The Cost of the Wall and The Cost of the Obama Illegal Invasion


Platinum Member
Jun 23, 2013
"As far as the cost of the wall is concerned, a study released in September 2017 by the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) reveals that, "At the federal, state, and local levels, taxpayers shell out approximately $134.9 billion to cover the costs incurred by the presence of more than 12.5 million illegal aliens, and about 4.2 million citizen children of illegal aliens." This, the report also rather more than the single payment of $25 billion that it will cost to build a wall – five and a half times more, and every year."

The Cost Of Illegal Immigration


I submit that Barack Obama was guilty of treason. When he said he was going to "fundamentally change America", he did two things:

1) He told the Truth for the only time in his whole administration; and

2) He started to accomplished his promise by refusing to enforce the laws he swore to enforce; and in fact he encouraged their violation by inviting the invasion of this country by Mexico and Central America. This is Treason...or it should be.

His entire policy can be described in three words, and Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi now follow the same course:


By the illegal invasion from Mexico and then through Chain Migration.

The Democrats Motto of today is:

"If Americans won't vote for us, then we will bring in a population that will."

Is that why the Oblama's deportation numbers were bigger than Trump's in the first year of their presidency ?
Is that why the Oblama's deportation numbers were bigger than Trump's in the first year of their presidency ?
all that matters to me is the quality of the 25-35 yr old hot illegal women from Mexico I can date
Is that why the Oblama's deportation numbers were bigger than Trump's in the first year of their presidency ?

Obama's deportation numbers were as bogus as a CNN Poll on Trump.

If Trustworthy Agents they caught 6 Mexicans rowing across the Rio Grande and told them to turn around and go back, they had to report it as 6 Deportations.

Fuck any Obama Statistic...its Banana Republic.
what ever happened to the proposal to just dig out a river/canal and just relocate 789,000 Crocodiles into it?
"As far as the cost of the wall is concerned, a study released in September 2017 by the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) reveals that, "At the federal, state, and local levels, taxpayers shell out approximately $134.9 billion to cover the costs incurred by the presence of more than 12.5 million illegal aliens, and about 4.2 million citizen children of illegal aliens." This, the report also rather more than the single payment of $25 billion that it will cost to build a wall – five and a half times more, and every year."

The Cost Of Illegal Immigration


I submit that Barack Obama was guilty of treason. When he said he was going to "fundamentally change America", he did two things:

1) He told the Truth for the only time in his whole administration; and

2) He started to accomplished his promise by refusing to enforce the laws he swore to enforce; and in fact he encouraged their violation by inviting the invasion of this country by Mexico and Central America. This is Treason...or it should be.

His entire policy can be described in three words, and Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi now follow the same course:


By the illegal invasion from Mexico and then through Chain Migration.

The Democrats Motto of today is:

"If Americans won't vote for us, then we will bring in a population that will."


what illegal invasion, moron?

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