The Communist Party Candidate

Is there any doubt?

Joe Biden: The Chinese Communist Party's Candidate for President

Joe Biden: The Chinese Communist Party's Candidate for President
Except for Israel, Russia, Turkey, and North Korea, can you name a country that does not want to see Trump gone?
Trump is raining on their parade.
our politicians have been working with foreign governments to steal from American taxpayers....literally fleecing America of it's wealth.....but along comes Trump putting a stop to it with his silly "America First" nonsense.
Both parties have been conditioned in this country to trust the media.
Even though most, if not all of the media has been untrustworthy.
You just figure remaining docile and obedient is the way to go while our country come crashing down around us.'re obviously a communist.
The US gov't doesn't rank real high on the trustworthy scale if one is intellectually honest in an assessment.
Is there any doubt?

Joe Biden: The Chinese Communist Party's Candidate for President

Joe Biden: The Chinese Communist Party's Candidate for President
Except for Israel, Russia, Turkey, and North Korea, can you name a country that does not want to see Trump gone?
Trump is raining on their parade.
our politicians have been working with foreign governments to steal from American taxpayers....literally fleecing America of it's wealth.....but along comes Trump putting a stop to it with his silly "America First" nonsense.
So you're saying that Biden is the preferred candidate of communists, socialists, social democrats, liberals, and capitalists while Trump is the preferred candidate of authoritarian rulers. I agree.

One notes that he's quickly run out of Democrats and neocons to buy his book, which was bereft of evidence to support his claims.

Yet, you would believe Tucker Carlson if he told you were beautiful..Yet, it contained enough really 411 to get the president to try and stop it's publication.

Tucker Carlson tends to be both truthful and right.

He has EARNED the privilege of being believed.

Townhall has EARNED the right to be believed.

CNN are filthy liars and have earned that reputation. NBC is run by the Communist Chinese government, and has earned that reputation.

One notes that he's quickly run out of Democrats and neocons to buy his book, which was bereft of evidence to support his claims.

Yet, you would believe Tucker Carlson if he told you were beautiful..Yet, it contained enough really 411 to get the president to try and stop it's publication.

Tucker Carlson tends to be both truthful and right.

He has EARNED the privilege of being believed.

Townhall has EARNED the right to be believed.

CNN are filthy liars and have earned that reputation. NBC is run by the Communist Chinese government, and has earned that reputation.

As far as I am concerned they all have an agenda to get gullible stupid people to pay attention to them so they can earn a big salary which is why I don't watch TV.
Both parties have been conditioned in this country to trust the media.
Even though most, if not all of the media has been untrustworthy.
You just figure remaining docile and obedient is the way to go while our country come crashing down around us.'re obviously a communist.
The US gov't doesn't rank real high on the trustworthy scale if one is intellectually honest in an assessment.

Damn. I thought the FBI were paragons of virtue.....
Is there any doubt?

Joe Biden: The Chinese Communist Party's Candidate for President

Joe Biden: The Chinese Communist Party's Candidate for President
Except for Israel, Russia, Turkey, and North Korea, can you name a country that does not want to see Trump gone?
Trump is raining on their parade.
our politicians have been working with foreign governments to steal from American taxpayers....literally fleecing America of it's wealth.....but along comes Trump putting a stop to it with his silly "America First" nonsense.
So you're saying that Biden is the preferred candidate of communists, socialists, social democrats, liberals, and capitalists while Trump is the preferred candidate of authoritarian rulers. I agree.
If you like freedom then you probably like Trump.
If you want socialism, fascism, or totalitarianism, you probably like Biden.
Democrats admire countries like China and Cuba....because they are the authoritarians.
Democrats have had to hide their true intentions for decades......and now they're using their mob and their social media network to harass anyone who has a different opinion.

No idea is good if you have to force people to comply.
Is there any doubt?

Joe Biden: The Chinese Communist Party's Candidate for President

Joe Biden: The Chinese Communist Party's Candidate for President

The CCP are the main bankers for the Biden Crime Family
And the producers of the Trump family's line or merchandise, and Ivanka holds several patients there she got when Trump was in his first two years..But you forgot to mention that.

Comrade hack, there actually were products made, right?

Unlike the billion dollars slipped to Hoover Biden for, well, nothing..

See, bribes are different than manufacturing - though you Communists never seem to grasp it.
Is there any doubt?

Joe Biden: The Chinese Communist Party's Candidate for President

Joe Biden: The Chinese Communist Party's Candidate for President
Except for Israel, Russia, Turkey, and North Korea, can you name a country that does not want to see Trump gone?
Trump is raining on their parade.
our politicians have been working with foreign governments to steal from American taxpayers....literally fleecing America of it's wealth.....but along comes Trump putting a stop to it with his silly "America First" nonsense.
So you're saying that Biden is the preferred candidate of communists, socialists, social democrats, liberals, and capitalists while Trump is the preferred candidate of authoritarian rulers. I agree.
If you like freedom then you probably like Trump.
If you want socialism, fascism, or totalitarianism, you probably like Biden.
Democrats admire countries like China and Cuba....because they are the authoritarians.
Democrats have had to hide their true intentions for decades......and now they're using their mob and their social media network to harass anyone who has a different opinion.

No idea is good if you have to force people to comply.

It wasn't until 2016 that democrats started to openly embrace their Inner Mao. They were SURE that Hillary would win and that they could use their complete control over social media and the government, including their Secret Police (formerly the FBI) to shut down Conservatives.

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