The Concern for Global Warming in 1 Picture

If your If were a fifth we'd be drunk too

Not at the same rate as it takes to cut them idiot :lol:

Can trees grow faster than we can cut them down? No...Thats the point.

We can cut between 5 and 7% of the world's forests/year and have sustainable forests. People know this; people that sell lumber know this and they still want to sell lumber 50 years from now.

Id say thats thanks to tree huggers aka enviro-nuts making it an issue to begin with IMO

Not at all. It's a matter of agricultural efficiency and simple resource management by lumber and paper companies. It makes more sense to cut and replant about 5% of your holdings/year and keep prices high than to clear cut and have a glut on lumber that will force prices down. About all the tree huggers have done is to put a bunch of loggers in Oregon out of work over some owls.

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