The coolest craziest thing happened


Senior Member
Jul 9, 2009
I met my girlfriend last night to go and have dinner and then we went for a walk, we decided to stop in a Starbucks on 42nd st (I live in NYC)for some mint tea as my GF stomach was bothering her(I dont drink coffee so I am rarely if ever in a Starbucks) I ordered and I hear this guy from behind say my name, I turn around and it was a guy I was in the Marines with 25 years ago, even though we havent been in touch he recognized my voice these 25 years later. He just happened to be in town on business and staying in the hotel upstairs. Pretty amazing.
I met my girlfriend last night to go and have dinner and then we went for a walk, we decided to stop in a Starbucks on 42nd st (I live in NYC)for some mint tea as my GF stomach was bothering her(I dont drink coffee so I am rarely if ever in a Starbucks) I ordered and I hear this guy from behind say my name, I turn around and it was a guy I was in the Marines with 25 years ago, even though we havent been in touch he recognized my voice these 25 years later. He just happened to be in town on business and staying in the hotel upstairs. Pretty amazing.
I was in Korea for an exercise in 1991 and I heard two guys having a rather animated discussion on the other side of this "Deuce and a Half" and I said to myself "There's only one person in the world with a drawl like that!" So I go around the truck and there here is, my bro Terry whom I was stationed with 7 years earlier.

But hey, finding a friend a military base is just inevitable isn't it? But finding a friend in NYC is like finding that needle in a haystack!

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