The congresswoman who's tearing her party apart over abortion

“Ellmers is being accused of betraying her party...”

Which is considerably preferable to betraying her oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States.
Democrats support barbarism.

Democrats hate children, if not aborted, unwanted children should be forced into a homosexual lifestyle via adoption.
Come June this will no longer be an issue, and we Republicans will move onto important issues.
Come June this will no longer be an issue, and we Republicans will move onto important issues.
If children are not important to you Jake, you should step out of threads with kids.

Makes me wonder, why do people who literally hate children get to make decisions that determines the life of a child?
You are politicizing children on an issue that you are distorting that you don't understand.

Adults prey, don't you know? Heterosexual, homosexual, pedophilia.

Adults prey, Elektra. Focus, please focus.
“Ellmers is being accused of betraying her party...”

Which is considerably preferable to betraying her oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States.

If abortion was actually in the Constitution, instead of only in the mind of a bunch of asshole lawyers.
This wouldn't be a source of conflict if Republicans simply respected a woman's right to privacy.

Witness the end result of the so called "right to privacy"

Patterico s Pontifications Two Baby Boys And Two Choices Made 8211 One For Life One For Death

Of course, Lana had automatically assumed she would have a girl. When she was informed by her doctor that an ultrasound determined she was instead pregnant with a little boy, she was horrified. Her reaction to her “body’s betrayal”? She had an abortion a few days later. Of her decision:

I stand by my decision to abort my baby because it was a male.

I don’t hate men, I hate the patriarchy, what men, and even some women, turn into, I wasn’t going to let that happen with my offspring. The chances were greater that it would with a male, it was unacceptable.

If the curse returns, I would do the exact same thing all over again.

And her response to her critics:

To me, the experience was liberating, the emotions I felt when deciding what I should do, and after learning my fetus was male was something I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy. Coming out of it a liberated woman though was more than worth it. If I had to do it all
over again, I would do it in a heartbeat.
Democrats support barbarism.

Democrats hate children, if not aborted, unwanted children should be forced into a homosexual lifestyle via adoption.
Then I am doing it all wrong....and have been for 30 years..........
Come June this will no longer be an issue, and we Republicans will move onto important issues.


(emphasis added for clarity)


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