The Costs of Illegal Aliens to US States


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2011
In state costs alone, California leads the list at $23 billion per year, followed by Texas at $11 billion, and New York at $7.4 billion. Spent on Illegal Aliens
The NY Budget deficit is 6.1 Billion. Remove the cost of Illegal Aliens and NY is has a surplus of 1.1 Billion

"And it also documents the taxes paid and how they don't come close to offsetting the costs. What's more, FAIR noted that 35 percent of the illegal population operate in an underground economy hidden from tax collectors. And worse, employers hire illegals and either pay them cheaply or under the table."
In state costs alone, California leads the list at $23 billion per year, followed by Texas at $11 billion, and New York at $7.4 billion. Spent on Illegal Aliens
The NY Budget deficit is 6.1 Billion. Remove the cost of Illegal Aliens and NY is has a surplus of 1.1 Billion

"And it also documents the taxes paid and how they don't come close to offsetting the costs. What's more, FAIR noted that 35 percent of the illegal population operate in an underground economy hidden from tax collectors. And worse, employers hire illegals and either pay them cheaply or under the table."

Meanwhile our own people; Veterans are sleeping, pissing, shitting and dying in our streets while the Left champion the invasion....they beg for more free shit, higher wages, better healthcare, better public education...the filthy bastards like JoeB131 honestly believe we have an infinite amount of cash to fund wetbacks with.
35 percent of the illegal population operate in an underground economy hidden from tax collectors. And worse, employers hire illegals and either pay them cheaply or under the table.
Regardless of their criminal records, they can freely possess and deal in firearms in that underground economy, from which they have blacklisted and banned us to kingdom come.

Both limousine liberal Democrats and small-business franchise Republicans hire illegals and pay them under the table while they serve us off the property with criminal trespass warrants.

And we are legitimate U.S. citizens, or were, before they revoked our civil rights in the same court system that allowed the illegals to come into the country and bear arms against us, as security guards, police officers, etc.
That one is an undocumented immigrant doesn’t mean he’s ‘illegal.’

An immigrant isn’t ‘illegal’ until such time as he as been found guilty in a court of law of entering the country absent authorization and does not have a legitimate asylum claim.

Indeed, most illegal immigrants are removed from the country once their application for refugee/asylee status is denied.

So the issue is undocumented immigrants, not ‘illegal’ immigrants.

And the costs involved are the consequence of Congressional Republicans who refuse to advance meaningful, comprehensive immigration reform.
So the issue is undocumented immigrants, not ‘illegal’ immigrants.
I myself am undocumented, as I have no access to my birth certificate from the district of the city of the municipal of the the county of my documented birth or to the lawful delivery of U.S. mail by the American Postal Workers Association, let alone any proper access to redress in a documented corrupt labor-union local court system.
That one is an undocumented immigrant doesn’t mean he’s ‘illegal.’

An immigrant isn’t ‘illegal’ until such time as he as been found guilty in a court of law of entering the country absent authorization and does not have a legitimate asylum claim.

Indeed, most illegal immigrants are removed from the country once their application for refugee/asylee status is denied.

So the issue is undocumented immigrants, not ‘illegal’ immigrants.

And the costs involved are the consequence of Congressional Republicans who refuse to advance meaningful, comprehensive immigration reform.

Please stop with your unAmerican bullshit you fucking pathetic shitstain....If I'm on your property without an invite I'm trespassing you lying sack of wetback loving miserable don't need a court to tell you I'm breaking the law.
What part of that disgusting brown shithole Mehico are you from and how long have you and your litters of filth been fucking REAL Americans over?
Also, you can't do a cost analysis, half assed.

You need to know what these people produce for the economy and state vs what they cost the state....

Are they producing enough for their employers, who are taxed on what profits they produce, for the state to cover the costs or part of the costs, to get the true NET COST to the State.
So the issue is undocumented immigrants, not ‘illegal’ immigrants.
I myself am undocumented, as I have no access to my birth certificate from the district of the city of the municipal of the the county of my documented birth or to the lawful delivery of U.S. mail by the American Postal Workers Association, let alone any proper access to redress in a documented corrupt labor-union local court system.
I have to use a newspaper article to show I was born here as the county clerks did not record my live birth.
So the issue is undocumented immigrants, not ‘illegal’ immigrants.
I myself am undocumented, as I have no access to my birth certificate from the district of the city of the municipal of the the county of my documented birth or to the lawful delivery of U.S. mail by the American Postal Workers Association, let alone any proper access to redress in a documented corrupt labor-union local court system.
I have to use a newspaper article to show I was born here as the county clerks did not record my live birth.
The hospital where I was born was turned into a psychiatric ward, the street gangsters took over the courthouse, filed a whole slew of mental health and threat-related charges against me, tortured me nearly to death in jail, and went to federal court to have my civil rights revoked just because they could.

I can't get any documents from that district, and I couldn't keep them on my person if I did. Some of the court papers they served on me were contaminated with a poison that almost killed me on contact.

They're still in business in that county and doing well.
In state costs alone, California leads the list at $23 billion per year, followed by Texas at $11 billion, and New York at $7.4 billion. Spent on Illegal Aliens
The NY Budget deficit is 6.1 Billion. Remove the cost of Illegal Aliens and NY is has a surplus of 1.1 Billion

"And it also documents the taxes paid and how they don't come close to offsetting the costs. What's more, FAIR noted that 35 percent of the illegal population operate in an underground economy hidden from tax collectors. And worse, employers hire illegals and either pay them cheaply or under the table."

The reason this argument never prevails is simple:

There are two sides to the accounting ledger. Once we tally up the wealth created by foreigners, we find out why they have become a better deal for this country. I do have to point out that FAIR (Federation of American Immigration Reform) was founded and funded by a White supremacist with an ulterior motive, so take his stats with a grain of salt.

Also, since you made a false claim, your argument has trouble with credibility. The fact is most undocumented foreigners get an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number and pay the same Socialist Security taxes you pay... and then they can never draw a single nickle out in retirement. That alone is about $12 BILLION DOLLARS a year put into the economy. The old guard (i.e. constitutional patriots) had this war won a couple of decades by almost getting rid of the income tax, the IRS, and the tax collectors. But, the National Socialists prevailed. So, now we still have an unconstitutional income tax, a plank out of the Communist Manifesto; we have misguided people whining about an "underground economy." Those complaining about such an economy don't understand economics and end up dependent upon the government rather than working in an "underground economy" and not financing tyranny and oppression.

Nonpartisan studies always end up with the same conclusion: Undocumented foreigners pay as much into the system as they receive in benefits. But, the real reason they are here is that they create wealth for employers. It is the Americans that are drug addicts that dropped out of school, have no work ethic, refuse to look for a job - and even when they do they don't have a high school diploma, any skill sets, no work ethic, no experience, and no need for a job. Most get money from the government or mommy. What they do have is a drug habit, a criminal record, multiple body piercings, tattoos, purple hair, rotted teeth and the moral compass of an animal. They can't pass a criminal background check and they are usually posting on discussion boards, playing video games, getting high, or other things so they never apply for jobs. Scapegoating the foreigners will not fix your own culture. If you fix your own culture and put an educated and motivated generation into the workforce, your immigration problem goes away all by itself.
That one is an undocumented immigrant doesn’t mean he’s ‘illegal.’

An immigrant isn’t ‘illegal’ until such time as he as been found guilty in a court of law of entering the country absent authorization and does not have a legitimate asylum claim.

Indeed, most illegal immigrants are removed from the country once their application for refugee/asylee status is denied.

So the issue is undocumented immigrants, not ‘illegal’ immigrants.

And the costs involved are the consequence of Congressional Republicans who refuse to advance meaningful, comprehensive immigration reform.

Please stop with your unAmerican bullshit you fucking pathetic shitstain....If I'm on your property without an invite I'm trespassing you lying sack of wetback loving miserable don't need a court to tell you I'm breaking the law.
What part of that disgusting brown shithole Mehico are you from and how long have you and your litters of filth been fucking REAL Americans over?

If an American rents to an undocumented foreigner and an employer hires them and you voluntarily do business with places that use their services - that IS an invite.
That one is an undocumented immigrant doesn’t mean he’s ‘illegal.’

An immigrant isn’t ‘illegal’ until such time as he as been found guilty in a court of law of entering the country absent authorization and does not have a legitimate asylum claim.

Indeed, most illegal immigrants are removed from the country once their application for refugee/asylee status is denied.

So the issue is undocumented immigrants, not ‘illegal’ immigrants.

And the costs involved are the consequence of Congressional Republicans who refuse to advance meaningful, comprehensive immigration reform.

Please stop with your unAmerican bullshit you fucking pathetic shitstain....If I'm on your property without an invite I'm trespassing you lying sack of wetback loving miserable don't need a court to tell you I'm breaking the law.
What part of that disgusting brown shithole Mehico are you from and how long have you and your litters of filth been fucking REAL Americans over?

If an American rents to an undocumented foreigner and an employer hires them and you voluntarily do business with places that use their services - that IS an invite.

Should we go on "because you say so"?
That one is an undocumented immigrant doesn’t mean he’s ‘illegal.’

An immigrant isn’t ‘illegal’ until such time as he as been found guilty in a court of law of entering the country absent authorization and does not have a legitimate asylum claim.

Indeed, most illegal immigrants are removed from the country once their application for refugee/asylee status is denied.

So the issue is undocumented immigrants, not ‘illegal’ immigrants.

And the costs involved are the consequence of Congressional Republicans who refuse to advance meaningful, comprehensive immigration reform.

Please stop with your unAmerican bullshit you fucking pathetic shitstain....If I'm on your property without an invite I'm trespassing you lying sack of wetback loving miserable don't need a court to tell you I'm breaking the law.
What part of that disgusting brown shithole Mehico are you from and how long have you and your litters of filth been fucking REAL Americans over?

If an American rents to an undocumented foreigner and an employer hires them and you voluntarily do business with places that use their services - that IS an invite.

Should we go on "because you say so"?

Let's look at the converse of that.

Would you claim that the employer broke the law to hire an undocumented foreigner? If you said yes, then you'd be a National Socialist. One of the great hallmarks of our Republic is the Right to own property. The employer owns the job he or she creates. So, why can they NOT hire the foreigner? The employer owns the job. So, if employers willingly hire the foreigner, you don't think that is a green light to other foreigners to come here in seek of employment?

Ah, but yes... they have to come "legally." Right? Let's talk for a moment about those immigration laws. You're in reference to those laws, passed by Democrats with Ted Kennedy as the chief lobbyist. Are you a Democrat? And, let's go one further:

The ONLY jurisdiction the federal government has over foreigners is naturalization. Naturalization = citizenship. So, how did the federal government get control over foreigners? Well, that happened when the United States Supreme Court granted "plenary powers" to Congress over all aspects dealing with foreigners. So, where does the Constitution give the United States Supreme Court the authority to grant any powers to another branch of government? Maybe you're like George Bush and the Constitution is just a G.D. piece of paper???

Let's face reality: You don't care about whether or not the foreigners have permission. You want them to have YOUR permission. The problem is, the guys who pioneered your talking points screwed that up for you back in 2003. That would take another posting - a long one for those who are intimidated by a dozen paragraphs. Can you handle that? Most MAGA supporters struggle with anything longer than a Tweet. I'd say when someone willingly gives you a job; another rents you place to live; the general citizenry spends their money at the establishment you work for, why would you NOT feel like you'd been invited?
Meanwhile our own people; Veterans are sleeping, pissing, shitting and dying in our streets while the Left champion the invasion....they beg for more free shit, higher wages, better healthcare, better public education...the filthy bastards like @JoeB131 honestly believe we have an infinite amount of cash to fund wetbacks with.

The wetbacks earn their own keep. If you are a white veteran and you shitting in the street, that's on them.

It's a matter of investment, really. YOu can dump a shitload of money into a mentally ill person and still end up with just a mentally ill person. Someone who might grow up to be a productive member of society, is a far better investment
25 years ago, quaint as it seems, American politicians used to represent what was best for Americans. Now? Mexicans or multiculturalism or Chinese mandates whats best.
Meanwhile our own people; Veterans are sleeping, pissing, shitting and dying in our streets while the Left champion the invasion....they beg for more free shit, higher wages, better healthcare, better public education...the filthy bastards like @JoeB131 honestly believe we have an infinite amount of cash to fund wetbacks with.

The wetbacks earn their own keep. If you are a white veteran and you shitting in the street, that's on them.

It's a matter of investment, really. YOu can dump a shitload of money into a mentally ill person and still end up with just a mentally ill person. Someone who might grow up to be a productive member of society, is a far better investment

We do not toss our veterans out on the streets. We do not serve the mentally ill. Period. We leave them homeless. So, not putting money into helping get the homeless off the streets, it affects veterans. But, there is help out there. I think that the churches have shirked their duty on this front. So, it's time to do something. The real issue is with White people in their 20s, 30s and even 40s and beyond who have never held a job as our society has mollycoddled the Hell out of them.
Meanwhile our own people; Veterans are sleeping, pissing, shitting and dying in our streets while the Left champion the invasion....they beg for more free shit, higher wages, better healthcare, better public education...the filthy bastards like @JoeB131 honestly believe we have an infinite amount of cash to fund wetbacks with.

The wetbacks earn their own keep. If you are a white veteran and you shitting in the street, that's on them.

It's a matter of investment, really. YOu can dump a shitload of money into a mentally ill person and still end up with just a mentally ill person. Someone who might grow up to be a productive member of society, is a far better investment

We do not toss our veterans out on the streets. We do not serve the mentally ill. Period. We leave them homeless. So, not putting money into helping get the homeless off the streets, it affects veterans. But, there is help out there. I think that the churches have shirked their duty on this front. So, it's time to do something. The real issue is with White people in their 20s, 30s and even 40s and beyond who have never held a job as our society has mollycoddled the Hell out of them.

Because you said so?
You’re wrong on on accounts Mr Filth.
Wetbacks are the problem....beyond ‘because I said so’
Meanwhile our own people; Veterans are sleeping, pissing, shitting and dying in our streets while the Left champion the invasion....they beg for more free shit, higher wages, better healthcare, better public education...the filthy bastards like @JoeB131 honestly believe we have an infinite amount of cash to fund wetbacks with.

The wetbacks earn their own keep. If you are a white veteran and you shitting in the street, that's on them.

It's a matter of investment, really. YOu can dump a shitload of money into a mentally ill person and still end up with just a mentally ill person. Someone who might grow up to be a productive member of society, is a far better investment

We do not toss our veterans out on the streets. We do not serve the mentally ill. Period. We leave them homeless. So, not putting money into helping get the homeless off the streets, it affects veterans. But, there is help out there. I think that the churches have shirked their duty on this front. So, it's time to do something. The real issue is with White people in their 20s, 30s and even 40s and beyond who have never held a job as our society has mollycoddled the Hell out of them.

Because you said so?
You’re wrong on on accounts Mr Filth.
Wetbacks are the problem....beyond ‘because I said so’

So you're God. Problem is, Los Angeles has its own problems. Those are not mine. Let California take care of the people they invite in and you can mind your own business because I said so, Mr. Hitler.

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