The Cost of Off Shore Tax Dodges


Apr 4, 2006
The Other Side of Paradise
what tax dodging corporatists cost you:


What Some Folks Do With Their Piles Of Money Is Downright Un-American
You assume wrongly of course that you would pay less in taxes if the money in offshore investments was taxed.
Now tell us again who the real parasites are

Are they doing anything illegal? No. If you don't like our tax laws, change them.

Remember, fool, dems have controlled congress for most of the last 75 years, the laws that allow this were put in the tax code by democrats.
Kulaks! They're destroying the Motherland!

The Jews! They're destroying the Fatherland

The Capitalists! They're destroying China!

The Corporatists! They're destroying the American Progressive Utopia
You assume wrongly of course that you would pay less in taxes if the money in offshore investments was taxed.

and that money is taxed if it is brought back into this country, thats why it stays where it is. We are the only country that tries to tax foreign profits. Eliminate that tax and billions would flow back into the USA to be spent and create jobs. But no, we must punish the evil rich.:cuckoo:
Look at these Republicans. They might as well come out and say "fuck you America, we hope you die". They don't support this country. Why do they even stay here? I think they would be happier in Russia with their hero Putin.
Well when you people start cleaning up the Democrat party filled, (tax cheats, tax avoiders, lies about their taxes, puts their boats in another state to AVOID paying taxes on it, etc) then you can be taken seriously about any of this stuff
Now tell us again who the real parasites are

Are they doing anything illegal? No. If you don't like our tax laws, change them.

Remember, fool, dems have controlled congress for most of the last 75 years, the laws that allow this were put in the tax code by democrats.

This is rich. Let my apply that same logic to something you really hate; welfare.

Are welfare recipients doing anything illegal? You don't like the welfare law, change them.

How does that fit for you?

My fucking tax dollars cover the shortfall that the ultra rich and wealthy international corporations create by keeping profits from being taxed.

And your fucking tax dollar feeds the poor through welfare.

Is that funny or what. We both have to pay for something we don't like. The American way. Or the way it used to be.
You assume wrongly of course that you would pay less in taxes if the money in offshore investments was taxed.

and that money is taxed if it is brought back into this country, thats why it stays where it is. We are the only country that tries to tax foreign profits. Eliminate that tax and billions would flow back into the USA to be spent and create jobs. But no, we must punish the evil rich.:cuckoo:

except the numbers you are seeing is what each of us has to pay to make up for their failure to pay.

i have no problem having money. perhaps if you had any to pay into taxes,you'd prefer it be paid by the people who SHOULD pay it.

instead of doing the rightwingnut failure rant about "the evil rich".

thanks for trolling by
Now tell us again who the real parasites are

Are they doing anything illegal? No. If you don't like our tax laws, change them.

Remember, fool, dems have controlled congress for most of the last 75 years, the laws that allow this were put in the tax code by democrats.

This is rich. Let my apply that same logic to something you really hate; welfare.

Are welfare recipients doing anything illegal? You don't like the welfare law, change them.

How does that fit for you?

My fucking tax dollars cover the shortfall that the ultra rich and wealthy international corporations create by keeping profits from being taxed.

And your fucking tax dollar feeds the poor through welfare.

Is that funny or what. We both have to pay for something we don't like. The American way. Or the way it used to be.

and that is exactly correct

except corporations don't need welfare to survive.
You assume wrongly of course that you would pay less in taxes if the money in offshore investments was taxed.

and that money is taxed if it is brought back into this country, thats why it stays where it is. We are the only country that tries to tax foreign profits. Eliminate that tax and billions would flow back into the USA to be spent and create jobs. But no, we must punish the evil rich.:cuckoo:

except the numbers you are seeing is what each of us has to pay to make up for their failure to pay.

i have no problem having money. perhaps if you had any to pay into taxes,you'd prefer it be paid by the people who SHOULD pay it.

instead of doing the rightwingnut failure rant about "the evil rich".

thanks for trolling by

you are not paying any more now because that money is not taxed nor would you pay any less if it was.
You assume wrongly of course that you would pay less in taxes if the money in offshore investments was taxed.

i assume the righwingnuts would stop ranting about the deficit and trying to cut things that help actual people as opposed to people who don't need help.

I don't really care about rants that are untrue, like the one you are making here.
You assume wrongly of course that you would pay less in taxes if the money in offshore investments was taxed.

and that money is taxed if it is brought back into this country, thats why it stays where it is. We are the only country that tries to tax foreign profits. Eliminate that tax and billions would flow back into the USA to be spent and create jobs. But no, we must punish the evil rich.:cuckoo:

except the numbers you are seeing is what each of us has to pay to make up for their failure to pay.

i have no problem having money. perhaps if you had any to pay into taxes,you'd prefer it be paid by the people who SHOULD pay it.

instead of doing the rightwingnut failure rant about "the evil rich".

thanks for trolling by

Or we could cut the budget by that amount. I know, a foreign concept to progressives.

And if we did tax that money, we would end up paying for it anyway, as the companies would pass the costs onto us. Corporations will make their profit regardless.
Now tell us again who the real parasites are

Are they doing anything illegal? No. If you don't like our tax laws, change them.

Remember, fool, dems have controlled congress for most of the last 75 years, the laws that allow this were put in the tax code by democrats.

This is rich. Let my apply that same logic to something you really hate; welfare.

Are welfare recipients doing anything illegal? You don't like the welfare law, change them.

How does that fit for you?

My fucking tax dollars cover the shortfall that the ultra rich and wealthy international corporations create by keeping profits from being taxed.

And your fucking tax dollar feeds the poor through welfare.

Is that funny or what. We both have to pay for something we don't like. The American way. Or the way it used to be.

I don't hate welfare, I fully support helping those who are physically or mentally unable to care for themselves. I do object, however, to giving welfare to anyone who is capable of working but chooses not to.

But you went off topic, what I said is true, american money is in foreign countries because of our tax laws. Want that money spent in the USA? Then do what every other nation does, do not tax profits made outside of your country.

There are trillions that could be spent in this country creating millions of jobs, but its more important to idiots like you to punish successful people. you are :cuckoo:
Are they doing anything illegal? No. If you don't like our tax laws, change them.

Remember, fool, dems have controlled congress for most of the last 75 years, the laws that allow this were put in the tax code by democrats.

This is rich. Let my apply that same logic to something you really hate; welfare.

Are welfare recipients doing anything illegal? You don't like the welfare law, change them.

How does that fit for you?

My fucking tax dollars cover the shortfall that the ultra rich and wealthy international corporations create by keeping profits from being taxed.

And your fucking tax dollar feeds the poor through welfare.

Is that funny or what. We both have to pay for something we don't like. The American way. Or the way it used to be.

I don't hate welfare, I fully support helping those who are physically or mentally unable to care for themselves. I do object, however, to giving welfare to anyone who is capable of working but chooses not to.

But you went off topic, what I said is true, american money is in foreign countries because of our tax laws. Want that money spent in the USA? Then do what every other nation does, do not tax profits made outside of your country.

There are trillions that could be spent in this country creating millions of jobs, but its more important to idiots like you to punish successful people. you are :cuckoo:

You don't "hate" welfare? And I don't "hate" tax dodgers.

But I take it that if you could receive your pay check (if you work) in an off shore account to avoid paying taxes on it, that you would do that. It that correct? What a loyal American you are. Actually, loyalty to your country means nothing to people like you. That's why you support what you do support.

And dude, I do not know why this is so hard for people like you to understand but there is only ONE FUCKING REASON that companies hire more workers.

And it ain't because they have access to more cash.

Want me to share what that one thing is that causes companies to hire more workers ((even though you will deny what I say) demand for a companies good and services that can't be met by the current workforce cause companies to hire more workers. Period.

Now there, that wasn't so hard to understand, was it?
It's the Progressive One Note Samba! It's the fault of the (Kulaks, Jews, Capitalists, Corporation)

American Progressives should be allowed to steal their property. The Progressive is the only one who can help the Worker

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk
This is rich. Let my apply that same logic to something you really hate; welfare.

Are welfare recipients doing anything illegal? You don't like the welfare law, change them.

How does that fit for you?

My fucking tax dollars cover the shortfall that the ultra rich and wealthy international corporations create by keeping profits from being taxed.

And your fucking tax dollar feeds the poor through welfare.

Is that funny or what. We both have to pay for something we don't like. The American way. Or the way it used to be.

I don't hate welfare, I fully support helping those who are physically or mentally unable to care for themselves. I do object, however, to giving welfare to anyone who is capable of working but chooses not to.

But you went off topic, what I said is true, american money is in foreign countries because of our tax laws. Want that money spent in the USA? Then do what every other nation does, do not tax profits made outside of your country.

There are trillions that could be spent in this country creating millions of jobs, but its more important to idiots like you to punish successful people. you are :cuckoo:

You don't "hate" welfare? And I don't "hate" tax dodgers.

But I take it that if you could receive your pay check (if you work) in an off shore account to avoid paying taxes on it, that you would do that. It that correct? What a loyal American you are. Actually, loyalty to your country means nothing to people like you. That's why you support what you do support.

And dude, I do not know why this is so hard for people like you to understand but there is only ONE FUCKING REASON that companies hire more workers.

And it ain't because they have access to more cash.

Want me to share what that one thing is that causes companies to hire more workers ((even though you will deny what I say) demand for a companies good and services that can't be met by the current workforce cause companies to hire more workers. Period.

Now there, that wasn't so hard to understand, was it?

What are you so pissed about? Yes, companies hire more employees when their business grows. Do you think businesses would grow if the trillions sitting offshore could be brought back into this country tax free?

And its not paychecks that are sent offshore, no one does that, it would be illegal.

Access to more cash would allow businesses to build new facilities, start new product lines, HIRE MORE PEOPLE.

But until you get over your insane hatred of successful people, you will never understand it.
It's the Progressive One Note Samba! It's the fault of the (Kulaks, Jews, Capitalists, Corporation)

American Progressives should be allowed to steal their property. The Progressive is the only one who can help the Worker

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk

Marx would love today's progressives and liberals.

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