The convient truth about climate change


Platinum Member
Oct 26, 2011
The following are snippets from the article. What Obama is doing is harmful to the country as can be witnessed by the slowest economic recovery from a recession in history, and the weakest.

The Inconvenient Truth about Climate Change - Peter Morici - Page 2

Climate change cannot be denied. The inconvenient truth President Obama refuses to accept is that U.S. efforts to significantly alter its course are fruitless, and severely handicap America's ability to mitigate its consequences.

CO2 composes 80 percent of harmful emissions. Failing to win congressional approval for a system of permits to reduce emissions, the president has unilaterally targeted coal-fired electric utilities and fuel use in transportation to reduce U.S. emissions by 17 percent from 2005 levels.

Those actions are unnecessary and harmful.

Together, those free market decisions have reduced CO2 emissions by more than 9 percent from 2005 levels.

Other developing countries, like India, are similarly adding to the problem; however, China accounts for about 85 percent of the annual increase in global CO2 emissions.

Put bluntly, if man-made emissions are the culprit, then by China's actions alone global warming is going to happen with the force and fury many fear. The United States can do little to stop it, and efforts to do so will only reduce U.S. resources available to mitigate its consequences.
The following are snippets from the article. What Obama is doing is harmful to the country as can be witnessed by the slowest economic recovery from a recession in history, and the weakest.

The Inconvenient Truth about Climate Change - Peter Morici - Page 2

Climate change cannot be denied. The inconvenient truth President Obama refuses to accept is that U.S. efforts to significantly alter its course are fruitless, and severely handicap America's ability to mitigate its consequences.

CO2 composes 80 percent of harmful emissions. Failing to win congressional approval for a system of permits to reduce emissions, the president has unilaterally targeted coal-fired electric utilities and fuel use in transportation to reduce U.S. emissions by 17 percent from 2005 levels.

Those actions are unnecessary and harmful.

Together, those free market decisions have reduced CO2 emissions by more than 9 percent from 2005 levels.

Other developing countries, like India, are similarly adding to the problem; however, China accounts for about 85 percent of the annual increase in global CO2 emissions.

Put bluntly, if man-made emissions are the culprit, then by China's actions alone global warming is going to happen with the force and fury many fear. The United States can do little to stop it, and efforts to do so will only reduce U.S. resources available to mitigate its consequences.
The site is merely another right wing sewer site. Each day they serve up a fresh buffet of shit and each day the brain dead stop by for lunch. However, if you would like an inconvenient truth about climate change, here it is: The brain deads on the right will fight against climate change right up until the water is up to their necks. Then they will switch arguments and start condemning Democrats for not fixing the problem.
The following are snippets from the article. What Obama is doing is harmful to the country as can be witnessed by the slowest economic recovery from a recession in history, and the weakest.

The Inconvenient Truth about Climate Change - Peter Morici - Page 2

Climate change cannot be denied. The inconvenient truth President Obama refuses to accept is that U.S. efforts to significantly alter its course are fruitless, and severely handicap America's ability to mitigate its consequences.

CO2 composes 80 percent of harmful emissions. Failing to win congressional approval for a system of permits to reduce emissions, the president has unilaterally targeted coal-fired electric utilities and fuel use in transportation to reduce U.S. emissions by 17 percent from 2005 levels.

Those actions are unnecessary and harmful.

Together, those free market decisions have reduced CO2 emissions by more than 9 percent from 2005 levels.

Other developing countries, like India, are similarly adding to the problem; however, China accounts for about 85 percent of the annual increase in global CO2 emissions.

Put bluntly, if man-made emissions are the culprit, then by China's actions alone global warming is going to happen with the force and fury many fear. The United States can do little to stop it, and efforts to do so will only reduce U.S. resources available to mitigate its consequences.
Well put.

Here is the core problem that the power brokers don’t really want to face. All those measuers that the left continually demand must be done in order to address the possibilities of AGW amount to little more than fating against the wind. They do virtually nothing.

There is one thing that is almost certain. If AGW is not only real but is also going to have devastating effects than the one thing that can combat it is going to be technological in nature. Obliterating our economy only ensures that we never get there. Also, the USA is one of the few industrial powerhouses that bother to actually address the pollution that it puts out. China does not really care even when they say they do and India sure as hell is not going to stunt its growth. Third world nations where much manufacturing goes because of the dirt cheap productions costs don’t care at all. Here, we have the EPA and a host of rules that business and the population must follow. When you chase out business here then by default you are increasing the carbon emissions.

It is also worthy to not that carbon is the big subject when the other GHG that are FAR more potent like methane are almost completely ignored by policymakers. Of course there is not nearly as much power to be had in regulating cow farts as energy production. That couldn’t be why they don’t bother though…
The following are snippets from the article. What Obama is doing is harmful to the country as can be witnessed by the slowest economic recovery from a recession in history, and the weakest.

The Inconvenient Truth about Climate Change - Peter Morici - Page 2

Climate change cannot be denied. The inconvenient truth President Obama refuses to accept is that U.S. efforts to significantly alter its course are fruitless, and severely handicap America's ability to mitigate its consequences.

CO2 composes 80 percent of harmful emissions. Failing to win congressional approval for a system of permits to reduce emissions, the president has unilaterally targeted coal-fired electric utilities and fuel use in transportation to reduce U.S. emissions by 17 percent from 2005 levels.

Those actions are unnecessary and harmful.

Together, those free market decisions have reduced CO2 emissions by more than 9 percent from 2005 levels.

Other developing countries, like India, are similarly adding to the problem; however, China accounts for about 85 percent of the annual increase in global CO2 emissions.

Put bluntly, if man-made emissions are the culprit, then by China's actions alone global warming is going to happen with the force and fury many fear. The United States can do little to stop it, and efforts to do so will only reduce U.S. resources available to mitigate its consequences.
The site is merely another right wing sewer site. Each day they serve up a fresh buffet of shit and each day the brain dead stop by for lunch. However, if you would like an inconvenient truth about climate change, here it is: The brain deads on the right will fight against climate change right up until the water is up to their necks. Then they will switch arguments and start condemning Democrats for not fixing the problem.

Well that certainly proved that AGW is true.

You just went right to the top of the list of the forum's biggest morons.
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The following are snippets from the article. What Obama is doing is harmful to the country as can be witnessed by the slowest economic recovery from a recession in history, and the weakest.

The Inconvenient Truth about Climate Change - Peter Morici - Page 2

Climate change cannot be denied. The inconvenient truth President Obama refuses to accept is that U.S. efforts to significantly alter its course are fruitless, and severely handicap America's ability to mitigate its consequences.

CO2 composes 80 percent of harmful emissions. Failing to win congressional approval for a system of permits to reduce emissions, the president has unilaterally targeted coal-fired electric utilities and fuel use in transportation to reduce U.S. emissions by 17 percent from 2005 levels.

Those actions are unnecessary and harmful.

Together, those free market decisions have reduced CO2 emissions by more than 9 percent from 2005 levels.

Other developing countries, like India, are similarly adding to the problem; however, China accounts for about 85 percent of the annual increase in global CO2 emissions.

Put bluntly, if man-made emissions are the culprit, then by China's actions alone global warming is going to happen with the force and fury many fear. The United States can do little to stop it, and efforts to do so will only reduce U.S. resources available to mitigate its consequences.
The site is merely another right wing sewer site. Each day they serve up a fresh buffet of shit and each day the brain dead stop by for lunch. However, if you would like an inconvenient truth about climate change, here it is: The brain deads on the right will fight against climate change right up until the water is up to their necks. Then they will switch arguments and start condemning Democrats for not fixing the problem.

Could you possibly stray from the talking points for a moment and actually address the content of the article?

This thread isn't arguing about whether global warming is man-made, but pointing out that what the liberals propose isn't going to help it and will make it impossible for us to deal with it should the doomsday predictions come to pass.
The democrats have made GLOBAL WARMING the default situation, covered exclusively by the MSM to get a REALLY SERIOUS SCANDAL out of the publics eye....

The following are snippets from the article. What Obama is doing is harmful to the country as can be witnessed by the slowest economic recovery from a recession in history, and the weakest.

The Inconvenient Truth about Climate Change - Peter Morici - Page 2

Climate change cannot be denied. The inconvenient truth President Obama refuses to accept is that U.S. efforts to significantly alter its course are fruitless, and severely handicap America's ability to mitigate its consequences.

CO2 composes 80 percent of harmful emissions. Failing to win congressional approval for a system of permits to reduce emissions, the president has unilaterally targeted coal-fired electric utilities and fuel use in transportation to reduce U.S. emissions by 17 percent from 2005 levels.

Those actions are unnecessary and harmful.

Together, those free market decisions have reduced CO2 emissions by more than 9 percent from 2005 levels.

Other developing countries, like India, are similarly adding to the problem; however, China accounts for about 85 percent of the annual increase in global CO2 emissions.

Put bluntly, if man-made emissions are the culprit, then by China's actions alone global warming is going to happen with the force and fury many fear. The United States can do little to stop it, and efforts to do so will only reduce U.S. resources available to mitigate its consequences.
The site is merely another right wing sewer site. Each day they serve up a fresh buffet of shit and each day the brain dead stop by for lunch. However, if you would like an inconvenient truth about climate change, here it is: The brain deads on the right will fight against climate change right up until the water is up to their necks. Then they will switch arguments and start condemning Democrats for not fixing the problem.

The site is merely another right wing sewer site. <-----------<<<< as claimed by a fucking brain dead libertool, you really want to discuss sewer sites ? don't get me started dumbass, there is no problem to be "fixed", as stated above, the fucking asshole can only makes things worse by meddling in something that for certain is waaaaay over his little pea brain can comprehend, he has to rely on the whopper sized lies by his hired "scientists" to further his agenda by misinforming the low information, lie accepting liberslopeheads.
looks like i shut down this climate change bullshit real fast :up:

Why bother to participate?

When the choice is to engage with stupid, asshole motherfuckers like you, why bother?
You can deny till you die and your denials won't make a fucking difference to anyone.
looks like i shut down this climate change bullshit real fast :up:

Why bother to participate?

When the choice is to engage with stupid, asshole motherfuckers like you, why bother?
You can deny till you die and your denials won't make a fucking difference to anyone.

Was he the only one to post in this thread? Not at all but no one really wants to engage the topic at all. It is convenient for the AGW crowd to ignore the reality here – that the proposed solutions are not going to do jack shit to address the actual problem or the fallout from it.

All the AGW proponents want to argue about is whether or not global warming is actually occurring. I understand though – the evidence is rather strong that the earth is warming. Past that, you don’t want to acknowledge that the ‘consensus’ is not nearly as strong when it comes to the impact, fallout or changes that we are going to have to face. Then the ‘solutions’ that are demanded have virtually no impact whatsoever on the global output of carbon. If the dooms day people are to be believed there is little point anyway as the feedback loop basically is already here.

Even if we completely give you AGW and the idea that it will be devastating your solutions are still asinine and hurt rather than help the outcome. Carbon taxes and increased energy costs will not solve AGW or lessen its impact one iota.
The following are snippets from the article. What Obama is doing is harmful to the country as can be witnessed by the slowest economic recovery from a recession in history, and the weakest.

This is not a priority.

Those who are fighting so passionately for a European-style social democracy realize that such a system will remove the USA from the top of the list of dynamic economies and overall standard of living, assuming it has not already. It's a price they're willing to pay, not only so that we are more equal under one centralized authoritarian government, but also so that we will finally pay the price for the myriad evils from which they want to free us via "fundamental change". We need to be brought down a few pegs.

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looks like i shut down this climate change bullshit real fast :up:

Why bother to participate?

When the choice is to engage with stupid, asshole motherfuckers like you, why bother?
You can deny till you die and your denials won't make a fucking difference to anyone.

:lol::lol::lol: The butthurt is strong in you I see! Here's the deal, if you had anything tangible to present you would. Instead you trot out science fiction and expect us to take you seriously. We don't. We can't.....we actually have brains and know how to use them!

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