The Communist Caravan is NOT coming to Texas

There's such an easy, relatively cheap way to secure the border: plant so many rows of land mines along the border that any illegal stepping across it will be blown into next week.

You do realize that there has been a treaty since 1997 banning anti personnel landmines, right?

Landmines – UNODA


Landmines come in two varieties: anti-personnel and anti-vehicle mines. Both have caused great suffering in the past decades. Anti-personnel landmines are prohibited under the Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Anti-Personnel Mines and on Their Destruction (or Mine Ban Convention), adopted in 1997. More than 150 countries have joined this treaty. Its positive impact includes a marked reduction of casualties, an increased number of mine-free States, destroyed stockpiles and improved assistance to victims.
There's such an easy, relatively cheap way to secure the border: plant so many rows of land mines along the border that any illegal stepping across it will be blown into next week.

You do realize that there has been a treaty since 1997 banning anti personnel landmines, right?

Landmines – UNODA


Landmines come in two varieties: anti-personnel and anti-vehicle mines. Both have caused great suffering in the past decades. Anti-personnel landmines are prohibited under the Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Anti-Personnel Mines and on Their Destruction (or Mine Ban Convention), adopted in 1997. More than 150 countries have joined this treaty. Its positive impact includes a marked reduction of casualties, an increased number of mine-free States, destroyed stockpiles and improved assistance to victims.
Many repukes do not care. They just want dead bodies so they can say we stopped them.
Many of the invaders are going to Tijuana thinking they will be able to overwhelm the crossing and storm across the border. Except president Trump will close that border tighter than a gnat's ass.
There's such an easy, relatively cheap way to secure the border: plant so many rows of land mines along the border that any illegal stepping across it will be blown into next week.

You do realize that there has been a treaty since 1997 banning anti personnel landmines, right?

Landmines – UNODA


Landmines come in two varieties: anti-personnel and anti-vehicle mines. Both have caused great suffering in the past decades. Anti-personnel landmines are prohibited under the Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Anti-Personnel Mines and on Their Destruction (or Mine Ban Convention), adopted in 1997. More than 150 countries have joined this treaty. Its positive impact includes a marked reduction of casualties, an increased number of mine-free States, destroyed stockpiles and improved assistance to victims.
Many repukes do not care. They just want dead bodies so they can say we stopped them.
Yes yes. A dead invader is a good invader.
There's such an easy, relatively cheap way to secure the border: plant so many rows of land mines along the border that any illegal stepping across it will be blown into next week.

You do realize that there has been a treaty since 1997 banning anti personnel landmines, right?

Landmines – UNODA


Landmines come in two varieties: anti-personnel and anti-vehicle mines. Both have caused great suffering in the past decades. Anti-personnel landmines are prohibited under the Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Anti-Personnel Mines and on Their Destruction (or Mine Ban Convention), adopted in 1997. More than 150 countries have joined this treaty. Its positive impact includes a marked reduction of casualties, an increased number of mine-free States, destroyed stockpiles and improved assistance to victims.

Why would I give a fuck about that? Why should anyone give a fuck? These Central American sludge are violating a million laws themselves. And like it or not, we Americans do have the right to defend ourselves against the parasitic subhumans that the 3rd world have to offer.
As republican trumpers are less than human there is no guiding factors for how to treat them. So they will get treated as animals until they show some sort of morality or conscience that is relative to humanity.
I have heard that there is now a pesticide that deals well with invasive species. It works on fire time to move upscale and see it works as well on larger critters.
There's such an easy, relatively cheap way to secure the border: plant so many rows of land mines along the border that any illegal stepping across it will be blown into next week.

You do realize that there has been a treaty since 1997 banning anti personnel landmines, right?

Landmines – UNODA


Landmines come in two varieties: anti-personnel and anti-vehicle mines. Both have caused great suffering in the past decades. Anti-personnel landmines are prohibited under the Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Anti-Personnel Mines and on Their Destruction (or Mine Ban Convention), adopted in 1997. More than 150 countries have joined this treaty. Its positive impact includes a marked reduction of casualties, an increased number of mine-free States, destroyed stockpiles and improved assistance to victims.

Why would I give a fuck about that? Why should anyone give a fuck? These Central American sludge are violating a million laws themselves. And like it or not, we Americans do have the right to defend ourselves against the parasitic subhumans that the 3rd world have to offer.

So, in your opinion, it is perfectly okay to violate international treaties?
As republican trumpers are less than human there is no guiding factors for how to treat them. So they will get treated as animals until they show some sort of morality or conscience that is relative to humanity.
They will be treated as invading criminals.
According to NBC, these useless hobos will hop on trains and go to Tijuana and Mexicali, where they will be allowed to enter, given free housing, and registered to vote in time for the Nov. 6 election.

The good news is that California is already a commie shit hole, so their votes really won't matter.

I think the democtrat organizers of said commie caravan warned them that Texas will arrest and hold each and every last one of those lawless thugs and their worthless spawn.

We just need a border wall around the People's Republic of Commiefornia and everything will be fine.
Communists? Useless hobos?

I thought they were an invading army?

You twits really need to pick one story and stick with it.
kinda like the ever changing narrative on trump to get him out of office. russia, taxes, infidelity...that list goes on and on.

let me see you blast your own twits now.

Yeah he's got some Ahem......big twits.

According to NBC, these useless hobos will hop on trains and go to Tijuana and Mexicali, where they will be allowed to enter, given free housing, and registered to vote in time for the Nov. 6 election.

The good news is that California is already a commie shit hole, so their votes really won't matter.

I think the democtrat organizers of said commie caravan warned them that Texas will arrest and hold each and every last one of those lawless thugs and their worthless spawn.

We just need a border wall around the People's Republic of Commiefornia and everything will be fine.
Communists? Useless hobos?

I thought they were an invading army?

You twits really need to pick one story and stick with it.
Same difference... All the useless deadbeats
Aren't you supposed to sound some kind of alarm when you back up?
Well they are an invasion and should be treated accordingly.
Maybe you missed the last ten years where this has occurred in the past.

Or the fact that they traveled across Mexico with their numbers dwindling as they went...and when they got here they approached the border stations and requested asylum...and the Sky didn't Fall.
Well they are an invasion and should be treated accordingly.
Maybe you missed the last ten years where this has occurred in the past.

Or the fact that they traveled across Mexico with their numbers dwindling as they went...and when they got here they approached the border stations and requested asylum...and the Sky didn't Fall.

They don't care or don't know that very very few make it to the border and that some go back and some stay in Mexico all they want are dead bodies.

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