The Complaint

Nothing to coercing a country with the power of US Aid, or lack thereof, for a favor...... of investigating conspiracy theories designed to hurt the opposition party and Trumps leading Democratic opponent.
Nothing to coercing a country with the power of US Aid, or lack thereof, for a favor...... of investigating conspiracy theories designed to hurt the opposition party and Trumps leading Democratic opponent.

Do you even suspect that you've gone completely insane? Their are voices in your head feeding you complete bullshit. Get a clue for your own sake and get some help to get back in touch with reality.
Nothing to coercing a country with the power of US Aid, or lack thereof, for a favor...... of investigating conspiracy theories designed to hurt the opposition party and Trumps leading Democratic opponent.

Do you even suspect that you've gone completely insane? Their are voices in your head feeding you complete bullshit. Get a clue for your own sake and get some help to get back in touch with reality.

"Play Ball or lose the Aid. Your choice Ukraine. Your Choice.

Though, I think Trumpybear did the Democrats a Favor.
Nothing to coercing a country with the power of US Aid, or lack thereof, for a favor...... of investigating conspiracy theories designed to hurt the opposition party and Trumps leading Democratic opponent.
How about the power of a billion bucks earned simply for firing the guy Biden insisted had to go for them to get the dough?
Nothing to coercing a country with the power of US Aid, or lack thereof, for a favor...... of investigating conspiracy theories designed to hurt the opposition party and Trumps leading Democratic opponent.

Didn't happen, so nothing, yes.
Nothing to coercing a country with the power of US Aid, or lack thereof, for a favor...... of investigating conspiracy theories designed to hurt the opposition party and Trumps leading Democratic opponent.

Do you even suspect that you've gone completely insane? Their are voices in your head feeding you complete bullshit. Get a clue for your own sake and get some help to get back in touch with reality.

"Play Ball or lose the Aid. Your choice Ukraine. Your Choice.

Though, I think Trumpybear did the Democrats a Favor.
Nowhere did that description appear...Trump never said what you are implying...not that makes you incredible and a liar....blindybear...
There would be something here if trump sucked or if democrats weren’t trying to impeach him for being great. But we laugh at democrats
All done.

It was amusing watching McGuire calmly bat Schiff's feeble verbal legerdemain into the trash can, while looking like he wanted to leap over the table and throttle him.
Dems are trying to sell thatThe Main Point is that Biden is a political rival. They are selling Biden’s son being unduly enriched due to Biden’s manipulations is Not the main point but Trump asking Ukraine President to look into it Is The Main Point
No sale across the board for anyone who thinks instead of wishes and emotes.
It's clear that Trump had been pushing for Ukraine to help him exonerate Russia in the 2016 election hack (the Crowdstrike reference) and to open a bogus investigation of his political rival SINCE APRIL

And "locking down" the actual transcript of the phone call is a cover up and conspiracy.

In this case the cover up is NOT the issue.

It's the act AND the cover up
I would love one democrat to question Joe Biden and his son's involvement with what went down in Ukraine

This is, nominally, about the whistle-blower complaint regarding Trump's corrupt behavior in office.

How dicey the document really is we can learn from the Trumpletons' reaction to it. "LOOK, SQUIRREL!" Trump's propaganda talking points boiled down to his sycophants' level.

And that's before the first bit of content supposedly at issue in this thread is even discussed when we watch the thread hijacking and diversions that have become the norm on here.

And that's while we get to learn that they did hide away the transcript of the call in a code-word classified computer system, contrary to the usual classification, precluding even cabinet officials from seeing it. So there were more than just a handful who realized the to-the-bones corrupt behavior exposed in that transcript which, of course, they won't release. All we get is a "rough" transcript, essentially a sanitized summary, and even that is damning. And that's when we also learn this wasn't the first time they misused the classification system to hide away interactions between the Dear Leader and foreign entities that way.

Yeah, the stench is unbearable, but our Trumpletons assure us, there's noting there. If you had a shred of honesty and integrity, you'd all admit that none of you read, much less studied the complaint, just as none of you read the Mueller Report. SQIRREL! Ludicrous.
Nothing to coercing a country with the power of US Aid, or lack thereof, for a favor...... of investigating conspiracy theories designed to hurt the opposition party and Trumps leading Democratic opponent.

And -
That's not at all what happened.
Nothing to coercing a country with the power of US Aid, or lack thereof, for a favor...... of investigating conspiracy theories designed to hurt the opposition party and Trumps leading Democratic opponent.

And -
That's not at all what happened.
We all know by now that it’s Lib 101 that what happened does not matter and that what does matter is what is made up.
It's clear that Trump had been pushing for Ukraine to help him exonerate Russia in the 2016 election hack (the Crowdstrike reference) and to open a bogus investigation of his political rival SINCE APRIL

And "locking down" the actual transcript of the phone call is a cover up and conspiracy.

In this case the cover up is NOT the issue.

It's the act AND the cover up

Yep. Not to mention the ultimate Trumpish corruption, Trump fashioning himself as an anti-corruption crusader while pressuring a head of state to use the country's justice system for ends alien to what a justice system is supposed to be about. For what Ukrainians need more than anything else is a justice system that follows orders in pursuit of political expediency. You could be forgiven for suspecting Trump doesn't even begin to understand anything about that.
Nothing to coercing a country with the power of US Aid, or lack thereof, for a favor...... of investigating conspiracy theories designed to hurt the opposition party and Trumps leading Democratic opponent.

Well Creepy uncle Joe is not leading anymore, " I'm leaving in 6 hrs. Fire the Prosecutor or you don't get the Billion$" " if you don't cooperate with us In getting dirt on trump we won't vote for any legislation to assist Ukraine" Leahy, Durbin, and another dirt bag Dem. These idiots are just peddling lies and misinformation" add " I'll have more Flexibility once the election is over" Dems hate the truth and will bend facts to suit their Political goals to undo a duly elected President. America is not buying what the deep state is selling. This Whistle blower is a Partisan Democrat who's handlers told him to do something to create a narrative. Adam (shifty) Schiff asked the Ukraine for supposed naked Photos of Trump he got played by a Ukrainian who had nothing to offer where's that investigation. This was another Clown show plain and simple!

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