The Congress no longer wants Trump impeached as they shelved the vote

He says "Go back where you came from."
She says "IMPEACH"
Even Steven.

And he said bring ideas back from your country on how to make the USA a better place.

Lefties are such disingenuous liars.

Denial is NOT just a river in Egypt.

"Go back to where you came from" is that standard racial slur that non-whites have heard all of their lives, and you know that very well.

Stop pretending you don't know that it's racist.
During the Vietnam War, anti-war protesters and peace loving commune dwellers were being told to go live in the USSR. Or China. Lots of white kids in that group. Mostly white kids, as a matter of fact.
It is just the lazy man's way of dealing with disagreement.

The difference between telling people to go live somewhere else is this: "Go back to where you came from" says "You're not one of us", "We don't want you". And it's a line that non-whites have heard all of their lives.
That could be. Saying "You're not one of us," "We don't want you," and "Love it or leave it" is not ONLY said to non-whites. Not by any stretch of the imagination. Not everything is about race, Dragon Lady. I think Trump is a rich old snob and his attitude is more like Marie Antoinette's than David Duke's. I could be wrong.
But I really do feel that the Dems are making a big mistake by making this all about race instead of what it should be about--a President who is so inept that he cannot refute criticism with anything but tantrums.

"Go back to where you came from" - is about race. The choice of words by Trump was deliberate, it was provocative and he knew it would engender this level of outrage. Trump is being as racially divisive as he can possibly be. This is his re-election strategy. Full on white nationalism.
House votes to kill impeachment resolution against Trump, avoiding a direct vote on whether to oust the president

These people are really very strange as they can not even vote correctly. Seriously they do not know what they want, but they do know that at least 1000 dems get charged if Trump is impeached.

Trump never was in danger of getting impeached. Just one more childish bluff "I'll hold my breath!" by the Left used to dealing with an easily intimidated GOP. What would be the crime, that Trump didn't cooperate with an obvious sham he knew was baseless and just out to try to frame him for winning?
House votes to kill impeachment resolution against Trump, avoiding a direct vote on whether to oust the president

These people are really very strange as they can not even vote correctly. Seriously they do not know what they want, but they do know that at least 1000 dems get charged if Trump is impeached.

This is the second impeachment vote. The first vote there were 60 yes votes. Yesterday there were 95.

DO go for a THIRD vote! Please.
Full on white nationalism.


White: this nation's majority. Always has, always will be.
Nationalism: patriotism of putting your own country first.

The death knell and kryptonite of Leftists everywhere. Their two most dirtiest words: white and national pride.

It is not a crime to tell the Omar bitch to go home if you do not like America. It is called freedom of speech.
He says "Go back where you came from."
She says "IMPEACH"
Even Steven.

And he said bring ideas back from your country on how to make the USA a better place.

Lefties are such disingenuous liars.

Denial is NOT just a river in Egypt.

"Go back to where you came from" is that standard racial slur that non-whites have heard all of their lives, and you know that very well.

Stop pretending you don't know that it's racist.
During the Vietnam War, anti-war protesters and peace loving commune dwellers were being told to go live in the USSR. Or China. Lots of white kids in that group. Mostly white kids, as a matter of fact.
It is just the lazy man's way of dealing with disagreement.

The difference between telling people to go live somewhere else is this: "Go back to where you came from" says "You're not one of us", "We don't want you". And it's a line that non-whites have heard all of their lives.
Look, this American hating, jew hating, flag hating, sharia law loving Muslim piece of shit should go back where she came from and marry and fuck her brother


Your post is far more hateful and un-American than anything that Oman has said. You deny her the right of free speech, freedom of religion and all of the things you claim American stands for.

Furthermore, you continue to lie and claim that Oman married her brother which is based on a rumour posted on an anomymous message board. She didn't have to marry her brother to get him into the country. He was entitled to come in under family re-unification. This lie falls apart completely the moment you scrutinize it. How un-American is it of you to condemn her on a lie. Trump is innocent until proven guilty. Oman is guilty, no possibility of innocence.

Your post qualifies as hate speech. Not a single American value in the entire screed.
Full on white nationalism.


White: this nation's majority. Always has, always will be.
Nationalism: patriotism of putting your own country first.

The death knell and kryptonite of Leftists everywhere. Their two most dirtiest words: white and national pride.


You can't redefine "white nationalism" to make it seem less racist or nazi. White nationalism isn't white pride in the nation, it's a white supremacist agenda, as endoresed by the KKK, the American Nazi Party, Storm Front, and other white supremacists.
You can't redefine "white nationalism" to make it seem less racist or nazi.

Don't have to Honey, it NEVER meant that until you twits started trying it MAKE it mean that after Trump got in office with his MAGA slogan! HaHa.

There IS NO "White" nationalism. Every hear of BLACK nationalism? or Yellow or red? Anyone of any color can have pride in their country turd, it is just another liberal term created to try to attack white people, Trump and his supporters.
And he said bring ideas back from your country on how to make the USA a better place.

Lefties are such disingenuous liars.

Denial is NOT just a river in Egypt.

"Go back to where you came from" is that standard racial slur that non-whites have heard all of their lives, and you know that very well.

Stop pretending you don't know that it's racist.
During the Vietnam War, anti-war protesters and peace loving commune dwellers were being told to go live in the USSR. Or China. Lots of white kids in that group. Mostly white kids, as a matter of fact.
It is just the lazy man's way of dealing with disagreement.

The difference between telling people to go live somewhere else is this: "Go back to where you came from" says "You're not one of us", "We don't want you". And it's a line that non-whites have heard all of their lives.
That could be. Saying "You're not one of us," "We don't want you," and "Love it or leave it" is not ONLY said to non-whites. Not by any stretch of the imagination. Not everything is about race, Dragon Lady. I think Trump is a rich old snob and his attitude is more like Marie Antoinette's than David Duke's. I could be wrong.
But I really do feel that the Dems are making a big mistake by making this all about race instead of what it should be about--a President who is so inept that he cannot refute criticism with anything but tantrums.

"Go back to where you came from" - is about race. The choice of words by Trump was deliberate, it was provocative and he knew it would engender this level of outrage. Trump is being as racially divisive as he can possibly be. This is his re-election strategy. Full on white nationalism.

And come back and share with us what makes other countries so good, he said sarcastically.

He is saying people should be proud to live here, not bash it when it’s better than where they came from.

I want Dimms to support Omar to the fullest and use her as the face of the party....all day, every day.
Dem Tards 35th Attempt at Impeachment went something like this

Always keep in mind that the United States Congress is the most superfluous government entity in all of human history.

Their "job" is to create and pass any new laws that are necessary.

In a country that is 200-some odd years old.

Do we NEED any new laws at this point?

There should be ONE session every two years, lasting only as long as it takes to pass the laws that are necessary at the time. Having a full-time legislature is fucking insane. Complaining that Congress isn't "doing anything" is the most ridiculous complaint in the world. THEY ARE NOT SUPPOSED TO BE DOING ANYTHING.

The majority of the stuff they stick their collective nose in should be the purview of the states. Things like education and healthcare should be dealt with by each state.

Go back and see what happened in 1913- three major events occurred:
The 16th Amendment allowed congress to levy individual income tax, and simultaneously the 17th amendment made the elected senators beholden to the individual voters instead of the states. This muted and neutered state governments’ influence at the federal level. And the coup de grace was the formation of the Federal Reserve, our central bank, which gave unlimited borrowing power to the federal government.

All that occurred in 1913. Soon after the job as a US congress person became a full time job with increase in salary and benefits.

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