'The Continuous Revealing Reports On The Un-Raveling Obama Administration's Treason' Thread


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
There are so many reports / revelations coming out seemingly daily now that I am going to try to create a thread where all the different new stories breaking that have to do with the unraveling 'Obama Administration Treason' Scandal can be posted and discussed.

In this 1st article in the thread, Former Obama National Intelligence Agency Director and 2 Time(at least) proven perjurer James Clapper throws former Obama U.N. Ambassador under the 'Judicial / Scandal Bus' by claiming Power's 260 un-masking requests during her final year as Ambassador - which led to the illegal un-masking of Trump associates - far exceeded the number by her predecessor and is something to be extremely concerned about.

James Clapper Casts Doubt On Obama Official’s Claims About ‘Unmasking’

"Power told the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence in an interview in October that others in government made the unmasking requests under her name.

Asked about Power’s explanation by Hewitt, Clapper suggested that it is cause for concern.

“If that happened, if people usurped the authority to request un-maskings, would that concern you, Director Clapper?” Hewitt asked.

Yeah, it would,” said Clapper."

Clapper went on to add:

“I don’t know quite how that would happen, you know, because the only way you can make an unmasking request is that you have authorized access to the report in question in the first place.”

“So I don’t know how that, quite how that would work.”

What a surprise....instead of committing perjury to protect his fellow criminals and co-conspirators he actually throws u=one under the proverbial bus....

Susan Rice was asked about the un-masking and at 1st said she had no knowledge of un-masking. Several days later she changed her story and declared she knew all about it and could explain it all.
ONLY anti-Democracy traitors cite the Daily Caller.......

A journalist sacked by the Kremlin-funded Sputnik news network claimed that right-wing U.S. outlets regularly disseminate fake news and conspiracy theories touted by the site.

Sputnik’s influence on right-wing, pro-Trump, news websites is pervasive: “Many of the most popular articles about things like WikiLeaks and “pizzagate” conspiracy theories were prominently featured on the Sputnik website,”

These fake stories get picked up by other American outlets – by Daily Caller, Infowars, Breitbart, WND, HOT AIR, and Gateway Pundit – right-wing media outlets, and Sputnik functions as part of this right-wing media ecosystem.

Pro-Trump site The Gateway Pundit ran with Russian propaganda mentioned in Mueller indictment

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