is turned into "about to be raped". Open wide, here comes the spoon.

See the differences?
Me neither.

Perhaps there's a clinic somewhere that specializes in anal craniumectomy. Better make an appointment before it gets attacked by some wacko who thinks it's an abortion clinic.

Like this guy did.

Those who ignore the history of mob mentality condemn themselves to repeat it.

Thanks for providing a peek into Liberal insanity.

You admitted that this clinic bombing involves.....what....a half dozen individuals???

"Yabbut .... Yabbut... Yabbut.... yammer yammer yammer"


I "admitted" squat. The question was asked; the question was fucking obliterated. And I only had to scratch the surface.

In the context of said question the post could be titled "The Common Denominator: Christianism". Which is not only your own title wording but your own illogic tossed back in your face.

"Insanity"? Sure is. No matter who does it. And cherrypicking to construct a Composition Fallacy will never be any more than that --- a fallacy. So be proud.

Having it both ways: Priceless.

You only had to 'scratch the surface'? You 'fucking obliterated' it? Seriously? lol Pogo, truely a legend in his own mind. lmao So, please, delve more beneath the surface, tell us some numbers. For every one act of 'christian violence', please tell us how many acts of islamic violence there are? What's the ratio? How many peopel have died from islamic violence in the last 40 years? And how many from 'christian violence'? Please, educate us.
What's violent about a Muslim who never breaks the law nor harms anyone?

What's peaceful about a Christian who blows up an abortion clinic?

If muslims weren't violent, then this discussion would never be taking place.

What christian blew up what abortion clinic? when?

Every Muslim is violent?

No reading comprehension?

I've asked twice now who blew up an abortion clinic and when? Who shot and abortion doctor and when? I'm still waiting.

This is what makes someone an asshole.

You pretend you don't know of anyone who ever murdered an abortion doctor, and yet it takes me a minute to find this thread about the murder of an abortion doctor,

with YOUR posts in it:

Roeder Found Guilty of Murder US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Grow the fuck up, asshole.

Uh oh, someone is losing his temper... tsk tsk....

You're the asshole who is sadly attempting to equate islamic violence around the world with an abortion doctor being killed, and while doing so totally belittling all of those people who have lost their lives because of islamic terrorism. And you're the asshole who is sitting here in this thread defending it with every post. You pretend there haven't been tens of thousands killed in the name of 'islam.
Namecalling is proof that you've lost the argument. Isn't that one of your beliefs?


Vulgarity is.

What you call 'name calling' is accurately describing.
I'm good at that.

Okay, then you're a mentally retarded bigot. Happy now?

So do you seroiusly equate world wide islamic terrorism that occurs on a daily basis with chrisitian violence? Do you see them as equivalent? One reaps as much death as the other? Do you really want to appear as being that foolish?

Both are being conducted by a minority of that religion's extremists. The vast majority of each religion's adherents do not participate in that violence or condone it. In that they are certainly comparable. However, the main difference seems to be that with one religion you are willing to blame the entire religion for the acts of it's extremists yet cry foul when the other religion is tarred in a similar way. In order to do that, of course, you have to be able to show that the entire religion is at fault by attacking it's Holy Book, yet that falls apart when closely examined as the Bible contains far more calls to violence - unrestricted violence - than the Quran.

Extremists are the problem - not a particular religion. And the factors leading to this rise in extremism are complex and more than simply religion.

Both are being 'conducted'? Perhaps you'd like to list the number of abortion clinic bombings in the last year and the number of casualities, and then list the number of Islamic violent acts and the number of casualites, and then explain to us all how you find it 'comparable'. Tell us the number of 'Christian extremists' there are in the world reeking havoc, and then tell us the number of islamic extremists.

You people are totally freakin' insane. And you apparently don't realize how ridiculous you sound to the normal person. Do us all a favor, strike up a conversation at your work place with your coworkers and see how many of them would agree with you that christian extremist violence is even remotely on the same scale as islamic extremist violence and see how many of them either think you're joking or laugh you out of the room.

You're actually suggesting terrorism is like a golf game where lowest score wins an exemption?

"Objects in message board are more retarded than they appear" :cuckoo:
Illogical positions like defending a violent and oppresive religion while at the same time condemning a religion that is peaceful? lol

What's violent about a Muslim who never breaks the law nor harms anyone?

What's peaceful about a Christian who blows up an abortion clinic?

If muslims weren't violent, then this discussion would never be taking place.

What christian blew up what abortion clinic? when?

Are you frickin' retarded? Or have you been asleep for forty years?

This guy ----


bombed a Birmingham clinic in January 1998 (his second abortion clinic bombing)

Here's one of his victims who managed to survive that dynamite-shrapnel blast:


The other one I can't show you. He's dead.

Eric Rudolph not only killed and injured over 100 people in his various two-year reign of terrorism -- he successfully avoided capture for months, literally here in my neck of the woods, almost certainly with the complicity of locals sympathetic to his cause. He's Christian. By the logic turds floated here we should be rounding up all Christians and herding them to gas chambers, should we not?

I mean as long as Composition Fallacies are going to carry the day over rationality....

Christmas Day 1984: Matt Goldsby, Jimmy Simmons, Kathy Simmons, Kaye Wiggins) who later called the bombings "a gift to Jesus on his birthday" bombed a clinic in Pensacola. Ten years later a doctor there was murdered. Two years ago it was firembombed.

Missoula Blue Mountain Clinic (March 1993) -- no need to watch the whole video, the first few seconds tell the background:

You only mentioned bombings, so I didn't list all the shootings, attempted and sucessful murders, arson, pouring of acid, anthrax threats, and the priest who drove his car into a building and started swinging an axe. Nor did I list all the bombings including those foiled before execution or unsolved. But you can see a bunch here.

Nor did I mention the whole "Army of Allah God".

"What christian blew up what abortion clinic? when?" ?? Did you really type that on the internet? :wtf:

None of which of course even touches on terrorism committed for non-abortion reasons, such as the Murrah Building. But forget all that, let's set our hair on fire about da evil Emmanuel Goldstein Moooooslims in civil wars seven thousand miles away and fuel our Two Minutes Hate on bullshit fake news sites recycling and repurposing old photos where a little girl having a bad day at a freaking poetry competition is turned into "about to be raped". Open wide, here comes the spoon.

See the differences?
Me neither.

Perhaps there's a clinic somewhere that specializes in anal craniumectomy. Better make an appointment before it gets attacked by some wacko who thinks it's an abortion clinic.

Like this guy did.

Those who ignore the history of mob mentality condemn themselves to repeat it.

Thanks for providing a peek into Liberal insanity.

You admitted that this clinic bombing involves.....what....a half dozen individuals???

ISIS.....just one of the many iterations of homicidal maniacs associated with one single religious group....Islam....
...has quite a few more than the handful you highlight.

"Could ISIS now be twice as powerful? Membership of extreme group may double in size as it merges with al Qaeda's 15,000-strong Syrian offshoot on border with Iraq"
Could ISIS now be twice as powerful Membership of extreme group may double in size as it merges with al Qaeda s 15 000-strong Syrian offshoot on border with Iraq Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

They are so intent on their agenda, they don't even realize how idiotic they sound spewing this crap. It reveals them for what they truely are.

You posed an insipid question; I set phaser to "heavy kill". Deal with it.

It's actually difficult to understand....or and why Liberals shill for the maniacal blood cult.....

When the Liberal Peanut President installed the Ayatollah in Iran, the blood cult went into high gear!

a. How is it that the Shah has been replaced by a more repressive, more brutal, more corrupt, less competent Islamic regime? The fact is the Ayatollah has more power than any king, and claimed to speak for God; his followers said “going against Khomeini is going against God himself.”
Dr. Abbas Milani, the Director of the Iranian Studies Program at Stanford University. His recent book is “The Shah”

b. "When the Iranian revolution came to power, with the help of Democratic President Jimmy Carter,the Ayatollah Khomeini killed more human beings (about twenty thousand) in two weeks than had been killed by the Shah during his entire thirty-eight years.Khomeini followed this by sending hundreds of thousands of Iranians to die in the Iran-Iraq war, as martyrdom was needed to resurrect the Islamic Empire."
Paul Berman, “Terror and Liberalism,” p. 108

What are they defending??????

No one's defending extremism. Another PC strawman.
What's violent about a Muslim who never breaks the law nor harms anyone?

What's peaceful about a Christian who blows up an abortion clinic?

If muslims weren't violent, then this discussion would never be taking place.

What christian blew up what abortion clinic? when?

Every Muslim is violent?

No reading comprehension?

I've asked twice now who blew up an abortion clinic and when? Who shot and abortion doctor and when? I'm still waiting.

This is what makes someone an asshole.

You pretend you don't know of anyone who ever murdered an abortion doctor, and yet it takes me a minute to find this thread about the murder of an abortion doctor,

with YOUR posts in it:

Roeder Found Guilty of Murder US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Grow the fuck up, asshole.

Uh oh, someone is losing his temper... tsk tsk....

You're the asshole who is sadly attempting to equate islamic violence around the world with an abortion doctor being killed, and while doing so totally belittling all of those people who have lost their lives because of islamic terrorism. And you're the asshole who is sitting here in this thread defending it with every post. You pretend there haven't been tens of thousands killed in the name of 'islam.
Namecalling is proof that you've lost the argument. Isn't that one of your beliefs?


Vulgarity is.

What you call 'name calling' is accurately describing.
I'm good at that.

Okay, then you're a mentally retarded bigot. Happy now?

So do you seroiusly equate world wide islamic terrorism that occurs on a daily basis with chrisitian violence? Do you see them as equivalent? One reaps as much death as the other? Do you really want to appear as being that foolish?

Both are being conducted by a minority of that religion's extremists. The vast majority of each religion's adherents do not participate in that violence or condone it. In that they are certainly comparable. However, the main difference seems to be that with one religion you are willing to blame the entire religion for the acts of it's extremists yet cry foul when the other religion is tarred in a similar way. In order to do that, of course, you have to be able to show that the entire religion is at fault by attacking it's Holy Book, yet that falls apart when closely examined as the Bible contains far more calls to violence - unrestricted violence - than the Quran.

Extremists are the problem - not a particular religion. And the factors leading to this rise in extremism are complex and more than simply religion.

Both are being 'conducted'?
Perhaps you'd like to list the number of abortion clinic bombings in the last year and the number of casualities, and then list the number of Islamic violent acts and the number of casualites, and then explain to us all how you find it 'comparable'. Tell us the number of 'Christian extremists' there are in the world reeking havoc, and then tell us the number of islamic extremists.

You people are totally freakin' insane. And you apparently don't realize how ridiculous you sound to the normal person. Do us all a favor, strike up a conversation at your work place with your coworkers and see how many of them would agree with you that christian extremist violence is even remotely on the same scale as islamic extremist violence and see how many of them either think you're joking or laugh you out of the room.

Yes. Both are being conducted by a minority of that religion's extremists. I didn't realize that would be rocket science. Extremists are not representative of the entire religion.
Extremists are the problem - not a particular religion. And the factors leading to this rise in extremism are complex and more than simply religion.

That is just flagrantly intellectually ridiculous. Yes, a few Christian whackos did blow up abortion clinics, mostly in the 90s. Most of them had not fatalities, but some certainly did. And a couple abortion doctors were also shot.

But compare that to how many bombings and murders have been done by Muslim fanatics and just say it's fanatics of all religions as if there is some equality to that is just so devoid of reality that your post cannot be taken seriously.
Extremists are the problem - not a particular religion. And the factors leading to this rise in extremism are complex and more than simply religion.

That is just flagrantly intellectually ridiculous. Yes, a few Christian whackos did blow up abortion clinics, mostly in the 90s. Most of them had not fatalities, but some certainly did. And a couple abortion doctors were also shot.

But compare that to how many bombings and murders have been done by Muslim fanatics and just say it's fanatics of all religions as if there is some equality to that is just so devoid of reality that your post cannot be taken seriously.

What percentage of a religion have to commit crimes in the name of that religion before it reaches the point where you can persecute the innocent members of that faith?

Give us a ballpark figure.
It's actually difficult to understand....or and why Liberals shill for the maniacal blood cult.....

When the Liberal Peanut President installed the Ayatollah in Iran, the blood cult went into high gear!

a. How is it that the Shah has been replaced by a more repressive, more brutal, more corrupt, less competent Islamic regime? The fact is the Ayatollah has more power than any king, and claimed to speak for God; his followers said “going against Khomeini is going against God himself.”
Dr. Abbas Milani, the Director of the Iranian Studies Program at Stanford University. His recent book is “The Shah”

b. "When the Iranian revolution came to power, with the help of Democratic President Jimmy Carter,the Ayatollah Khomeini killed more human beings (about twenty thousand) in two weeks than had been killed by the Shah during his entire thirty-eight years.Khomeini followed this by sending hundreds of thousands of Iranians to die in the Iran-Iraq war, as martyrdom was needed to resurrect the Islamic Empire."
Paul Berman, “Terror and Liberalism,” p. 108

What are they defending??????

No one's defending extremism. Another PC strawman.

"No one's defending extremism. Another PC strawman."
Nay, nay.

Now....tell the truth.

Yours is a spirited defense of Islamism

"Islamism-a fundamentalist Islamic revivalist movement generally characterized by moral conservatism and the literal interpretation of the Koran and the attempt to implement Islamic values in all aspects of life"
Islamism - definition of Islamism by The Free Dictionary

"...the literal interpretation of the Koran..." would include:

Quran 4:89: "They (infidels) desire that you should disbelieve as they have disbelieved, so that you might be (all) alike; therefore take not from among them friends until they fly (their homes) in Allah's way; but if they turn back, then seize them and kill them wherever you find them, and take not from among them a friend or a helper."

Quran 8:12: "Instill terror into the hearts of the unbelievers;"

Quran 2:191: "... kill the disbelievers wherever we find them

Quran 22:19-22: "… for them (the unbelievers) garments of fire shall be cut and there shall be poured over their heads boiling water whereby whatever is in their bowels and skin shall be dissolved and they will be punished with hooked iron rods."

Quran 8:12: "Your Lord inspired the angels with the message: 'I will terrorize the unbelievers. Therefore smite them on their necks and every joint and incapacitate them. Strike off their heads and cut off each of their fingers and toes.'"

[The media does not get along with the Obama administration. The liberal New York Times is one of the biggest complainers. Righties like you perpetuate these false rumours about Obama and the media and they are simply not true. These was a good article on the subject in Rolling Stone a few weeks ago, you should read it.

Well, here's a tip for the media. When their nose is up his ass and they realize his shit stinks, they should take their noses out of his ass.
If you knew anything, other than right wing propaganda, you would know how untrue this is.
[The media does not get along with the Obama administration. The liberal New York Times is one of the biggest complainers. Righties like you perpetuate these false rumours about Obama and the media and they are simply not true. These was a good article on the subject in Rolling Stone a few weeks ago, you should read it.

Well, here's a tip for the media. When their nose is up his ass and they realize his shit stinks, they should take their noses out of his ass.
If you knew anything, other than right wing propaganda, you would know how untrue this is.

LOL, those devious right wingers, propagandizing me to be a libertarian. What's up with that? Why aren't they programming me to be a conservative? Have you had an IQ test to see if you have one?
What's violent about a Muslim who never breaks the law nor harms anyone?

What's peaceful about a Christian who blows up an abortion clinic?

If muslims weren't violent, then this discussion would never be taking place.

What christian blew up what abortion clinic? when?

Every Muslim is violent?

No reading comprehension?

I've asked twice now who blew up an abortion clinic and when? Who shot and abortion doctor and when? I'm still waiting.

This is what makes someone an asshole.

You pretend you don't know of anyone who ever murdered an abortion doctor, and yet it takes me a minute to find this thread about the murder of an abortion doctor,

with YOUR posts in it:

Roeder Found Guilty of Murder US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Grow the fuck up, asshole.

Uh oh, someone is losing his temper... tsk tsk....

You're the asshole who is sadly attempting to equate islamic violence around the world with an abortion doctor being killed, and while doing so totally belittling all of those people who have lost their lives because of islamic terrorism. And you're the asshole who is sitting here in this thread defending it with every post. You pretend there haven't been tens of thousands killed in the name of 'islam.
Namecalling is proof that you've lost the argument. Isn't that one of your beliefs?


Vulgarity is.

What you call 'name calling' is accurately describing.
I'm good at that.

Okay, then you're a mentally retarded bigot. Happy now?

So do you seroiusly equate world wide islamic terrorism that occurs on a daily basis with chrisitian violence? Do you see them as equivalent? One reaps as much death as the other? Do you really want to appear as being that foolish?

Both are being conducted by a minority of that religion's extremists. The vast majority of each religion's adherents do not participate in that violence or condone it. In that they are certainly comparable. However, the main difference seems to be that with one religion you are willing to blame the entire religion for the acts of it's extremists yet cry foul when the other religion is tarred in a similar way. In order to do that, of course, you have to be able to show that the entire religion is at fault by attacking it's Holy Book, yet that falls apart when closely examined as the Bible contains far more calls to violence - unrestricted violence - than the Quran.

Extremists are the problem - not a particular religion. And the factors leading to this rise in extremism are complex and more than simply religion.

Both are being 'conducted'? Perhaps you'd like to list the number of abortion clinic bombings in the last year and the number of casualities, and then list the number of Islamic violent acts and the number of casualites, and then explain to us all how you find it 'comparable'. Tell us the number of 'Christian extremists' there are in the world reeking havoc, and then tell us the number of islamic extremists.

You people are totally freakin' insane. And you apparently don't realize how ridiculous you sound to the normal person. Do us all a favor, strike up a conversation at your work place with your coworkers and see how many of them would agree with you that christian extremist violence is even remotely on the same scale as islamic extremist violence and see how many of them either think you're joking or laugh you out of the room.

You pretended you'd never heard of anyone killing an abortion doctor. That makes you a liar a fraud a phoney and a perfect match for the author of this thread.

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