The corruption of capitalism


VIP Member
Oct 5, 2016
Capitalism, like all systems, has both an ideal and a real form. The ideal form of capitalism is limited governments and free markets. Such a system tends to maximize the ability of individuals in the economy to acquire private wealth, however small. Which most people would agree to.

In the real world, however, capitalism hardly works this way at all, and is subject to corruption and entropic decay. Governments never limit themselves, and always rely on either debt or taxation to increase the size and scope of their power, and make promises that can't be kept. Meanwhile, big corporations collude to rig markets in their favor, which gives them monopolies over the production and pricing of goods. Combined with marketing and propaganda, it forces everyone in society on a treadmill of inflation and endless consumption, which never satisfies.

I'm afraid we've reached that point. One doesn't need to be particularly bright to understand this.
Capitalism, like all systems, has both an ideal and a real form. The ideal form of capitalism is limited governments and free markets. Such a system tends to maximize the ability of individuals in the economy to acquire private wealth, however small. Which most people would agree to.

In the real world, however, capitalism hardly works this way at all, and is subject to corruption and entropic decay. Governments never limit themselves, and always rely on either debt or taxation to increase the size and scope of their power, and make promises that can't be kept. Meanwhile, big corporations collude to rig markets in their favor, which gives them monopolies over the production and pricing of goods. Combined with marketing and propaganda, it forces everyone in society on a treadmill of inflation and endless consumption, which never satisfies.

I'm afraid we've reached that point. One doesn't need to be particularly bright to understand this.
"I'm afraid we've reached that point. One doesn't need to be particularly bright to understand this."

No, just brainwashed. That's the standard leftist line of attack. Your argument is with crony capitalism, not free market capitalism. Government involvement in the marketplace isn't what we mean by free market capitalism.

The monopolies exist exactly because of government. Small business simply can't compete with the tax burden, rules and regulations. The bigger government gets, the better for mega corporations. Why do you think they pump so much money into politics?
Capitalism, like all systems, has both an ideal and a real form. The ideal form of capitalism is limited governments and free markets. Such a system tends to maximize the ability of individuals in the economy to acquire private wealth, however small. Which most people would agree to.

In the real world, however, capitalism hardly works this way at all, and is subject to corruption and entropic decay. Governments never limit themselves, and always rely on either debt or taxation to increase the size and scope of their power, and make promises that can't be kept. Meanwhile, big corporations collude to rig markets in their favor, which gives them monopolies over the production and pricing of goods. Combined with marketing and propaganda, it forces everyone in society on a treadmill of inflation and endless consumption, which never satisfies.

I'm afraid we've reached that point. One doesn't need to be particularly bright to understand this.

""ENTROPIC DECAY""" <<<<<< try to cut the bs
Capitalism and biology are both natural systems. Therefore, inherently nasty, unfair, messy, etc.

Why do liberals always expect capitalism to be fair but not biology?
Meanwhile, big corporations collude to rig markets in their favor which gives them monopolies over the production .

that is pure marxist parroting from 19th century. Collusion and monopoly are illegal here and both side agree to keep it so. Do you have anything meaningful to say.

Odd anyway since under socialism the collusion is a natural integral part of the system

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