The Concern for Global Warming in 1 Picture

How many actually visit the Midwest? We have nothing but trees as far as the eye can see. There are more here now than 20 years ago.
Your comment to the conservative who is stewarding his land was to accuse him of having his finger up his ass. If that was meant as a compliment, my apologies for miss-representing your statement as an insult. Otherwise it wasn't a strawman. You pick, was finger up his ass an insult or not?

That was meant as saying stop pleasuring yourself about what you one cares

My response to your cutting down 50% statement apparently went over your haid. I've cut down over 50% of the trees on my property over the last 12 years. I have more trees now than I had at the start. Given my explanation of how seeds work, are you still confused about my response?

No I'm confused as to why you believe your land represents what is happening to the worlds forests.

Do you really think trees only grow on my land?

You dont have to pretend to be this confused. It makes you look stupid
How many actually visit the Midwest? We have nothing but trees as far as the eye can see. There are more here now than 20 years ago.

Most libs live in the concrete jungle. Trees are an alien species to them

And those trees need carbon dioxide so they can turn it into oxygen. The volcanoes give off more carbon dioxide than humans do. All the so-called solutions to global warming are so tiny that one volcano eruption will undo years worth of efforts.

The proposed solutions to global warming are a joke. It's nothing but a giant money redistribution plot. Control energy, health care and the food supply and you control the world. They've got health care. The government is in cahoots with Monsanto to control the food supply. They need control of all energy and that is where this global warming "solution" comes in.

The core temp of the earth has actually cooled since the alarmists started crying global warming. That is why they changed the term from global warming to climate change. The only thing that hasn't changed is their plan to continue taxing people to death and controlling people.
How many actually visit the Midwest? We have nothing but trees as far as the eye can see. There are more here now than 20 years ago.

Most libs live in the concrete jungle. Trees are an alien species to them

And those trees need carbon dioxide so they can turn it into oxygen. The volcanoes give off more carbon dioxide than humans do. All the so-called solutions to global warming are so tiny that one volcano eruption will undo years worth of efforts.

You're right why even try?


We're doomed
How many actually visit the Midwest? We have nothing but trees as far as the eye can see. There are more here now than 20 years ago.

Most libs live in the concrete jungle. Trees are an alien species to them

And those trees need carbon dioxide so they can turn it into oxygen. The volcanoes give off more carbon dioxide than humans do. All the so-called solutions to global warming are so tiny that one volcano eruption will undo years worth of efforts.

The proposed solutions to global warming are a joke. It's nothing but a giant money redistribution plot. Control energy, health care and the food supply and you control the world. They've got health care. The government is in cahoots with Monsanto to control the food supply. They need control of all energy and that is where this global warming "solution" comes in.

The core temp of the earth has actually cooled since the alarmists started crying global warming. That is why they changed the term from global warming to climate change. The only thing that hasn't changed is their plan to continue taxing people to death and controlling people.

1 Volcano you say? Any volcano or are there specific volcanoes that would do more harm than others?
Two problems with what your saying:

1)Trees aren't global warming. In fact, the warmer the planet gets, the better it is for trees.

Who, besides you said that trees are global warming? The strawman army you keep by your side?

2)There are more trees in North America now than there were when Columbus arrived. Why? Because when we cut down trees to use for lumber and other such products, we plant more. There is a monetary incentive for business to do this.

Who, besides you is saying the opposite? Anyone? No? So who are you addressing then?

The Strawmen crowd?

Your whole chicken little schtick is built on a house cards silly person. That house lapsing now that the actual facts are coming out despite your best efforts to keep them out of the publics eye.
Two problems with what your saying:

1)Trees aren't global warming. In fact, the warmer the planet gets, the better it is for trees.

Who, besides you said that trees are global warming? The strawman army you keep by your side?

2)There are more trees in North America now than there were when Columbus arrived. Why? Because when we cut down trees to use for lumber and other such products, we plant more. There is a monetary incentive for business to do this.

Who, besides you is saying the opposite? Anyone? No? So who are you addressing then?

The Strawmen crowd?

Your whole chicken little schtick is built on a house cards silly person. That house lapsing now that the actual facts are coming out despite your best efforts to keep them out of the publics eye.

Did someone say trees are global warming and I missed it? Who was Avatar talking too?
Most libs live in the concrete jungle. Trees are an alien species to them

And those trees need carbon dioxide so they can turn it into oxygen. The volcanoes give off more carbon dioxide than humans do. All the so-called solutions to global warming are so tiny that one volcano eruption will undo years worth of efforts.

The proposed solutions to global warming are a joke. It's nothing but a giant money redistribution plot. Control energy, health care and the food supply and you control the world. They've got health care. The government is in cahoots with Monsanto to control the food supply. They need control of all energy and that is where this global warming "solution" comes in.

The core temp of the earth has actually cooled since the alarmists started crying global warming. That is why they changed the term from global warming to climate change. The only thing that hasn't changed is their plan to continue taxing people to death and controlling people.

1 Volcano you say? Any volcano or are there specific volcanoes that would do more harm than others?

The entire contribution of man to the global CO2 budget is less than 5%. That's it. You have got your panties all in a bunch over that trivial amount. Your best and brightest are constantly bleating about tipping points (which we always seem to pass without issue) d the world trots happily onwards with no problems.

Every prediction your best and brightest have ever made has failed. Every single one. Well known charlatans like Brown and Dixon have FAR better rates of prediction than you clowns.

THAT'S why we no longer pay you any attention. You suck. You have violated the scientific method at every turn and have discredited ALL of science because of your incompetence and fraud.
And those trees need carbon dioxide so they can turn it into oxygen. The volcanoes give off more carbon dioxide than humans do. All the so-called solutions to global warming are so tiny that one volcano eruption will undo years worth of efforts.

The proposed solutions to global warming are a joke. It's nothing but a giant money redistribution plot. Control energy, health care and the food supply and you control the world. They've got health care. The government is in cahoots with Monsanto to control the food supply. They need control of all energy and that is where this global warming "solution" comes in.

The core temp of the earth has actually cooled since the alarmists started crying global warming. That is why they changed the term from global warming to climate change. The only thing that hasn't changed is their plan to continue taxing people to death and controlling people.

1 Volcano you say? Any volcano or are there specific volcanoes that would do more harm than others?

The entire contribution of man to the global CO2 budget is less than 5%. That's it. You have got your panties all in a bunch over that trivial amount. Your best and brightest are constantly bleating about tipping points (which we always seem to pass without issue) d the world trots happily onwards with no problems.

Every prediction your best and brightest have ever made has failed. Every single one. Well known charlatans like Brown and Dixon have FAR better rates of prediction than you clowns.

THAT'S why we no longer pay you any attention. You suck. You have violated the scientific method at every turn and have discredited ALL of science because of your incompetence and fraud.

mmmmm...ok :lol:
That was meant as saying stop pleasuring yourself about what you one cares

No I'm confused as to why you believe your land represents what is happening to the worlds forests.

Do you really think trees only grow on my land?

You dont have to pretend to be this confused. It makes you look stupid

Where in my questioning your stupidity, where you apparently hold the firm belief that trees can't grow back, did you get the impression that I'm confused?
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Do you really think trees only grow on my land?

You dont have to pretend to be this confused. It makes you look stupid

Where in my questioning your stupidity, where you apparently hold the firm belief that trees can't grow back, did you get the impression that I'm confused?

This part:

where you apparently hold the firm belief that trees can't grow back,

Stop it, it makes you look ....unserious
You dont have to pretend to be this confused. It makes you look stupid

Where in my questioning your stupidity, where you apparently hold the firm belief that trees can't grow back, did you get the impression that I'm confused?

This part:

where you apparently hold the firm belief that trees can't grow back,

Stop it, it makes you look ....unserious
You make a post claiming that the amount of deforestation that has occurred is unsustainable. I make the claim that it is sustainable and I have proof.

Who looks more serious, the guy claiming the sky is falling or the guy explaining to chicken little that it's ok the trees can grow back?
Where in my questioning your stupidity, where you apparently hold the firm belief that trees can't grow back, did you get the impression that I'm confused?

This part:

where you apparently hold the firm belief that trees can't grow back,

Stop it, it makes you look ....unserious
You make a post claiming that the amount of deforestation that has occurred is unsustainable. I make the claim that it is sustainable and I have proof.

Who looks more serious, the guy claiming the sky is falling or the guy explaining to chicken little that it's ok the trees can grow back?

yeah except your "proof" is your eye. Personal Anecdotes have never been a valid rebuttal. Why do you keep on about trees not growing? :lol:

Who besides you said that? :lol: :lol: I bet this is where you start using the word "allude" a lot right?

Who looks more serious the guy who says clear cutting 50% of the forests in a few years is unsustainable or the guy who claims chopping down a few trees on your land is the same as clearing the amazon?

You have to have one bad ass ax Mr serious.


To clear your land like that :lol:
The claim of 50% is complete horseshit. I've done this topic 4 or 6 times with the eco-frauds.
It goes back to "old growth" versus forests cultivated as a renewable resource.

We SHOULD be preserving forests and MANAGING them. No need to puke out garbage like this.
This part:

Stop it, it makes you look ....unserious
You make a post claiming that the amount of deforestation that has occurred is unsustainable. I make the claim that it is sustainable and I have proof.

Who looks more serious, the guy claiming the sky is falling or the guy explaining to chicken little that it's ok the trees can grow back?

yeah except your "proof" is your eye. Personal Anecdotes have never been a valid rebuttal. Why do you keep on about trees not growing? :lol:

Who besides you said that? :lol: :lol: I bet this is where you start using the word "allude" a lot right?

Who looks more serious the guy who says clear cutting 50% of the forests in a few years is unsustainable or the guy who claims chopping down a few trees on your land is the same as clearing the amazon?

You have to have one bad ass ax Mr serious.


To clear your land like that :lol:

Seriously, are you retarded?

How many years do you think it takes for seeds from those cut down trees to grow?

How dumb does someone have to be to show a photo of dirt from cut down trees and not understand that the dirt spot he's looking at will be covered in new trees a decade later?

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