The Communist Party Candidate

Is there any doubt?

Joe Biden: The Chinese Communist Party's Candidate for President

Joe Biden: The Chinese Communist Party's Candidate for President
Except for Israel, Russia, Turkey, and North Korea, can you name a country that does not want to see Trump gone?
Trump is raining on their parade.
our politicians have been working with foreign governments to steal from American taxpayers....literally fleecing America of it's wealth.....but along comes Trump putting a stop to it with his silly "America First" nonsense.

Do not trust Trump explicitly. There is no one in Washington DC who is not under intense pressure to comply.
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If you like freedom then you probably like Trump.
If you want socialism, fascism, or totalitarianism, you probably like Biden.
Democrats admire countries like China and Cuba....because they are the authoritarians.
Democrats have had to hide their true intentions for decades......and now they're using their mob and their social media network to harass anyone who has a different opinion.
No idea is good if you have to force people to comply.
One thing at a time.

(1) Define freedom

(2) Socialism, fascism, or totalitarianism are incompatible with what?

(3) It might interest you to know, that in MY lifetime (72 years) Nixon started trade negotiations with China and JFK was in charge for the on set of the Cuban embargo

(4) Democrats were anti-eastablishment- let that sink in

(5) Are you including the comply or die wars, foreign and domestic?
It shows what can happen when the mainstream media becomes an advocate for a political party. There was no evidence of Trump's "collusion" with Russia but the media kept the pressure on. Amazingly the Obama administration appointees in the FBI and the Intel. network were colluding with a foreign informant who had ties to Russia and the son of Obama's (former) V.P. had a million dollar no show job with a former Russian satellite. During Obama's eight years Biden had lucrative ties to the Chinese government and the media knew about it (so did the democrat party) but they chose (to this day) to hide or disregard evidence that Obama's V.P. was a tool of foreign governments.
One thing at a time.

(1) Define freedom

The ability to do in a society that which you could do outside of a society. To be free from societal constraint

2) Socialism, fascism, or totalitarianism are incompatible with what?


(3) It might interest you to know, that in MY lifetime (72 years) Nixon started trade negotiations with China and JFK was in charge for the on set of the Cuban embargo

JFK betrayed the freedom fighters at the Bay of Pigs.

(4) Democrats were anti-eastablishment- let that sink in

democrats were and are anti-American.

in 1968 the democrat party went into civil war. By 1972 the Bolsheviks were fully in charge.

(5) Are you including the comply or die wars, foreign and domestic?

The ability to do in a society that which you could do outside of a society. To be free from societal constraint
Free is unencumbered- freedom is:

noun: freedom
  1. the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint.
  2. absence of subjection to foreign domination or despotic government.
  3. the state of not being imprisoned or enslaved

    Really? Care to explain how they still exist?

    JFK betrayed the freedom fighters at the Bay of Pigs.
    JFK betrayed the CIA.

    democrats were and are anti-American.

    in 1968 the democrat party went into civil war. By 1972 the Bolsheviks were fully in charge.
    Democrats were anti-establishment. Your opinion is biased.

    It's like riding a Harley- if I have to explain you wouldn't understand.


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