The consequences of gun regulations

We have Islamic terrorists in America. ISIS, Taliban, Muslim Brotherhood, Al Qaeda and every other religious Sharia worshiper with a prayer rug salivating about that idea.
They come to the USA to get weapons of war. There is no place easier.
We don't have a gun problem in America you moron, we HAVE a muslim problem. Guns are NOT jumping out of closets, safes or walls you retard. But the muslims are coming into the country EVERYWHERE you look.
More white non-muslim males have committed mass shootings than Muslims. Guns are easy for deranged white males and Islamist Jihadist extremists to get.
I feel those with a low IQ should not be allowed to own guns. They are too stupid to be trusted with a weapon. I am guessing you fall in to that category.
Horse apples. Someone posted a list of mass shootings today and the hundreds killed in mass shootings by non-Muslims pale in comparison to the hundreds of thousands killed by Muslims during the same time period. I'll find it and post it to you.
I am talking about the USA not the world. I would guess a worldwide census would find the majority of mass killings done by radical Islamist Extremists and the most people killed would be Muslims.

But I am talking USA; many are radical Islamist extremist mass shooters but many are white non-Muslim males
I posted a very long list the other day and if truth be told homo's are in far greater numbers serial killers than any other group.
People like you have hijacked the conservative movement in the US. You are a very insecure, unintelligent individual who vilify's and criticizes minorities to make yourself feel better.
What happens when gun regulations are too lenient and people get guns that should not.
The results are exemplified by Orlando, San Bernardino, Newtown, Blacksburg, Sandy Hook, Fort Hood, Aurora etc.
With thousands dead.

What happens if the gun regulations are too tight; thousands of people who should be able to buy guns cannot buy guns.

Thousand dead or thousands without guns who should have them? It is a no brainer.

I have lived my whole life without owning a gun and I have lived a very full life.

For those who feel they have to own a gun, try living without a gun. You will do just fine.

I have lived my whole life owning guns and I have lived a very full life.
Taking them from me is a UN agenda. Hitler said it best:

The most foolish mistake we could possibly make would be to allow the subjugated races to possess arms. History shows that all conquerors who have allowed their subjugated races to carry arms have prepared their own downfall by so doing. Indeed, I would go so far as to say that the supply of arms to the underdogs is a sine qua non for the overthrow of any sovereignty. So let's not have any native militia or native police.

Again, France has the most stringent gun laws in the world and they are being slaughtered at the whim of the terrorists they let in to their country. Gun bans don't stifle killers.
What magic will America use to make gun bans work the way you'd like them to work?
France has had less mass killings than the USA. They have had equal terrorist attacks but less mass killings. We have terrorists and crazy people because thy all can get guns easily.

they have less mass shootings because their people don't do them......yet. They have complete access to fully automatic weapons which are far easier to get in France, that has made them completely illegal, than they do here in the United STates......

They have illegal gun in France...fully automatic ones......and they have fewer mass shootings because of their culture...not due to access.......dittos Australia......
Are you referring to our gun fueled, NRA culture?

The NRA culture isn't shooting people......the 90% of gun murderers who are killing 90% of the 8,124 people in 2014....were not in the NRA, they were in gangs or criminals....

The NRA culture is the culture that promotes the rule of law and teaches gun safety to save lives...the thug culture, concentrated in democrat, left wing voting districts is the one using guns illegally to murder nuts are responsible for that...not the NRA or their supporters.
I am not defending Islamic Jihadist extremists but I am not lumping them in with all Muslims.
It appears you do not have the ability for complex critical thinking so you must classify people in a very simple minded way.
I think you could be one of those low IQ guys/gal.

Libtard ROE

1. Demand a link or an explanation of the truth you are objecting to.

2. Promptly reject all explanations as right wing lies.

3. Ignore any facts presented.

4. Ridicule spelling and typos.

5. Attack the person as being juvenile, ie: "are you 12 years old", question their education, intelligence.

6. Employ misdirection, smear people

7. Lie

8. Play race/gender card

9. Play gay/lesbian card

10. Play the Nazi card

11. Make up stuff

12. Deny it constantly

13. Reword and repeat

You fools really need to work on your play book. Your tactics don't work anymore.

You forgot the one in particular for any discussion of guns...start accusing the other side of needing to compensate for sex organs....that is one of their favorites too......
You forgot the one in particular for any discussion of guns...start accusing the other side of needing to compensate for sex organs....that is one of their favorites too......

I have, and have used a great line for that! I told one feminazi when she said that, "If that were true, I never would have bought a revolver with a two inch barrel!"

How about this:

11. Claim gun owners have guns to compensate for a small penis, forgetting about women gun owners.
What happens when gun regulations are too lenient and people get guns that should not.
The results are exemplified by Orlando, San Bernardino, Newtown, Blacksburg, Sandy Hook, Fort Hood, Aurora etc.
With thousands dead.

What happens if the gun regulations are too tight; thousands of people who should be able to buy guns cannot buy guns.

Thousand dead or thousands without guns who should have them? It is a no brainer.

I have lived my whole life without owning a gun and I have lived a very full life.

For those who feel they have to own a gun, try living without a gun. You will do just fine.

I have lived around guns my whole life and my life is a lot better than yours, girlyman.
His idea of a "heavy load" is not the same a ours is.
ban cars.jpg
We have Progressive Liberal Socialist Pukes wanting to kill the 2nd Amendment and grab all the guns.

We have Islamic terrorists in America. ISIS, Taliban, Muslim Brotherhood, Al Qaeda and every other religious Sharia worshiper with a prayer rug salivating about that idea.

Do you want someone to translate the writing on the wall for you or do you want to apply for a gun permit before the shit hits the fan? What'll it be?
We have Islamic terrorists in America. ISIS, Taliban, Muslim Brotherhood, Al Qaeda and every other religious Sharia worshiper with a prayer rug salivating about that idea.
They come to the USA to get weapons of war. There is no place easier.
We don't have a gun problem in America you moron, we HAVE a muslim problem. Guns are NOT jumping out of closets, safes or walls you retard. But the muslims are coming into the country EVERYWHERE you look.
More white non-muslim males have committed mass shootings than Muslims. Guns are easy for deranged white males and Islamist Jihadist extremists to get.
I feel those with a low IQ should not be allowed to own guns. They are too stupid to be trusted with a weapon. I am guessing you fall in to that category.
Horse apples. Someone posted a list of mass shootings today and the hundreds killed in mass shootings by non-Muslims pale in comparison to the hundreds of thousands killed by Muslims during the same time period. I'll find it and post it to you.
I am talking about the USA not the world. I would guess a worldwide census would find the majority of mass killings done by radical Islamist Extremists and the most people killed would be Muslims.

But I am talking USA; many are radical Islamist extremist mass shooters but many are white non-Muslim males
The bad guys haven't started yet. Wait till after Ramadan then it's gonna be Dodge City.
What happens when gun regulations are too lenient and people get guns that should not.
The results are exemplified by Orlando, San Bernardino, Newtown, Blacksburg, Sandy Hook, Fort Hood, Aurora etc.
With thousands dead.

What happens if the gun regulations are too tight; thousands of people who should be able to buy guns cannot buy guns.

Thousand dead or thousands without guns who should have them? It is a no brainer.

I have lived my whole life without owning a gun and I have lived a very full life.

For those who feel they have to own a gun, try living without a gun. You will do just fine.

I have lived around guns my whole life and my life is a lot better than yours, girlyman.
Do the babes think you are a real stud because you own a gun.
The true sign of a loser with a capital L.
What happens when gun regulations are too lenient and people get guns that should not.
The results are exemplified by Orlando, San Bernardino, Newtown, Blacksburg, Sandy Hook, Fort Hood, Aurora etc.
With thousands dead.

What happens if the gun regulations are too tight; thousands of people who should be able to buy guns cannot buy guns.

Thousand dead or thousands without guns who should have them? It is a no brainer.

I have lived my whole life without owning a gun and I have lived a very full life.

For those who feel they have to own a gun, try living without a gun. You will do just fine.

I have lived around guns my whole life and my life is a lot better than yours, girlyman.
Do the babes think you are a real stud because you own a gun.
The true sign of a loser with a capital L.

Nope, my wife thinks I'm a stud because I am. You otoh, are just a butthurt idiot.
We have Progressive Liberal Socialist Pukes wanting to kill the 2nd Amendment and grab all the guns.

We have Islamic terrorists in America. ISIS, Taliban, Muslim Brotherhood, Al Qaeda and every other religious Sharia worshiper with a prayer rug salivating about that idea.

Do you want someone to translate the writing on the wall for you or do you want to apply for a gun permit before the shit hits the fan? What'll it be?
We have Islamic terrorists in America. ISIS, Taliban, Muslim Brotherhood, Al Qaeda and every other religious Sharia worshiper with a prayer rug salivating about that idea.
They come to the USA to get weapons of war. There is no place easier.
We don't have a gun problem in America you moron, we HAVE a muslim problem. Guns are NOT jumping out of closets, safes or walls you retard. But the muslims are coming into the country EVERYWHERE you look.
More white non-muslim males have committed mass shootings than Muslims. Guns are easy for deranged white males and Islamist Jihadist extremists to get.
I feel those with a low IQ should not be allowed to own guns. They are too stupid to be trusted with a weapon. I am guessing you fall in to that category.
Horse apples. Someone posted a list of mass shootings today and the hundreds killed in mass shootings by non-Muslims pale in comparison to the hundreds of thousands killed by Muslims during the same time period. I'll find it and post it to you.
I am talking about the USA not the world. I would guess a worldwide census would find the majority of mass killings done by radical Islamist Extremists and the most people killed would be Muslims.

But I am talking USA; many are radical Islamist extremist mass shooters but many are white non-Muslim males
Just a second ago you were talking about Australia.

Not surprising though - the only think the control advocates have is adjusting the actual data because in the end the hard data shows gun control is utterly ineffective. The only way to sell it is to filter the data in a manner that distorts the truth.
What happens when gun regulations are too lenient and people get guns that should not.
The results are exemplified by Orlando, San Bernardino, Newtown, Blacksburg, Sandy Hook, Fort Hood, Aurora etc.
With thousands dead.

What happens if the gun regulations are too tight; thousands of people who should be able to buy guns cannot buy guns.

Thousand dead or thousands without guns who should have them? It is a no brainer.

I have lived my whole life without owning a gun and I have lived a very full life.

For those who feel they have to own a gun, try living without a gun. You will do just fine.
How about you stop telling other people what to do but maybe you can't live without doing that huh?

Here is some great news!!!

Convicted Domestic Abusers Will No Longer Be Able To Own Guns In New York State | HuffPost

So if you are a domestic abuser and want to own a gun, move to a red state.
What happens when gun regulations are too lenient and people get guns that should not.
The results are exemplified by Orlando, San Bernardino, Newtown, Blacksburg, Sandy Hook, Fort Hood, Aurora etc.
With thousands dead.

What happens if the gun regulations are too tight; thousands of people who should be able to buy guns cannot buy guns.

Thousand dead or thousands without guns who should have them? It is a no brainer.

I have lived my whole life without owning a gun and I have lived a very full life.

For those who feel they have to own a gun, try living without a gun. You will do just fine.
How about you stop telling other people what to do but maybe you can't live without doing that huh?

Here is some great news!!!

Convicted Domestic Abusers Will No Longer Be Able To Own Guns In New York State | HuffPost

So if you are a domestic abuser and want to own a gun, move to a red state.

That's already a Federal Law. Color me unsurprised you have little knowledge of that which you are speaking about.
think that was the 'lautenberg act' back in 98 or early 2000s and affected even misdemeanors . Just more disarming or noose tightening and affects even a brother to brother fist fight thats been reported and responded to so that a REPORT has to be writen up Sealy .
What happens when gun regulations are too lenient and people get guns that should not.
The results are exemplified by Orlando, San Bernardino, Newtown, Blacksburg, Sandy Hook, Fort Hood, Aurora etc.
With thousands dead.

What happens if the gun regulations are too tight; thousands of people who should be able to buy guns cannot buy guns.

Thousand dead or thousands without guns who should have them? It is a no brainer.

I have lived my whole life without owning a gun and I have lived a very full life.

For those who feel they have to own a gun, try living without a gun. You will do just fine.
How about you stop telling other people what to do but maybe you can't live without doing that huh?

Here is some great news!!!

Convicted Domestic Abusers Will No Longer Be Able To Own Guns In New York State | HuffPost

So if you are a domestic abuser and want to own a gun, move to a red state.

That's already a Federal Law. Color me unsurprised you have little knowledge of that which you are speaking about.

Yea but this bill is different. It closes a loophole in previous legislation that required abusers to surrender only handguns.

The new measure adds some assault and battery charges to the list of applicable “serious” offenses.

Do what you want in your hick state

In addition to reducing individual female homicides, the New York legislation could also prevent future mass shootings. The majority of mass shootings, defined as four or more people being fatally shot, involve domestic violence. According to a 2017 report from NPR, 54 percent of mass shootings between 2009 and 2016 were carried out by someone who had previously committed violence against an intimate partner.

off topic , but now they have another way of disarming as they disarm PTSD'ers .
think that was the 'lautenberg act' back in 98 or early 2000s and affected even misdemeanors . Just more disarming or noose tightening and affects even a brother to brother fist fight thats been reported and responded to so that a REPORT has to be writen up Sealy .

I can imagine many of you would have said it was wrong to go get all of Nic Cruz' guns before he did anything wrong.

I'm sorry but if your neighbors view you as a volatile nut maybe you shouldn't have guns. This neighbor of my friends said, "hey, can you get your dog off my lawn?". I almost said fuck off but I said ok and moved on. Something told me the guy was crazy. Now I find out one day he came out of his backyard and shot a squirl with a 22. He lives on the lake. So he shot towards people who could have been boating or swimming. He's crazy. I asked my buddy why he didn't call the cops and he said he only heard about it. I would have called the cops and gotten him a felony so he can never own a gun again ever. Fucking retard. We have gun nuts like this all over America. We need to start calling the cops on these nuts before they snap. If you don't want to lose your guns don't let people think you are nuts.

Watch Nicholas Cruz play with his guns. This should be enough to take his guns away.
more defenseless Sheep in 'new york' is ok with me Sealy !!

This new law will protect them. This law only hurts people who are convicted of domestic violence. I think people in NY will sleep easier. Your wives and neighbors in Arkansas and Kentucky can continue to live in fear.

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