The Commonalities Between the Rise of the Nazis and the Tactics of the American Left Cannot be Ignored

LOLOL.. This idiotic crap is from American Thinker.
No, no, no. It says right there that this analysis is “thoughtful and unemotional”.

Comparing the modern Democratic Party to Nazis is unemotional.

These clots don't know that Fascism is hard right and nationalistic.

Maybe Thinker just knows the education level of their readers.

Fascist is individual Liberty and Freedom?

Yeah, we didn't know that

Fascism is conservative, authoritarian and nationalistic...
No entity in the universe is more obsessed with race than the GOP and conservatives.
Yeah, us leftists are somehow simultaneously globalists and ultranationalists.


Its also true there are a lot on the left who focus too much on race. But usually it's done to point out discrimination that is usually almost palpable. Case in point, how many blacks have been killed by the police while committing a crime vs. people like Dylan Roof who shot up a church and somehow the guy who killed Gabby Giffords AND a judge and survived...the guy who shot up a movie theater and survived. I'm sure if Kleibold, Harris, Lanza etc... hadn't iced themselves....the "disturbed" white guys would be getting 3 hots and a cot at some medium security prison somewhere. Police act differently when it's a person of color committing the crime. It doesn't excuse the crime but it also is a well demonstrated fact. The left is correct to bring that up. But the left is incorrect to think that showing an ID to vote is somehow racist.
LOLOL.. This idiotic crap is from American Thinker.
No, no, no. It says right there that this analysis is “thoughtful and unemotional”.

Comparing the modern Democratic Party to Nazis is unemotional.

These clots don't know that Fascism is hard right and nationalistic.

Maybe Thinker just knows the education level of their readers.
These ignoramus clods are in denial that fascism and communism are leftist blood relatives.

The education and IQ of American Thinker readers is easily 30 points higher then the best that you nose pickers cite every day.
LOLOL.. This idiotic crap is from American Thinker.
No, no, no. It says right there that this analysis is “thoughtful and unemotional”.

Comparing the modern Democratic Party to Nazis is unemotional.

These clots don't know that Fascism is hard right and nationalistic.

Maybe Thinker just knows the education level of their readers.

Fascist is individual Liberty and Freedom?

Yeah, we didn't know that

Fascism is conservative, authoritarian and nationalistic...

LOLOLOLoloolol you need to warn us before posting stuff this funny!
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LOLOL.. This idiotic crap is from American Thinker.
No, no, no. It says right there that this analysis is “thoughtful and unemotional”.

Comparing the modern Democratic Party to Nazis is unemotional.

These clots don't know that Fascism is hard right and nationalistic.

Maybe Thinker just knows the education level of their readers.

Fascist is individual Liberty and Freedom?

Yeah, we didn't know that
It seems America rejected Trumps America First, for a California, New York, D.C First agenda. Elections have consequences.

There are many U.S allies around the world who are assessing the U.S future, and if they deem you to collapse, through a open border or socialism, they will back China and their currency will become the global standard. Based on what I am seeing, the smart money has to be on China succeeding. Most of the damage was done internally in the U.S who was far and away the lone Super Power in the early 90s.

That has been the Communist objective for a very long time. Russia only wishes they had such a willing West during their reign.
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It seems America rejected Trumps America First, for a California, New York, D.C First agenda. Elections have consequences.

There are many U.S allies around the world who are assessing the U.S future, and if they deem you to collapse, through a open border or socialism, they will back China and their currency will become the global standard. Based on what I am seeing, the smart money has to be on China succeeding. Most of the damage done via the U.S who was far and away the lone Super Power in the early 90s.

That has been the Communist objective for a very long time. Russia only wishes they had such a willing West during their reign.
A stolen election doesn't mean anyone rejected anything.
The Commonalities Between the Rise of the Nazis and the Tactics of the American Left Cannot be Ignored

Ignored? It is a repeat of 1933 all over again, except this time we have replaced the Jews with Trump Supporters, and replaced the Third Reich with screaming college kids, BLM and Antifa.
LOLOL.. This idiotic crap is from American Thinker.
No, no, no. It says right there that this analysis is “thoughtful and unemotional”.

Comparing the modern Democratic Party to Nazis is unemotional.

These clots don't know that Fascism is hard right and nationalistic.

Maybe Thinker just knows the education level of their readers.
Fascism believes in an all powerful central government/dictatorship just like Nazism and Communism.

You can call it “far right” all you want, it’s still just as far away as you can get from American conservatism as Communism is. Republicanism is a centrist ideology, that believes in individual rights, not an all powerful central government or dictatorship.

In the end, fascism proved to be the same as communism, just without state owned industry.
This should make the heads of the SJWs explode:

Six striking parallels.
I recently wrote a column wherein I accused the American Left and its wholly owned subsidiary, the Democrat party, of using Fascist or Nazi tactics in their determination to permanently transform the nation into a one-party hybrid socialist state by exploiting nonexistent “systemic racism” and baseless fears of “white supremacy.” This characterization did not set well with the gullible and self-righteous Democrat voters I know or those who contacted me. They, rather vociferously, claimed that the utilization of Nazi tactics only applies to the American right and that they, the left, are only motivated by caring for the people.
However, any thoughtful and unemotional examination of the tactics the Nazi Party used to gain and maintain power in the 1920’s and 30’s will reveal numerous stark similarities to those being used by the left and the Democrat Party today.
First, racial division was a central component of Nazi political strategy and philosophy. The Nazi Party was, without doubt, the most racially obsessed political party in human history. Today’s Democrat party is second only to the Nazi Party in their racial obsession. Every piece of legislation, every accusation against their opponents, every aspect of American society, even weather and climate is framed in racism.
The Nazi Party’s obsession with race focused on their perverted belief in the inferiority and superiority of the races. This opened the door for blaming various racial groups for all the problems facing the country. The American left are claiming the root cause of virtually all problems facing the nation is “systemic racism” as theoretically instigated by one particular race.
Second, the Nazi Party was fixated on censorship and eliminating any cultural institution, publication or speech that did not fully support them.
Hmmm, Hitler lost an election but was installed as leader of Germany anyway ... Trump lost an election but his nazis tried to install him as leader of the U.S. anyway.

Nice comparison you drew up, fucking moron.
LOLOL.. This idiotic crap is from American Thinker.
No, no, no. It says right there that this analysis is “thoughtful and unemotional”.

Comparing the modern Democratic Party to Nazis is unemotional.

These clots don't know that Fascism is hard right and nationalistic.

Maybe Thinker just knows the education level of their readers.

Fascist is individual Liberty and Freedom?

Yeah, we didn't know that

Fascism is conservative, authoritarian and nationalistic...
Fascism is conservative, authoritarian and nationalistic...

So is communism, fool.

Fascism: Centrally planned economy, fiercely nationalistic, military dictatorship, a brutal police state, crushing conformity, social stratification via political association, propaganda press, persecution of the religious, slave labor/re-education concentration camps for dissenters and other undesirables.

Communism: Centrally planned economy, fiercely nationalistic, military dictatorship, a brutal police state, crushing conformity, social stratification via political association, propaganda press, persecution of the religious, slave labor/re-education concentration camps for dissenters and other undesirables.

Yeah, they're totally different! :icon_rolleyes:
Also, it's a bad comparison because Hitler, fucked up as he was, did what he thought was best FOR Germany; modern Liberals would have been working to turn German over to Stalin.

Hitler got rid of everyone with an education.. and he shut down most of the newspapers. He couldn't allow dissent from the intellectuals. You should work on your education or at the very least read Rise and Fall of the Third Reich.
LOLOL.. This idiotic crap is from American Thinker.
No, no, no. It says right there that this analysis is “thoughtful and unemotional”.

Comparing the modern Democratic Party to Nazis is unemotional.

These clots don't know that Fascism is hard right and nationalistic.

Maybe Thinker just knows the education level of their readers.

Fascist is individual Liberty and Freedom?

Yeah, we didn't know that

Fascism is conservative, authoritarian and nationalistic...
Fascism is conservative, authoritarian and nationalistic...

So is communism, fool.

Fascism: Centrally planned economy, fiercely nationalistic, military dictatorship, a brutal police state, crushing conformity, social stratification via political association, propaganda press, persecution of the religious, slave labor/re-education concentration camps for dissenters and other undesirables.

Communism: Centrally planned economy, fiercely nationalistic, military dictatorship, a brutal police state, crushing conformity, social stratification via political association, propaganda press, persecution of the religious, slave labor/re-education concentration camps for dissenters and other undesirables.

Yeah, they're totally different! :icon_rolleyes:
Hitler got rid of everyone with an education.. and he shut down most of the newspapers. He couldn't allow dissent from the intellectuals. You should work on your education or at the very least read Rise and Fall of the Third Reich.
Right. Expunging anyone who lacked ideological purity.
LOLOL.. This idiotic crap is from American Thinker.
No, no, no. It says right there that this analysis is “thoughtful and unemotional”.

Comparing the modern Democratic Party to Nazis is unemotional.

These clots don't know that Fascism is hard right and nationalistic.

Maybe Thinker just knows the education level of their readers.

You don't seem to understand that actions speak louder than words. If you act like a nazi, spew propaganda like a nazi, engage in terrorist attacks like a nazi, you're a matter what you call yourself.

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